def pkmb_prepdata(optlist, file, filenum): # Runs prepdata and returns a tuple containg number of points # written, time per point, and starting time (MJD) outfile = optlist['o'] + ` filenum ` command = 'prepdata -pkmb -nobary -dm '+optlist['dm']+' -o '+\ outfile+' '+file print "" print command print "" os.system(command) inf = presto.read_inffile(outfile) return (int(inf.N), inf.dt, inf.mjd_i + inf.mjd_f)
def pkmb_prepdata(optlist, file, filenum): # Runs prepdata and returns a tuple containg number of points # written, time per point, and starting time (MJD) outfile = optlist['o']+repr(filenum) command = 'prepdata -pkmb -nobary -dm '+optlist['dm']+' -o '+\ outfile+' '+file print("") print(command) print("") os.system(command) inf = presto.read_inffile(outfile) return (int(inf.N), inf.dt, inf.mjd_i+inf.mjd_f)
def multi_psr_ts_add(psr_list, amp_list, in_fname, out_fname, in_fpath='.',\ out_fpath='.'): """ edit of multi_psr_ts to allow adding to existing datfile... in_fname and out_fname: no extension amp_list: amps as fraction of time series 1-sigma noise level NOTE: Should be edited so that it doesn't read and also write the whole time series in one big chunk, more like how multi_psr_ts now works. """ in_inffile = read_inffile('%s/%s' % (in_fpath, in_fname)) nbins = in_inffile.N tres = in_inffile.dt length = nbins*tres start = MJD(in_inffile.mjd_i, in_inffile.mjd_f) full_ts = load_dat('%s/%s' % (in_fpath, in_fname)) amp_list = np.array(amp_list) noise = np.std(full_ts) amp_list *= noise for ii in range(len(psr_list)): ts = TimeSeries(psr_list[ii], amp_list[ii], start, tres, 0, length) full_ts += ts.ts_pulses print "Writing %s.dat and %s.inf..." % (out_fname, out_fname) write_dat(np.round(full_ts), '%s/%s' % (out_fpath, out_fname)) inf = in_inffile = out_fname = 'Nobody (edited data)' inf.analyzer = 'Nobody (edited data)' inf.notes = 'Edited file %s.dat' % in_fname writeinf(inf) print "Done."
hdr += prep_double("src_raj", inf.ra_h*10000.0 + inf.ra_m*100.0 + inf.ra_s) if inf.dec_d > 0.0: hdr += prep_double("src_dej", inf.dec_d*10000.0 + inf.dec_m*100.0 + inf.dec_s) else: hdr += prep_double("src_dej", inf.dec_d*10000.0 - inf.dec_m*100.0 - inf.dec_s) hdr += prep_int("nbits", 32) hdr += prep_int("nifs", 1) hdr += prep_int("nchans", 1) hdr += prep_double("fch1", inf.freq) hdr += prep_double("foff", 1) hdr += prep_double("tstart", inf.mjd_i + inf.mjd_f) hdr += prep_double("tsamp", inf.dt) hdr += prep_double("refdm", hdr += prep_string("HEADER_END") return hdr if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv)==1: print "\nusage: file.dat\n" sys.exit() if sys.argv[1].endswith(".dat"): basefilenm = sys.argv[1][:sys.argv[1].rfind(".dat")] else: basefilenm = sys.argv[1] inf = presto.read_inffile(basefilenm) outfile = open(basefilenm+".tim", "wb") outfile.write(infodata_to_sigproc_header(inf)) outfile.close() # Do this the simple (but kludgey) way os.system("cat %s >> %s"%(sys.argv[1], basefilenm+".tim"))
print("\n\n**** Joining files...\n\n") outfile = optlist['o']+'0.dat' for filenum in range(1, len(files)): infile = optlist['o']+repr(filenum)+'.dat' command = 'cat '+infile+' >> '+outfile print("") print(command) print("") os.system(command) os.remove(infile) os.remove(optlist['o']+repr(filenum)+'.inf') # Adjust infofile for the pasted data set inf = presto.read_inffile(optlist['o']+'0') inf.N = os.stat(outfile)[6] / 4 presto.writeinf(inf) # Run prepdata on the big file to barycenter it print("\n\n**** Barycentering...\n\n") if (numout): command = ('prepdata -numout '+repr(numout)+' -o '+ optlist['o']+' '+outfile) else: command = ('prepdata -o '+optlist['o']+' '+outfile) print("") print(command) print("")
ncx = np.array(cx, copy=1) presto.fftwcall(cx, -1) presto.fftwcall(cx, 1) assert(np.allclose(cx/N, ncx, atol=1e-6)) print "success" print "Testing tablesixstepfft call...", cx = np.random.standard_normal(N).astype(np.complex64) ncx = np.array(cx, copy=1) presto.tablesixstepfft(cx, -1) presto.tablesixstepfft(cx, 1) assert(np.allclose(cx/N, ncx, atol=1e-6)) print "success" print "Testing reading infiles...", x = presto.read_inffile("1937_DM71.02_zerodm.inf", verbose=False) assert(x.telescope=="GBT") assert(x.mjd_i==55267) assert(x.dt==8.192e-05) assert(x.numonoff==1) assert(x.analyzer=="sransom") print "success" print "Testing writing infiles...", x.analyzer="test""xxx" x.dt=0.125 presto.write_inffile(x, verbose=False) y = presto.read_inffile("xxx", verbose=False) assert(y.analyzer=="test") assert(y.bary==0)
ncx = np.array(cx, copy=1) presto.fftwcall(cx, -1) presto.fftwcall(cx, 1) assert (np.allclose(cx / N, ncx, atol=1e-6)) print "success" print "Testing tablesixstepfft call...", cx = np.random.standard_normal(N).astype(np.complex64) ncx = np.array(cx, copy=1) presto.tablesixstepfft(cx, -1) presto.tablesixstepfft(cx, 1) assert (np.allclose(cx / N, ncx, atol=1e-6)) print "success" print "Testing reading infiles...", x = presto.read_inffile("1937_DM71.02_zerodm.inf", verbose=False) assert (x.telescope == "GBT") assert (x.mjd_i == 55267) assert (x.dt == 8.192e-05) assert (x.numonoff == 1) assert (x.analyzer == "sransom") print "success" print "Testing writing infiles...", x.analyzer = "test" = "xxx" x.dt = 0.125 presto.write_inffile(x, verbose=False) y = presto.read_inffile("xxx", verbose=False) assert (y.analyzer == "test") assert (y.bary == 0)
inf.dec_d * 10000.0 + inf.dec_m * 100.0 + inf.dec_s) else: hdr += prep_double("src_dej", inf.dec_d * 10000.0 - inf.dec_m * 100.0 - inf.dec_s) hdr += prep_int("nbits", 32) hdr += prep_int("nifs", 1) hdr += prep_int("nchans", 1) hdr += prep_double("fch1", inf.freq) hdr += prep_double("foff", 1) hdr += prep_double("tstart", inf.mjd_i + inf.mjd_f) hdr += prep_double("tsamp", inf.dt) hdr += prep_double("refdm", hdr += prep_string("HEADER_END") return hdr if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 1: print "\nusage: file.dat\n" sys.exit() if sys.argv[1].endswith(".dat"): basefilenm = sys.argv[1][:sys.argv[1].rfind(".dat")] else: basefilenm = sys.argv[1] inf = presto.read_inffile(basefilenm) outfile = open(basefilenm + ".tim", "wb") outfile.write(infodata_to_sigproc_header(inf)) outfile.close() # Do this the simple (but kludgey) way os.system("cat %s >> %s" % (sys.argv[1], basefilenm + ".tim"))
def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-n", "--number", type="int", dest="nM", default=40, help="Number of points in each chunk (millions)") parser.add_option("-o", "--outdir", type="string", dest="outdir", default=".", help="Output directory to store results") parser.add_option("-d", "--workdir", type="string", dest="workdir", default=".", help="Working directory for search") parser.add_option("-l", "--flo", type="float", dest="flo", default=10.0, help="Low frequency (Hz) to search") parser.add_option("-f", "--frac", type="float", dest="frac", default=0.5, help="Fraction to overlap") parser.add_option("-x", "--fhi", type="float", dest="fhi", default=10000.0, help="High frequency (Hz) to search") parser.add_option("-z", "--zmax", type="int", dest="zmax", default=160, help="Maximum fourier drift (bins) to search") parser.add_option("-w", "--wmax", type="int", dest="wmax", default=400, help="Maximum fourier drift deriv (bins) to search") parser.add_option("-a", "--numharm", type="int", dest="numharm", default=4, help="Number of harmonics to sum when searching") parser.add_option("-s", "--sigma", type="float", dest="sigma", default=2.0, help="Cutoff sigma to consider a candidate") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (options.outdir[-1] != "/"): options.outdir = options.outdir + "/" if (options.workdir != '.'): chdir(options.workdir) if (options.nM >= 1000000): if (options.nM % 1000000): print "If you specify --num nM to be > 1000000, it must be divisible by 1000000." exit(1) else: options.nM *= 1000000 short_nM = options.nM / 1000000 # The basename of the data files if argv[1].endswith(".dat"): basename = "../" + argv[1][:-4] else: basename = "../" + argv[1] # Get the bird file (the first birdie file in the directory!) birdname = glob("../*.birds") if birdname: birdname = birdname[0] outnamebase = options.outdir + basename[3:] inf = read_inffile(basename) idata = infodata.infodata(basename + ".inf") N = inf.N t0i = inf.mjd_i t0f = inf.mjd_f num = 0 point = 0 T = options.nM * inf.dt / 86400.0 baryv = get_baryv(idata.RA, idata.DEC, idata.epoch, T, obs='GB') print "Baryv = ", baryv inf.N = options.nM inf.numonoff = 0 nM = options.nM / 1000000 while (point + options.nM < N): pM = point / 1000000 outname = basename[3:] + '_%03dM' % nM + '_%02d' % num stdout.write('\n' + outname + '\n\n') = outname tstartf = inf.mjd_f + num * T * options.frac if (tstartf > 1.0): tstartf = tstartf - 1.0 inf.mjd_i = inf.mjd_i + 1 inf.mjd_f = tstartf writeinf(inf) myexecute('dd if=' + basename + '.dat of=' + outname + '.dat bs=4000000 skip=' + ` pM ` + ' count=' + ` nM `) myexecute('realfft ' + outname + '.dat') myexecute('rm -f ' + outname + '.dat') myexecute('cp ' + birdname + ' ' + outname + '.birds') myexecute(' ' + outname + '.birds') myexecute('rm -f ' + outname + '.birds') myexecute('zapbirds -zap -zapfile ' + outname + '.zaplist -baryv %g ' % baryv + outname + '.fft') myexecute('rm -f ' + outname + '.zaplist') myexecute( 'accelsearch -sigma %.2f -zmax %d -wmax %d -numharm %d -flo %f -fhi %f ' % (options.sigma, options.zmax, options.wmax, options.numharm, options.flo, options.fhi) + outname + '.fft') myexecute('rm ' + outname + '.fft ' + outname + '_ACCEL_%d.txtcand' % options.zmax) myexecute('cp ' + outname + '.inf ' + options.outdir) num = num + 1 point = point + int(options.nM * options.frac)
print "\n\n**** Joining files...\n\n" outfile = optlist['o'] + '0.dat' for filenum in xrange(1, len(files)): infile = optlist['o'] + ` filenum ` + '.dat' command = 'cat ' + infile + ' >> ' + outfile print "" print command print "" os.system(command) os.remove(infile) os.remove(optlist['o'] + ` filenum ` + '.inf') # Adjust infofile for the pasted data set inf = presto.read_inffile(optlist['o'] + '0') inf.N = os.stat(outfile)[6] / 4 presto.writeinf(inf) # Run prepdata on the big file to barycenter it print "\n\n**** Barycentering...\n\n" if (numout): command = ('prepdata -numout ' + ` numout ` + ' -o ' + optlist['o'] + ' ' + outfile) else: command = ('prepdata -o ' + optlist['o'] + ' ' + outfile) print "" print command print ""