Exemple #1
    def _run(self, **params):
        infer one or more probabilities P(F1 | F2)
        what: a ground formula (string) or a list of ground formulas (list of strings) (F1)
        given: a formula as a string (F2)
        set evidence according to given conjunction (if any)
        #         if softEvidence is None:
        #             self.softEvidence = self.mln.softEvidence
        #         else:
        #             self.softEvidence = softEvidence
        # initialize chains
        chains = MCMCInference.ChainGroup(self)
        for i in range(self.chains):
            chain = GibbsSampler.Chain(self, self.queries)
#             if self.softEvidence is not None:
#                 chain.setSoftEvidence(self.softEvidence)
# do Gibbs sampling
#         if verbose and details: print "sampling..."
        converged = 0
        steps = 0
        if self.verbose:
            bar = ProgressBar(color='green', steps=self.maxsteps)
        while converged != self.chains and steps < self.maxsteps:
            converged = 0
            steps += 1
            for chain in chains.chains:
            if self.verbose:
                bar.label('%d / %d' % (steps, self.maxsteps))
#                 if self.useConvergenceTest:
#                     if chain.converged and numSteps >= minSteps:
#                         converged += 1
#             if verbose and details:
#                 if numSteps % infoInterval == 0:
#                     print "step %d (fraction converged: %.2f)" % (numSteps, float(converged) / numChains)
#                 if numSteps % resultsInterval == 0:
#                     chainGroup.getResults()
#                     chainGroup.printResults(shortOutput=True)
# get the results
        return chains.results()[0]
Exemple #2
 def _run(self):
     p: probability of a greedy (WalkSAT) move
     initAlgo: algorithm to use in order to find an initial state that satisfies all hard constraints ("SampleSAT" or "SAMaxWalkSat")
     verbose: whether to display results upon completion
     details: whether to display information while the algorithm is running            
     infoInterval: [if details==True] interval (no. of steps) in which to display the current step number and some additional info
     resultsInterval: [if details==True] interval (no. of steps) in which to display intermediate results; [if keepResultsHistory==True] interval in which to store intermediate results in the history
     debug: whether to display debug information (e.g. internal data structures) while the algorithm is running
         debugLevel: controls degree to which debug information is presented
     keepResultsHistory: whether to store the history of results (at each resultsInterval)
     referenceResults: reference results to compare obtained results to
     saveHistoryFile: if not None, save history to given filename
     sampleCallback: function that is called for every sample with the sample and step number as parameters
     softEvidence: if None, use soft evidence from MLN, otherwise use given dictionary of soft evidence
     handleSoftEvidence: if False, ignore all soft evidence in the MCMC sampling (but still compute softe evidence statistics if soft evidence is there)
     logger.debug("starting MC-SAT with maxsteps=%d, softevidence=%s" %
                  (self.maxsteps, self.softevidence))
     # initialize the KB and gather required info
     # print CNF KB
     logger.debug("CNF KB:")
     for gf in self.gndformulas:
         logger.debug("%7.3f  %s" % (gf.weight, str(gf)))
     # set the random seed if it was given
     if self.rndseed is not None:
     # create chains
     chaingroup = MCMCInference.ChainGroup(self)
     self.chaingroup = chaingroup
     for i in range(self.chains):
         chain = MCMCInference.Chain(self, self.queries)
         # satisfy hard constraints using initialization algorithm
         M = []
         NLC = []
         for i, gf in enumerate(self.gndformulas):
             if gf.weight == HARD:
                 if gf.islogical():
                     clause_range = self.gf2clauseidx[i]
         if M or NLC:
             logger.debug('Running SampleSAT')
             chain.state = SampleSAT(
                 self.mrf, chain.state, M, NLC, self, p=self.p
             )  # Note: can't use p=1.0 because there is a chance of getting into an oscillating state
     if logger.level == logs.DEBUG:
     self.step = 1
     logger.debug('running MC-SAT with %d chains' % len(chaingroup.chains))
     self._watch.tag('running MC-SAT', self.verbose)
     if self.verbose:
         bar = ProgressBar(steps=self.maxsteps, color='green')
     while self.step <= self.maxsteps:
         # take one step in each chain
         for chain in chaingroup.chains:
             # choose a subset of the satisfied formulas and sample a state that satisfies them
             state = self._satisfy_subset(chain)
             # update chain counts
         if self.verbose:
             bar.label('%d / %d' % (self.step, self.maxsteps))
         # intermediate results
         self.step += 1
     # get results
     self.step -= 1
     results = chaingroup.results()
     return results[0]