def ha_SignCompare(image, text): img ='RGB') threshold = 200 limg = img.convert('L').point(lambda p: 0 if p > threshold else 1, '1') img_data = np.array(limg, dtype=np.int32) dire_sum_0 = img_data.sum(axis=0) dire_sum_1 = img_data.sum(axis=1) no0_dir0 = np.where(dire_sum_0>0)[0] no0_dir1 = np.where(dire_sum_1>0)[0] direction = 1 if no0_dir0[-1] - no0_dir0[0] < no0_dir1[-1] - no0_dir1[0]: direction = 0 code, message, char_count, char_list = 0, '', 0, [] if direction == 0: borders = find_best_borders_projection(img, text, direction = direction, min_sum=1, min_gap=1) if borders: for border in borders: pred_char, conf, toplist = image_prediction(img.crop(border), topk = 30) char_list.append(toplist) else: borders = find_best_borders_connect(img, text, direction = direction) if borders: for border in borders: pred_char, conf, toplist = image_prediction(img.crop(border), topk = 30) char_list.append(toplist) else: borders = find_best_borders_gas(img, text, direction = direction) if borders: for border in borders: pred_char, conf, toplist = image_prediction(img.crop(border), topk = 30) char_list.append(toplist) else: borders = find_best_borders_gas(img, text, direction = direction) if borders: for border in borders: pred_char, conf, toplist = image_prediction(img.crop(border), topk = 30) char_list.append(toplist) # show_borders(img, borders) if char_list: return 0, 'Successful', len(char_list), char_list else: return -1, 'Failed', 0, []
def ha_SignCompare(image, text): img ='RGB') direction = 0 if img.size[0] < img.size[1] else 1 name_num = len(text) code, message, char_count, char_list = 0, '', 0, [] if direction == 0: borders = find_best_borders_projection(img, text, direction=direction, min_sum=1, min_gap=1) if borders: for border in borders: pred_char, conf, toplist = image_prediction(img.crop(border), topk=30) char_list.append(toplist) else: borders = find_best_borders_connect(img, text, direction=direction) if borders: for border in borders: pred_char, conf, toplist = image_prediction( img.crop(border), topk=30) char_list.append(toplist) else: borders = find_best_borders_gas(img, text, direction=direction) if borders: for border in borders: pred_char, conf, toplist = image_prediction( img.crop(border), topk=30) char_list.append(toplist) else: borders = find_best_borders_gas(img, text, direction=direction) if borders: for border in borders: pred_char, conf, toplist = image_prediction(img.crop(border), topk=30) char_list.append(toplist) if char_list: return 0, 'Successful', len(char_list), char_list else: return -1, 'Failed', 0, []
def find_best_borders_connect(img, name, threshold = 200, direction = 0, overlap = 0.85, net_type = 'S'): limg = img.convert('L').point(lambda p: 0 if p > threshold else 1, '1') img_data = np.array(limg, dtype=np.int32) direction_sum = img_data.sum(axis=direction) up, down = np.where(direction_sum>0)[0][0], np.where(direction_sum>0)[0][-1] verdire_sum = img_data.sum(axis=1-direction) length = np.where(verdire_sum>0)[0][-1] - np.where(verdire_sum>0)[0][0] merge_area = find_connect(img, direction = direction, overlap = overlap) area_num = len(merge_area) char_num = len(name) name_list = list(name) char_min = length / char_num / 3 char_max = min(length / char_num * 2, length / 3 * 2) # 连笔严重,无法切割出合适的连通区域 if char_num > area_num: return [] elif char_num == area_num: for area in merge_area: if (area[1] - area[0] <= char_min or area[1] - area[0] >= char_max ): return [] max_seg = [-1] + [i for i in range(char_num)] else: for area in merge_area: if area[1] - area[0] >= char_max: return [] confM = [[0 for i in range(area_num)] for j in range(area_num)] charM = [[' ' for i in range(area_num)] for j in range(area_num)] charConfM = [[[0] * char_num for i in range(area_num)] for j in range(area_num)] for i in range(area_num): for j in range(i, area_num): if (merge_area[j][1] - merge_area[i][0] >= char_min and merge_area[j][1] - merge_area[i][0] <= char_max ): if direction == 0: border = [up, merge_area[i][0], down, merge_area[j][1]] elif direction == 1: border = [merge_area[i][0], up, merge_area[j][1], down] pred_img = img.crop(border) # display(pred_img) charM[i][j], confM[i][j], _, charConfM[i][j] = image_prediction(pred_img, topk = 1, labels = name_list, net_type = net_type) _, max_conf, max_seg = find_seg_point(area_num, char_num, confM, charConfM, 2, 0, char_num, [-1], 0, [-1]) if len(max_seg) != char_num + 1: return [] borders = [] for i in range(char_num): if direction == 0: borders.append([up, merge_area[max_seg[i]+1][0], down, merge_area[max_seg[i+1]][1]]) elif direction == 1: borders.append([merge_area[max_seg[i]+1][0], up, merge_area[max_seg[i+1]][1], down]) return borders
def find_best_borders_gas(img, name, threshold = 200, direction = 0, gas_std = 8, net_type = 'S'): name_list = list(name) char_num = len(name) limg = img.convert('L').point(lambda p: 0 if p > threshold else 1, '1') img_data = np.array(limg, dtype=np.int32) direction_sum = img_data.sum(axis=direction) up, down = np.where(direction_sum>0)[0][0], np.where(direction_sum>0)[0][-1] verdire_sum = img_data.sum(axis=1-direction) gas8 = gaussian_filter1d(verdire_sum, gas_std) local_min = find_local_min(gas8) length = local_min[-1] - local_min[0] min_num = len(local_min) char_min = length / char_num / 2 char_max = min(length / char_num * 2, length / 3 * 2) count = 0 if min_num-1 < char_num: return [] elif min_num-1 == char_num: for i in range(1, min_num): if local_min[i] - local_min[i-1] <= char_min or local_min[1] - local_min[0] >= char_max: return [] max_seg = [i for i in range(min_num)] else: confM3 = [[0 for i in range(min_num)] for j in range(min_num)] charM3 = [[' ' for i in range(min_num)] for j in range(min_num)] charConfM3 = [[[0] * char_num for i in range(min_num)] for j in range(min_num)] for i in range(min_num): for j in range(i+1, min_num): if(local_min[j] - local_min[i] >= char_min and local_min[j] - local_min[i] <= char_max): if direction == 0: border = [up, local_min[i], down, local_min[j]] elif direction == 1: border = [local_min[i], up, local_min[j], down] pred_img = img.crop(border) # display(pred_img) count += 1 charM3[i][j], confM3[i][j], toplist, charConfM3[i][j] = image_prediction(pred_img, topk = 1, labels=name_list, net_type = net_type) _, max_conf, max_seg = find_seg_point(min_num, char_num, confM3, charConfM3, 3, 0, char_num, [0], 0, [0]) if len(max_seg) != char_num + 1: return [] # print(name, ", minpoint count: ", min_num, ", predict count: ", count) borders = [] for i in range(char_num): if direction == 0: borders.append([up, local_min[max_seg[i]], down, local_min[max_seg[i+1]]]) elif direction == 1: borders.append([local_min[max_seg[i]], up, local_min[max_seg[i+1]], down]) return borders