def _do_detection(self, point_head_at):
        req = TabletopDetectionRequest()
        req.return_clusters = True
        req.return_models = True
        req.num_models = 1

        if point_head_at:
            point_head_at = tl.transform_point_stamped(self._wi.world_frame, point_head_at)
            zrng = range(0, int(100*self.table_search_max), int(100*self.table_search_resolution))
            sgnrng = [-1.0, 1.0]
            rospy.logdebug('For table finding, trying z offsets for head of:' +str(zrng))
        if not point_head_at or not zrng:
            zrng = [0]
            sgnrng = [1.0]

        for z in zrng:
            for sgn in sgnrng:
                if point_head_at:
                    new_point = copy.copy(point_head_at.point)
                    new_point.z += sgn*z/100.0
                    self._head._point_head([new_point.x, new_point.y, new_point.z], point_head_at.header.frame_id)
                    rospy.sleep(0.4) #let the head bobbing settle out
                res = self._detect_srv(req)
                if res.detection.result != res.detection.SUCCESS:
                    rospy.logerr('Unable to find table.  Error was: '+ str(res.detection.result))
                    if first_pass: 
                        exc = DetectionError('Unable to find table', error_code=res.detection.result)
                        first_pass = False
                if self.allow_vertical_tables:
                    return res
                table = res.detection.table
                #is the table somewhat horizontal?
                table_pose_bl = tl.transform_pose_stamped(self._wi.robot_frame, table.pose)
                vert = Point()
                vert.z = 1.0
                oripose = Pose()
                oripose.orientation = table_pose_bl.pose.orientation
                table_vertical = gt.transform_point(vert, oripose)
                if table_vertical.z < self.vertical_threshold:
                    rospy.logerr('Table vertical is [%f, %f, %f].  This is not a horizontal table',
                                 table_vertical.x, table_vertical.y, table_vertical.z)
                    res.detection.result = res.detection.OTHER_ERROR
                    if first_pass:
                        exc = DetectionError('Unable to find horizontal table', error_code=res.detection.result)
                        first_pass = False
                rospy.loginfo('Found horizontal table. Vertical is [%f, %f, %f]', 
                              table_vertical.x, table_vertical.y, table_vertical.z)
                return res
        raise exc
    def transform_point(self, new_frame_id, old_frame_id, point, robot_state):
        Transforms a point defined in old_frame_id into new_frame_id according to robot state.

            **new_frame_id (string):** new frame id
            **old_frame_id (string):** old frame id

            **point (geometry_msgs.msg.Point):** point defined in old_frame_id
            **robot_state (arm_navigation_msg.msg.RobotState):** Robot state to use for transformation
            A geometry_msgs.msg.Point defined in new_frame_id


            **exceptions.TransformStateError:** if there is an error getting the transform
        trans = self.get_transform(old_frame_id, new_frame_id, robot_state)
        return gt.transform_point(point, conv.transform_to_pose(trans.transform))
    def transform_point(self, new_frame_id, old_frame_id, point, robot_state):
        Transforms a point defined in old_frame_id into new_frame_id according to robot state.

            **new_frame_id (string):** new frame id
            **old_frame_id (string):** old frame id

            **point (geometry_msgs.msg.Point):** point defined in old_frame_id
            **robot_state (arm_navigation_msg.msg.RobotState):** Robot state to use for transformation
            A geometry_msgs.msg.Point defined in new_frame_id


            **exceptions.TransformStateError:** if there is an error getting the transform
        trans = self.get_transform(old_frame_id, new_frame_id, robot_state)
        return gt.transform_point(point,
Exemple #4
    def max_angles(self, pose):
        @type pose: PoseStamped
        @param pose: the pose the object will be released in (in the frame of the robot)

        ## get the center of mass in the frame of the object,
        ## then transform it into the robot frame
        cm = self.center_of_mass(pose).tolist()  ## in the frame of the object
        tf_cm = self.translate(cm, pose)

        ## get the corners of the base of the bounding box of the object in robot frame
        base = self.get_base(pose.pose)

        #        print "base="+str([pivot.position.x, pivot.position.y, pivot.position.z])
        print "base=" + str(base)
        ## corner of the base is the pivot pt, transform to obj frame
        # pivot_matrix = self.inv_translate([[base[3][0]],[base[3][1]],[base[3][2]]], pose).tolist()
        # pivot = [pivot_matrix[0][0], pivot_matrix[1][0], pivot_matrix[2][0]]

        ## get the euler angles of the pose (goal pose)
        (orig_phi, orig_theta,
         orig_psi) = geometry_tools.quaternion_to_euler(pose.pose.orientation)

        ## max rotation of pi/2
        max_phi = orig_phi + math.pi / 2
        max_theta = orig_theta + math.pi / 2

        pivot = Point()
        pivot.x = base[0][0]
        pivot.y = base[0][1]
        pivot.z = base[0][2]

        cm = Pose()
        cm.position.x = tf_cm[0][0]
        cm.position.y = tf_cm[1][0]
        cm.position.z = tf_cm[2][0]
        cm.orientation = pose.pose.orientation

        t = geometry_tools.inverse_transform_point(pivot, cm)

        tol = 0.01
        ## find max angle around x-axis, phi
        print "cm=" + str(tf_cm.tolist())
        for phi in frange(0.0, math.pi / 2, 0.1):
            transform = Pose()
            transform.orientation = geometry_tools.euler_to_quaternion(
                phi, 0.0, 0.0)

            cm_new = Pose()
            cm_new.position = cm.position
            cm_new.orientation = geometry_tools.transform_quaternion(
                cm.orientation, transform)

            p_new = geometry_tools.transform_point(t, cm_new)

            y_diff = abs(tf_cm[1][0] - p_new.y)
            z_diff = abs(tf_cm[2][0] - p_new.z)
            #            print "phi angle="+str(phi)+" pivot="+str([p_new.x, p_new.y, p_new.z])

            if y_diff < tol or z_diff < tol:
                max_phi = phi

        for theta in frange(0.0, math.pi / 2, 0.1):
            transform = Pose()
            transform.orientation = geometry_tools.euler_to_quaternion(
                0.0, theta, 0.0)

            cm_new = Pose()
            cm_new.position = cm.position
            cm_new.orientation = geometry_tools.transform_quaternion(
                cm.orientation, transform)

            p_new = geometry_tools.transform_point(t, cm_new)

            x_diff = abs(tf_cm[0][0] - p_new.x)
            z_diff = abs(tf_cm[2][0] - p_new.z)
            #            print "theta angle="+str(theta)+" pivot="+str([p_new.x, p_new.y, p_new.z])

            if z_diff < tol or x_diff < tol:
                max_theta = theta

        return (max_phi, max_theta)
Exemple #5
def free_spots_from_dimensions(table, object_dims, blocking_objs, res=0.1):
    Currently works only with a single shape

    Assumes table is in xy plane
    #find the lower left corner of the table in the header frame
    #we want everything relative to this point
    table_corners = gt.bounding_box_corners(table.shapes[0])
    lower_left = Pose()
    lower_left.position = gt.list_to_point(table_corners[0])
    lower_left.orientation.w = 1.0
    #rospy.loginfo('Table corners are:')
    #for c in table_corners: rospy.loginfo('\n'+str(c))
    #rospy.loginfo('Lower left =\n'+str(lower_left))
    #rospy.loginfo('Table header =\n'+str(table.header))
    #rospy.loginfo('Table pose =\n'+str(table.poses[0]))
    #this is the position of the minimum x, minimum y point in the table's header frame
    table_box_origin = gt.transform_pose(lower_left, table.poses[0])
    tr = gt.inverse_transform_list(gt.transform_list(table_corners[-1], table.poses[0]), table_box_origin)
    table_dims = (tr[0], tr[1])
    tbos = PoseStamped()
    tbos.header = table.header
    tbos.pose = table_box_origin
    marray.markers.append(vt.marker_at(tbos, ns='table_origin', mtype=Marker.CUBE, r=1.0))
    max_box = PointStamped()
    max_box.header = table.header
    max_box.point = gt.list_to_point(gt.transform_list([table_dims[0], table_dims[1], 0], table_box_origin)) 
    marray.markers.append(vt.marker_at_point(max_box, ns='table_max', mtype=Marker.CUBE, r=1.0))

    #rospy.loginfo('Table box origin is '+str(table_box_origin)+' dimensions are '+str(table_dims))

    locs_on_table =  _get_feasible_locs(table_dims, object_dims, res)
    for i, l in enumerate(locs_on_table):
        pt = Point()
        pt.x = l[0]
        pt.y = l[1]
        mpt = PointStamped()
        mpt.header = table.header
        mpt.point = gt.transform_point(pt, table_box_origin)
        marray.markers.append(vt.marker_at_point(mpt, mid=i, ns='locations', r=1.0, g=1.0, b=0.0))

    feasible_locs = []
    #check that these points really are on the table
    for i, l in enumerate(locs_on_table):
        pt = Point()
        pt.x = l[0]
        pt.y = l[1]
        #this point is now defined relative to the origin of the table (rather than its minimum x, minimum y point)
        table_pt = gt.inverse_transform_point(gt.transform_point(pt, table_box_origin), table.poses[0])
        if point_on_table(table_pt, table.shapes[0]):
            marray.markers[i+2].color.r = 0.0
            marray.markers[i+2].color.b = 1.0
    rospy.loginfo('Testing '+str(len(feasible_locs))+' locations')
    if not feasible_locs:
        return feasible_locs

    for i, o in enumerate(blocking_objs):
        ofcs = gt.bounding_box_corners(o.shapes[0])
        objpose = tl.transform_pose(table.header.frame_id, o.header.frame_id, o.poses[0])
        hfcs = [gt.transform_list(c, objpose) for c in ofcs]
        tfcs = [gt.inverse_transform_list(c, table_box_origin) for c in hfcs]
        oxmax = max([c[0] for c in tfcs])
        oxmin = min([c[0] for c in tfcs])
        oymax = max([c[1] for c in tfcs])
        oymin = min([c[1] for c in tfcs])
        forbidden.append(((oxmin, oymin), (oxmax - oxmin, oymax - oymin)))
        ps = PoseStamped()
        ps.header = table.header
        ps.pose = objpose
        ps = PoseStamped()
        ps.header = table.header
        ps.pose.position = gt.list_to_point(gt.transform_list([oxmin, oymin, 0], table_box_origin))
        ps.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
        marray.markers.append(vt.marker_at(ps, ns='forbidden', mid=i, r=1.0, b=0.0))

    # Remove forbidden rectangles
    for (bottom_left, dims) in forbidden:
        _remove_feasible_locs(feasible_locs, object_dims,
                              _add(bottom_left, dims),
    rospy.loginfo('There are '+str(len(feasible_locs))+' possible locations')
    obj_poses = []
    for i, fl in enumerate(feasible_locs):
        table_frame_pose = Pose()
        table_frame_pose.position.x = fl[0] + object_dims[0]/2.0
        table_frame_pose.position.y = fl[1] + object_dims[1]/2.0
        table_frame_pose.orientation.w = 1.0
        pose = PoseStamped()
        pose.header = copy.deepcopy(table.header)
        pose.pose = gt.transform_pose(table_frame_pose, table_box_origin)
        pt = PointStamped()
        pt.header = table.header
        pt.point = pose.pose.position
        marray.markers.append(vt.marker_at_point(pt, mid=i, ns='final_locations', g=1.0, b=0.0))

    #rospy.loginfo('Object poses are:')
    #for op in obj_poses: rospy.loginfo(str(op))
    for i in range(10):
    return obj_poses