def main():
    LIMIT = 10**6

    primes = sieve_of_eratosthenes(LIMIT)
    cumulative_sums = [2 for i in primes]

    for i in range(1, len(cumulative_sums)):
        cumulative_sums[i] = primes[i] + cumulative_sums[i-1]

    result = 0
    number_of_primes = 0

    for i in range(0, len(cumulative_sums)):
        for j in range(i - (number_of_primes + 1), -1, -1):
            sum_consecutive_primes = cumulative_sums[i] - cumulative_sums[j]

            # sum_consecutive_primes increases as the inner loop advances. If
            # the difference is already too large, we can break the loop, since
            # it will only grow larger
            if sum_consecutive_primes > LIMIT:

            if is_prime(sum_consecutive_primes):
                number_of_primes = i - j
                result = sum_consecutive_primes

def main():
    result = 0
    for i in sieve_of_eratosthenes(10**6):
        rotations = get_rotations(i)
        if len(list(filter(lambda x : is_prime(x), rotations))) == len(rotations):

def main():
    current_sieve_limit = 100000
    sieve = sieve_of_eratosthenes(current_sieve_limit)

    n = 2*3*4*5 - 1
    while True:
        n += 1

        # Re-compute the sieve
        if n > current_sieve_limit:
            current_sieve_limit *= 2
            sieve = sieve_of_eratosthenes(current_sieve_limit)

        if (len(prime_factors(n, sieve)) == 4
                and len(prime_factors(n+1, sieve)) == 4
                and len(prime_factors(n+2, sieve)) == 4
                and len(prime_factors(n+3, sieve)) == 4):
def main():
    max_run = 0
    product = 0
    b_set = sieve_of_eratosthenes(1000)

    # With b = 2
    for a in range(-998, 998, 2):
        this_run = prime_run(a, 2)
        if this_run > max_run:
            max_run = this_run
            product = a*2

    # With b != 2
    for a in range(-999, 999, 2):
        for b in b_set[1:]:
            this_run = prime_run(a, b)
            if this_run > max_run:
                max_run = this_run
                product = a*b

def main():