def acreate_user(self, uid, params={}):
    """Asynchronously create a user.

    :param uid: user id. type str.
    :param params: optional attributes. type dictionary.
        For example,
        { 'custom': 'value', 'pio_inactive' : True,
        'pio_latlng': [4.5,67.8] }

      AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this
      AsyncRequest object as argument to get the final result or status
      of this asynchronous request.


    if "pio_latlng" in params:
      params["pio_latlng"] = ",".join(map(str, params["pio_latlng"]))
    if "pio_inactive" in params:
      params["pio_inactive"] = str(params["pio_inactive"]).lower()

    path = "%s/users.json" % self.apiversion
    request = AsyncRequest(
      "POST", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey, pio_uid=uid, **params)

    return request
  def _aget_itemsim_topn(self, engine, iid, n, params={}):
    """Private function to asynchronously get top n similar items of the

    :param engine: name of the prediction engine. type str.
    :param iid: item id. type str.
    :param n: number of similar items. type int.
    :param params: optional parameters. type dictionary
        For example, { 'pio_itypes' : ("t1","t2") }
      AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this
      AsyncRequest object as argument to get the final result or status
      of this asynchronous request.
    if "pio_itypes" in params:
      params["pio_itypes"] = ",".join(params["pio_itypes"])
    if "pio_latlng" in params:
      params["pio_latlng"] = ",".join(map(str, params["pio_latlng"]))
    if "pio_attributes" in params:
      params["pio_attributes"] = ",".join(params["pio_attributes"])

    path = "%s/engines/itemsim/%s/topn.json" % (self.apiversion, engine)
    request = AsyncRequest("GET", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey,
                 pio_iid=iid, pio_n=n, **params)
    return request
  def _auser_action_on_item(self, action, uid, iid, params):
    """Private function to asynchronously create an user action on an item

    :param action: action type. type str. ("like", "dislike", "conversion",
                         "rate", "view")
    :param uid: user id. type str or int.
    :param iid: item id. type str or int.
    :param params: optional attributes. type dictionary.
        For example, { 'pio_rate' : 4, 'pio_latlng' : [1.23,4.56] }
        NOTE: For "rate" action, pio_rate attribute is required.
            integer value of 1-5 (1 is least preferred and 5 is most

      AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this
      AsyncRequest object as argument to get the final result or status
      of this asynchronous request.
    if "pio_latlng" in params:
      params["pio_latlng"] = ",".join(map(str, params["pio_latlng"]))

    path = "%s/actions/u2i.json" % (self.apiversion)
    request = AsyncRequest("POST", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey,
                 pio_action=action, pio_uid=uid, pio_iid=iid,
    return request
  def _aget_user_itemrank_ranked(self, engine, uid, iids, params={}):
    """Private function to asynchronously get ranked item for user

    :param engine: name of the prediction engine. type str.
    :param uid: user id. type str.
    :param iids: items to be ranked. type list of item ids.
      For example, ["i0", "i1", "i2"]
    :param params: optional parameters. type dictionary
      For example. { 'pio_attributes' : "name" }
      AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this
      AsyncRequest object as argument to get the final result or status
      of this asynchronous request.
    if "pio_attributes" in params:
      params["pio_attributes"] = ",".join(params["pio_attributes"])

    pio_iids = ",".join(iids)

    path = "%s/engines/itemrank/%s/ranked.json" % \
      (self.apiversion, engine)
    request = AsyncRequest("GET", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey,
                           pio_uid=uid, pio_iids=pio_iids, **params)
    return request
Exemple #5
    def acreate_item(self, iid, itypes, params={}):
        """Asynchronously create item.

        :param iid: item id. type str.
        :param itypes: item types. Tuple of Str.
                For example, if this item belongs to item types "t1", "t2",
                "t3", "t4",then itypes=("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4").
                NOTE: if this item belongs to only one itype, use tuple of one
                element, eg. itypes=("t1",)
        :param params: optional attributes. type dictionary.
                For example, 
                { 'custom': 'value', 'pio_inactive' : True, 
                'pio_latlng': [4.5,67.8] }
            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this
            AsyncRequest object as argument to get the final result or status
            of this asynchronous request.
        itypes_str = ",".join(itypes)  # join items with ","

        if "pio_latlng" in params:
            params["pio_latlng"] = ",".join(map(str, params["pio_latlng"]))
        if "pio_inactive" in params:
            params["pio_inactive"] = str(params["pio_inactive"]).lower()

        path = "%s/items.json" % self.apiversion
        request = AsyncRequest("POST",
        return request
Exemple #6
    def acreate_user(self, uid, params={}):
        """Asynchronously create a user.

        :param uid: user id. type str.
        :param params: optional attributes. type dictionary.
                For example, 
                { 'custom': 'value', 'pio_inactive' : True,
                'pio_latlng': [4.5,67.8] }

            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this
            AsyncRequest object as argument to get the final result or status
            of this asynchronous request.


        if "pio_latlng" in params:
            params["pio_latlng"] = ",".join(map(str, params["pio_latlng"]))
        if "pio_inactive" in params:
            params["pio_inactive"] = str(params["pio_inactive"]).lower()

        path = "%s/users.json" % self.apiversion
        request = AsyncRequest("POST",

        return request
Exemple #7
    def _aget_itemsim_topn(self, engine, iid, n, params={}):
        """Private function to asynchronously get top n similar items of the

        :param engine: name of the prediction engine. type str.
        :param iid: item id. type str.
        :param n: number of similar items. type int.
        :param params: optional parameters. type dictionary
                For example, { 'pio_itypes' : ("t1","t2") }
            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this
            AsyncRequest object as argument to get the final result or status
            of this asynchronous request.
        if "pio_itypes" in params:
            params["pio_itypes"] = ",".join(params["pio_itypes"])
        if "pio_latlng" in params:
            params["pio_latlng"] = ",".join(map(str, params["pio_latlng"]))
        if "pio_attributes" in params:
            params["pio_attributes"] = ",".join(params["pio_attributes"])

        path = "%s/engines/itemsim/%s/topn.json" % (self.apiversion, engine)
        request = AsyncRequest("GET",
        return request
Exemple #8
    def _auser_action_on_item(self, action, uid, iid, params):
        """Private function to asynchronously create an user action on an item

        :param action: action type. type str. ("like", "dislike", "conversion",
                                               "rate", "view")
        :param uid: user id. type str or int.
        :param iid: item id. type str or int.
        :param params: optional attributes. type dictionary.
                For example, { 'pio_rate' : 4, 'pio_latlng' : [1.23,4.56] }
                NOTE: For "rate" action, pio_rate attribute is required.
                      integer value of 1-5 (1 is least preferred and 5 is most

            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this
            AsyncRequest object as argument to get the final result or status
            of this asynchronous request.
        if "pio_latlng" in params:
            params["pio_latlng"] = ",".join(map(str, params["pio_latlng"]))

        path = "%s/actions/u2i.json" % (self.apiversion)
        request = AsyncRequest("POST",
        return request
    def acreate_item(self, iid, itypes, params={}):
        """Asynchronously create item.

        :param iid: item id. type str.
        :param itypes: item types. Tuple of Str.
                For example, if this item belongs to item types "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4",
                then itypes=("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4").
                NOTE: if this item belongs to only one itype, use tuple of one element, eg. itypes=("t1",)
        :param params: optional attributes. type dictionary.
                For example, { 'custom': 'value', 'pio_inactive' : True, 'pio_latlng': [4.5,67.8] }
            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
            object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
        itypes_str = ",".join(itypes) # join items with ","

        if "pio_latlng" in params:
            params["pio_latlng"] = ",".join(map(str, params["pio_latlng"]))
        if "pio_inactive" in params:
            params["pio_inactive"] = str(params["pio_inactive"]).lower()

        path = "%s/items.json" % self.apiversion
        request = AsyncRequest("POST", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey, pio_iid=iid, pio_itypes=itypes_str, **params)
        return request
    def _aget_user_itemrec_topn(self, uid, n, engine, params={}):
        """Private function to asynchronously get recommendations for user

        :param uid: user id. type str.
        :param n: number of recommendation. type int.
        :param engine: name of the prediction engine. type str.
        :param params: optional parameters. type dictionary
                For example, { 'pio_itypes' : ("t1","t2") }
            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
            object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
        if "pio_itypes" in params:
            params["pio_itypes"] = ",".join(params["pio_itypes"])
        if "pio_latlng" in params:
            params["pio_latlng"] = ",".join(map(str, params["pio_latlng"]))
        if "pio_attributes" in params:
            params["pio_attributes"] = ",".join(params["pio_attributes"])

        enc_uid = urllib.quote(uid,"") # replace special char with %xx
        path = "%s/engines/itemrec/%s/topn.json" % (self.apiversion, engine)
        request = AsyncRequest("GET", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey, pio_uid=enc_uid, pio_n=n, **params)
        return request
Exemple #11
    def acreate_event(self,
        """Asynchronously create an event.
    :param event: event name. type str.
    :param entity_type: entity type. It is the namespace of the entityId and
      analogous to the table name of a relational database. The entityId must be
      unique within same entityType. type str.
    :param entity_id: entity id. *entity_type-entity_id* becomes the unique
      identifier of the entity. For example, you may have entityType named user,
      and different entity IDs, say 1 and 2. In this case, user-1 and user-2
      uniquely identifies entities. type str
    :param target_entity_type: target entity type. type str.
    :param target_entity_id: target entity id. type str.
    :param properties: a custom dict associated with an event. type dict.
    :param event_time: the time of the event. type datetime, must contain
      timezone info.
      AsyncRequest object. You can call the get_response() method using this
      object to get the final resuls or status of this asynchronous request.
        data = {
            "event": event,
            "entityType": entity_type,
            "entityId": entity_id,

        if target_entity_type is not None:
            data["targetEntityType"] = target_entity_type

        if target_entity_id is not None:
            data["targetEntityId"] = target_entity_id

        if properties is not None:
            data["properties"] = properties

        et = event_time_validation(event_time)
        # EventServer uses milliseconds, but python datetime class uses micro. Hence
        # need to skip the last three digits.
        et_str = et.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] + et.strftime("%z")
        data["eventTime"] = et_str

        qparam = {"accessKey": self.access_key}

        if is not None:
            qparam["channel"] =

        path = "/events.json?%s" % (urlencode(qparam), )

        request = AsyncRequest("POST", path, **data)
        return request
  def acreate_event(self, event, entity_type, entity_id,
      target_entity_type=None, target_entity_id=None, properties=None,
    """Asynchronously create an event.

    :param event: event name. type str.
    :param entity_type: entity type. It is the namespace of the entityId and
      analogous to the table name of a relational database. The entityId must be
      unique within same entityType. type str.
    :param entity_id: entity id. *entity_type-entity_id* becomes the unique
      identifier of the entity. For example, you may have entityType named user,
      and different entity IDs, say 1 and 2. In this case, user-1 and user-2
      uniquely identifies entities. type str
    :param target_entity_type: target entity type. type str.
    :param target_entity_id: target entity id. type str.
    :param properties: a custom dict associated with an event. type dict.
    :param event_time: the time of the event. type datetime, must contain
      timezone info.

      AsyncRequest object. You can call the get_response() method using this
      object to get the final resuls or status of this asynchronous request.
    data = {
        "event": event,
        "entityType": entity_type,
        "entityId": entity_id,

    if target_entity_type is not None:
      data["targetEntityType"] = target_entity_type

    if target_entity_id is not None:
      data["targetEntityId"] = target_entity_id

    if properties is not None:
      data["properties"] = properties

    et = event_time_validation(event_time)
    # EventServer uses milliseconds, but python datetime class uses micro. Hence
    # need to skip the last three digits.
    et_str = et.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] + et.strftime("%z")
    data["eventTime"] = et_str

    qparam = {
        "accessKey" : self.access_key

    if is not None:
      qparam["channel"] =

    path = "/events.json?%s" % (urlencode(qparam), )

    request = AsyncRequest("POST", path, **data)
    return request
Exemple #13
 def get_status(self):
   """Get the status of the PredictionIO API Server
     status message.
   path = "/"
   request = AsyncRequest("GET", path)
   result = request.get_response()
   return result
 def get_status(self):
   """Get the status of the PredictionIO API Server
     status message.
   path = "/"
   request = AsyncRequest("GET", path)
   result = request.get_response()
   return result
 def asend_query(self, data):
   """Asynchronously send a request to the engine instance with data as the
   :param data: the query: It is coverted to an json object using json.dumps
     method. type dict.
     AsyncRequest object. You can call the get_response() method using this
     object to get the final resuls or status of this asynchronous request.
   path = "/queries.json"
   request = AsyncRequest("POST", path, **data)
   return request
Exemple #16
 def asend_query(self, data):
   """Asynchronously send a request to the engine instance with data as the
   :param data: the query: It is coverted to an json object using json.dumps
     method. type dict.
     AsyncRequest object. You can call the get_response() method using this
     object to get the final resuls or status of this asynchronous request.
   path = "/queries.json"
   request = AsyncRequest("POST", path, **data)
   return request
Exemple #17
  def adelete_event(self, event_id):
    """Asynchronouly delete an event from Event Server.

    :param event_id: event id returned by the EventServer when creating the

      AsyncRequest object. 
    enc_event_id = urllib.quote(event_id, "") # replace special char with %xx
    path = "/events/%s.json" % enc_event_id
    request = AsyncRequest("DELETE", path)
    return request
    def aget_item(self, iid):
        """Asynchronously get item

        :param iid: item id. type str.

            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
            object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
        enc_iid = urllib.quote(iid, "")
        path = "%s/items/%s.json" % (self.apiversion, enc_iid)
        request = AsyncRequest("GET", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey)
        return request
    def aget_item(self, iid):
        """Asynchronously get item

        :param iid: item id. type str.

            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
            object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
        enc_iid = urllib.quote(iid, "")
        path = "%s/items/%s.json" % (self.apiversion, enc_iid)
        request = AsyncRequest("GET", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey)
        return request
  def adelete_event(self, event_id):
    """Asynchronouly delete an event from Event Server.

    :param event_id: event id returned by the EventServer when creating the

      AsyncRequest object. 
    enc_event_id = urllib.quote(event_id, "") # replace special char with %xx
    path = "/events/%s.json" % enc_event_id
    request = AsyncRequest("DELETE", path)
    return request
    def adelete_user(self, uid):
        """Asynchronously delete user.

        :param uid: user id. type str.

            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
            object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
        enc_uid = urllib.quote(uid,"") # replace special char with %xx
        path = "%s/users/%s.json" % (self.apiversion, enc_uid)
        request = AsyncRequest("DELETE", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey)

        return request
    def adelete_user(self, uid):
        """Asynchronously delete user.

        :param uid: user id. type str.

            AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
            object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
        enc_uid = urllib.quote(uid,"") # replace special char with %xx
        path = "%s/users/%s.json" % (self.apiversion, enc_uid)
        request = AsyncRequest("DELETE", path, pio_appkey=self.appkey)

        return request
Exemple #23
    def adelete_event(self, event_id):
        """Asynchronouly delete an event from Event Server.
    :param event_id: event id returned by the EventServer when creating the
      AsyncRequest object.
        qparam = {"accessKey": self.access_key}

        if is not None:
            qparam["channel"] =

        enc_event_id = quote(event_id, "")  # replace special char with %xx
        path = "/events/%s.json" % (enc_event_id, )
        request = AsyncRequest("DELETE", path, **qparam)
        return request
 def acreate_user(self, uid, **params):
     """Asynchronously create a user.
     :param uid: user id. type str or int.
     :param params: keyword arguments for optional attributes.
             For example, bday="1985-01-23", inactive="true".
         AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
         object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
     path = "%s/users.json" % self.apiversion
     request = AsyncRequest("POST", path, appkey=self.appkey, uid=uid, **params)
     return request
 def _auser_action_item(self, action, uid, iid, **params):
     """Asynchronously create an user action on an item
     :param action: action type. type str. ("like", "dislike", "conversion", "rate", "view")
     :param uid: user id. type str or int.
     :param iid: item id. type str or int.
     :param params: keyword arguments for optional attributes.
             For example, latlng="123.4, 56.7" 
             For "rate" action, rate param is required. integer value of 1-5 (1 is least preferred and 5 is most preferred) (eg. rate=4)
         AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
         object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
     path = "%s/actions/u2i/%s.json" % (self.apiversion, action)
     request = AsyncRequest("POST", path, appkey=self.appkey, uid=uid, iid=iid, **params)
     return request
 def acreate_item(self, iid, itypes, **params):
     """Asynchronously create item.
     :param iid: item id. type str or int.
     :param itypes: item types. Tuple of Str.
             For example, if this item belongs to item types "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4",
             then itypes=("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4").
             NOTE: if this item belongs to only one itype, use tuple of one element, eg. itypes=("t1",)
     :param params: keyword arguments for optional attributes.
             For example, latlng="123.4, 56.7". 
         AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
         object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
     itypes_str = ",".join(map(str, itypes)) # convert to string and join items with ","
     path = "%s/items.json" % self.apiversion
     request = AsyncRequest("POST", path, appkey=self.appkey, iid=iid, itypes=itypes_str, **params)
     return request
  def adelete_event(self, event_id):
    """Asynchronouly delete an event from Event Server.
    :param event_id: event id returned by the EventServer when creating the
      AsyncRequest object.
    qparam = {
        "accessKey" : self.access_key

    if is not None:
      qparam["channel"] =

    enc_event_id = quote(event_id, "") # replace special char with %xx
    path = "/events/%s.json" % (enc_event_id, )
    request = AsyncRequest("DELETE", path, **qparam)
    return request
Exemple #28
    def aget_events(self,
        """Asynchronouly get events from Event Server. (Getting events through the Event Server API is used for debugging and not recommended for production)
    :param startTime: time in ISO8601 format. Return events with eventTime >= startTime.
    :param untilTime: time in ISO8601 format. Return events with eventTime < untilTime.
    :param entityId: String. The entityId. Return events for this entityId only.
    :param limit: Integer. The number of record events returned. Default is 20. -1 to get all.
    :param reversed: Boolean. Must be used with both entityType and entityId specified,
      returns events in reversed chronological order. Default is false.
      AsyncRequest object.
        qparam = {"accessKey": self.access_key, "reversed": reversed}

        if startTime is not None:
            qparam["startTime"] = startTime

        if untilTime is not None:
            qparam["untilTime"] = untilTime

        if entityType is not None:
            qparam["entityType"] = entityType

        if entityId is not None:
            qparam["entityId"] = entityId

        if limit is not None:
            qparam["limit"] = limit

        if is not None:
            qparam["channel"] =
        path = "/events.json"
        request = AsyncRequest("GET", path, **qparam)
        return request
 def aget_itemrec(self, uid, n, engine, **params):
     """Asynchronously get recommendations
     :param uid: user id. type str or int.
     :param n: number of recommendation. type int.
     :param engine: name of the prediction engine. type str.
     :param params: keyword arguments for optional attributes.
             For example, latlng="123.4, 56.7" 
         AsyncRequest object. You should call the aresp() method using this AsyncRequest
         object as argument to get the final result or status of this asynchronous request.
     if type(uid) is int:
         enc_uid = uid
         enc_uid = urllib.quote(uid,"") # replace special char with %xx
     path = "%s/engines/itemrec/%s/topn.json" % (self.apiversion, engine)
     request = AsyncRequest("GET", path, appkey=self.appkey, uid=enc_uid, n=n, **params)
     return request
  def aget_events(self, startTime=None, untilTime=None, entityType=None, entityId=None, limit=None, reversed=False):
    """Asynchronouly get events from Event Server. (Getting events through the Event Server API is used for debugging and not recommended for production)
    :param startTime: time in ISO8601 format. Return events with eventTime >= startTime.
    :param untilTime: time in ISO8601 format. Return events with eventTime < untilTime.
    :param entityId: String. The entityId. Return events for this entityId only.
    :param limit: Integer. The number of record events returned. Default is 20. -1 to get all.
    :param reversed: Boolean. Must be used with both entityType and entityId specified,
      returns events in reversed chronological order. Default is false.
      AsyncRequest object.
    qparam = {
        "accessKey" : self.access_key,
        "reversed": reversed

    if startTime is not None:
      qparam["startTime"] = startTime

    if untilTime is not None:
      qparam["untilTime"] = untilTime

    if entityType is not None:
      qparam["entityType"] = entityType

    if entityId is not None:
      qparam["entityId"] = entityId

    if limit is not None:
      qparam["limit"] = limit

    if is not None:
      qparam["channel"] =
    path = "/events.json"
    request = AsyncRequest("GET", path, **qparam)
    return request