def test_delete_from_empty_trie(self):
     If string cannot be found, a ValueError is raised.
     # Make the tree
     tree = PrefixTree()
     # raise Exception
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         tree.delete('CS Rocks!')
 def test_delete_key_shares_prefix_with_other_strings(self):
     A string is deleted from the trie without removing strings that contain
     the same prefix.
     # Make the tree
     input = ['ABC', 'ABD', 'A', 'XYZ', "WAFFLE TIME"]
     tree = PrefixTree(input)
     # Remove a string who shares letters with other strings
     # test the length of trie is adjusted correctly
     assert tree.size == len(input) - 1
     # test all the other strings with common nodes can still be found
     assert tree.contains('ABC') is True
     assert tree.contains('ABD') is True
     # test that the deleted string cannot be found
     assert tree.contains('A') is False