Exemple #1
def resetdefaults():
        Reset global plotting variables to default values.
    global ppgplot_font_, ppgplot_linestyle_, ppgplot_linewidth_, \
           ppgplot_color_, ppgplot_font_size_
Exemple #2
def dm_time_plot(dms, times, sigmas, dm_arr, sigma_arr, time_arr,
                 Total_observed_time, xwin):
    Plot DM vs Time subplot for the spd plots.
        dms: list of dms of single pulse events to be plotted.
        times: list of times of single pulse events to be plotted.
        sigmas: list of sigmas of single pulse events to be plotted.
        dm_arr: array of dms of the main single pulse group (plotted in black).
        sigma_arr: array of sigmas of the main single pulse group (plotted in black).
        time_arr: array of times of single pulse group (plotted in black).
        Total_observed_time: float : Total observation time 
        xwin: True or False. Use xwin or vcps window.
    min_dm = Num.min(dms)
    max_dm = Num.max(dms)
    ppgplot.pgswin(0, Total_observed_time, min_dm, max_dm)
    ppgplot.pgbox("BCNST", 0, 0, "BCNST", 0, 0)
    ppgplot.pgmtxt('B', 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, "Time (s)")
    ppgplot.pgmtxt('L', 1.8, 0.5, 0.5, "DM (pc cm\\u-3\\d)")
    snr_range = 12.0
    cand_symbols = []
    cand_symbols_group = []
    for i in range(len(sigmas)):
        if sigmas[i] > 20.00:
            sigmas[i] = 20.0
        cand_symbol = int((sigmas[i] - 5.0) / snr_range * 6.0 + 20.5)
        cand_symbols.append(min(cand_symbol, 26))
    cand_symbols = Num.array(cand_symbols)
    for i in range(len(dm_arr)):
        cand_symbol = int((sigma_arr[i] - 5.0) / snr_range * 6.0 + 20.5)
        cand_symbols_group.append(min(cand_symbol, 26))
    cand_symbols_group = Num.array(cand_symbols_group)
    dms = Num.array(dms)
    times = Num.array(times)
    dm_arr = Num.array(dm_arr)
    time_arr = Num.array(time_arr)
    for ii in [26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20]:
        inds = Num.nonzero(cand_symbols == ii)[0]
        ppgplot.pgshls(1, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0)
        ppgplot.pgpt(times[inds], dms[inds], ii)
    for ii in [26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20]:
        inds_1 = Num.nonzero(cand_symbols_group == ii)[0]
        if xwin:
            ppgplot.pgshls(1, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0)
            ppgplot.pgshls(1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        ppgplot.pgpt(time_arr[inds_1], dm_arr[inds_1], ii)
Exemple #3
def plot2d(z, x=None, y=None, title=None, rangex=None, rangey=None, \
           rangez=None, labx='', laby='', rangex2=None, rangey2=None, \
           labx2='', laby2='', image=ppgplot_palette_, contours=None, \
           logx=0, logy=0, logx2=0, logy2=0, \
           line=ppgplot_linestyle_, width=ppgplot_linewidth_, \
           color=ppgplot_color_, labels=ppgplot_labels_, \
           labelint=ppgplot_labelint_, labelmin=ppgplot_labelmin_, \
           font=ppgplot_font_, id=0, noscale=0, aspect=1, \
           fontsize=ppgplot_font_size_, ticks='out', panels=[1,1], \
    plot2d(z, ...)
        An interface to make various 2D plots using PGPLOT.
            'z' is the 2D Numpy array to be plotted.
        The optional entries are:
            x:         x values                    (default = 0, 1, ...) 
            y:         y values                    (default = 0, 1, ...) 
            title:     graph title                 (default = None)      
            rangex:    range for the x-axis        (default = automatic) 
            rangey:    range for the y-axis        (default = automatic) 
            rangez:    range for the z-axis        (default = automatic) 
            labx:      label for the x-axis        (default = None)      
            laby:      label for the y-axis        (default = None)      
            rangex2:   range for 2nd x-axis        (default = None)      
            rangey2:   range for 2nd y-axis        (default = None)      
            labx2:     label for the 2nd x-axis    (default = None)      
            laby2:     label for the 2nd y-axis    (default = None)      
            logx:      make the 1st x-axis log     (default = 0 (no))
            logy:      make the 1st y-axis log     (default = 0 (no))
            logx2:     make the 2nd x-axis log     (default = 0 (no))
            logy2:     make the 2nd y-axis log     (default = 0 (no))
            image:     color palette for image     (default = 'rainbow') 
            contours:  list of contour values      (default = None)      
            line:      contour line style          (default = 1 (solid)) 
            width:     contour line width          (default = 1 (thin))  
            color:     contour line color          (default = 'white')   
            labels:    color of contour labels     (default = None)      
            labelint:  contour label spacing       (default = 20)        
            labelmin:  min contour label spacing   (default = 20)        
            font:      PGPLOT font to use          (default = 1 (normal))
            fontsize:  PGPLOT font size to use     (default = 1.0 (normal))
            id:        show ID line on plot        (default = 0 (no))    
            noscale:   turn off auto scaling       (default = 0 (no))    
            aspect:    Aspect ratio                (default = 1 (square))
            ticks:     Ticks point in or out       (default = 'out')   
            panels:    Number of subpanels [r,c]   (default = [1,1])
            device:    PGPLOT device to use        (default = '/XWIN')   
        Note:  Many default values are defined in global variables
            with names like ppgplot_font_ or ppgplot_device_.
    # Make sure the input data is a 2D array
    z = Num.asarray(z)
    if not len(z.shape) == 2:
        print('Input data array must be 2 dimensional.')
    # Announce the global variables we will be using
    global ppgplot_dev_open_, ppgplot_dev_prep_, pgpalette
    # Define the X and Y axis limits if needed
    if x is None: x = Num.arange(z.shape[1], dtype='f')
    else: x = Num.asarray(x)
    if y is None: y = Num.arange(z.shape[0], dtype='f')
    else: y = Num.asarray(y)
    # Determine the scaling to use for the axes
    if rangex is None:
        dx = x[-1] - x[-2]
        rangex = [x[0], x[-1] + dx]
    if rangey is None:
        dy = y[-1] - y[-2]
        rangey = [y[0], y[-1] + dy]
    if rangez is None:        rangez=[Num.minimum.reduce(Num.ravel(z)), \
    # Prep the plotting device...
    if (not ppgplot_dev_prep_):
        prepplot(rangex, rangey, title, labx, laby, \
                 rangex2, rangey2, labx2, laby2, logx, logy, \
                 logx2, logy2, font, fontsize, id, aspect, \
                 ticks, panels, device=device)
    if image is not None:
        # Set the color indices and the color table
        lo_col_ind, hi_col_ind = ppgplot.pgqcol()
        lo_col_ind = lo_col_ind + 2
        ppgplot.pgscir(lo_col_ind, hi_col_ind)
        ppgplot.pgctab(pgpalette.l, pgpalette.r, pgpalette.g, pgpalette.b)
        # Construct the image
        ppgplot.pgimag_s(z, 0.0, 0.0, rangex[0], rangey[0], \
                         rangex[1], rangey[1])
    if contours is not None:
        contours = Num.asarray(contours)
        # Choose the line style
        # Choose the line width
        # Choose the line color for the contourlines
        if isstr(color):
        # Construct the contours
        ppgplot.pgcont_s(z, len(contours), contours, rangex[0], \
                         rangey[0], rangex[1], rangey[1])
        # Label the contours if requested
        if labels is not None:
            # Choose the line color for the contourlines
            if isstr(labels):
            for i in range(len(contours)):
                ppgplot.pgconl_s(z, contours[i], str(contours[i]), labelint,
Exemple #4
def plotxy(y, x=None, title=None, rangex=None, rangey=None, \
           labx='', laby='', rangex2=None, rangey2=None, \
           labx2='', laby2='', symbol=ppgplot_symbol_, \
           line=ppgplot_linestyle_, width=ppgplot_linewidth_, \
           color=ppgplot_color_, font=ppgplot_font_, logx=0, logy=0, \
           logx2=0, logy2=0, errx=None, erry=None, id=0, noscale=0, \
           aspect=0.7727, fontsize=ppgplot_font_size_, ticks='in', \
           panels=[1,1], device=ppgplot_device_, setup=1):
    plotxy(y, ...)
        An interface to make various XY style plots using PGPLOT.
            'y' is the 1D sequence object to plot.
        The optional entries are:
            x:        x values                  (default = 0, 1, ...)
            title:    graph title               (default = None)   
            rangex:   ranges for the x-axis     (default = automatic)
            rangey:   ranges for the y-axis     (default = automatic)
            labx:     label for the x-axis      (default = None)   
            laby:     label for the y-axis      (default = None)   
            rangex2:  ranges for 2nd x-axis     (default = None)   
            rangey2:  ranges for 2nd y-axis     (default = None)   
            labx2:    label for the 2nd x-axis  (default = None)   
            laby2:    label for the 2nd y-axis  (default = None)   
            logx:     make the 1st x-axis log   (default = 0 (no))
            logy:     make the 1st y-axis log   (default = 0 (no))
            logx2:    make the 2nd x-axis log   (default = 0 (no))
            logy2:    make the 2nd y-axis log   (default = 0 (no))
            errx:     symmetric x errors        (default = None)   
            erry:     symmetric y errors        (default = None)   
            symbol:   symbol for points         (default = None)   
            line:     line style                (default = 1 (solid))
            width:    line width                (default = 1 (thin))
            color:    line and/or symbol color  (default = 'white')
            font:     PGPLOT font to use        (default = 1 (normal))
            fontsize: PGPLOT font size to use   (default = 1.0 (normal))
            id:       show ID line on plot      (default = 0 (no)) 
            noscale:  turn off auto scaling     (default = 0 (no)) 
            aspect:   aspect ratio              (default = 0.7727 (rect))
            ticks:    Ticks point in or out     (default = 'in')   
            panels:   Number of subpanels [r,c] (default = [1,1])
            device:   PGPLOT device to use      (default = '/XWIN')
            setup:    Auto-setup the plot       (default = 1)
        Note:  Many default values are defined in global variables
            with names like ppgplot_font_ or ppgplot_device_.
    # Make sure the input data is an array
    y = Num.asarray(y)
    # Announce the global variables we will be using
    global ppgplot_dev_open_, ppgplot_dev_prep_, ppgplot_colors_
    # Define the X axis limits if needed
    if x is None: x = Num.arange(len(y), dtype='f')
    else: x = Num.asarray(x)
    # Determine the scaling to use for the first axis
    if rangex is None: rangex = [x.min(), x.max()]
    if rangey is None:
        if noscale: rangey = [y.min(), y.max()]
        else: rangey = scalerange(y)
    # Prep the plotting device...
    if (not ppgplot_dev_prep_ and setup):
        prepplot(rangex, rangey, title, labx, laby, \
                 rangex2, rangey2, labx2, laby2, \
                 logx, logy, logx2, logy2, font, fontsize, \
                 id, aspect, ticks, panels, device=device)
    # Choose the line color
    if isstr(color):
    # Plot symbols (and errors) if requested
    if not symbol is None:
        ppgplot.pgpt(x, y, symbol)
    # Error bars
    if errx is not None:
        if not logx:
            errx = Num.asarray(errx)
            ppgplot.pgerrx(x + errx, x - errx, y, 1.0)
            errx = 10.0**Num.asarray(errx)
            ppgplot.pgerrx(Num.log10(10.0**x + errx),
                           Num.log10(10.0**x - errx), y, 1.0)
    if erry is not None:
        if not logy:
            erry = Num.asarray(erry)
            ppgplot.pgerry(x, y + erry, y - erry, 1.0)
            erry = 10.0**Num.asarray(erry)
            ppgplot.pgerry(x, Num.log10(10.0**y + erry),
                           Num.log10(10.0**y - erry), 1.0)
    # Plot connecting lines if requested
    if not line is None:
        # Choose the line style
        # Choose the line width
        ppgplot.pgline(x, y)
Exemple #5
def prepplot(rangex, rangey, title=None, labx=None, laby=None, \
             rangex2=None, rangey2=None, labx2=None, laby2=None, \
             logx=0, logy=0, logx2=0, logy2=0, font=ppgplot_font_, \
             fontsize=ppgplot_font_size_, id=0, aspect=1, ticks='in', \
             panels=[1,1], device=ppgplot_device_):
    prepplot(rangex, rangey, ...)
        Open a PGPLOT device for plotting.
            'rangex' and 'rangey' are sequence objects giving min and
                max values for each axis.
        The optional entries are:
            title:    graph title                 (default = None)   
            labx:     label for the x-axis        (default = None)   
            laby:     label for the y-axis        (default = None)   
            rangex2:  ranges for 2nd x-axis       (default = None)   
            rangey2:  ranges for 2nd y-axis       (default = None)   
            labx2:    label for the 2nd x-axis    (default = None)   
            laby2:    label for the 2nd y-axis    (default = None)   
            logx:     make the 1st x-axis log     (default = 0 (no))
            logy:     make the 1st y-axis log     (default = 0 (no))
            logx2:    make the 2nd x-axis log     (default = 0 (no))
            logy2:    make the 2nd y-axis log     (default = 0 (no))
            font:     PGPLOT font to use          (default = 1 (normal))
            fontsize: PGPLOT font size to use     (default = 1.0 (normal))
            id:       Show ID line on plot        (default = 0 (no)) 
            aspect:   Aspect ratio                (default = 1 (square))
            ticks:    Ticks point in or out       (default = 'in')   
            panels:   Number of subpanels [r,c]   (default = [1,1])
            device:   PGPLOT device to use        (default = '/XWIN')
        Note:  Many default values are defined in global variables
            with names like ppgplot_font_ or ppgplot_device_.
    global ppgplot_dev_open_, ppgplot_dev_prep_
    # Check if we will use second X or Y axes
    # Note:  if using a 2nd X axis, the range should correspond
    #   to the minimum and maximum values of the 1st X axis.  If
    #   using a 2nd Y axis, the range should correspond to the
    #   scalerange() values of the 1st Y axis.
    if rangex2 is None:
        rangex2 = rangex
        otherxaxis = 0
        otherxaxis = 1
    if rangey2 is None:
        rangey2 = rangey
        otheryaxis = 0
        otheryaxis = 1
    # Open the plot device
    if (not ppgplot_dev_open_):
        # Let the routines know that we already have a device open
        ppgplot_dev_open_ = 1
        # Set the aspect ratio
        ppgplot.pgpap(0.0, aspect)
        if (panels != [1, 1]):
            # Set the number of panels
            ppgplot.pgsubp(panels[0], panels[1])
    # Choose the font
    # Choose the font size
    # Choose the font size
    # Plot the 2nd axis if needed first
    if otherxaxis or otheryaxis:
        ppgplot.pgswin(rangex2[0], rangex2[1], rangey2[0], rangey2[1])
        # Decide how the axes will be drawn
        if ticks == 'in': env = "CMST"
        else: env = "CMSTI"
        if logx2: lxenv = 'L'
        else: lxenv = ''
        if logy2: lyenv = 'L'
        else: lyenv = ''
        if otherxaxis and otheryaxis:
            ppgplot.pgbox(env + lxenv, 0.0, 0, env + lyenv, 0.0, 0)
        elif otheryaxis:
            ppgplot.pgbox("", 0.0, 0, env + lyenv, 0.0, 0)
            ppgplot.pgbox(env + lxenv, 0.0, 0, "", 0.0, 0)
    # Now setup the primary axis
    ppgplot.pgswin(rangex[0], rangex[1], rangey[0], rangey[1])
    # Decide how the axes will be drawn
    if ticks == 'in': env = "ST"
    else: env = "STI"
    if logx: lxenv = 'L'
    else: lxenv = ''
    if logy: lyenv = 'L'
    else: lyenv = ''
    if otherxaxis and otheryaxis:
        ppgplot.pgbox("BN" + env + lxenv, 0.0, 0, "BN" + env + lyenv, 0.0, 0)
    elif otheryaxis:
        ppgplot.pgbox("BCN" + env + lxenv, 0.0, 0, "BN" + env + lyenv, 0.0, 0)
    elif otherxaxis:
        ppgplot.pgbox("BN" + env + lxenv, 0.0, 0, "BCN" + env + lyenv, 0.0, 0)
        ppgplot.pgbox("BCN" + env + lxenv, 0.0, 0, "BCN" + env + lyenv, 0.0, 0)
    # Add labels
    if not title is None: ppgplot.pgmtxt("T", 3.2, 0.5, 0.5, title)
    ppgplot.pgmtxt("B", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, labx)
    ppgplot.pgmtxt("L", 2.6, 0.5, 0.5, laby)
    if otherxaxis: ppgplot.pgmtxt("T", 2.0, 0.5, 0.5, labx2)
    if otheryaxis: ppgplot.pgmtxt("R", 3.0, 0.5, 0.5, laby2)
    # Add ID line if required
    if (id == 1): ppgplot.pgiden()
    # Let the routines know that we have already prepped the device
    ppgplot_dev_prep_ = 1
Exemple #6
ppgplot.pgswin(-0.1, 1.1, min(zs), max(zs))
ppgplot.pgbox("BCNST", 0.0, 0, "BCST", 0.0, 0)
ppgplot.pgline(fdotcut, zs)
ppgplot.pgmtxt("B", 2.4, 0.5, 0.5, "Relative Power");

# f-fdot image
ppgplot.pgsvp(margin, margin+imfract, margin, margin+imfract)
ppgplot.pgswin(min(rs), max(rs), min(zs), max(zs))
ppgplot.pgmtxt("B", 2.4, 0.5, 0.5, labx);
ppgplot.pgmtxt("L", 2.0, 0.5, 0.5, laby);
lo_col_ind, hi_col_ind = ppgplot.pgqcol()
lo_col_ind = lo_col_ind + 2
ppgplot.pgscir(lo_col_ind, hi_col_ind)
ppgplot.pgctab(pgpalette.l, pgpalette.r, pgpalette.g, pgpalette.b)
ppgplot.pgimag_s(pffdot, 0.0, 0.0, rgx[0], rgy[0], rgx[1], rgy[1])
ppgplot.pgcont_s(pffdot, len(contours), contours, rgx[0], rgy[0], rgx[1], rgy[1])
ppgplot.pgbox("BCST", 0.0, 0, "BCST", 0.0, 0)
ppgplot.pgbox("N", 0.0, 0, "N", 0.0, 0)

# gray axes
ppgplot.pgscr(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
ppgplot.pgline(rgx, num.asarray([0.0, 0.0]))
ppgplot.pgline(num.asarray([0.0, 0.0]), rgy)
