def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() try: fdom0 = form.getfirst("fdom") ffield0 = form.getfirst("ffield") except: print("Hi") files = [ (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_0.gif", "0"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_1.gif", "1"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_2.gif", "2"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_3.gif", "3"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_4.gif", "4"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_5.gif", "5"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_6.gif", "6"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_7.gif", "7"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_8.gif", "8"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_9.gif", "9"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_10.gif", "10"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_11.gif", "11"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_12.gif", "12"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_13.gif", "13"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_14.gif", "14"), (htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_15.gif", "15") ] print('Content-type: text/html \n\n') print('<HTML><HEAD></HEAD>') printHTML.printTop() print('first_image = 1;') print('last_image = 16;') printHTML.printBot() goodAnimation = 0 print('theImages[0] = new Image();') print('theImages[0].src = "'+files[0][0]+'";') print('imageNum[0] = true;') print('myProg[0] = "0";') printHTML.printBot15() for i in range(1, len(files)): print('theImages['+str(i)+'] = new Image();') print('theImages['+str(i)+'].src = "'+files[i][0]+'";') print('myProg['+str(i)+'] = "'+files[i][1]+'";') print('imageNum['+str(i)+'] = true;') print('document.animation.src = theImages['+str(i)+'].src;') print('document.control_form.frame_nr.value = '+str(i)+';') printHTML.printBot2() print('SRC="'+files[0][0]+'"') printHTML.printBot3()
def Main(): form = cgi.FormContent() try: mapType = form["mapType"][0] except: print "Hi" try: Fhour = form["Fhour"][0] except: print "Hi" files = [(htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F00.gif", "F00"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F03.gif", "F03"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F06.gif", "F06"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F09.gif", "F09"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F12.gif", "F12"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F15.gif", "F15"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F18.gif", "F18"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F21.gif", "F21"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F24.gif", "F24"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F27.gif", "F27"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F30.gif", "F30"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F33.gif", "F33"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F36.gif", "F36"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F39.gif", "F39"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F42.gif", "F42"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F45.gif", "F45"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F48.gif", "F48")] print 'Content-type: text/html \n\n' print '<HTML><HEAD></HEAD>' printHTML.printTop() print 'first_image = 1;' print 'last_image = 17;' printHTML.printBot() goodAnimation = 0 print 'theImages[0] = new Image();' print 'theImages[0].src = "' + files[0][0] + '";' print 'imageNum[0] = true;' print 'myProg[0] = "F00";' printHTML.printBot15() for i in range(1, len(files)): print 'theImages[' + str(i) + '] = new Image();' print 'theImages[' + str(i) + '].src = "' + files[i][0] + '";' print 'myProg[' + str(i) + '] = "' + files[i][1] + '";' print 'imageNum[' + str(i) + '] = true;' print 'document.animation.src = theImages[' + str(i) + '].src;' print 'document.control_form.frame_nr.value = ' + str(i) + ';' printHTML.printBot2() print 'SRC="' + files[0][0] + '"' printHTML.printBot3()
def Main(): print 'Content-type: text/html \n\n' form = cgi.FormContent() mySite = form["site"][0] myTimes = [] if form.has_key("all"): # Lets loop it all baby myCase = form["all"][0] rs = mydb.query("SELECT starttime, stoptime from radardata WHERE caseid = "+myCase+" ").dictresult() startDate = DateTime.ISO.ParseDateTimeGMT(rs[0]["starttime"]) endDate = DateTime.ISO.ParseDateTimeGMT(rs[0]["stoptime"]) startSecs = startDate.gmticks() endSecs = endDate.gmticks() now = startSecs while ( now <= endSecs ): thisTuple = time.gmtime(now) timeString = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M", thisTuple) myTimes.append( timeString ) now = now + 5*60 elif form.has_key("start"): loopLength = form["steps"][0] startTime = form["start"][0] thisTime = startTime for i in range( int(loopLength) ): thisGoodTime = time.mktime( time.strptime(thisTime, "%y%m%d%H%M") ) + i*300 myTupleTime = time.localtime( thisGoodTime ) timeString = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M", myTupleTime) myTimes.append( timeString ) else: myTimes = form["timeStamp"] myTimes.sort() siteDir = mySite if form.has_key("blind"): siteDir = mySite+"b" # print myTimes myYear = myTimes[0][:2] myMonth = myTimes[0][2:4] myDay = myTimes[0][4:6] if myYear[0] == "9": myYear = "19"+myYear else: myYear = "20"+myYear webRoot = ''+myYear+'_'+myMonth+'_'+myDay+'/'+siteDir+'/' htmlRoot = '/home/httpd/html/archivewx/data/'+myYear+'_'+myMonth+'_'+myDay+'/'+siteDir+'/' goodFiles = [] outputText = "" for myTime in myTimes: fileRef = htmlRoot+mySite+str(myTime)+".gif" #print fileRef if os.path.isfile(fileRef): goodFiles.append( myTime ) outputText = outputText +'<font color="green">'+fileRef+'</font><BR>' else: outputText = outputText +'<font color="red">'+fileRef+'</font><BR>' myTimes = goodFiles printHTML.setupHTML() print '<BASE HREF="'+webRoot+'">' printHTML.printTop() print 'first_image = 1;' print 'last_image = '+str( len(myTimes) )+';' print 'animation_height = 540;' print 'animation_width = 720;' printHTML.printBot() goodAnimation = 0 print 'theImages[0] = new Image();' print 'theImages[0].src = "'+mySite+str( myTimes[0] )+'.gif";' print 'imageNum[0] = true;' printHTML.printBot15() i = -1 for myTime in myTimes: i = i+1 print 'theImages['+str(i)+'] = new Image();' print 'theImages['+str(i)+'].src = "'+mySite+str( myTime )+'.gif";' print 'imageNum['+str(i)+'] = true;' print 'document.animation.src = theImages['+str(i)+'].src;' print 'document.control_form.frame_nr.value = '+str(i)+';' printHTML.printBot2() print 'SRC="'+mySite+str( myTimes[0] )+'.gif"' printHTML.printBot3() print '<BR><BR>Files in this Animation: <font color="green">Files found</font> / <font color="red">Files not found</font><BR><BR>' if not form.has_key("blind"): print outputText
def Main(): form = cgi.FormContent() try: fdom0 = form["fdom"][0] ffield0 = form["ffield"][0] except: print "Hi" files = [ ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_0.gif", "0"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_1.gif", "1"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_2.gif", "2"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_3.gif", "3"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_4.gif", "4"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_5.gif", "5"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_6.gif", "6"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_7.gif", "7"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_8.gif", "8"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_9.gif", "9"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_10.gif", "10"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_11.gif", "11"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_12.gif", "12"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_13.gif", "13"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_14.gif", "14"), ( htmlRoot+fdom0+"_"+ffield0+"_15.gif", "15") ] print 'Content-type: text/html \n\n' print '<HTML><HEAD></HEAD>' printHTML.printTop() print 'first_image = 1;' print 'last_image = 16;' printHTML.printBot() goodAnimation = 0 print 'theImages[0] = new Image();' print 'theImages[0].src = "'+files[0][0]+'";' print 'imageNum[0] = true;' print 'myProg[0] = "0";' printHTML.printBot15() for i in range(1, len(files)): print 'theImages['+str(i)+'] = new Image();' print 'theImages['+str(i)+'].src = "'+files[i][0]+'";' print 'myProg['+str(i)+'] = "'+files[i][1]+'";' print 'imageNum['+str(i)+'] = true;' print 'document.animation.src = theImages['+str(i)+'].src;' print 'document.control_form.frame_nr.value = '+str(i)+';' printHTML.printBot2() print 'SRC="'+files[0][0]+'"' printHTML.printBot3()
def Main(): form = cgi.FormContent() try: mapType = form["mapType"][0] except: print "Hi" try: Fhour = form["Fhour"][0] except: print "Hi" files = [ ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F00.gif", "F00"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F03.gif", "F03"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F06.gif", "F06"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F09.gif", "F09"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F12.gif", "F12"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F15.gif", "F15"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F18.gif", "F18"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F21.gif", "F21"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F24.gif", "F24"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F27.gif", "F27"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F30.gif", "F30"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F33.gif", "F33"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F36.gif", "F36"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F39.gif", "F39"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F42.gif", "F42"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F45.gif", "F45"), ( htmlRoot+Fhour+"/"+mapType+"F48.gif", "F48") ] print 'Content-type: text/html \n\n' print '<HTML><HEAD></HEAD>' printHTML.printTop() print 'first_image = 1;' print 'last_image = 17;' printHTML.printBot() goodAnimation = 0 print 'theImages[0] = new Image();' print 'theImages[0].src = "'+files[0][0]+'";' print 'imageNum[0] = true;' print 'myProg[0] = "F00";' printHTML.printBot15() for i in range(1, len(files)): print 'theImages['+str(i)+'] = new Image();' print 'theImages['+str(i)+'].src = "'+files[i][0]+'";' print 'myProg['+str(i)+'] = "'+files[i][1]+'";' print 'imageNum['+str(i)+'] = true;' print 'document.animation.src = theImages['+str(i)+'].src;' print 'document.control_form.frame_nr.value = '+str(i)+';' printHTML.printBot2() print 'SRC="'+files[0][0]+'"' printHTML.printBot3()
def Main(): form = cgi.FormContent() if form.has_key('buildDate'): hour = ("0"+form["ztime"][0])[-2:] day = ("0"+form["day"][0])[-2:] year = form["year"][0] month = ("0"+form["month"][0])[-2:] dateStr = str(year)+str(month)+str(day)+str(hour) else: try: dateStr = form["dateStr"][0] except: style.SendError("The variable 'dateStr' is undefined!") try: year = dateStr[0:4] month = dateStr[4:6] day = dateStr[6:8] hour = dateStr[8:10] timeTuple = (int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) except: style.SendError("dateStr variable is not formated correctly, YYYYMMDDHH ") try: timeSpan = int( form["increment"][0] ) except: style.SendError("The variable 'increment' is undefined!") try: mapType = form["mapType"][0] except: style.SendError("The variable 'mapType' is undefined!") print 'Content-type: text/html \n\n' print '<HTML><HEAD></HEAD>' now = time.mktime(timeTuple) if timeSpan < 0: now = now + timeSpan*3600 nowTuple = time.localtime(now) fdirName = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d/", nowTuple) ffileName = time.strftime(mapType+"%y%m%d%H.gif", nowTuple) printHTML.printTop() print 'first_image = 1;' print 'last_image = '+str(math.fabs(timeSpan)+1)+';' print 'animation_height = 540;' print 'animation_width = 720;' printHTML.printBot() htmlRoot = '/home/httpd/html/archivewx/data/' goodAnimation = 0 print 'theImages[0] = new Image();' print 'theImages[0].src = "'+fdirName+ffileName+'";' print 'imageNum[0] = true;' fileRef = htmlRoot+fdirName+ffileName if os.path.isfile(fileRef): goodAnimation = 1 outputText = '<font color="green">'+fileRef+'</font><BR>' else: outputText = '<font color="red">'+fileRef+'</font><BR>' printHTML.printBot15() for i in range(1, math.fabs(timeSpan)+1): thisSecs = now + i*3600 thisTuple = time.localtime(thisSecs) dirName = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d/", thisTuple) fileName = time.strftime(mapType+"%y%m%d%H.gif", thisTuple) print 'theImages['+str(i)+'] = new Image();' print 'theImages['+str(i)+'].src = "'+dirName+fileName+'";' fileRef = htmlRoot+dirName+fileName if os.path.isfile(fileRef): goodAnimation = 1 outputText = outputText +'<font color="green">'+fileRef+'</font><BR>' else: outputText = outputText +'<font color="red">'+fileRef+'</font><BR>' print 'imageNum['+str(i)+'] = true;' print 'document.animation.src = theImages['+str(i)+'].src;' print 'document.control_form.frame_nr.value = '+str(i)+';' if not goodAnimation: print """ </script> Sorry none of the files in your request were found, please go back and try again.</BR> <BR><BR>Files in this Animation: <font color="green">Files found</font> / <font color="red">Files not found</font><BR><BR> """ print outputText sys.exit(0) printHTML.printBot2() print 'SRC="'+fdirName+ffileName+'"' printHTML.printBot3() print '<BR><BR>Files in this Animation: <font color="green">Files found</font> / <font color="red">Files not found</font><BR><BR>' print outputText
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() try: mapType = form.getfirst("mapType") except Exception: print("Hi") try: Fhour = form.getfirst("Fhour") except Exception: print("Hi") files = [ (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F00.gif", "F00"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F03.gif", "F03"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F06.gif", "F06"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F09.gif", "F09"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F12.gif", "F12"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F15.gif", "F15"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F18.gif", "F18"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F21.gif", "F21"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F24.gif", "F24"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F27.gif", "F27"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F30.gif", "F30"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F33.gif", "F33"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F36.gif", "F36"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F39.gif", "F39"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F42.gif", "F42"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F45.gif", "F45"), (htmlRoot + Fhour + "/" + mapType + "F48.gif", "F48"), ] print("Content-type: text/html \n\n") print("<HTML><HEAD></HEAD>") printHTML.printTop() print("first_image = 1;") print("last_image = 17;") printHTML.printBot() print("theImages[0] = new Image();") print('theImages[0].src = "' + files[0][0] + '";') print("imageNum[0] = true;") print('myProg[0] = "F00";') printHTML.printBot15() for i in range(1, len(files)): print("theImages[" + str(i) + "] = new Image();") print("theImages[" + str(i) + '].src = "' + files[i][0] + '";') print("myProg[" + str(i) + '] = "' + files[i][1] + '";') print("imageNum[" + str(i) + "] = true;") print("document.animation.src = theImages[" + str(i) + "].src;") print("document.control_form.frame_nr.value = " + str(i) + ";") printHTML.printBot2() print('SRC="' + files[0][0] + '"') printHTML.printBot3()