Exemple #1
class CT_NonVisualDrawingProps(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<p:cNvPr>`` custom element class.

    _tag_seq = ("a:hlinkClick", "a:hlinkHover", "a:extLst")
    hlinkClick = ZeroOrOne("a:hlinkClick", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    hlinkHover = ZeroOrOne("a:hlinkHover", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
    id = RequiredAttribute("id", ST_DrawingElementId)
    name = RequiredAttribute("name", XsdString)
    descr = OptionalAttribute("descr", XsdString, default="")
    hidden = OptionalAttribute("hidden", XsdBoolean, default=False )
    title = OptionalAttribute("title", XsdString, default="")

    del _tag_seq
Exemple #2
class CT_BlipFillProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
    Custom element class for <a:blipFill> element.

    _tag_seq = ("a:blip", "a:srcRect", "a:tile", "a:stretch")
    blip = ZeroOrOne("a:blip", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    srcRect = ZeroOrOne("a:srcRect", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
    del _tag_seq

    def crop(self, cropping):
        Set `a:srcRect` child to crop according to *cropping* values.
        srcRect = self._add_srcRect()
        srcRect.l, srcRect.t, srcRect.r, srcRect.b = cropping
Exemple #3
class CT_ChartLines(BaseOxmlElement):
    """Used for `c:majorGridlines` and `c:minorGridlines`.

    Specifies gridlines visual properties such as color and width.

    spPr = ZeroOrOne("c:spPr", successors=())
Exemple #4
class CT_CommonSlideData(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`p:cSld` element."""

    _tag_seq = ("p:bg", "p:spTree", "p:custDataLst", "p:controls", "p:extLst")
    bg = ZeroOrOne("p:bg", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    spTree = OneAndOnlyOne("p:spTree")
    del _tag_seq
    name = OptionalAttribute("name", XsdString, default="")

    def get_or_add_bgPr(self):
        """Return `p:bg/p:bgPr` grandchild.

        If no such grandchild is present, any existing `p:bg` child is first
        removed and a new default `p:bg` with noFill settings is added.
        bg = self.bg
        if bg is None or bg.bgPr is None:
        return self.bg.bgPr

    def _change_to_noFill_bg(self):
        """Establish a `p:bg` child with no-fill settings.

        Any existing `p:bg` child is first removed.
        bg = self.get_or_add_bg()
        return bg
Exemple #5
class CT_PresetGeometry2D(BaseOxmlElement):
    <a:prstGeom> custom element class

    avLst = ZeroOrOne("a:avLst")
    prst = RequiredAttribute("prst", MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE)

    def gd_lst(self):
        Sequence containing the ``gd`` element children of ``<a:avLst>``
        child element, empty if none are present.
        avLst = self.avLst
        if avLst is None:
            return []
        return avLst.gd_lst

    def rewrite_guides(self, guides):
        Remove any ``<a:gd>`` element children of ``<a:avLst>`` and replace
        them with ones having (name, val) in *guides*.
        avLst = self._add_avLst()
        for name, val in guides:
            gd = avLst._add_gd()
            gd.name = name
            gd.fmla = "val %d" % val
Exemple #6
class CT_ExternalData(BaseOxmlElement):
    `<c:externalData>` element, defining link to embedded Excel package part
    containing the chart data.
    autoUpdate = ZeroOrOne('c:autoUpdate')
    rId = RequiredAttribute('r:id', XsdString)
Exemple #7
class CT_NonVisualDrawingShapeProps(BaseShapeElement):
    ``<p:cNvSpPr>`` custom element class

    spLocks = ZeroOrOne("a:spLocks")
    txBox = OptionalAttribute("txBox", XsdBoolean)
class CT_RegularTextRun(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`a:r` custom element class"""

    rPr = ZeroOrOne("a:rPr", successors=("a:t", ))
    t = OneAndOnlyOne("a:t")

    def text(self):
        """(unicode) str containing text of (required) `a:t` child"""
        text = self.t.text
        # t.text is None when t element is empty, e.g. '<a:t/>'
        return to_unicode(text) if text is not None else ""

    def text(self, str):
        """*str* is unicode value to replace run text."""
        self.t.text = self._escape_ctrl_chars(str)

    def _escape_ctrl_chars(s):
        """Return str after replacing each control character with a plain-text escape.

        For example, a BEL character (x07) would appear as "_x0007_". Horizontal-tab
        (x09) and line-feed (x0A) are not escaped. All other characters in the range
        x00-x1F are escaped.
        return re.sub(r"([\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F])",
                      lambda match: "_x%04X_" % ord(match.group(1)), s)
Exemple #9
class CT_Layout(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<c:layout>`` custom element class
    manualLayout = ZeroOrOne('c:manualLayout', successors=('c:extLst', ))

    def horz_offset(self):
        The float value in ./c:manualLayout/c:x when
        c:layout/c:manualLayout/c:xMode@val == "factor". 0.0 if that XPath
        expression finds no match.
        manualLayout = self.manualLayout
        if manualLayout is None:
            return 0.0
        return manualLayout.horz_offset

    def horz_offset(self, offset):
        Set the value of ./c:manualLayout/c:x@val to *offset* and
        ./c:manualLayout/c:xMode@val to "factor". Remove ./c:manualLayout if
        *offset* == 0.
        if offset == 0.0:
        manualLayout = self.get_or_add_manualLayout()
        manualLayout.horz_offset = offset
Exemple #10
class CT_NotesSlide(BaseOxmlElement):
	``<p:notes>`` element, root of a notesSlide part
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cSld')
    clrMapOvr = ZeroOrOne('p:clrMapOvr',
                          successors=('p:transition', 'p:timing', 'p:extLst'))

    def new(cls):
		Return a new ``<p:notes>`` element configured as a base slide shape.
        return parse_xml(cls._notes_xml())

    def _notes_xml():
        """From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg278319%28v=office.15%29.aspx#sectionSection4
        return (
            '<p:notes %s>\n'
            '   <p:cSld>\n'
            '     <p:spTree>\n'
            '       <p:nvGrpSpPr>\n'
            '         <p:cNvPr id="1"\n'
            '                  name="" />\n'
            '         <p:cNvGrpSpPr />\n'
            '         <p:nvPr />\n'
            '       </p:nvGrpSpPr>\n'
            '       <p:grpSpPr>\n'
            '         <a:xfrm xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '       </p:grpSpPr>\n'
            '       <p:sp>\n'
            '         <p:nvSpPr>\n'
            '           <p:cNvPr id="2"\n'
            '                    name="" />\n'
            '           <p:cNvSpPr>\n'
            '             <a:spLocks noGrp="1"\n'
            '                        xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '           </p:cNvSpPr>\n'
            '           <p:nvPr>\n'
            '             <p:ph />\n'
            '           </p:nvPr>\n'
            '         </p:nvSpPr>\n'
            '         <p:spPr />\n'
            '         <p:txBody>\n'
            '           <a:bodyPr xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '           <a:lstStyle xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '           <a:p xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main">\n'
            '             <a:endParaRPr />\n'
            '           </a:p>\n'
            '         </p:txBody>\n'
            '       </p:sp>\n'
            '     </p:spTree>\n'
            '   </p:cSld>\n'
            '   <p:clrMapOvr>\n'
            '     <a:masterClrMapping xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '  </p:clrMapOvr>\n'
            '</p:notes>\n' % nsdecls('p', 'a', 'r'))
Exemple #11
class CT_ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProps(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<p:nvPr>`` element
    ph = ZeroOrOne('p:ph',
                   successors=('a:audioCd', 'a:wavAudioFile', 'a:audioFile',
                               'a:videoFile', 'a:quickTimeFile',
                               'p:custDataLst', 'p:extLst'))
Exemple #12
class CT_TextField(BaseOxmlElement):
    <a:fld> field element, for either a slide number or date field
    rPr = ZeroOrOne('a:rPr', successors=('a:pPr', 'a:t'))
    t = ZeroOrOne('a:t', successors=())

    def text(self):
        The text of the ``<a:t>`` child element.
        t = self.t
        if t is None:
            return u''
        text = t.text
        return to_unicode(text) if text is not None else u''
Exemple #13
class CT_GroupShapeProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
    The ``<p:grpSpPr>`` element
    xfrm = ZeroOrOne('a:xfrm',
                     successors=('a:noFill', 'a:solidFill', 'a:gradFill',
                                 'a:blipFill', 'a:pattFill', 'a:grpFill',
                                 'a:effectLst', 'a:effectDag', 'a:scene3d',
Exemple #14
class CT_GroupShapeProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
    """p:grpSpPr element """
    _tag_seq = (
    xfrm = ZeroOrOne('a:xfrm', successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    effectLst = ZeroOrOne('a:effectLst', successors=_tag_seq[8:])
    del _tag_seq
Exemple #15
class CT_SlideMaster(_BaseSlideElement):
    ``<p:sldMaster>`` element, root of a slide master part
    _tag_seq = ('p:cSld', 'p:clrMap', 'p:sldLayoutIdLst', 'p:transition',
                'p:timing', 'p:hf', 'p:txStyles', 'p:extLst')
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cSld')
    sldLayoutIdLst = ZeroOrOne('p:sldLayoutIdLst', successors=_tag_seq[3:])
    del _tag_seq
Exemple #16
class CT_Tx(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<c:tx>`` element containing the text for a label on a data point or
    other chart item.
    strRef = ZeroOrOne('c:strRef')
    rich = ZeroOrOne('c:rich')

    def _new_rich(self):
        return parse_xml('<c:rich %s>'
                         '  <a:bodyPr/>'
                         '  <a:lstStyle/>'
                         '  <a:p>'
                         '    <a:pPr>'
                         '      <a:defRPr/>'
                         '    </a:pPr>'
                         '  </a:p>'
                         '</c:rich>' % nsdecls('c', 'a'))
Exemple #17
class CT_TextParagraph(BaseOxmlElement):
    <a:p> custom element class
    pPr = ZeroOrOne('a:pPr',
                    successors=('a:r', 'a:br', 'a:fld', 'a:endParaRPr'))
    r = ZeroOrMore('a:r', successors=('a:endParaRPr', ))
    br = ZeroOrMore('a:br', successors=('a:endParaRPr', ))
    endParaRPr = ZeroOrOne('a:endParaRPr', successors=())

    def add_br(self):
        Return a newly appended <a:br> element.
        return self._add_br()

    def add_r(self, text=None):
        Return a newly appended <a:r> element.
        r = self._add_r()
        if text:
            r.t.text = text
        return r

    def append_text(self, text):
        Add *text* at the end of this paragraph element, translating line
        feed characters ('\n') into ``<a:br>`` elements.
        _ParagraphTextAppender.append_to_p_from_text(self, text)

    def content_children(self):
        A sequence containing the text-container child elements of this
        ``<a:p>`` element, i.e. (a:r|a:br|a:fld).
        text_types = (CT_RegularTextRun, CT_TextLineBreak, CT_TextField)
        return tuple(elm for elm in self if isinstance(elm, text_types))

    def _new_r(self):
        r_xml = '<a:r %s><a:t/></a:r>' % nsdecls('a')
        return parse_xml(r_xml)
Exemple #18
class CT_Tx(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<c:tx>`` element containing the text for a label on a data point or
    other chart item.

    strRef = ZeroOrOne("c:strRef")
    rich = ZeroOrOne("c:rich")

    def _new_rich(self):
        return parse_xml("<c:rich %s>"
                         "  <a:bodyPr/>"
                         "  <a:lstStyle/>"
                         "  <a:p>"
                         "    <a:pPr>"
                         "      <a:defRPr/>"
                         "    </a:pPr>"
                         "  </a:p>"
                         "</c:rich>" % nsdecls("c", "a"))
Exemple #19
class CT_Background(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`p:bg` element."""

    # ---these two are actually a choice, not a sequence, but simpler for
    # ---present purposes this way.
    _tag_seq = ('p:bgPr', 'p:bgRef')
    bgPr = ZeroOrOne('p:bgPr', successors=())
    bgRef = ZeroOrOne('p:bgRef', successors=())
    del _tag_seq

    def add_noFill_bgPr(self):
        """Return a new `p:bgPr` element with noFill properties."""
        xml = ('<p:bgPr %s>\n'
               '  <a:noFill/>\n'
               '  <a:effectLst/>\n'
               '</p:bgPr>' % nsdecls('a', 'p'))
        bgPr = parse_xml(xml)
        return bgPr
Exemple #20
class CT_RegularTextRun(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`a:r` custom element class"""

    rPr = ZeroOrOne('a:rPr', successors=('a:t', ))
    t = OneAndOnlyOne('a:t')

    def text(self):
        """(unicode) str containing text of (required) `a:t` child"""
        text = self.t.text
        # t.text is None when t element is empty, e.g. '<a:t/>'
        return to_unicode(text) if text is not None else u''
Exemple #21
class CT_TextLineBreak(BaseOxmlElement):
    <a:br> line break element
    rPr = ZeroOrOne('a:rPr', successors=())

    def text(self):
        Unconditionally a single line feed character. A line break element
        can contain no text other than the implicit line feed it represents.
        return u'\n'
Exemple #22
class CT_ManualLayout(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<c:manualLayout>`` custom element class

    _tag_seq = (
    xMode = ZeroOrOne("c:xMode", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
    x = ZeroOrOne("c:x", successors=_tag_seq[6:])
    del _tag_seq

    def horz_offset(self):
        The float value in ./c:x@val when ./c:xMode@val == "factor". 0.0 when
        ./c:x is not present or ./c:xMode@val != "factor".
        x, xMode = self.x, self.xMode
        if x is None or xMode is None or xMode.val != ST_LayoutMode.FACTOR:
            return 0.0
        return x.val

    def horz_offset(self, offset):
        Set the value of ./c:x@val to *offset* and ./c:xMode@val to "factor".
        self.get_or_add_xMode().val = ST_LayoutMode.FACTOR
        self.get_or_add_x().val = offset
class CT_TextLineBreak(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`a:br` line break element"""

    rPr = ZeroOrOne("a:rPr", successors=())

    def text(self):
        """Unconditionally a single vertical-tab character.

        A line break element can contain no text other than the implicit line feed it
        return "\v"
Exemple #24
class CT_Title(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`c:title` custom element class."""

    _tag_seq = ("c:tx", "c:layout", "c:overlay", "c:spPr", "c:txPr", "c:extLst")
    tx = ZeroOrOne("c:tx", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    spPr = ZeroOrOne("c:spPr", successors=_tag_seq[4:])
    del _tag_seq

    def get_or_add_tx_rich(self):
        """Return `c:tx/c:rich`, newly created if not present.

        Return the `c:rich` grandchild at `c:tx/c:rich`. Both the `c:tx` and
        `c:rich` elements are created if not already present. Any
        `c:tx/c:strRef` element is removed. (Such an element would contain
        a cell reference for the axis title text in the chart's Excel
        tx = self.get_or_add_tx()
        return tx.get_or_add_rich()

    def tx_rich(self):
        """Return `c:tx/c:rich` or |None| if not present."""
        richs = self.xpath("c:tx/c:rich")
        if not richs:
            return None
        return richs[0]

    def new_title():
        """Return "loose" `c:title` element containing default children."""
        return parse_xml(
            "<c:title %s>"
            "  <c:layout/>"
            '  <c:overlay val="0"/>'
            "</c:title>" % nsdecls("c")
Exemple #25
class CT_TextCharacterProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`a:rPr, a:defRPr, and `a:endParaRPr` custom element class.

    'rPr' is short for 'run properties', and it corresponds to the |Font|
    proxy class.

    eg_fillProperties = ZeroOrOneChoice(
        (Choice('a:noFill'), Choice('a:solidFill'), Choice('a:gradFill'),
         Choice('a:blipFill'), Choice('a:pattFill'), Choice('a:grpFill')),
        successors=('a:effectLst', 'a:effectDag', 'a:highlight', 'a:uLnTx',
                    'a:uLn', 'a:uFillTx', 'a:uFill', 'a:latin', 'a:ea', 'a:cs',
                    'a:sym', 'a:hlinkClick', 'a:hlinkMouseOver', 'a:rtl',
    latin = ZeroOrOne('a:latin',
                      successors=('a:ea', 'a:cs', 'a:sym', 'a:hlinkClick',
                                  'a:hlinkMouseOver', 'a:rtl', 'a:extLst'))
    hlinkClick = ZeroOrOne('a:hlinkClick',
                           successors=('a:hlinkMouseOver', 'a:rtl',

    lang = OptionalAttribute('lang', MSO_LANGUAGE_ID)
    sz = OptionalAttribute('sz', ST_TextFontSize)
    b = OptionalAttribute('b', XsdBoolean)
    i = OptionalAttribute('i', XsdBoolean)
    u = OptionalAttribute('u', MSO_TEXT_UNDERLINE_TYPE)
    baseline = OptionalAttribute('baseline', XsdInt)

    def _new_gradFill(self):
        return CT_GradientFillProperties.new_gradFill()

    def add_hlinkClick(self, rId):
        Add an <a:hlinkClick> child element with r:id attribute set to *rId*.
        hlinkClick = self.get_or_add_hlinkClick()
        hlinkClick.rId = rId
        return hlinkClick
Exemple #26
class CT_PatternFillProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`a:pattFill` custom element class"""
    _tag_seq = ('a:fgClr', 'a:bgClr')
    fgClr = ZeroOrOne('a:fgClr', successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    bgClr = ZeroOrOne('a:bgClr', successors=_tag_seq[2:])
    del _tag_seq
    prst = OptionalAttribute('prst', MSO_PATTERN_TYPE)

    def _new_bgClr(self):
        """Override default to add minimum subtree."""
        xml = ('<a:bgClr %s>\n'
               ' <a:srgbClr val="FFFFFF"/>\n'
               '</a:bgClr>\n') % nsdecls('a')
        bgClr = parse_xml(xml)
        return bgClr

    def _new_fgClr(self):
        """Override default to add minimum subtree."""
        xml = ('<a:fgClr %s>\n'
               ' <a:srgbClr val="000000"/>\n'
               '</a:fgClr>\n') % nsdecls('a')
        fgClr = parse_xml(xml)
        return fgClr
Exemple #27
class CT_GradientFillProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`a:gradFill` custom element class."""

    _tag_seq = ('a:gsLst', 'a:lin', 'a:path', 'a:tileRect')
    gsLst = ZeroOrOne('a:gsLst', successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    lin = ZeroOrOne('a:lin', successors=_tag_seq[2:])
    path = ZeroOrOne('a:path', successors=_tag_seq[3:])
    del _tag_seq

    def new_gradFill(cls):
        """Return newly-created "loose" default gradient subtree."""
        return parse_xml(
            '<a:gradFill %s rotWithShape="1">\n'
            '  <a:gsLst>\n'
            '    <a:gs pos="0">\n'
            '      <a:schemeClr val="accent1">\n'
            '        <a:tint val="100000"/>\n'
            '        <a:shade val="100000"/>\n'
            '        <a:satMod val="130000"/>\n'
            '      </a:schemeClr>\n'
            '    </a:gs>\n'
            '    <a:gs pos="100000">\n'
            '      <a:schemeClr val="accent1">\n'
            '        <a:tint val="50000"/>\n'
            '        <a:shade val="100000"/>\n'
            '        <a:satMod val="350000"/>\n'
            '      </a:schemeClr>\n'
            '    </a:gs>\n'
            '  </a:gsLst>\n'
            '  <a:lin scaled="0"/>\n'
            '</a:gradFill>\n' % nsdecls('a')

    def _new_gsLst(self):
        """Override default to add minimum subtree."""
        return CT_GradientStopList.new_gsLst()
Exemple #28
class CT_LineProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
    """Custom element class for <a:ln> element"""
    _tag_seq = ('a:noFill', 'a:solidFill', 'a:gradFill', 'a:pattFill',
                'a:prstDash', 'a:custDash', 'a:round', 'a:bevel', 'a:miter',
                'a:headEnd', 'a:tailEnd', 'a:extLst')
    eg_lineFillProperties = ZeroOrOneChoice(
        (Choice('a:noFill'), Choice('a:solidFill'), Choice('a:gradFill'),
    prstDash = ZeroOrOne('a:prstDash', successors=_tag_seq[5:])
    custDash = ZeroOrOne('a:custDash', successors=_tag_seq[6:])
    del _tag_seq
    w = OptionalAttribute('w', ST_LineWidth, default=Emu(0))

    def eg_fillProperties(self):
        Required to fulfill the interface used by dml.fill.
        return self.eg_lineFillProperties

    def prstDash_val(self):
        """Return value of `val` attribute of `a:prstDash` child.

        Return |None| if not present.
        prstDash = self.prstDash
        if prstDash is None:
            return None
        return prstDash.val

    def prstDash_val(self, val):
        prstDash = self.get_or_add_prstDash()
        prstDash.val = val
Exemple #29
class CT_RegularTextRun(BaseOxmlElement):
    Custom element class for <a:r> elements.
    rPr = ZeroOrOne('a:rPr', successors=('a:t', ))
    t = OneAndOnlyOne('a:t')

    def text(self):
        The text of the ``<a:t>`` child element.
        text = self.t.text
        # t.text is None when t element is empty, e.g. '<a:t/>'
        return to_unicode(text) if text is not None else u''
class CT_Parent(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<p:parent>`` element, an invented element for use in testing.
    eg_zooChoice = ZeroOrOneChoice(
        (Choice('p:choice'), Choice('p:choice2')),
        successors=('p:oomChild', 'p:oooChild')
    oomChild = OneOrMore('p:oomChild', successors=(
        'p:oooChild', 'p:zomChild', 'p:zooChild'
    oooChild = OneAndOnlyOne('p:oooChild')
    zomChild = ZeroOrMore('p:zomChild', successors=('p:zooChild',))
    zooChild = ZeroOrOne('p:zooChild', successors=())
    optAttr = OptionalAttribute('p:optAttr', ST_IntegerType)
    reqAttr = RequiredAttribute('reqAttr', ST_IntegerType)