Exemple #1
def cost_elem_(theta, X, Y):
    if X.shape[1] + 1 != theta.size or X.shape[0] != Y.size:
        print("Inc dim")
    Z = predict_(theta, X)
    l = [0.5 / Y.size * (i - j)**2 for i, j in zip(Z, Y)]
    return (np.array(l))
def cost_elem_(theta, X, Y):
    m = len(X)
    n = len(X[0])
    J_elem = np.zeros((m, 1))
    for i in range(m):
        J_elem[i] = ((predict_(theta, X)[i] - Y[i])**2) / (2 * m)
    return J_elem
def cost_elem_(theta, X, Y):
        Calculates all the elements 0.5*M*(y_pred - y)^2 of the cost
        theta: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension (number of
features + 1, 1).
        X: has to be a numpy.ndarray, a matrix of dimension (number of
training examples, number of features).
        J_elem: numpy.ndarray, a vector of dimension (number of the training
        None if there is a dimension matching problem between X, Y or theta.
        This function should not raise any Exception.
	y_hat = predict_(theta, X)
	if len(y_hat) == 0 or Y.shape[0] != X.shape[0] or Y.shape[1] != 1:
		print("dimensions incompatibles")
		return None
	array = []
	m = X.shape[0]
	n = X.shape[1]
	for i in range(0, m):
		array.append((y_hat[i] - Y[i])**2) # mean(predicted - real ^ 2)
	for i in range(0,m):
		array[i] = array[i] / (2 * m)
	return np.array(array)
Exemple #4
def fit_(theta, X, Y, alpha=0.01, n_cycle=2000):
    #	pred = predict_(theta, X)
    #	cost_elem = cost_elem_(theta, X, Y)
    #	print(pred)
    #	print(cost_elem)

    cost = cost_(theta, X, Y)
    previous_cost = 0
    #while cost > 0:
    for i in range(0, n_cycle):
        cost = cost_(theta, X, Y)
        #	if (abs(cost - previous_cost) <= 0.000001):
        #		break ;
        previous_cost = cost
        pred = predict_(theta, X)
        D_theta1 = 1 / X.shape[0] * (alpha * np.sum((pred - Y) * X))
        D_theta0 = 1 / X.shape[0] * (np.sum(pred - Y))
        theta[1] = theta[1] - D_theta1
        theta[0] = theta[0] - D_theta0

    print(cost_(theta, X, Y))
    #print(cost_(theta, X, Y))
    # for n iter:
    # L = 0.0001 -> learning rate
    #pred = predict_(new_theta, X)
    #D_theta1 = (-2/m) * np.sum(X * (Y - Y_PRED))
    #D_theta0 = (-2/m) * sum(Y - Y_PRED)
    #Theta[1] = theta[1] - D_theta1
    #Theta[0] = theta[0] - D_theta0
    return theta
Exemple #5
def fit_(theta, X, Y, alpha, n_cycle):
    M = len(X)
    N = len(X[0])
    new_theta = np.zeros((N + 1, 1))
    coef = alpha / M
    for cycle in range(n_cycle):
        err_pred = predict_(theta, X) - Y
        new_theta[0] = theta[0] - (sum(err_pred) * coef)
        for feat in range(N):
            tmp_theta = np.sum(dot(err_pred, X.T[feat])) * coef
            new_theta[feat + 1] = theta[feat + 1] - tmp_theta
        theta = new_theta
    return new_theta
Exemple #6
import numpy as np
from pred import predict_

X1 = np.array([[0.], [1.], [2.], [3.], [4.]])
theta1 = np.array([[2.], [4.]])
res = predict_(theta1, X1)

X2 = np.array([[1], [2], [3], [5], [8]])
theta2 = np.array([[2.]])
res = predict_(theta2, X2)

X3 = np.array([[0.2, 2., 20.], [0.4, 4., 40.], [0.6, 6., 60.], [0.8, 8., 80.]])
theta3 = np.array([[0.05], [1.], [1.], [1.]])
res = predict_(theta3, X3)
Exemple #7
from pred import predict_

def vec_gradient(x, y, theta):
    gradient = (x.dot(theta) - y) / len(x)
    gradient = x.T.dot(gradient)
    return gradient

def fit_(theta, X, Y, alpha, n_cycle):
    new = np.full((len(X), 1), 1)
    X = np.hstack((new, X))
    for n in range(n_cycle):
        theta = theta - alpha * vec_gradient(X, Y, theta)
    return theta

X1 = np.array([[0.], [1.], [2.], [3.], [4.]])
Y1 = np.array([[2.], [6.], [10.], [14.], [18.]])
theta1 = np.array([[1.], [1.]])
theta1 = fit_(theta1, X1, Y1, alpha=0.01, n_cycle=2000)

print(predict_(theta1, X1))

X2 = np.array([[0.2, 2., 20.], [0.4, 4., 40.], [0.6, 6., 60.], [0.8, 8., 80.]])
Y2 = np.array([[19.6], [-2.8], [-25.2], [-47.6]])
theta2 = np.array([[42.], [1.], [1.], [1.]])
theta2 = fit_(theta2, X2, Y2, alpha=0.0005, n_cycle=42000)
print(predict_(theta2, X2))
Exemple #8
from pred import predict_
import numpy as np

X = np.array([[0.], [1.], [2.], [3.], [4.]])
theta = np.array([[2.], [4.]])
print(predict_(theta, X))
#X3 = np.array([[0.2, 2., 20.], [0.4, 4., 40.], [0.6, 6., 60.], [0.8, 8.,
#theta3 = np.array([[0.05], [1.], [1.], [1.]])
#print(predict_(theta3, X3))
Exemple #9
def cost_elem_(theta, X, Y):
	if (len(theta) != X.shape[1] + 1 or len(X) != len(Y) or len(X) == 0):
		return None
	return ((predict_(theta, X) - Y)**2) / (len(X) * 2)