Exemple #1
from primutils import Primitive, read_primitives
from pioneer_hallway.srv import *
 used to keep track of current state
 update these when we do forward projection 
 and/or when we look up the new state
 Read the primitives from the file
 store the change in velocity as tuples
 for easy calculatioin when keeping track
 of the current state
 TODO: read these from the file given 
       remove the hardcoded values
primitives = read_primitives("../../../doc/motionPrimitive/primitives.txt")
#simulation_flag = sys.argv[2]

projected_pose = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
predicted_pose = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
vel = 0.0
goal_is_set = True
planner_finished = True
first_iteration = True
 t = obst.predictions[i].header.stamp.sec
 x = obst.predictions[i].pose.pose.position.x
 y = obst.predictions[i].pose.pose.position.y
 cov = obst.predictions[i].pose.covariance
       6x6 covariance matrix
       (x, y, z, rotX, rotY, rotZ)
Exemple #2
Author: Jordan Ramsdell
Desc: Demonstrates how to use read_primitives and Primitive
Usage: python3 prim_demo.py primitives.txt
from primutils import Primitive, read_primitives
import math
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Reads the primitives.txt file given as the first argument
    # ... and returns a list of Primitive objects
    primitives = read_primitives(sys.argv[1])
    p = primitives[0]  # we're looking at the first primitive generated

    # angular acceleration and linear acceleration are stored in each primitive
    print("Angular / Linear Accel: {}/{}\n".format(p.wa, p.va))

    # the divisors are also stored (used in generating keys)
    print("Divisors: {}\n".format(p.config))

    # entries is a dictionary shared between Primitives,
    # where we store the precalculated applications of primitives
    print("# of precalculated entries: {}\n".format(len(p.entries)))

    x = 4
    y = 4
    linear_velocity = 0.3
    # angular_velocity = math.pi / 5
    heading = math.pi / 2