Exemple #1
def test_python_to_wasm():

    m = python_to_wasm(find_prime)

    imports = {'env': {'f64_print': f64_print}}
    # TODO: for some reason, target='native' ends up in an infinite loop?
    ob = wasm.instantiate(m, imports, target='python')

    result = ob.exports.find_prime(10)
    assert result == 29
Exemple #2
def wasmify(func, target="native"):
    """Convert a Python function to a WASM function, compiled
    to native code. Assumes that all variables are floats.
    Can be used as a decorator, like Numba!

    from ppci.lang.python import python_to_wasm

    def f64_print(x: float) -> None:

    wa = python_to_wasm(func)
    imports = {"env": {"f64_print": f64_print}}
    mod = instantiate(wa, imports=imports, target=target)
    wasmfunc = getattr(mod.exports, func.__name__)
    return wasmfunc
Exemple #3
def xx_test_compiling():

    # Convert Python to wasm
    wasm_module = python_to_wasm(py3)

    # Convert wasm to ppci
    ppci_module = wasm.wasm_to_ir(wasm_module)

    # Optimizer fails, or makes it slower ;)
    # optimize(ppci_module, 2)

    # Compile to native object
    arch = get_current_arch()
    ob = ir_to_object([ppci_module], arch, debug=True)

    # Run in memory
    native_module = codepage.load_obj(ob)
    result = native_module.main()
    assert result == 2741
Exemple #4
                gotit = 0
        if gotit == 1:
            n = n + 1

# print(perf_counter() - t0)
# print(i)
return i

## Run in memory

arch = get_current_arch()

# Convert Python to wasm
wasm_module = python_to_wasm(py3)

# Convert wasm to ppci
ppci_module = wasm_to_ir(wasm_module, arch.info.get_type_info('ptr'))

# Optimizer fails, or makes it slower ;)
# optimize(ppci_module, 2)

this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Generate a report:
html_report = os.path.join(this_dir, 'compilation_report.html')
with reporting.html_reporter(html_report) as reporter:
    # Write IR code
    f = StringIO()
Exemple #5
import io
from ppci.lang.python import python_to_wasm

# draw_rectangle = None

#src = """
def draw():
    draw_rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100)
    draw_rectangle(110, 110, 80, 20)
    draw_rectangle(10, 110, 50, 50)

# f = io.StringIO(src)
imports = ['(import "env" "draw_rectangle" (func $draw_rectangle (param f64 f64 f64 f64)))']
mod = python_to_wasm(draw, imports=imports)

with open('pzn/shader.wasm', 'wb') as f: