Exemple #1
def test_environment_schema_with_docker_environment():
    env = environments.DockerEnvironment(
        base_image="a", python_dependencies=["b", "c"], registry_url="f"
    serialized = EnvironmentSchema().dump(env)
    deserialized = EnvironmentSchema().load(serialized)
    assert isinstance(deserialized, environments.DockerEnvironment)
    assert deserialized.registry_url == env.registry_url
    assert deserialized.base_image == env.base_image
Exemple #2
def test_deserialize_old_env_payload():
    old = {
        "executor": "prefect.engine.executors.LocalExecutor",
        "executor_kwargs": {},
        "__version__": "0.6.3",
        "type": "RemoteEnvironment",

    schema = EnvironmentSchema()
    obj = schema.load(old)
    assert isinstance(obj, environments.RemoteEnvironment)
    assert obj.labels == set()
Exemple #3
def test_deserialize_old_environments_still_work(cls_name):
    """Check that old removed environments can still be deserialzed in the agent"""
    env = {
        "type": cls_name,
        "labels": ["prod"],
        "executor": "prefect.engine.executors.LocalExecutor",
        "__version__": "0.9.0",
        "executor_kwargs": {},
    schema = EnvironmentSchema()
    obj = schema.load(env)

    assert isinstance(obj, environments.Environment)
    assert obj.labels == {"prod"}
    assert obj.metadata == {}
Exemple #4
def test_serialize_custom_environment():
    class MyEnv(environments.Environment):
        def __init__(self, x=5):
            self.x = 5
            super().__init__(labels=["foo", "bar"])

        def custom_method(self):

    env = MyEnv()
    schema = EnvironmentSchema()
    serialized = schema.dump(env)
    assert serialized["type"] == "CustomEnvironment"
    assert set(serialized["labels"]) == set(["foo", "bar"])

    obj = schema.load(serialized)
    assert isinstance(obj, environments.Environment)
    assert obj.labels == set(["foo", "bar"])
Exemple #5
def get_flow_image(flow_run: GraphQLResult, default: str = None) -> str:
    Retrieve the image to use for this flow run deployment.

        - flow_run (GraphQLResult): A GraphQLResult flow run object
        - default (str, optional): A default image to use. If not specified,
            The `prefecthq/prefect` image corresponding with the flow's prefect
            version will be used.

        - str: a full image name to use for this flow run

        - ValueError: if deployment attempted on unsupported Storage type and `image` not
            present in environment metadata
    from prefect.storage import Docker
    from prefect.serialization.storage import StorageSchema
    from prefect.serialization.run_config import RunConfigSchema
    from prefect.serialization.environment import EnvironmentSchema

    has_run_config = getattr(flow_run, "run_config", None) is not None
    has_environment = getattr(flow_run.flow, "environment", None) is not None

    storage = StorageSchema().load(flow_run.flow.storage)
    # Not having an environment implies run-config based flow, even if
    # run_config is None.
    if has_run_config or not has_environment:
        # Precedence:
        # - Image on docker storage
        # - Image on run_config
        # - Provided default
        # - `prefecthq/prefect` for flow's core version
        if isinstance(storage, Docker):
            return storage.name
        if has_run_config:
            run_config = RunConfigSchema().load(flow_run.run_config)
            if getattr(run_config, "image", None) is not None:
                return run_config.image
        if default is not None:
            return default
        # core_version should always be present, but just in case
        version = flow_run.flow.get("core_version") or "latest"
        cleaned_version = version.split("+")[0]
        return f"prefecthq/prefect:{cleaned_version}"
        environment = EnvironmentSchema().load(flow_run.flow.environment)
        if hasattr(environment, "metadata") and hasattr(
                environment.metadata, "image"):
            return environment.metadata.get("image")
        elif isinstance(storage, Docker):
            return storage.name
        raise ValueError(
            f"Storage for flow run {flow_run.id} is not of type Docker and "
            f"environment has no `image` attribute in the metadata field.")
def test_serialize_custom_environment():
    class MyEnv(environments.Environment):
        def __init__(self, x=5):
            self.x = 5
            super().__init__(labels=["b", "c", "a"], metadata={"test": "here"})

        def custom_method(self):

    env = MyEnv()
    schema = EnvironmentSchema()
    serialized = schema.dump(env)
    assert serialized["type"] == "CustomEnvironment"
    assert serialized["labels"] == ["a", "b", "c"]
    assert serialized["metadata"] == {"test": "here"}

    obj = schema.load(serialized)
    assert isinstance(obj, environments.Environment)
    assert obj.labels == {"a", "b", "c"}
    assert obj.metadata == {"test": "here"}
Exemple #7
def get_flow_image(flow_run: GraphQLResult) -> str:
    Retrieve the image to use for this flow run deployment.

        - flow_run (GraphQLResult): A GraphQLResult flow run object

        - str: a full image name to use for this flow run

        - ValueError: if deployment attempted on unsupported Storage type and `image` not
            present in environment metadata
    from prefect.environments.storage import Docker
    from prefect.serialization.storage import StorageSchema
    from prefect.serialization.run_config import RunConfigSchema
    from prefect.serialization.environment import EnvironmentSchema

    has_run_config = getattr(flow_run.flow, "run_config", None) is not None
    has_environment = getattr(flow_run.flow, "environment", None) is not None

    storage = StorageSchema().load(flow_run.flow.storage)
    # Not having an environment implies run-config based flow, even if
    # run_config is None.
    if has_run_config or not has_environment:
        if isinstance(storage, Docker):
            return storage.name
        elif has_run_config:
            run_config = RunConfigSchema().load(flow_run.flow.run_config)
            if getattr(run_config, "image", None) is not None:
                return run_config.image
        # No image found on run-config, and no environment present. Use default.
        # core_version should always be present, but just in case
        version = flow_run.flow.get("core_version") or "latest"
        cleaned_version = version.split("+")[0]
        return f"prefecthq/prefect:all_extras-{cleaned_version}"
        environment = EnvironmentSchema().load(flow_run.flow.environment)
        if hasattr(environment, "metadata") and hasattr(environment.metadata, "image"):
            return environment.metadata.get("image")
        elif isinstance(storage, Docker):
            return storage.name
        raise ValueError(
            f"Storage for flow run {flow_run.id} is not of type Docker and "
            f"environment has no `image` attribute in the metadata field."
Exemple #8
def test_environment_schema_with_local_environment():
    env = environments.LocalEnvironment(encryption_key=FERNET_KEY)
    serialized = EnvironmentSchema().dump(env)
    deserialized = EnvironmentSchema().load(serialized)
    assert isinstance(deserialized, environments.LocalEnvironment)
    assert deserialized.encryption_key == FERNET_KEY
Exemple #9
def test_serialize_custom_environment():
    class MyEnv(environments.Environment):
        def __init__(self, x=5):
            self.x = 5
<<<<<<< HEAD
            super().__init__(labels=["b", "c", "a"], metadata={"test": "here"})
            super().__init__(labels=["foo", "bar"], metadata={"test": "here"})
>>>>>>> prefect clone

        def custom_method(self):

    env = MyEnv()
    schema = EnvironmentSchema()
    serialized = schema.dump(env)
    assert serialized["type"] == "CustomEnvironment"
<<<<<<< HEAD
    assert serialized["labels"] == ["a", "b", "c"]
    assert set(serialized["labels"]) == set(["foo", "bar"])
>>>>>>> prefect clone
    assert serialized["metadata"] == {"test": "here"}

    obj = schema.load(serialized)
    assert isinstance(obj, environments.Environment)
<<<<<<< HEAD
    assert obj.labels == {"a", "b", "c"}
    assert obj.metadata == {"test": "here"}