def oneD(raw, args): appstr = '' psv, xlabel, savename = get_props(raw, args.psv) if args.nbins == None: nbins = + np.power(np.log(raw.get_npart()), 3)) else: nbins = args.nbins hist, bin_edges = np.histogram( psv,\ bins=nbins,\ weights=raw.get('q'),\ density=True,\ range=args.range) x_array = bin_edges[0:-1] + (bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0]) / 2 if args.psv == 'r': ## Scaling dr with 1/r # rmax = np.max(psv) # r_range = [0, rmax] # r_lsp = np.linspace(0,rmax,nbins) # lsp_centers = r_lsp[:-1] + np.diff(r_lsp) # dr_unnormed = np.divide(np.diff(r_lsp),lsp_centers) # dr_normed = rmax * dr_unnormed/np.sum(dr_unnormed) # r_bin_edges = np.insert(np.cumsum(dr_normed),0,0) #hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(psv,bins=r_bin_edges,weights=raw.get('q'),density=True,range=args.range) ## Scaling number of hits with 1/r hist = np.divide(hist, x_array) / (2 * math.pi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) plt.plot(x_array, hist) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=14) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15) if args.part_selection_criterion != '' or args.tagfile_in != None: appstr += '_sel' raw.read_attrs() timestamp = '_%08.1f' % (raw.get_time()) savename += get_zeta_range_str(args.zeta_range) \ + appstr \ + timestamp if args.file_format == 'png': saveas_png(fig, args.savepath, savename, verbose=True) else: saveas_eps_pdf(fig, args.savepath, savename, h5plot=True, verbose=True, fformat=args.file_format) plt.close(fig)
def twoD(raw, args): appstr = '' varx, xlabel, savenamex = get_props(raw, args.psv[0]) vary, ylabel, savenamey = get_props(raw, args.psv[1]) if args.nbins == None: nbins = + np.power(np.log(raw.get_npart()), 2.2)) else: nbins = args.nbins if args.range != None: hrange = [[args.range[0], args.range[1]], [args.range[2], args.range[3]]] else: hrange = None if args.verbose: print("Generating 2d histogram...") H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(varx, vary, bins=nbins, weights=raw.get('q'), range=hrange) x_array = xedges[0:-1] + (xedges[1] - xedges[0]) / 2 y_array = yedges[0:-1] + (yedges[1] - yedges[0]) / 2 if args.verbose: print("Generating plot...") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) cax = plt.pcolor(x_array, y_array, H.transpose(), cmap='PuBu') plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15) #cax.cmap = self.colormap # if args.clog: # cax.norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=self.clim[0], vmax=self.clim[1]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=14) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) if args.part_selection_criterion != '' or args.tagfile_in != None: appstr += '_sel' raw.read_attrs() timestamp = '_%08.1f' % (raw.get_time()) savename = savenamex \ + '_' \ + savenamey \ + get_zeta_range_str(args.zeta_range) \ + appstr \ + timestamp saveas_png(fig, args.savepath, savename, verbose=True) plt.close(fig)
def plot_curr_profile(slm, savepath, time = None, h5plot=True, t_is_z=True): dzeta = abs(slm.get_zeta_array()[1] - slm.get_zeta_array()[0]); curr = slm.get_charge() / dzeta if t_is_z: xlabel_str = r'$k_p z$' else: xlabel_str = r'$\omega_p t$' # print('Q = %0.3e' % (np.sum(curr) * dzeta )) # I_A = 4 * pi * epsilon_0 * m * c^3 / e # [curr] = epsilon_0 * m * c^3 / e # curr * 4 * pi = I_b/I_A Ib_per_IA = curr/(4 * math.pi) if time == None: tidx = [0,-1]; else: tidx = [(np.abs(slm.get_time_array() - time)).argmin()] for i in tidx: fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_zeta_array(), Ib_per_IA[i,:]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$I_{b}/I_A$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath, ('Ib_time_%0.1f' % (slm.get_time_array()[i])), h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(fig) figIb = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get_time_array(), Ib_per_IA, cmap=cm.Greys, vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(abs(Ib_per_IA))) cbar = figIb.colorbar(cax)'$I_b/I_A$', fontsize=14) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) saveas_png(figIb, savepath, 'Ib') plt.close(figIb)
def plot_save_slice_ene(slm, savepath, time = None, h5plot=True, t_is_z=True): if t_is_z: xlabel_str = r'$k_p z$' else: xlabel_str = r'$\omega_p t$' gamma = np.sqrt( 1 + np.power(slm.get(pz=1),2) + np.power(slm.get(px=1),2) + np.power(slm.get(py=1),2) ) if time == None: tidx = [0,-1]; else: tidx = [(np.abs(slm.get_time_array() - time)).argmin()] for i in tidx: fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_zeta_array(), gamma[i,:]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\gamma$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath, ('gamma_time_%0.1f' % (slm.get_time_array()[i])), h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(fig) figG = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get_time_array(), gamma, cmap=cm.GnBu, vmin=np.amin(gamma), vmax=np.amax(gamma)) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) cbar = figG.colorbar( cax )'$\gamma$', fontsize=14) saveas_png(figG, savepath, 'gamma') plt.close(figG)
def main(): parser = parseargs() args = parser.parse_args() for zeta_pos in args.zeta_pos: nbdat = Data_xy_slice(args.nb_path, zeta_pos) x_n, y_n, nb_xy = nb_abs_filtered = filters.gaussian_filter(np.abs(nb_xy), args.smooth_sigma, mode='mirror') # nb_abs_filtered = np.abs(nb_xy) fig = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolor(np.abs(nb_xy)) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', fontsize=14) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) saveas_png(fig, args.savepath, 'nb_%0.2f' % zeta_pos) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolor(nb_abs_filtered) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', fontsize=14) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) saveas_png(fig, args.savepath, 'nb_filtered_%0.2f' % zeta_pos) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolor(np.abs(nb_xy) - nb_abs_filtered) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', fontsize=14) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) saveas_png(fig, args.savepath, 'nb_diff_%0.2f' % zeta_pos) plt.close(fig) r_n, nbr = cart_to_r_transform(x_n, y_n, nb_abs_filtered, rlim=args.rlim) if (args.mpsi_path != None): psidat = Data_xy_slice(args.mpsi_path, zeta_pos) x_psi, y_psi, mpsi_xy = else: wxdat = Data_xy_slice(args.wx_path, zeta_pos) x_wx, y_wy, wx_xy = x_psi, y_psi, mpsi_xy = cart_int(x_wx, y_wy, wx_xy, axis='x') r_psi, mpsi = cart_to_r_transform(x_psi, y_psi, mpsi_xy, rlim=args.rlim) x, F = density_inversion(r_n, nbr, r_psi, mpsi, zeta_pos=zeta_pos, savepath=args.savepath, ifplot=True)
def plot_save_slice_ene_spread(slm, savepath, h5plot=True, time=None, zeta_pos=None, t_is_z=True): if t_is_z: xlabel_str = r'$k_p z$' else: xlabel_str = r'$\omega_p t$' sigma_gamma_per_gamma = np.divide( np.sqrt( slm.get(pz=2) ),slm.get(pz=1)) if time == None: time = slm.get_time_array()[-1] tidx = [-1]; else: tidx = [(np.abs(slm.get_time_array() - time)).argmin()] if len(tidx) == 1: time = [time] for i in range(0,len(tidx)): sig_gam_per_gam_savename = 'sigma_gamma_per_gamma_time_%0.2f' % time[i] sig_gam_per_gam_ylab = r'$\sigma_{\gamma}/\gamma(t=%0.1f)$' % time[i] fig_sig_gam_per_gam = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_zeta_array(), sigma_gamma_per_gamma[tidx[i],:] ) #/ # np.mean(np.sqrt(1 + np.power(slm.get(px=1)[tidx[i],:],2) # + np.power(slm.get(py=1)[tidx[i],:],2) # + np.power(slm.get(pz=1)[tidx[i],:],2) )) ) ax = plt.gca() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() if ymin > 0 and ymax > 0: plt.ylim(0, ymax*1.2) elif ymin < 0 and ymax < 0: plt.ylim(ymin*1.2, 0) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(sig_gam_per_gam_ylab, fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(fig_sig_gam_per_gam, savepath, sig_gam_per_gam_savename, h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(fig_sig_gam_per_gam) figsigma_gamma_per_gamma = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get_time_array(), sigma_gamma_per_gamma, cmap=cm.GnBu, vmin=np.amin(abs(sigma_gamma_per_gamma)), vmax=np.amax(abs(sigma_gamma_per_gamma))) cbar = figsigma_gamma_per_gamma.colorbar(cax)'$\sigma_{\gamma} / \gamma$', fontsize=14) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) saveas_png(figsigma_gamma_per_gamma, savepath, 'sigma_gamma_per_gamma') plt.close(figsigma_gamma_per_gamma) figXb0 = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_zeta_array(), sigma_gamma_per_gamma[0,:]) ax = plt.gca() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() if ymin > 0 and ymax > 0: plt.ylim(0, ymax*1.2) elif ymin < 0 and ymax < 0: plt.ylim(ymin*1.2, 0) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma_{\gamma} / \gamma$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(figXb0, savepath, 'sigma_gamma_per_gamma_time_0', h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(figXb0) if zeta_pos != None: zetaidx = [(np.abs(slm.get_zeta_array() - zeta_pos)).argmin()] sg_per_g_zeta_savename = 'sigma_gamma_per_gamma_zeta_%0.2f' % zeta_pos # figsigma_gamma_per_gamma_zetapos = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_time_array(), sigma_gamma_per_gamma[:,zetaidx]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma_{\gamma} / \gamma$', fontsize=14) if magn_check(sigma_gamma_per_gamma[:,zetaidx]): ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.18) else: plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) saveas_eps_pdf(figsigma_gamma_per_gamma_zetapos, savepath, sg_per_g_zeta_savename, h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(figsigma_gamma_per_gamma_zetapos)
def plot_save_slice_centroids(slm, savepath, h5plot=True, time=None, zeta_pos=None, t_is_z=True): if t_is_z: xlabel_str = r'$k_p z$' else: xlabel_str = r'$\omega_p t$' Xb0_for_norm = np.ones(slm.get(x=1)[0,:].shape) Yb0_for_norm = np.ones(slm.get(y=1)[0,:].shape) for i in range(0,len(slm.get_zeta_array())): if (slm.get(x=1)[0,i] != 0.0): Xb0_for_norm[i] = slm.get(x=1)[0,i] Yb0_for_norm[i] = slm.get(y=1)[0,i] if time == None: time = slm.get_time_array()[-1] tidx = [-1]; else: tidx = [(np.abs(slm.get_time_array() - time)).argmin()] if len(tidx) == 1: time = [time] for i in range(0,len(tidx)): Xb_lout_savename = 'Xb_time_%0.2f' % time[i] Yb_lout_savename = 'Yb_time_%0.2f' % time[i] Xb_lout_ylab = r'$k_p X_{b}(t=%0.1f)$' % time[i] Yb_lout_ylab = r'$k_p Y_{b}(t=%0.1f)$' % time[i] figXb_lout = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get(x=1)[tidx[i],:]) ax = plt.gca() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() if ymin > 0 and ymax > 0: plt.ylim(0, ymax*1.2) elif ymin < 0 and ymax < 0: plt.ylim(ymin*1.2, 0) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(Xb_lout_ylab, fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(figXb_lout, savepath, Xb_lout_savename, h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(figXb_lout) figYb_lout = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get(y=1)[tidx[i],:]) ax = plt.gca() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() if ymin > 0 and ymax > 0: plt.ylim(0, ymax*1.2) elif ymin < 0 and ymax < 0: plt.ylim(ymin*1.2, 0) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(Yb_lout_ylab, fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(figYb_lout, savepath, Yb_lout_savename, h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(figYb_lout) Xb_norm = np.zeros( slm.get(x=1).shape ) Yb_norm = np.zeros( slm.get(y=1).shape ) # zeta_hseed = np.min(slm.get_zeta_array()) # idx_hseed = (np.abs(slm.get_zeta_array()-zeta_hseed)).argmin() for i in range(0,len(slm.get_zeta_array())): # if (slm.get_zeta_array()[i] <= zeta_hseed): Xb_norm[:,i] = np.absolute( slm.get(x=1)[:,i]/Xb0_for_norm[i] ) Yb_norm[:,i] = np.absolute( slm.get(y=1)[:,i]/Yb0_for_norm[i] ) figXb = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get_time_array(), slm.get(x=1), cmap=cm.PuOr, vmin=-np.amax(abs(slm.get(x=1))), vmax=np.amax(abs(slm.get(x=1)))) cbar = figXb.colorbar(cax)'$k_p X_b$', fontsize=14) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) saveas_png(figXb, savepath, 'Xb') plt.close(figXb) figYb = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get_time_array(), slm.get(y=1), cmap=cm.PuOr, vmin=-np.amax(abs(slm.get(y=1))), vmax=np.amax(abs(slm.get(y=1)))) cbar = figYb.colorbar(cax)'$k_p Y_b$', fontsize=14) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) saveas_png(figYb, savepath, 'Yb') plt.close(figYb) figXbnorm = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get_time_array(), Xb_norm, cmap=cm.Blues, vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(Xb_norm)) cbar = figXbnorm.colorbar(cax)'$|X_b/X_{b,0}|$', fontsize=14) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) saveas_png(figXbnorm, savepath, 'Xb_rel') plt.close(figXbnorm) figYbnorm = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get_time_array(), Yb_norm, cmap=cm.Blues, vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(Yb_norm)) cbar = figYbnorm.colorbar(cax)'$|Y_b/Y_{b,0}|$', fontsize=14) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) saveas_png(figYbnorm, savepath, 'Yb_rel') plt.close(figYbnorm) figXb0 = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get(x=1)[0,:]) ax = plt.gca() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() if ymin > 0 and ymax > 0: plt.ylim(0, ymax*1.2) elif ymin < 0 and ymax < 0: plt.ylim(ymin*1.2, 0) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p X_{b,0}$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(figXb0, savepath, 'Xb0', h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(figXb0) figYb0 = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_zeta_array(), slm.get(y=1)[0,:]) ax = plt.gca() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() if ymin > 0 and ymax > 0: plt.ylim(0, ymax*1.2) elif ymin < 0 and ymax < 0: plt.ylim(ymin*1.2, 0) ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p Y_{b,0}$', fontsize=14) saveas_eps_pdf(figYb0, savepath, 'Yb0', h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(figYb0) if zeta_pos != None: zetaidx = [(np.abs(slm.get_zeta_array() - zeta_pos)).argmin()] Xb_savename = 'Xb_zeta_%0.2f' % zeta_pos Yb_savename = 'Yb_zeta_%0.2f' % zeta_pos else: zetaidx = 0 Xb_savename = 'Xb_tail' Yb_savename = 'Yb_tail' figXbtail = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_time_array(), slm.get(x=1)[:,zetaidx]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p X_{b,\mathrm{tail}}$', fontsize=14) if magn_check(slm.get(x=1)[:,zetaidx]): ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.18) else: plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) saveas_eps_pdf(figXbtail, savepath, Xb_savename, h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(figXbtail) figYbtail = plt.figure() plt.plot(slm.get_time_array(), slm.get(y=1)[:,zetaidx]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$k_p Y_{b,\mathrm{tail}}$', fontsize=14) if magn_check(slm.get(y=1)[:,zetaidx]): ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.18) else: plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) saveas_eps_pdf(figYbtail, savepath, Yb_savename, h5plot=h5plot) plt.close(figYbtail)
def plot_save_slice_rms(slm, savepath, verbose=True, t_is_z=True): x = slm.get_zeta_array() y = slm.get_time_array() if t_is_z: xlabel_str = r'$k_p z$' else: xlabel_str = r'$\omega_p t$' sigma_x = np.sqrt( np.absolute( slm.get(x=2) ) ) fig_sx = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( x, y, sigma_x, cmap=cm.Blues, vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(abs(sigma_x)) ) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) cbar = fig_sx.colorbar( cax )'$k_p \sigma_x$', fontsize=14) saveas_png(fig_sx, savepath, 'sigma_x') plt.close(fig_sx) sigma_px = np.sqrt( np.absolute( slm.get(px=2) ) ) fig_spx = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( x, y, sigma_px, cmap=cm.YlGn, vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(sigma_px) ) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) cbar = fig_spx.colorbar( cax )'$k_p \sigma_{p_x}$', fontsize=14) saveas_png(fig_spx, savepath, 'sigma_px') plt.close(fig_spx) xpx = slm.get(x=1,px=1) fig_xpx = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( x, y, xpx, cmap=cm.BrBG, vmin=-np.amax(np.abs(xpx)), vmax=np.amax(np.abs(xpx)) ) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) cbar = fig_xpx.colorbar( cax )'$k_p \left\langle x p_x\right\rangle$', fontsize=14) saveas_png(fig_xpx, savepath, 'xpx') plt.close(fig_xpx) emittance = np.sqrt( np.multiply(slm.get(x=2), slm.get(px=2)) - np.power(slm.get(x=1,px=1),2) ) fig_e = plt.figure() cax = plt.pcolormesh( x, y, emittance, cmap=cm.Reds, vmin=np.amin(emittance), vmax=np.amax(emittance) ) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r'$k_p \zeta$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel_str, fontsize=14) cbar = fig_e.colorbar( cax )'$k_p \epsilon_x$', fontsize=14) saveas_png(fig_e, savepath, 'slice_emittance_x') plt.close(fig_e)
def main(): parser = h5plot_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if args.maketitle: ''' Calculating plasma frequency for length ''' ELECTRON_CHARGE_IN_COUL = 1.60217657e-19 ELECTRON_MASS_IN_KG = 9.10938291e-31 VAC_PERMIT_FARAD_PER_M = 8.854187817e-12 SPEED_OF_LIGHT_IN_M_PER_S = 299792458.0 omega_p = np.sqrt( args.n0 * (ELECTRON_CHARGE_IN_COUL**2)/ (VAC_PERMIT_FARAD_PER_M * ELECTRON_MASS_IN_KG)); skin_depth = SPEED_OF_LIGHT_IN_M_PER_S/omega_p if len(sys.argv)==1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) saveformat = args.file_format h5lp = [] linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'] save_append_str = '' type_str = 'comp' if args.latexon: plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') j = 0 i = 0 for path in args.paths: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) if not os.path.isfile(path): print('ERROR: File %s does not exist!' % path) sys.exit(1) h5lp.append(H5Plot()) h5lp[i].read(path) timestamp = path.split("_")[-1].split(".h5")[0] if args.data2: for files in args.data2: if timestamp in files or args.manual: print('Reading second data set...') h5secondlp = H5Plot() if args.cno == None: argcolor = else: argcolor =[0]) j = 0 for (x, y, label, linestyle, color) in h5lp[i].get_line_plots(): if args.labels != None: save_append_str += '_' + args.labels[i] label = args.labels[i] if label == '_line0': label = path if args.latexon: if label[0] != '$' or label[-1] != '$': label = r'$\textrm{' + label + '}$' if args.abs: y = np.abs(y) if args.lstyle == None: linestyle_code = linestyles[0] else: linestyle_code = linestyles[args.lstyle[0]] if args.absylog: plt.semilogy( x, y, label=label, linestyle=linestyle_code, color=argcolor, zorder=20) else: #plt.plot(x, y, label=label, linestyle=linestyle, color=color) plt.plot(x, y, label=label, linestyle=linestyle_code, color=argcolor, zorder=20) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params('y', colors=argcolor) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15, right=1-0.15) if not (-3.0 < math.log(np.max(abs(y)),10) < 3.0): ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.18) ax2 = ax.twinx() ''' PLOTTING THE SECOND PLOT ''' if args.cno == None: argcolor = else: argcolor =[1]) ax2.tick_params('y', colors=argcolor) j = 0 for (x2, y2, label, linestyle, color) in h5secondlp.get_line_plots(): if args.labels != None: save_append_str += '_' + args.labels[i] label = args.labels[i] if label == '_line0': label = path if args.latexon: if label[0] != '$' or label[-1] != '$': label = r'$\textrm{' + label + '}$' if args.abs: y2 = np.abs(y2) if args.lstyle == None: linestyle_code = linestyles[0] else: linestyle_code = linestyles[args.lstyle[1]] if args.absy2log: plt.semilogy( x2, y2, label=label, linestyle=linestyle_code, color=argcolor, zorder=0) else: #plt.plot(x, y, label=label, linestyle=linestyle, color=color) plt.plot(x2, y2, label=label, linestyle=linestyle_code, color=argcolor, zorder=0) if args.xlim != None: ax.set_xlim(args.xlim[0],args.xlim[1]) if args.ylim != None: ax.set_ylim(args.ylim[0],args.ylim[1]) if args.y2lim != None: ax2.set_ylim(args.y2lim[0],args.y2lim[1]) if args.xlab != None: xlab = args.xlab else: xlab = h5lp[0].get_xlab() if args.ylab != None: ylab = args.ylab else: ylab = [] ylab.append(h5lp[0].get_ylab()) ylab.append(h5secondlp.get_ylab()) if args.latexon: if xlab[0] != '$' or xlab[-1] != '$': xlab = r'$' + xlab + '$' if args.latexon: if ylab[0,0] != '$' or ylab[0,-1] != '$': ylab[0] = r'$' + ylab[0] + '$' ylab[1] = r'$' + ylab[1] + '$' ax.set_xlabel(xlab, fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(ylab[0], fontsize=14) ax2.set_ylabel(ylab[1], fontsize=14) ax.set_zorder(ax2.get_zorder()+1) # put ax in front of ax2 ax.patch.set_visible(False) # hide the 'canvas' # handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # #plt.legend(flip(handles, 2), flip(labels, 2), ncol=2) # plt.legend(frameon=False) #plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15, right=0.15) if not (-3.0 < math.log(np.max(abs(y2)),10) < 3.0): ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(right=1-0.18) ''' make the title ''' if args.maketitle: time = np.around(float(timestamp)) distance = time*skin_depth*1e2 title = 'Time: ' + str(time) + r'$\,\omega_p^{-1}$ ' + ' Distance: ' + str(np.around(distance,2)) + r'$\,$cm' plt.title(title) if spath, fname = os.path.split(args.paths[0]) if args.savepath != None: spath = args.savepath if not args.manual: save_name = type_str + '_' + fname + save_append_str + '_' + timestamp else: save_name = type_str + '_' + fname + save_append_str if saveformat==args.file_format: saveas_png(fig, spath, save_name, args.dpi) else: saveas_eps_pdf(fig, savepath=spath, savename=save_name) plt.close(fig)