def simple(self): progress_flu_rule = DiscreteInvMarkovChain('flu-status', { 's': [0.95, 0.05, 0.00], 'i': [0.00, 0.50, 0.50], 'r': [0.10, 0.00, 0.90] }) # s - susceptible # i - infectious # r - recovered sites = { 'home': Site('h'), 'work': Site('w') } probe_grp_size_flu = GroupSizeProbe.by_attr('flu', 'flu-status', progress_flu_rule.get_states(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP, memo='Mass distribution across flu status') probe_grp_size_site = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel('site', Site.AT, sites.values(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP, memo='Mass distribution across sites') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) Simulations testing the basic operations on groups and rules: # (1.1) A single-group, single-rule (1g.1r) simulation: s = Simulation() s.add_rule(progress_flu_rule) s.add_probe(probe_grp_size_flu) s.add_group(Group('g0', 1000, { 'flu-status': 's' })) sys.stdout = open('out.dat', 'w') sys.stdout.close() with open('out.dat') as file: = file.readlines() = str( apple ='\\n', '<br>') # print(apple) return apple
def sim_flu_ac_init(session, do_force=False): if 'sim-flu-ac' in session and not do_force: return if 'sim-flu-ac' in session: session.pop('sim-flu-ac') gc.collect() school_l = Site(450149323) # 88% low income students school_m = Site(450067740) # 7% low income students session['sim-flu-ac'] = ( Simulation(). set(). pragma_autocompact(True). pragma_live_info(True). pragma_live_info_ts(False). pragma_rule_analysis_for_db_gen(False). done(). add(). probe(sim_flu_ac_init_get_probe(school_l, 'low-income')). probe(sim_flu_ac_init_get_probe(school_m, 'med-income')). done() ) session['stdout'] = []
def run_the_app(): # Draw the UI elements to search for objects (pedestrians, cars, etc.) gsize, s1, s2, s3, i1, i2, i3, r1, r2, r3, run = frame_selector_ui() progress_flu_rule = DiscreteInvMarkovChain('flu-status', { 's': [s1, s2, s3], 'i': [i1, i2, i3], 'r': [r1, r2, r3] }) # s - susceptible # i - infectious # r - recovered sites = { 'home': Site('h'), 'work': Site('w') } probe_grp_size_flu = GroupSizeProbe.by_attr('flu', 'flu-status', progress_flu_rule.get_states(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP, memo='Mass distribution across flu status') probe_grp_size_site = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel('site', Site.AT, sites.values(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP, memo='Mass distribution across sites') data = "" s = Simulation() s.add_rule(progress_flu_rule) s.add_probe(probe_grp_size_flu) s.add_group(Group('g0', gsize, { 'flu-status': 's' })) sys.stdout = open('out.dat', 'w') sys.stdout.close() with open('out.dat') as file: data = file.readlines() for line in data: st.write(line)
def sim_flu_init(session, do_force=False): if 'sim-flu' in session and not do_force: return if 'sim-flu' in session: session.pop('sim-flu') sites = { s:Site(s) for s in ['home', 'school-a', 'school-b']} probe_grp_size_site = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel('site', Site.AT, sites.values(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.CUMUL) session['sim-flu'] = ( Simulation(). set(). pragma_live_info(False). pragma_live_info_ts(False). done(). add(). rule(ResetSchoolDayRule(TimePoint(7))). rule(GoToAndBackTimeAtRule(t_at_attr='t@school')). probe(probe_grp_size_site). done(). new_group(500). set_rel(Site.AT, sites['home']). set_rel('home', sites['home']). set_rel('school', sites['school-a']). done(). new_group(500). set_rel(Site.AT, sites['home']). set_rel('home', sites['home']). set_rel('school', sites['school-b']). done() )
def add_initial_rules(time_offset): "Imports rules built into pram and inserts them into the rules dictionary" global sites sites = { s: Site(s) for s in ['home', 'work-a', 'work-b', 'work-c', 'store-a', 'store-b'] } mall_sites_names = [ "big_theater", "down_store1", "down_store2", "down_store3", "down_store4", "down_store5", "down_store6", "down_store7", "down_store8", "down_store9", "big_down_store10", "big_down_store11", "big_down_store12", "up_store1", "up_store2", "up_store3", "up_store4", "up_store5", "up_store6", "up_store7", "up_store8", "up_store9", "big_down_courtyard_1", "big_down_courtyard_2", "big_down_courtyard_3", "big_down_courtyard_4" ] mall_sites = [Site(s) for s in mall_sites_names] for i in range(len(mall_sites)): sites[mall_sites_names[i]] = mall_sites[i] #rules["Mall Movement"] = [MallMovement(0.2, mall_sites)] rules["Mall Flu"] = [MallFlu(1, 0.2, mall_sites)] rules["Simple Flu Progress Rule"] = [ SimpleFluProgress( 'flu-status', { 's': [0.95, 0.05, 0.00], 'i': [0.00, 0.50, 0.50], 'r': [0.10, 0.00, 0.90] }, sites['home']) ] # rules["Home-Work-School Rules"] = [SimpleGoTo(TimeInt( (8 - time_offset)%24,(12 - time_offset)%24), 0.4, 'home', 'work', 'Some agents leave home to go to work'), # SimpleGoTo(TimeInt((16- time_offset)%24,(20- time_offset)%24), 0.4, 'work', 'home', 'Some agents return home from work'), # SimpleGoTo(TimeInt((16- time_offset)%24,(21- time_offset)%24), 0.2, 'home', 'store', 'Some agents go to a store after getting back home'), # SimpleGoTo(TimeInt((17- time_offset)%24,(23- time_offset)%24), 0.3, 'store', 'home', 'Some shopping agents return home from a store'), # SimpleGoTo(TimePoint((24- time_offset)%25), 1.0, 'store', 'home', 'All shopping agents return home after stores close'), # SimpleGoTo(TimePoint( (2- time_offset)%25), 1.0, None, 'home', 'All still-working agents return home')] global probe_grp_size_site probe_grp_size_site = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel( 'site', Site.AT, sites.values(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP, memo='Mass distribution across sites') return
def probes_ls(): school_l = Site(450149323) # 88% low income students school_m = Site(450067740) # 7% low income students return GroupSizeProbe( name=name or str(, queries=[ GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 's' }, rel={ 'school': school }), GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'e' }, rel={ 'school': school }), GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'r' }, rel={ 'school': school }) ], qry_tot=GroupQry(rel={ 'school': school }), persistance=pp, var_names=['ps', 'pe', 'pr', 'ns', 'ne', 'nr'] ) probes = [ { 'name': 'Low-income school', 'inf': '88% low income students', 'persistenceName': 'low-income', 'id': 450149323 }, { 'name': 'medium-income school', 'inf': '7% low income students', 'persistenceName': 'med-income', 'id': 450067740 } ] return jsonify({ 'res': True, 'probes': probes })
def pop_db_gen(): # Add foreign keys to the 'people' table: # BEGIN TRANSACTION; # CREATE TABLE people_tmp (sp_id INTEGER, sp_hh_id INTEGER, age INTEGER, sex TEXT, race INTEGER, relate INTEGER, income INTEGER, school_id INTEGER, work_id INTEGER); # INSERT INTO people_tmp SELECT sp_id, sp_hh_id, age, sex, race, relate, income, school_id, work_id FROM people; # DROP TABLE people; # CREATE TABLE people (sp_id INTEGER, sp_hh_id INTEGER, age INTEGER, sex TEXT, race INTEGER, relate INTEGER, income INTEGER, school_id INTEGER, work_id INTEGER, CONSTRAINT fk__people__households FOREIGN KEY (sp_hh_id) REFERENCES households (sp_id), CONSTRAINT fk__people__schools FOREIGN KEY (school_id) REFERENCES schools (sp_id), CONSTRAINT fk__people__workplaces FOREIGN KEY (work_id) REFERENCES workplaces (sp_id)); # INSERT INTO people SELECT sp_id, sp_hh_id, age, sex, race, relate, income, school_id, work_id FROM people_tmp; # DROP TABLE people_tmp; # COMMIT; if not 'sim-flu-ac' in session: return jsonify({ 'res': False, 'err': 'The simulation has not been initialized' }) json = request.get_json() fpath = db_get_fpath(json['db']) if not fpath: return jsonify({ 'res': False, 'err': 'Incorrect database specified' }) attr_db = json['attr_db'] rel_db = json['rel_db'] site_home = Site('home') stdout = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(stdout): sim = session['sim-flu-ac'] sim.gen_groups_from_db( fpath_db = fpath, tbl = json['tbl'], attr_db = attr_db, rel_db = [GroupDBRelSpec(name=rel['name'], col=rel['col']) for rel in rel_db], attr_fix = {}, rel_fix = { 'home': site_home }, rel_at = 'school', is_verbose = False ) session['stdout'].append(stdout.getvalue()) return jsonify({ 'res': True, 'pop': sim.get_state()['pop'], 'stdout': session['stdout'] })
def sim01(): from import GroupSizeProbe, ProbeMsgMode from pram.entity import Site from pram.rule import GoToAndBackTimeAtRule, ResetSchoolDayRule, TimePoint from pram.sim import Simulation sites = {s: Site(s) for s in ['home', 'school-a', 'school-b']} probe_grp_size_site = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel('site', Site.AT, sites.values(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.CUMUL) (Simulation().add().rule(ResetSchoolDayRule(TimePoint(7))).rule( GoToAndBackTimeAtRule(t_at_attr='t@school')).probe( probe_grp_size_site).commit().new_group(500).set_rel( Site.AT, sites['home']).set_rel('home', sites['home']).set_rel( 'school', sites['school-a']).commit().new_group(500).set_rel( Site.AT, sites['home']).set_rel('home', sites['home']).set_rel( 'school', sites['school-b']).commit().run(18)) return probe_grp_size_site.get_msg()
This simulation is an extension of '' and adds the eventual settlement of the migrating population in one of the counties bordering the conflict country. """ from import Probe, ProbePersistenceMem, Var from pram.entity import Group, GroupQry, GroupSplitSpec, Site from pram.rule import IterAlways, TimeAlways, Rule from pram.sim import Simulation import random import statistics from pram2mesa.pram2mesa import pram2mesa # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- site_sudan = Site('Sudan') site_ethiopia = Site('Ethiopia', attr={'travel-time': 8}) # [months] site_chad = Site('Chad', attr={'travel-time': 9}) site_egypt = Site('Egypt', attr={'travel-time': 10}) site_libya = Site('Libya', attr={'travel-time': 11}) site_conflict = site_sudan sites_dst = [site_egypt, site_ethiopia, site_chad, site_libya] # migration destinations # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ConflictRule(Rule): """ Conflict causes death and migration. The probability of death scales with the conflict's severity and scale while the probability of migration scales with the conflict's scale only. Multipliers for both factors are exposed
''' A test of the mass transfer graph for the segregation model. ''' import math import random from scipy.stats import poisson from pram.entity import Group, Site from pram.rule import SegregationModel from pram.sim import Simulation from pram.traj import Trajectory, TrajectoryEnsemble # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc = [Site('a'), Site('b')] s = (Simulation().set().pragma_autocompact(True).pragma_live_info( False).done().add([ SegregationModel('team', len(loc)), Group(m=200, attr={'team': 'blue'}, rel={Site.AT: loc[0]}), Group(m=300, attr={'team': 'blue'}, rel={Site.AT: loc[1]}), Group(m=100, attr={'team': 'red'}, rel={Site.AT: loc[0]}), Group(m=400, attr={'team': 'red'}, rel={Site.AT: loc[1]}) ])) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- te = (TrajectoryEnsemble().add_trajectory(Trajectory( 'segregation', None, s)).set_group_names([ (0, 'Blue A', Group.gen_hash(attr={'team': 'blue'}, rel={Site.AT: loc[0]})),
rand_seed = 1928 pragma_live_info = True pragma_live_info_ts = False fpath_db_in = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'data', 'allegheny-county', 'allegheny-students.sqlite3') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) Sites: sites = Simulation.gen_sites_from_db( fpath_db_in, lambda fpath_db: {'school': Site.gen_from_db(fpath_db, 'schools', 'sp_id', 'school', [])}, pragma_live_info=pragma_live_info, pragma_live_info_ts=pragma_live_info_ts) site_home = Site('home') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (2) Probes: # n_schools = 8 # few_schools = [sites['school'][k] for k in list(sites['school'].keys())[:n_schools]] # # probe_grp_size_few_schools = GroupSizeProbe('school', [GroupQry(rel={ Site.AT: s }) for s in few_schools], msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP) fpath_db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'out-test-03c.sqlite3')
''' A simulation of agents going from home to work and then, sometimes, to a store and back home again. ''' from import GroupSizeProbe from pram.entity import GroupQry, Site from pram.rule import GotoRule, TimeInt, TimePoint from pram.sim import Simulation rand_seed = 1928 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sites = { 'home' : Site('home'), 'work-a' : Site('work-a'), 'work-b' : Site('work-b'), 'work-c' : Site('work-c'), 'store-a' : Site('store-a'), 'store-b' : Site('store-b') } probe_grp_size_site = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel('site', Site.AT, sites.values(), memo='Mass distribution across sites') (Simulation(6,1,24, rand_seed=rand_seed). new_group('g0', 1000). set_rel(Site.AT, sites['home']). set_rel('home', sites['home']). set_rel('work', sites['work-a']). set_rel('store', sites['store-a']).
print(initialSusceptible,end=' ') print(initialExposed,end=' ') print(initialInfectious,end=' ') print(initialRecovered,end=' ') print(R0,end=' ') print(latentPeriod,end=' ') print(infectiousPeriod,end=' ') print(numberOfSimulations,end=' ') print(numberOfDays) # # Define flu progression rule: # siteName = 'Pittsburgh' site = Site(siteName) class FluProgressRule(Rule): def __init__(self): super().__init__('flu-progress', TimeAlways()) def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t): if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 's' }): at = group.get_rel(Site.AT) n = at.get_pop_size() n_s = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 's' })) n_e = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'e' })) n_i = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'i' })) beta = R0 / (population*infectiousPeriod) lambdat = beta*n_i fractionInfected = float(n_i) / float(n) numberOfNewlyInfected = np.random.binomial(n_s,lambdat) p_infection = float(numberOfNewlyInfected+n_e)/float(n)
def main(): # SAMPLE SIMULATION FROM 09-segregation import os from import GroupSizeProbe, ProbeMsgMode, ProbePersistenceDB from pram.entity import Group, GroupQry, Site, GroupSplitSpec from pram.rule import SegregationModel from pram.sim import Simulation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) Simulation (two locations) loc = [Site('a'), Site('b')] def gs(pop, group): return [ GroupSplitSpec(p=0.7, attr_set={'foobar': 'foo'}), GroupSplitSpec(p=0.3, attr_set={'foobar': 'bar'}) ] probe_loc = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel('loc', Site.AT, loc, msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP) probe_sim = GroupSizeProbe(name='sim', queries=[ GroupQry(attr={'team': 'blue'}, rel={Site.AT: loc[0]}), GroupQry(attr={'team': 'red'}, rel={Site.AT: loc[0]}), GroupQry(attr={'team': 'blue'}, rel={Site.AT: loc[1]}), GroupQry(attr={'team': 'red'}, rel={Site.AT: loc[1]}) ], qry_tot=None, persistence=ProbePersistenceDB(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP) s = ( Simulation().set().pragma_autocompact(True).pragma_live_info(False). fn_group_setup(gs).done().add([ SegregationModel('team', len(loc)), # TranslateEverything(), # LambdasAndArguments(), Group(m=200, attr={'team': 'blue'}, rel={ Site.AT: loc[0], 'origin': loc[0] }), Group(m=300, attr={'team': 'blue'}, rel={ Site.AT: loc[1], 'origin': loc[1] }), Group(m=100, attr={'team': 'red'}, rel={ Site.AT: loc[0], 'origin': loc[0] }), Group(m=400, attr={'team': 'red'}, rel={ Site.AT: loc[1], 'origin': loc[1] }), probe_loc, # the distribution should tend to 50%-50% probe_sim # mass should tend to move towards two of the four sites # fixed naming issue in pram/ line 815 ])) pram2mesa(s, 'TestSimultaneousGrammar')
''' Tests of simulation construction exceptions associated with (1) improper order of adding rules and groups and (2) superfluous attributes or relations. Based on the simulation from: sim/04-flu-prog/ ''' from import GroupSizeProbe, ProbeMsgMode from pram.entity import AttrFluStage, Group, GroupSplitSpec, Site from pram.rule import GoToRule, GoToAndBackTimeAtRule, TimeInt from pram.sim import Simulation, SimulationConstructionError, SimulationConstructionWarning, TimeHour from rules import ProgressFluRule # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sites = {'home': Site('h'), 'work': Site('w')} probe_grp_size_flu = GroupSizeProbe.by_attr( 'flu', 'flu-stage', AttrFluStage, msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP, memo='Mass distribution across flu stages') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) A proper simulation: print('(1)') s = (Simulation(TimeHour(6), 16).add_rule(ProgressFluRule()).add_rule( GoToAndBackTimeAtRule()).add_probe(probe_grp_size_flu).new_group( '0', 1000).set_attr('flu-stage', AttrFluStage.NO).commit())
''' A simulation of agents going from home to work and then, sometimes, to a store and back home again. Apart from testing the mechanics of a simulation, this module mainly tests the GoToRule rule. ''' from import GroupSizeProbe, ProbeMsgMode from pram.entity import GroupQry, Site from pram.rule import GoToRule, TimeInt, TimePoint from pram.sim import Simulation # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sites = { s: Site(s) for s in ['home', 'work-a', 'work-b', 'work-c', 'store-a', 'store-b'] } probe_grp_size_site = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel( 'site', Site.AT, sites.values(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP, memo='Mass distribution across sites') (Simulation().add().rule( GoToRule(0.4, 'home', 'work', TimeInt(8, 12), memo='Some agents leave home to go to work')).rule( GoToRule(0.4, 'work',
if self.is_verbose: print('begins to eat') return [GroupSplitSpec(p=1.0, attr_set={ self.ATTR: self.State.EATING})] def is_applicable(self, group, iter, t): return ( super().is_applicable(group, iter, t) and group.get_mass() > 0 and group.has_rel(self.FORK_L) and group.has_rel(self.FORK_R) ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- forks = { 'f1' : Site('f1'), 'f4' : Site('f4'), 'f6' : Site('f6'), 'f8' : Site('f8'), 'f11' : Site('f11'), } (Simulation(). set_rand_seed(rand_seed). add_rule(TERule(is_verbose=True)). new_group('p0', 1).set_attr(TERule.ATTR, TERule.State.THINKING).set_rel(TERule.FORK_L, forks['f1' ]).set_rel(TERule.FORK_R, forks['f11']).done(). new_group('p2', 1).set_attr(TERule.ATTR, TERule.State.THINKING).set_rel(TERule.FORK_L, forks['f4' ]).set_rel(TERule.FORK_R, forks['f1' ]).done(). new_group('p5', 1).set_attr(TERule.ATTR, TERule.State.THINKING).set_rel(TERule.FORK_L, forks['f6' ]).set_rel(TERule.FORK_R, forks['f4' ]).done(). new_group('p7', 1).set_attr(TERule.ATTR, TERule.State.THINKING).set_rel(TERule.FORK_L, forks['f8' ]).set_rel(TERule.FORK_R, forks['f6' ]).done(). new_group('p10', 1).set_attr(TERule.ATTR, TERule.State.THINKING).set_rel(TERule.FORK_L, forks['f11']).set_rel(TERule.FORK_R, forks['f8' ]).done(). run(20, do_disp_t=True)
def test_comparisons(self): eq = self.assertEqual ne = self.assertNotEqual eq(Site('a'), Site('a')) # different objects, same name ne(Site('a'), Site('b')) # different objects, different name
Spec('s4', 500), Spec('s5', 5000), Spec('s6', 50000) ] dpath_cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) fpath_db = os.path.join(dpath_cwd, f'probes-{sim_dur_days}d.sqlite3') if os.path.isfile(fpath_db): os.remove(fpath_db) probe_persistence = ProbePersistenceDB(fpath_db) probes_grp_size_flu_school = [] sites = {'home': Site('home')} for s in school_specs: # Site: site_name = f'school-{}' site = Site(site_name) sites[site_name] = site # Probe: probes_grp_size_flu_school.append( GroupSizeProbe(name=f'flu-{}', queries=[ GroupQry(attr={'flu': 's'}, rel={'school': site}), GroupQry(attr={'flu': 'i'}, rel={'school': site}), GroupQry(attr={'flu': 'r'}, rel={'school': site}) ],
from pram.entity import Group, GroupDBRelSpec, GroupQry, Site from pram.rule import SimpleFluLocationRule, SimpleFluProgressRule, SimpleFluProgressMoodRule from pram.sim import Simulation # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rand_seed = 1928 fpath_db_out = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sim-test-03b.sqlite3') if os.path.isfile(fpath_db_out): os.remove(fpath_db_out) pp = ProbePersistenceDB(fpath_db_out) home = Site('home') school_l = Site('school-l') school_m = Site('school-m') probe_grp_size_flu_school_l = GroupSizeProbe( name='flu-school-l', queries=[ GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 's' }, rel={ 'school': school_l }), GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'e' }, rel={ 'school': school_l }), GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'r' }, rel={ 'school': school_l }) ], qry_tot=GroupQry(rel={ 'school': school_l }), persistence=pp, var_names=['ps', 'pe', 'pr', 'ns', 'ne', 'nr'], memo='Population size across flu states for low-income school' )
from pram.entity import Site # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parameters: N = 100_000 attr = { 'flu': 's', 'age_group': '10_19', 'is_migrating': True, 't-migration': 3, 'history': [2, 4, 8.0] } rel = { 'home': Site('home-x').__hash__(), 'school': Site('school-01').__hash__() } cond = [lambda x: x > 1, lambda x: x < 1, lambda x: x == 1] full = False # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Algorithms: # (1) hash + str + inspect.getsource (64): t0 = time.time() for i in range(N): hash(str((attr, rel, str([inspect.getsource(i) for i in cond]), full))) print(f'01: {time.time() - t0}') # (2) hash + json + inspect.getsource (64):
''' ''' import os,sys sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) from import GroupSizeProbe, ProbeMsgMode from pram.entity import Site from pram.rule import GoToAndBackTimeAtRule, ResetSchoolDayRule, TimePoint from pram.sim import Simulation # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sites = {s:Site(s) for s in ['home', 'school-a', 'school-b']} probe_grp_size_site = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel('site', Site.AT, sites.values(), msg_mode=ProbeMsgMode.DISP, memo='Mass distribution across sites') # s = (Simulation(). # add(). # rule(ResetSchoolDayRule(TimePoint(7))). # rule(GoToAndBackTimeAtRule(t_at_attr='t@school')). # probe(probe_grp_size_site). # done(). # new_group(500). # set_rel(Site.AT, sites['home']). # set_rel('home', sites['home']). # set_rel('school', sites['school-a']). # done(). # new_group(500). # set_rel(Site.AT, sites['home']). # set_rel('home', sites['home']).
do_remove_file_sites = False do_remove_file_groups = False if do_remove_file_sites and os.path.isfile(fpath_sites): os.remove(fpath_sites) if do_remove_file_groups and os.path.isfile(fpath_groups): os.remove(fpath_groups) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) Sites: sites = Simulation().gen_sites_from_db( fpath_db_in, lambda fpath_db: { 'school': Site.gen_from_db(fpath_db, 'schools', 'sp_id', 'school', []), 'work': Site.gen_from_db(fpath_db, 'workplaces', 'sp_id', 'work', []) }, fpath_sites) site_home = Site('home') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (2) Probes: fpath_db_out = os.path.join(dpath_cwd, 'sim.sqlite3') if os.path.isfile(fpath_db_out): os.remove(fpath_db_out) pp = ProbePersistenceDB(fpath_db_out, flush_every=1)
# Recovered: if group.has_attr({'flu': 'r'}): return [ GroupSplitSpec(p=0.8, rel_set={Site.AT: group.get_rel('school')}), GroupSplitSpec(p=0.2) ] return None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) Sites: site_home = Site('home') school_l = Site(450149323) # 88% low income students school_m = Site(450067740) # 7% low income students # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (2) Simulation: def grp_setup(pop, group): return [ GroupSplitSpec(p=0.9, attr_set={'flu': 's'}), GroupSplitSpec(p=0.1, attr_set={'flu': 'i'}) ] def run(iter):
do_remove_file_sites = False do_remove_file_groups = False if do_remove_file_sites and os.path.isfile(fpath_sites): os.remove(fpath_sites) if do_remove_file_groups and os.path.isfile(fpath_groups): os.remove(fpath_groups) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) Sites: sites = Simulation.gen_sites_from_db( fpath_db_in, lambda fpath_db: { 'hosp': Site.gen_from_db(fpath_db, 'hospitals', 'hosp_id', 'hospital', ['workers', 'physicians', 'beds']), 'home_gq': Site.gen_from_db(fpath_db, 'gq', 'sp_id', 'home', ['gq_type', 'persons']), 'home': Site.gen_from_db(fpath_db, 'households', 'sp_id', 'home', ['hh_income']), 'school': Site.gen_from_db(fpath_db, 'schools', 'sp_id', 'school', []), 'work': Site.gen_from_db(fpath_db, 'workplaces', 'sp_id', 'work', []) }, fpath_sites) site_home = Site('home') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_weeks = 8 do_sim = True # set to False to plot only (probe DB must exist) do_plot = True do_rm_traj_ens_db = True do_school = False do_work = False do_school_work = True disease_name = 'COVID-19' fpath_traj_ens_db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'out', sim_name, 'te.sqlite3') site_home = Site('home') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def TN(a, b, mu, sigma, n=None): return truncnorm((a - mu) / sigma, (b - mu) / sigma, mu, sigma).rvs(n) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Population and environment source: locale_db = SQLiteDB( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'data', 'allegheny-county', 'allegheny.sqlite3')) locale_db.open_conn()
def is_applicable(self, group, t): return (super().is_applicable(t) and group.has_attr({'is-student': True}) and group.has_rel(['home', 'school'])) @staticmethod def setup(pop, group): return [ GroupSplitSpec(p=1.0, attr_set={'did-attend-school-today': False}) ] # attr_del=['t-at-school'], # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sites = { 'home': Site('home'), 'school-a': Site('school-a'), 'school-b': Site('school-b') } probe_grp_size_site = GroupSizeProbe.by_rel( 'site', Site.AT, sites.values(), memo='Mass distribution across sites') (Simulation(7, 1, 10, rand_seed=rand_seed).new_group('0', 500).set_attr( 'is-student', True).set_rel(Site.AT, sites['home']).set_rel( 'home', sites['home']).set_rel('school', sites['school-a']).commit().new_group( '1', 500).set_attr('is-student', True).set_rel( Site.AT, sites['home']).set_rel('home', sites['home']).set_rel( 'school', sites['school-b']).commit().add_rule( ResetDayRule(TimePoint(7))).add_rule(