Exemple #1
def evaluate_obstacles(args):
    # Array with columns (x, y).
    ground_obst = read_csv(os.path.join(
        args.eval_data_dir, 'eval_obstacles.csv'))

    # Array with columns (x, y).
    out_obst = read_csv(os.path.join(args.out_dir, 'slam_out_landmarks.csv'))

    # Use evaluation metric written by Galois.
    n_extras, score = obsticle_compare(out_obst, ground_obst)
    print "{} ground obstacles; {} out obstacles".format(
        len(ground_obst), len(out_obst))
    print "Map error: {}".format(score)

    # Optionally plot obstacles.
    if args.plot:
        r = 0.37
        ground_obst_3 = [(x, y, r) for x, y in ground_obst]
        out_obst_3 = [(x, y, r) for x, y in out_obst]
        plot_obstacles(ground_obst_3, plt.gca(), color=(0, 1, 0, 0.6))
        plot_obstacles(out_obst_3, plt.gca(), color=(1, 0, 0, 0.6))
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, dataset, num_particles):
        super(LocPF, self).__init__(num_particles)
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.current_velocity = 0.0
        self.current_steering = 0.0

        self.add_controls_noise = False
        self.velocity_noise_stdev = 0.1
        self.steering_noise_stdev = 0.3

        self.add_dynamics_noise = True
        self.x_noise_stdev = 0.003
        self.y_noise_stdev = 0.003
        self.theta_noise_stdev = 0.0015

        self.obs_cov_scale = 30.0
        self.laser_angles = lasers.default_laser_angles()
        self.laser_max_range = lasers.default_laser_max_range()

        # Convert obstacles from list of (x, y) to array of (x, y, r).
        obstacle_radius = 0.37
        self.ground_obstacles = []
        for x, y in dataset.ground_obstacles:
            self.ground_obstacles.append((x, y, obstacle_radius))
        self.ground_obstacles = np.array(self.ground_obstacles)

        self.fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12))
        self.ax1 = self.fig1.add_subplot(211)
        self.ax2 = self.fig1.add_subplot(413)
        self.ax3 = self.fig1.add_subplot(414)

        # Hack to display colorbar for angle.
        a = np.array([[-np.pi, np.pi]])
        x = plt.pcolor(a)
        plt.colorbar(x, ax=self.ax1)

        # Hack to display legends for the bottom plots.
        dummy_lines = []
        dummy_lines += self.ax2.plot(
            [0, 0], [0, 0], 'g', label='ground_gps_llik')
        dummy_lines += self.ax2.plot(
            [0, 0], [0, 0], 'r', label='best_particle_llik')
        dummy_lines += self.ax3.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], label='error^2')
        for line in dummy_lines:

        # Plot ground-truth and dead-reckoning trajectories.
        gps_traj = draw_dr.get_ground_truth_traj(dataset)
        self.ax1.plot(gps_traj[:, 1], gps_traj[:, 2], label='ground')
        dr_traj = draw_dr.get_dead_reckoning_traj(dataset, draw_dr.dynamics)
        self.ax1.plot(dr_traj[:, 1], dr_traj[:, 2], label='dead-reckoning')
        lasers.plot_obstacles(self.ground_obstacles, self.ax1)

        self.ax1.set_xlim(X_MIN - 1, X_MAX + 1)
        self.ax1.set_ylim(Y_MIN - 1, Y_MAX + 1)
        plt.ion()  # needed for running through cProfile