def testDequeue(tmpdir): datalist = [ dict(id=5, p='L', expected=3), dict(id=1, p='', expected=0), dict(id=6, p='X', expected=3), dict(id=3, p='E', expected=2), dict(id=2, p='R', expected=1), dict(id=4, p='I', expected=2) ] q = PriorityEnqueue(str(tmpdir), gzip=0) for data in datalist: q.queue(data) q.close() qr = PriorityDequeue(str(tmpdir)) rdata = [] while 1: d = qr.get(timeout=0.01) if d is None: break rdata.append(d) assert len(rdata) == len(datalist), "only %d of %d are read out" % ( len(rdata), len(datalist)) pp = -1 for d in rdata: assert pp <= d['expected'], '%r: priority < expected %d' % ( d, pp) pp = d['expected']
def testPlainWrite(tmpdir): datalist = [ dict(id=1, p='', expected=0), dict(id=2, p='R', expected=1), dict(id=3, p='E', expected=2), dict(id=4, p='I', expected=2), dict(id=5, p='L', expected=3), dict(id=6, p='X', expected=3) ] q = PriorityEnqueue(str(tmpdir), gzip=0) q.queue(datalist) q.close() # following tests depends on internal implementation specifics fns = os.listdir(str(tmpdir)) assert all(fn in fns for fn in map(str, (0, 1, 2, 3))), \ "%s: %s" % (tmpdir, ' '.join(fns)) for p in (0, 1, 2, 3): fn = tmpdir.join(str(p)).listdir()[0] assert fn.ext != '.open', '%s has .open suffix' % fn with as f: for j in (json.loads(l.strip()) for l in f): assert j['expected'] == p, '%r is in wrong queue %s' % ( j, p)
def testMaxDispense(tmpdir): q = PriorityEnqueue(str(tmpdir)) q.queue([dict(id=i, p='L', expected=3) for i in xrange(200)]) q.close() ls_datadir(tmpdir) data = [] qr = PriorityDequeue(str(tmpdir)) # set lower MAX_DISPENSE for testing qr.MAX_DISPENSE = 10 # start reading; this should set current queue to priority=3 u = qr.get(timeout=0.01) assert u, "qr.get->%r" % u assert u['expected'] == 3 data.append(u) # then add data with higher priority q.queue([dict(id=i, p='', expected=0) for i in xrange(200, 220)]) q.close() # continue reading for i in xrange(qr.MAX_DISPENSE * 2): u = qr.get(timeout=0.01) assert u data.append(u) assert len(data) == 1 + qr.MAX_DISPENSE * 2 # check the result d1 = data[qr.MAX_DISPENSE - 1] d2 = data[qr.MAX_DISPENSE] assert d1['expected'] == 3 assert d2['expected'] == 0, "data[%d]=%r" % ( qr.MAX_DISPENSE, d2)
def testBulkreader(tmpdir): q = PriorityEnqueue(str(tmpdir)) q.queue([dict(id=i, p='L', expected=3) for i in xrange(2000)]) q.close() # count how many files it created fns = tmpdir.join('3').listdir() nfiles = len(fns) dq = PriorityDequeue(str(tmpdir)) count = 0 while nfiles > 0: reader = dq.bulkreader() assert reader is not None for curi in reader: count += 1 nfiles -= 1 assert count == 2000 reader = dq.bulkreader() assert reader is None
def testGetStatus(tmpdir): # more tests? q = PriorityEnqueue(str(tmpdir)) s = q.get_status() assert s, "get_status returned %r" % s