Exemple #1
def _run_legacy(
    hook_type: str,
    hook_dir: str,
    args: Sequence[str],
) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
    if os.environ.get('PRE_COMMIT_RUNNING_LEGACY'):
        raise SystemExit(
            f"bug: pre-commit's script is installed in migration mode\n"
            f'run `pre-commit install -f --hook-type {hook_type}` to fix '
            f'Please report this bug at '
            f'https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit/issues', )

    if hook_type == 'pre-push':
        stdin = sys.stdin.buffer.read()
        stdin = b''

    # not running in legacy mode
    legacy_hook = os.path.join(hook_dir, f'{hook_type}.legacy')
    if not os.access(legacy_hook, os.X_OK):
        return 0, stdin

    with envcontext((('PRE_COMMIT_RUNNING_LEGACY', '1'), )):
        cmd = normalize_cmd((legacy_hook, *args))
        return subprocess.run(cmd, input=stdin).returncode, stdin
Exemple #2
def cmd_output_b(*cmd, **kwargs):
    retcode = kwargs.pop('retcode', 0)

    popen_kwargs = {
        'stdin': subprocess.PIPE,
        'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
        'stderr': subprocess.PIPE,

    # py2/py3 on windows are more strict about the types here
    cmd = tuple(five.n(arg) for arg in cmd)
    kwargs['env'] = {
        five.n(key): five.n(value)
        for key, value in kwargs.pop('env', {}).items()
    } or None

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        returncode, stdout_b, stderr_b = e.to_output()
        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **popen_kwargs)
        stdout_b, stderr_b = proc.communicate()
        returncode = proc.returncode

    if retcode is not None and retcode != returncode:
        raise CalledProcessError(
            output=(stdout_b, stderr_b),

    return returncode, stdout_b, stderr_b
Exemple #3
    def cmd_output_p(
        *cmd: str,
        retcode: Optional[int] = 0,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Tuple[int, bytes, Optional[bytes]]:
        assert retcode is None
        assert kwargs['stderr'] == subprocess.STDOUT, kwargs['stderr']

            cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
        except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
            return e.to_output()

        with open(os.devnull) as devnull, Pty() as pty:
            assert pty.r is not None
            kwargs.update({'stdin': devnull, 'stdout': pty.w, 'stderr': pty.w})
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)

            buf = b''
            while True:
                    bts = os.read(pty.r, 4096)
                except OSError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.EIO:
                        bts = b''
                    buf += bts
                if not bts:

        return proc.wait(), buf, None
Exemple #4
    def cmd_output_p(*cmd, **kwargs):
        assert kwargs.pop('retcode') is None
        assert kwargs['stderr'] == subprocess.STDOUT, kwargs['stderr']
        cmd, kwargs = _cmd_kwargs(*cmd, **kwargs)

            cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
        except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
            return e.to_output()

        with open(os.devnull) as devnull, Pty() as pty:
            kwargs.update({'stdin': devnull, 'stdout': pty.w, 'stderr': pty.w})
            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)

            buf = b''
            while True:
                    bts = os.read(pty.r, 4096)
                except OSError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.EIO:
                        bts = b''
                    buf += bts
                if not bts:

        return proc.wait(), buf, None
Exemple #5
def xargs(cmd, varargs, **kwargs):
    """A simplified implementation of xargs.

    color: Make a pty if on a platform that supports it
    target_concurrency: Target number of partitions to run concurrently
    color = kwargs.pop('color', False)
    target_concurrency = kwargs.pop('target_concurrency', 1)
    max_length = kwargs.pop('_max_length', _get_platform_max_length())
    cmd_fn = cmd_output_p if color else cmd_output_b
    retcode = 0
    stdout = b''

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        return e.to_output()[:2]

    partitions = partition(cmd, varargs, target_concurrency, max_length)

    def run_cmd_partition(run_cmd):
        return cmd_fn(*run_cmd,

    threads = min(len(partitions), target_concurrency)
    with _thread_mapper(threads) as thread_map:
        results = thread_map(run_cmd_partition, partitions)

        for proc_retcode, proc_out, _ in results:
            retcode = max(retcode, proc_retcode)
            stdout += proc_out

    return retcode, stdout
Exemple #6
def cmd_output(*cmd, **kwargs):
    retcode = kwargs.pop('retcode', 0)
    encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'UTF-8')
    __popen = kwargs.pop('__popen', subprocess.Popen)

    popen_kwargs = {
        'stdin': subprocess.PIPE,
        'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
        'stderr': subprocess.PIPE,

    # py2/py3 on windows are more strict about the types here
    cmd = tuple(five.n(arg) for arg in cmd)
    kwargs['env'] = dict(
        (five.n(key), five.n(value))
        for key, value in kwargs.pop('env', {}).items()
    ) or None

    cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)

    proc = __popen(cmd, **popen_kwargs)
    stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
    if encoding is not None and stdout is not None:
        stdout = stdout.decode(encoding)
    if encoding is not None and stderr is not None:
        stderr = stderr.decode(encoding)
    returncode = proc.returncode

    if retcode is not None and retcode != returncode:
        raise CalledProcessError(
            returncode, cmd, retcode, output=(stdout, stderr),

    return proc.returncode, stdout, stderr
def test_xargs_propagate_kwargs_to_cmd():
    env = {'PRE_COMMIT_TEST_VAR': 'Pre commit is awesome'}
    cmd = ('bash', '-c', 'echo $PRE_COMMIT_TEST_VAR', '--')
    cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)

    ret, stdout = xargs.xargs(cmd, ('1', ), env=env)
    assert ret == 0
    assert b'Pre commit is awesome' in stdout
Exemple #8
def test_xargs_propagate_kwargs_to_cmd():
    env = {'PRE_COMMIT_TEST_VAR': 'Pre commit is awesome'}
    cmd = ('bash', '-c', 'echo $PRE_COMMIT_TEST_VAR', '--')
    cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)

    ret, stdout, _ = xargs.xargs(cmd, ('1',), env=env)
    assert ret == 0
    assert b'Pre commit is awesome' in stdout
Exemple #9
def xargs(
    cmd: Tuple[str, ...],
    varargs: Sequence[str],
    color: bool = False,
    target_concurrency: int = 1,
    _max_length: int = _get_platform_max_length(),
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
    """A simplified implementation of xargs.

    color: Make a pty if on a platform that supports it
    target_concurrency: Target number of partitions to run concurrently
    cmd_fn = cmd_output_p if color else cmd_output_b
    retcode = 0
    stdout = b''

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        return e.to_output()[:2]

    # on windows, batch files have a separate length limit than windows itself
    if (sys.platform == 'win32' and cmd[0].lower().endswith(
        ('.bat', '.cmd'))):  # pragma: win32 cover
        # this is implementation details but the command gets translated into
        # full/path/to/cmd.exe /c *cmd
        cmd_exe = parse_shebang.find_executable('cmd.exe')
        # 1024 is additionally subtracted to give headroom for further
        # expansion inside the batch file
        _max_length = 8192 - len(cmd_exe) - len(' /c ') - 1024

    partitions = partition(cmd, varargs, target_concurrency, _max_length)

    def run_cmd_partition(
        run_cmd: Tuple[str, ...], ) -> Tuple[int, bytes, Optional[bytes]]:
        return cmd_fn(

    threads = min(len(partitions), target_concurrency)
    with _thread_mapper(threads) as thread_map:
        results = thread_map(run_cmd_partition, partitions)

        for proc_retcode, proc_out, _ in results:
            retcode = max(retcode, proc_retcode)
            stdout += proc_out

    return retcode, stdout
Exemple #10
def xargs(cmd, varargs, **kwargs):
    """A simplified implementation of xargs.

    color: Make a pty if on a platform that supports it
    negate: Make nonzero successful and zero a failure
    target_concurrency: Target number of partitions to run concurrently
    color = kwargs.pop('color', False)
    negate = kwargs.pop('negate', False)
    target_concurrency = kwargs.pop('target_concurrency', 1)
    max_length = kwargs.pop('_max_length', _get_platform_max_length())
    cmd_fn = cmd_output_p if color else cmd_output_b
    retcode = 0
    stdout = b''

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        return e.to_output()[:2]

    partitions = partition(cmd, varargs, target_concurrency, max_length)

    def run_cmd_partition(run_cmd):
        return cmd_fn(*run_cmd,

    threads = min(len(partitions), target_concurrency)
    with _thread_mapper(threads) as thread_map:
        results = thread_map(run_cmd_partition, partitions)

        for proc_retcode, proc_out, _ in results:
            # This is *slightly* too clever so I'll explain it.
            # First the xor boolean table:
            #     T | F |
            #   +-------+
            # T | F | T |
            # --+-------+
            # F | T | F |
            # --+-------+
            # When negate is True, it has the effect of flipping the return
            # code. Otherwise, the returncode is unchanged.
            retcode |= bool(proc_retcode) ^ negate
            stdout += proc_out

    return retcode, stdout
Exemple #11
def test_xargs_concurrency():
    bash_cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('bash', '-c'))
    print_pid = ('sleep 0.5 && echo $$',)

    start = time.time()
    ret, stdout = xargs.xargs(
        bash_cmd, print_pid * 5,
        _max_length=len(' '.join(bash_cmd + print_pid)) + 1,
    elapsed = time.time() - start
    assert ret == 0
    pids = stdout.splitlines()
    assert len(pids) == 5
    # It would take 0.5*5=2.5 seconds to run all of these in serial, so if it
    # takes less, they must have run concurrently.
    assert elapsed < 2.5
Exemple #12
def test_xargs_concurrency():
    bash_cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('bash', '-c'))
    print_pid = ('sleep 0.5 && echo $$',)

    start = time.time()
    ret, stdout, _ = xargs.xargs(
        bash_cmd, print_pid * 5,
        _max_length=len(' '.join(bash_cmd + print_pid)) + 1,
    elapsed = time.time() - start
    assert ret == 0
    pids = stdout.splitlines()
    assert len(pids) == 5
    # It would take 0.5*5=2.5 seconds ot run all of these in serial, so if it
    # takes less, they must have run concurrently.
    assert elapsed < 2.5
Exemple #13
def cmd_output_b(*cmd, **kwargs):
    retcode = kwargs.pop('retcode', 0)
    cmd, kwargs = _cmd_kwargs(*cmd, **kwargs)

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        returncode, stdout_b, stderr_b = e.to_output()
        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
        stdout_b, stderr_b = proc.communicate()
        returncode = proc.returncode

    if retcode is not None and retcode != returncode:
        raise CalledProcessError(returncode, cmd, retcode, stdout_b, stderr_b)

    return returncode, stdout_b, stderr_b
def xargs(
    cmd: Tuple[str, ...],
    varargs: Sequence[str],
    color: bool = False,
    target_concurrency: int = 1,
    _max_length: int = _get_platform_max_length(),
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
    """A simplified implementation of xargs.

    color: Make a pty if on a platform that supports it
    target_concurrency: Target number of partitions to run concurrently
    cmd_fn = cmd_output_p if color else cmd_output_b
    retcode = 0
    stdout = b""

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        return e.to_output()[:2]

    partitions = partition(cmd, varargs, target_concurrency, _max_length)

    def run_cmd_partition(
        run_cmd: Tuple[str, ...], ) -> Tuple[int, bytes, Optional[bytes]]:
        return cmd_fn(

    threads = min(len(partitions), target_concurrency)
    with _thread_mapper(threads) as thread_map:
        results = thread_map(run_cmd_partition, partitions)

        for proc_retcode, proc_out, _ in results:
            retcode = max(retcode, proc_retcode)
            stdout += proc_out

    return retcode, stdout
Exemple #15
def xargs(cmd, varargs, **kwargs):
    """A simplified implementation of xargs.

    negate: Make nonzero successful and zero a failure
    target_concurrency: Target number of partitions to run concurrently
    negate = kwargs.pop('negate', False)
    target_concurrency = kwargs.pop('target_concurrency', 1)
    retcode = 0
    stdout = b''
    stderr = b''

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        return e.to_output()

    partitions = partition(cmd, varargs, target_concurrency, **kwargs)

    def run_cmd_partition(run_cmd):
        return cmd_output(*run_cmd, encoding=None, retcode=None)

    threads = min(len(partitions), target_concurrency)
    with _thread_mapper(threads) as thread_map:
        results = thread_map(run_cmd_partition, partitions)

        for proc_retcode, proc_out, proc_err in results:
            # This is *slightly* too clever so I'll explain it.
            # First the xor boolean table:
            #     T | F |
            #   +-------+
            # T | F | T |
            # --+-------+
            # F | T | F |
            # --+-------+
            # When negate is True, it has the effect of flipping the return
            # code. Otherwise, the returncode is unchanged.
            retcode |= bool(proc_retcode) ^ negate
            stdout += proc_out
            stderr += proc_err

    return retcode, stdout, stderr
Exemple #16
def cmd_output_b(
    *cmd: str,
    retcode: Optional[int] = 0,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Tuple[int, bytes, Optional[bytes]]:

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        returncode, stdout_b, stderr_b = e.to_output()
        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
        stdout_b, stderr_b = proc.communicate()
        returncode = proc.returncode

    if retcode is not None and retcode != returncode:
        raise CalledProcessError(returncode, cmd, retcode, stdout_b, stderr_b)

    return returncode, stdout_b, stderr_b
Exemple #17
def cmd_output(*cmd, **kwargs):
    retcode = kwargs.pop('retcode', 0)
    encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'UTF-8')
    __popen = kwargs.pop('__popen', subprocess.Popen)

    popen_kwargs = {
        'stdin': subprocess.PIPE,
        'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
        'stderr': subprocess.PIPE,

    # py2/py3 on windows are more strict about the types here
    cmd = tuple(five.n(arg) for arg in cmd)
    kwargs['env'] = dict(
        (five.n(key), five.n(value))
        for key, value in kwargs.pop('env', {}).items()) or None

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        returncode, stdout, stderr = (-1, e.args[0].encode('UTF-8'), b'')
        proc = __popen(cmd, **popen_kwargs)
        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
        if encoding is not None and stdout is not None:
            stdout = stdout.decode(encoding)
        if encoding is not None and stderr is not None:
            stderr = stderr.decode(encoding)
        returncode = proc.returncode

    if retcode is not None and retcode != returncode:
        raise CalledProcessError(
            output=(stdout, stderr),

    return returncode, stdout, stderr
Exemple #18
def cmd_output(*cmd, **kwargs):
    retcode = kwargs.pop('retcode', 0)
    encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'UTF-8')

    popen_kwargs = {
        'stdin': subprocess.PIPE,
        'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
        'stderr': subprocess.PIPE,

    # py2/py3 on windows are more strict about the types here
    cmd = tuple(five.n(arg) for arg in cmd)
    kwargs['env'] = {
        five.n(key): five.n(value)
        for key, value in kwargs.pop('env', {}).items()
    } or None

        cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
    except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
        returncode, stdout, stderr = e.to_output()
        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **popen_kwargs)
        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
        returncode = proc.returncode
    if encoding is not None and stdout is not None:
        stdout = stdout.decode(encoding)
    if encoding is not None and stderr is not None:
        stderr = stderr.decode(encoding)

    if retcode is not None and retcode != returncode:
        raise CalledProcessError(
            returncode, cmd, retcode, output=(stdout, stderr),

    return returncode, stdout, stderr
def test_normalize_cmd_shebang(in_tmpdir):
    echo = _echo_exe().replace(os.sep, '/')
    path = write_executable(echo)
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd((path,)) == (echo, path)
def test_normalize_cmd_trivial():
    cmd = (_echo_exe(), 'hi')
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd) == cmd
def test_normalize_cmd_PATH():
    cmd = ('echo', '--version')
    expected = (_echo_exe(), '--version')
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd) == expected
Exemple #22
def test_normalize_cmd_PATH_shebang_PATH(in_tmpdir):
    python = distutils.spawn.find_executable('python')
    path = write_executable('/usr/bin/env python')
    with bin_on_path():
        ret = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('run', ))
        assert ret == (python, os.path.abspath(path))
Exemple #23
def test_normalize_cmd_trivial():
    cmd = (distutils.spawn.find_executable('echo'), 'hi')
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd) == cmd
Exemple #24
def test_normalize_cmd_shebang(in_tmpdir):
    python = distutils.spawn.find_executable('python')
    path = write_executable(python.replace(os.sep, '/'))
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd((path, )) == (python, path)
Exemple #25
def test_normalize_cmd_PATH_shebang_full_path(in_tmpdir):
    python = distutils.spawn.find_executable('python')
    path = write_executable(python.replace(os.sep, '/'))
    with bin_on_path():
        ret = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('run', ))
        assert ret == (python, os.path.abspath(path))
Exemple #26

def test_argument_too_long():
    with pytest.raises(xargs.ArgumentTooLongError):
        xargs.partition(('a' * 5,), ('a' * 5,), 1, _max_length=10)

def test_xargs_smoke():
    ret, out, err = xargs.xargs(('echo',), ('hello', 'world'))
    assert ret == 0
    assert out.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') == b'hello world\n'
    assert err == b''

exit_cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('bash', '-c', 'exit $1', '--'))
# Abuse max_length to control the exit code
max_length = len(' '.join(exit_cmd)) + 3

def test_xargs_negate():
    ret, _, _ = xargs.xargs(
        exit_cmd, ('1',), negate=True, _max_length=max_length,
    assert ret == 0

    ret, _, _ = xargs.xargs(
        exit_cmd, ('1', '0'), negate=True, _max_length=max_length,
    assert ret == 1
Exemple #27
def test_normalize_cmd_PATH():
    cmd = ('python', '--version')
    expected = (distutils.spawn.find_executable('python'), '--version')
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd) == expected
        ('foo', ) + ('A', ) * 2,

def test_argument_too_long():
    with pytest.raises(xargs.ArgumentTooLongError):
        xargs.partition(('a' * 5, ), ('a' * 5, ), 1, _max_length=10)

def test_xargs_smoke():
    ret, out = xargs.xargs(('echo', ), ('hello', 'world'))
    assert ret == 0
    assert out.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') == b'hello world\n'

exit_cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('bash', '-c', 'exit $1', '--'))
# Abuse max_length to control the exit code
max_length = len(' '.join(exit_cmd)) + 3

def test_xargs_negate():
    ret, _ = xargs.xargs(
        ('1', ),
    assert ret == 0

    ret, _ = xargs.xargs(
def test_normalize_cmd_shebang(in_tmpdir):
    echo = distutils.spawn.find_executable('echo').replace(os.sep, '/')
    path = write_executable(echo)
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd((path, )) == (echo, path)
def test_normalize_cmd_trivial():
    cmd = (distutils.spawn.find_executable('echo'), 'hi')
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd) == cmd
def test_normalize_cmd_PATH_shebang_PATH(in_tmpdir):
    python = distutils.spawn.find_executable('python')
    path = write_executable('/usr/bin/env python')
    with bin_on_path():
        ret = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('run',))
        assert ret == (python, os.path.abspath(path))
def test_normalize_cmd_PATH_shebang_full_path(in_tmpdir):
    python = distutils.spawn.find_executable('python')
    path = write_executable(python.replace(os.sep, '/'))
    with bin_on_path():
        ret = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('run',))
        assert ret == (python, os.path.abspath(path))
def test_normalize_cmd_shebang(in_tmpdir):
    python = distutils.spawn.find_executable('python')
    path = write_executable(python.replace(os.sep, '/'))
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd((path,)) == (python, path)
def test_normalize_cmd_PATH_shebang_full_path(in_tmpdir):
    echo = _echo_exe().replace(os.sep, '/')
    path = write_executable(echo)
    with bin_on_path():
        ret = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('run',))
        assert ret == (echo, os.path.abspath(path))
def test_normalize_cmd_PATH_shebang_PATH(in_tmpdir):
    echo = _echo_exe()
    path = write_executable('/usr/bin/env echo')
    with bin_on_path():
        ret = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(('run',))
        assert ret == (echo, os.path.abspath(path))
def test_normalize_cmd_PATH():
    cmd = ('python', '--version')
    expected = (distutils.spawn.find_executable('python'), '--version')
    assert parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd) == expected