def plot_pokemon(id=random.randint(1, 700)): ''' plots images of a pokemon given id across all generations of games and data available ''' path = "data/main-sprites/" game_folders = sorted( [x for x in os.listdir(path) if not x.startswith('.')]) image = "{n}.png".format(n=id) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4)) # plot pokemon from all folders counter = 1 for folder in game_folders: try: img = mpimg.imread(os.path.join(path, folder, image)) plt.subplot(2, 8, counter) plt.imshow(img) plt.title(str(folder)) counter += 1 except FileNotFoundError: pass # can't forget the icon img = mpimg.imread(os.path.join("data/icons/", image)) plt.subplot(2, 8, counter) plt.imshow(img) plt.title("icon") # we'll tell you the name as well plt.suptitle("Pokemon #" + str(id) + " " + get_pokemon(str(id)).name)
def predict_single(img, classifier, test_set): ''' predicts the type of the pokemon given by "img" ''' test_image = load_image(img) result1 = classifier.predict_classes(test_image) predicted_type = [ type for type, index in test_set.class_indices.items() if index == result1[0] ][0] pokemon = get_pokemon(img) return predicted_type
def run(evaluate=True, predict=True): classifier, classifier2 = load_models() # tests test = 'type1_sorted/test' path = test + '/' + random.choice( [x for x in os.listdir(test) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(test, x))]) imagepath = path + '/' + random.choice(os.listdir(path)) # load test sets test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1. / 255) test_set = test_datagen.flow_from_directory(test, target_size=(32, 32), batch_size=32, class_mode='categorical') test_set2 = test_datagen.flow_from_directory('type2_sorted/test', target_size=(32, 32), batch_size=32, class_mode='categorical') if predict: test_image = load_image(imagepath) result1 = classifier.predict_classes(test_image) result2 = classifier2.predict_classes(test_image) predicted_type = [ type for type, index in test_set.class_indices.items() if index == result1[0] ][0] predicted_type2 = [ type for type, index in test_set2.class_indices.items() if index == result2[0] ][0] pokemon = get_pokemon(imagepath) second = "" if pokemon.type2 == 'None' else " and type " + pokemon.type2 pred_sec = "" if predicted_type2 == 'None' else " and " + predicted_type2 print("The Pokemon " + + " has type " + pokemon.type1 + second) print("The predicted type is " + predicted_type + second) if evaluate: print("Primary Type:") accuracy = classifier.evaluate_generator(test_set) print("Loss: ", accuracy[0]) print("Accuracy: ", accuracy[1]) print("Secondary:") accuracy2 = classifier2.evaluate_generator(test_set2) print("Loss: ", accuracy2[0]) print("Accuracy: ", accuracy2[1])
def labels(window, type_labels, pokemon_id, player_counter, AI_counter, prediction, classifier, test_set, name_txt): typing = types('data/Pokemon-2.csv') path = "data/type_labels/" type = get_pokemon(pokemon_id).type1 AI_answer = (type == prediction) type_labels[0] = (path + type + '.png', True) for i in range(1, 4): name = path + random.choice(os.listdir(path)) temp = [a for b in type_labels for a in b] while str(name).endswith('.DS_Store') or name in temp: name = path + random.choice(os.listdir(path)) type_labels[i] = (name, False) for i in range(4): pilImage =[i][0]) image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pilImage) type_labels[i] = (image, type_labels[i][1]) random.shuffle(type_labels) btn1 = Button(window, image=type_labels[0][0], command=lambda: clicked(window, type_labels, type_labels[0][ 1], player_counter, AI_counter, AI_answer, classifier, test_set, name_txt)) btn2 = Button(window, image=type_labels[1][0], command=lambda: clicked(window, type_labels, type_labels[1][ 1], player_counter, AI_counter, AI_answer, classifier, test_set, name_txt)) btn3 = Button(window, image=type_labels[2][0], command=lambda: clicked(window, type_labels, type_labels[2][ 1], player_counter, AI_counter, AI_answer, classifier, test_set, name_txt)) btn4 = Button(window, image=type_labels[3][0], command=lambda: clicked(window, type_labels, type_labels[3][ 1], player_counter, AI_counter, AI_answer, classifier, test_set, name_txt)), y=200, anchor="center"), y=250, anchor="center"), y=200, anchor="center"), y=250, anchor="center")
def next_pokemon(window, classifier, test_set, name_txt): path = "data/main-sprites/" game_vers = random.choice(os.listdir(path)) while str(game_vers).endswith('.DS_Store'): game_vers = random.choice(os.listdir(path)) img = random.choice(os.listdir(path + game_vers)) while not str(img).endswith('png'): img = random.choice(os.listdir(path + game_vers)) file_name = path + game_vers + '/' + img pilImage = pilImage = pilImage.resize((100, 100), Image.ANTIALIAS) image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pilImage) p = Label(window, image=image) = image, y=130, anchor="center") name_txt.set(get_pokemon(img).name) prediction = predict_single(file_name, classifier, test_set) return img, prediction
def plot_game(game, pokemons = random.sample(range(1, 152), 10)): ''' plots list of pokemons in a given game or the icons folder ''' path = "data/main-sprites/" full_path = os.path.join(path, game) if game is not "icons" else "data/icons" batch = len(pokemons) plt.figure(figsize = (20, 4)) # plot the pokemon from pokemons counter = 1 for id in pokemons: try: image = "{n}.png".format(n = id) img = mpimg.imread(os.path.join(full_path, image)) plt.subplot(1, batch, counter) plt.imshow(img) plt.title(get_pokemon(str(id)).name) counter += 1 except FileNotFoundError: pass plt.suptitle("Pokemons from " + str(game))
def run(evaluate=True, predict=True): ''' function to perform prediction using models evaluate determines whether to evaluate model through the Keras evaluation function, computing precision/recall statistics predict will sample a random pokemon image to predict ''' classifier, classifier2 = load_models() # tests test = 'type1_sorted/test' path = test + '/' + random.choice( [x for x in os.listdir(test) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(test, x))]) imagepath = path + '/' + random.choice(os.listdir(path)) # load test sets test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1. / 255) test_set = test_datagen.flow_from_directory(test, target_size=(32, 32), class_mode='categorical') test_set2 = test_datagen.flow_from_directory('type2_sorted/test', target_size=(32, 32), batch_size=32, class_mode='categorical') if predict: # predict random pokemon test_image = load_image(imagepath) result1 = classifier.predict_classes(test_image) result2 = classifier2.predict_classes(test_image) predicted_type = [ type for type, index in test_set.class_indices.items() if index == result1[0] ][0] predicted_type2 = [ type for type, index in test_set2.class_indices.items() if index == result2[0] ][0] pokemon = get_pokemon(imagepath) second = "" if pokemon.type2 == 'None' else " and type " + pokemon.type2 pred_sec = "" if predicted_type2 == 'None' else " and " + predicted_type2 print("The Pokemon " + + " has type " + pokemon.type1 + second) print("The predicted type is " + predicted_type + pred_sec) plot_type(imagepath, predicted=True, pred_types=[predicted_type, predicted_type2]) if evaluate: # evaluates models print("Primary Type:") accuracy = classifier.evaluate_generator(test_set) v_t, v_p = stats(test_set.class_indices, classifier) report = classification_report(v_t, v_p, target_names=list( test_set.class_indices.keys())) print(report) print("Accuracy: ", accuracy_score(v_t, v_p)) print("\n ------------------------------- \n") print("Evaluation Statistics") print("Loss: ", accuracy[0]) print("Accuracy: ", accuracy[1]) print("\n ------------------------------- \n") print("Secondary Type:") accuracy2 = classifier2.evaluate_generator(test_set2) v_t, v_p = stats(test_set2.class_indices, classifier2, primary=False) report = classification_report(v_t, v_p, target_names=list( test_set2.class_indices.keys())) print(report) print("Accuracy: ", accuracy_score(v_t, v_p)) print("\n ------------------------------- \n") print("Evaluation Statistics") print("Loss: ", accuracy2[0]) print("Accuracy: ", accuracy2[1]) return classifier, test_set
def plot_type(imgpath = "", predicted = False, pred_types = []): ''' plots the true type of the pokemon with its image if predicted, then will plot the predicted types as well ''' pkmn = get_pokemon(imgpath) dual_type = False if pkmn.type2 is "None" else True grid_rows = 3 if predicted else 2 grid_cols = 2 if dual_type else 1 figsize = (4, 4) width_ratio = (1, 1) if dual_type else (1, ) height_ratio = (12, 1, 1) if predicted else (12, 1) if dual_type: plt.figure(figsize = figsize) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(grid_rows, grid_cols, height_ratios = height_ratio, width_ratios = width_ratio) gs.update(wspace= 0.1, hspace= 0.5) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0, :]) image = mpimg.imread(imgpath) img = ax0.imshow(image) plt.axis('off') ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) typepath = "data/type_labels/{n}.png".format(n = pkmn.type1) typeicon = mpimg.imread(typepath) ax1.imshow(typeicon) plt.axis('off') ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1]) type2path = "data/type_labels/{n}.png".format(n = pkmn.type2) type2icon = mpimg.imread(type2path) ax1.imshow(type2icon) plt.axis('off') else: plt.figure(figsize = figsize) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(grid_rows, grid_cols, height_ratios = height_ratio, width_ratios = width_ratio) gs.update(wspace= 0.25, hspace= 0.5) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) image = mpimg.imread(imgpath) img = ax0.imshow(image) plt.axis('off') ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) typepath = "data/type_labels/{n}.png".format(n = pkmn.type1) typeicon = mpimg.imread(typepath) ax1.imshow(typeicon) plt.axis('off') if predicted: if dual_type: ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2, 0]) plt.text(-80, 12, "Predicted:") typepath = "data/type_labels/{n}.png".format(n = pred_types[0]) typeicon = mpimg.imread(typepath) ax3.imshow(typeicon) plt.axis('off') ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[2, 1]) try: typepath = "data/type_labels/{n}.png".format(n = pred_types[1]) typeicon = mpimg.imread(typepath) ax4.imshow(typeicon) except FileNotFoundError: pass plt.axis('off') else: ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2, :]) plt.text(-80, 12, "Predicted:") typepath = "data/type_labels/{n}.png".format(n = pred_types[0]) typeicon = mpimg.imread(typepath) ax3.imshow(typeicon) plt.axis('off') plt.suptitle(