def reddit_oauth(): """ Get a new refresh token to ensure that access will be granted. No need to append the access key to the requests, PRAW handles that. """ #Set Variables user_agent = 'Custom user_agent' reddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent) app_key = "See" app_secret = "See" access_token = "From OAUTH API" refresh_token = "From OAUTH API" #Refresh OAuth access oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(reddit, app_key=app_key, app_secret=app_secret, access_token=access_token, refresh_token=refresh_token, scopes=[ 'identity', 'edit', 'read', 'history', 'modconfig', 'modflair', 'modlog', 'modposts', 'modwiki', 'mysubredits', 'privatemessages', 'read', 'report', 'save', 'submit', 'subscribe', 'vote', 'wikiedit', 'wikiread' ]) oauth_helper.refresh() return reddit
def refresh_oauth():"Attempting to refresh refresh token.") oauth_helper.refresh()"Token refreshed.") oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key=APPKEY, app_secret=APPSECRET, access_token=ACCESSTOKEN, scopes=SCOPES, refresh_token=REFRESHTOKEN)
def test_oauth_mini(): reddit_client = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent) oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini( reddit_client, app_key=app_key, app_secret=app_secret, access_token=access_token, refresh_token=refresh_token, scopes=scopes) try: subreddit = reddit_client.get_subreddit(test_subreddit) comment = list(subreddit.get_comments(limit=1)).pop() except praw.errors.OAuthInvalidToken: oauth_helper.refresh() assert comment assert comment.reply('reply from a bot, please ignore')
def runs(db,cursor): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent = USER_AGENT) oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r,app_key = APP_KEY,app_secret = APP_SECRET, access_token = ACCESS_TOKEN,scopes = SCOPES, refresh_token = REFRESH_TOKEN) oauth_helper.refresh() subreddit = r.get_subreddit('all') author = "none" created = int(time()) over_18 = 0 permalink = "none" subred = "none" thumbnail = "none" title = "none" url = "none" name = "none" media = "none" lookup = {} sql_fetch = "SELECT name from post_info" try: cursor.execute(sql_fetch) result = cursor.fetchall() db.commit() for row in result: lookup[row[0]] = None except: pass for post in reversed(list(subreddit.get_new(limit=1000))): author = str(vars(post)['author']) created = time() over_18 = int(vars(post)['over_18']) permalink = str(vars(post)['permalink']) permalinkfix = fixurl(permalink) subred = str(vars(post)['subreddit']) thumbnail = str(vars(post)['thumbnail']) title = str(vars(post)['title']) titleformat = db.escape(re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9 \n\.]','',title)) url = str(vars(post)['url']) name = str(vars(post)['name']) if thumbnail == "self": url = fixurl(url) if name not in lookup: sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `post_info` (`author`, `title`, `subreddit`, `url`, `permalink`,`created`, `thumbnail`, `over_18`, `name`) VALUES ('%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (author, titleformat, subred, url, permalinkfix, created, thumbnail, over_18, name) try: cursor.execute(sql_insert) except: db.rollback() db.commit()
def init(): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent="Samachar Bot for /r/india by /u/sallurocks") scopes = { u'edit', u'submit', u'read', u'privatemessages', u'identity', u'history' } oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key=os.environ['app_key'], app_secret=os.environ['app_secret'], access_token=os.environ['access_token'], refresh_token=os.environ['refresh_token'], scopes=scopes) subreddit = r.get_subreddit("+".join(subreddits.subreddits)) return r, oauth_helper, subreddit
def bot_main(): """ Main function of the bot. Contains logic loop and oauth """ oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(REDDIT_CLIENT, app_key=settings.reddit_app_key, app_secret=settings.reddit_app_secret, access_token=settings.reddit_access_token, scopes=settings.scopes, refresh_token=settings.reddit_refresh_token) print 'UsernameBot Online!' while True: try: bot_logic(oauth_helper) except praw.errors.OAuthInvalidToken: oauth_helper.refresh() time.sleep(30)
import praw import humanize from datetime import datetime from flask import Flask from flask import request, render_template from prawoauth2 import PrawOAuth2Mini from settings import (app_key, app_secret, access_token, refresh_token, user_agent, scopes) reddit_client = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent) oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(reddit_client, app_key=app_key, app_secret=app_secret, access_token=access_token, refresh_token=refresh_token, scopes=scopes) app = Flask(__name__) def get_cake_day(username): redditor = reddit_client.get_redditor(username) try: created_on = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(redditor.created_utc) except praw.errors.NotFound: return False return humanize.naturalday( created_on), redditor.comment_karma, redditor.link_karma
REFRESH_TOKEN = config.get('Reddit', 'refresh_token') SCOPES = ['identity', 'submit'] imgur_client_id = config.get('Imgur', 'client_id') imgur_client_secret = config.get('Imgur', 'client_secret') imgur_access_token = config.get('Imgur', 'access_token') imgur_refresh_token = config.get('Imgur', 'refresh_token') imgur_client = ImgurClient(imgur_client_id, imgur_client_secret, imgur_access_token, imgur_refresh_token) already_done = set() oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key=CLIENT_ID, app_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, access_token=TOKEN, refresh_token=REFRESH_TOKEN, scopes=SCOPES) # ============================================================================= # FUNCTIONS # ============================================================================= def getTopSubmissions(): print("Ready for images") subreddit = r.get_subreddit('test') for comment in praw.helpers.comment_stream(r, 'test', limit=10, verbosity=0):
import time import gfycat.gfycat import traceback import time from datetime import datetime from prawoauth2 import PrawOAuth2Mini import settings as s nothing_to_do = True debug = s.debug #Set up global reddit auth reddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent=s.user_agent) oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(reddit, app_key=s.app_key, app_secret=s.app_secret, access_token=s.access_token, refresh_token=s.refresh_token, scopes=s.scopes) def process_sub(reddit, subreddit_name): global nothing_to_do if debug: print(("Now running on: " + subreddit_name)) #number_of_posts needs to be adjusted for subreddits with more postings per minute. Do so in submission_generator = reddit.get_subreddit(subreddit_name).get_new( limit=s.number_of_posts) for submission in submission_generator: post_id = vars(submission)['id'] #file for keeping track of already processed links. Set in processed_file = open(s.processed_file)
import praw from prawoauth2 import PrawOAuth2Mini from tokens import app_key, app_secret, access_token, refresh_token, scopes user_agent = "Drunken PRAWL" reddit_client = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent) oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(reddit_client, app_key='MY_KEY', app_secret='MY_SECRET_KEY', access_token='ACCESS_TOKEN', scopes=scopes, refresh_token='REFRESH_TOKEN') already_done = set() def loop(): oauth_helper.refresh() for comment in reddit_client.get_comments('DrunkenPrawl'): if 'im drunk' in comment.body.lower( ) and not in already_done: print('Time to shitpost') comment.reply( 'Give me your height, weight, and sex (like this: **5\'8", 150 lb, Male**). I\'ll tell you how much you *probably* had!' ) already_done.add( while True: try: loop() except praw.errors.OAuthInvalidToken:
import praw import instagram_converter from prawoauth2 import PrawOAuth2Mini key = "dFh4UjkvhdQIGw" secret = "0FS1_D2242Y-cdC2EiEZdTjZ6u4" token = "54589065-hluT2YOUajr1nTPdDokqFOGL_1g" refresh = "54589065-hvu78d_mz4VDyGMLRTNIveSoP2k" user_agent = ('instareposter 1.0') r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent) scopes = ['identity', 'read', 'submit'] oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key=key, app_secret=secret, access_token=token, refresh_token=refresh, scopes=scopes) oauth_helper.refresh() subreddit = r.get_subreddit("InstaRepostBot") already_done = [] def bot_response(submission, new_url): head = "Hi! I'm InstaRepostBot. I take instagram links and re-upload them to streamable or imgur. Your new link is below \n\n" mid = new_url tail = "\n\nI'm only running for a short trial period, pm me feedback if you like the bot and want it to keep running!" submission.add_comment(head + mid + tail) for submission in subreddit.get_new(limit=20): post_id = url = submission.url
return counter def handleComment(comment): result, counter = generateResponseText(comment.body) if result: comment.reply(result) return counter r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=settings['user-agent']) oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key=settings['app_key'], app_secret=settings['app_secret'], access_token=settings['access_token'], refresh_token=settings['refresh_token'], scopes=settings['scopes']) readComments = CommentLog('readComments-%s.txt' % settings['subreddit']) running = True while running: try: sub = r.get_subreddit(settings['subreddit']) counter = 0 handledComments = 0 for submission in sub.get_hot(limit=10): if not readComments.contains(
__author__ = 'salmaan' import praw from prawoauth2 import PrawOAuth2Mini import os from ignore import config import blacklist import smrzr import find_other_news_sources blockedid = [] reddit_client = praw.Reddit( user_agent="Samachar Bot for /r/india by /u/sallurocks") oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(reddit_client, app_key=config.app_key, app_secret=config.app_secret, access_token=config.access_token, refresh_token=config.refresh_token, scopes=config.scopes) def get_latest_posts(subreddit): subreddit = reddit_client.get_subreddit(subreddit) return subreddit.get_new(limit=25) def prepare(submission): link = submission.url summ_article = smrzr.Summarizer(link) keypoints = summ_article.keypoints summ = summ_article.summary
import time import sys import os from difflib import SequenceMatcher from prawoauth2 import PrawOAuth2Mini from common import Utility from settings import ARKENTHERA_BOT_TOKEN, ARKENTHERA_BOT_ID from slackclient import SlackClient from settings import SYACR_CLIENT_ID, SYACR_CLIENT_SECRET, SYACR_ACCESS_TOKEN, SYACR_REFRESH_TOKEN, UA, SCOPES reddit_client = praw.Reddit(user_agent=UA) oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(reddit_client, app_key=SYACR_CLIENT_ID, app_secret=SYACR_CLIENT_SECRET, access_token=SYACR_ACCESS_TOKEN, refresh_token=SYACR_REFRESH_TOKEN, scopes=SCOPES) DO_NOTHING = 0 DO_REPORT = 1 DO_REMOVE = 2 DO_IGNORE = 3 START_WITH_POST_COUNT = 1 ALLOW_REPOSTS_THREE_MONTH = 1 # Shared variables must exist in all threads REPORT_THRESHOLD = 0.60 REMOVE_THRESHOLD = 0.95
if not os.path.isfile(""): logger.error("Config file not found in current directory.") exit(1) db = SqliteDatabase('steampowered.db') comments_replied_to = [] # Create Reddit object r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=USER_AGENT) # Login with credentials from config file #r.login(REDDIT_USERNAME, REDDIT_PASS) try: oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key=APPKEY, app_secret=APPSECRET, access_token=ACCESSTOKEN, scopes=SCOPES, refresh_token=REFRESHTOKEN) except praw.errors.OAuthInvalidToken: logger.warn("Invalid OAuth Token.") refresh_oauth() subreddit = r.get_subreddit(SUBREDDIT) def refresh_oauth():"Attempting to refresh refresh token.") oauth_helper.refresh()"Token refreshed.") oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key=APPKEY,
import pylab from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse import praw from prawoauth2 import PrawOAuth2Mini from tokens import app_key, app_secret, access_token, refresh_token, scopes import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt tracktime = time.time() #datetime when it was initialized so it doesn't post on old content user_agent = "Drunken PRAWL" user_name = "DrunkWhenSober" reddit_client = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent) oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(reddit_client, app_key='cnCoU2zAAb6IEA', app_secret='-8F3XR-_-In7LENvBj7YKnmTG9s', access_token='isCMLVCkYF2RaTBm5mgBEYRoQ50', scopes=scopes, refresh_token='44644420-0vrXSISDaSu3ThXYEhwldIj80gg') already_done = set() comment_count = [] plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(0,50), ylim=(0,5000)) plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylabel("Number of Comments") def loop(): oauth_helper.refresh() submissions = reddit_client.get_subreddit('all').get_hot(limit=100)
# Config Stuff r = praw.Reddit(user_agent="Samachar Bot for /r/india by /u/sallurocks") # implement oauth soon ---done uname = os.environ['uname'] pwd = os.environ['pass'] r.login(uname, pwd) scopes = { u'edit', u'submit', u'read', u'privatemessages', u'identity', u'history' } oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key=os.environ['app_key'], app_secret=os.environ['app_secret'], access_token=os.environ['access_token'], refresh_token=os.environ['refresh_token'], scopes=scopes) subreddit = r.get_subreddit('india+TESTBOTTEST') while True: # File to keep track of posts already looked, gets refreshed if bot is restarted. # put pointer at start, then reads the file to string and then puts the pointer back at the end. fo = open("looked.txt", "a+") position = fo.tell(), 0) str1 =
#!/usr/bin/env python #cfb_info_bot version 1.0 import urllib import os import praw from prawoauth2 import PrawOAuth2Mini import time already_done = [] user_agent = 'a tool for cfb' r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent) oauth_helper = PrawOAuth2Mini(r, app_key='redacted', app_secret='redacted', access_token='redacted', refresh_token='redacted', scopes=('save', 'submit', 'read', 'identity')) def lookup(team, start, end): z = open('html.txt', 'w') url = "" % ( team, start, end) urlr = urllib.urlopen(url) z.write( z.close() z = open('html.txt', 'r') doc = z.readlines() block = doc[339] block = block.split('>') z.close os.system('rm html.txt')