def test_17_update_token(self):
     db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first()
     token = TokenClass(db_token)
     # Failed update: genkey wrong
                       {"description": "new desc",
                        "genkey": "17"})
     # Failed update: genkey and otpkey used at the same time
                       {"otpkey": "123456",
                        "genkey": "1"})
     token.update({"otpkey": "123456",
                   "pin": "654321",
                   "otplen": 6})
     self.assertTrue(token.token.otplen == 6)
     # save pin encrypted
     token.update({"genkey": 1,
                   "pin": "secret",
                   "encryptpin": "true"})
     # check if the PIN is encrypted
     # update token without otpkey
     token.update({"description": "test"})
    def authenticate(self, passw, user=None, options=None):
        do the authentication on base of password / otp and user and
        options, the request parameters.

        Here we contact the other privacyIDEA server to validate the OtpVal.

        :param passw: the password / otp
        :param user: the requesting user
        :param options: the additional request parameters

        :return: tuple of (success, otp_count - 0 or -1, reply)

        res = False
        otp_counter = -1
        reply = None
        otpval = passw

        # should we check the pin localy?
        if self.check_pin_local:
            (_res, pin, otpval) = self.split_pin_pass(passw, user, options=options)

            if not TokenClass.check_pin(self, pin):
                return False, otp_counter, {"message": "Wrong PIN"}

        otp_count = self.check_otp(otpval, options=options)
        if otp_count >= 0:
            res = True
            reply = {"message": "matching 1 tokens", "serial": self.get_serial(), "type": self.get_tokentype()}
            reply = {"message": "remote side denied access"}

        return res, otp_count, reply
    def test_19_pin_otp_functions(self):
        db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first()
        token = TokenClass(db_token)
        self.assertTrue(db_token.otplen == 6, 6)
        (res, pin, otp) = token.split_pin_pass("test123456")
        self.assertTrue(pin == "test", pin)
        self.assertTrue(otp == "123456", otp)
        self.assertTrue(token.check_pin(pin), pin)
        self.assertTrue(token.check_otp("123456") == -1)

        res = token.authenticate("test123456")
        self.assertTrue(res == (True, -1, None), res)
    def authenticate(self, passw, user=None, options=None):
        do the authentication on base of password / otp and user and
        options, the request parameters.

        Here we contact the other privacyIDEA server to validate the OtpVal.

        :param passw: the password / otp
        :param user: the requesting user
        :param options: the additional request parameters

        :return: tuple of (success, otp_count - 0 or -1, reply)

        res = False
        otp_counter = -1
        reply = None
        otpval = passw

        # should we check the pin localy?
        if self.check_pin_local:
            (_res, pin, otpval) = self.split_pin_pass(passw,

            if not TokenClass.check_pin(self, pin):
                return False, otp_counter, {'message': "Wrong PIN"}

        otp_count = self.check_otp(otpval, options=options)
        if otp_count >= 0:
            res = True
            reply = {
                'message': 'matching 1 tokens',
                'serial': self.get_serial(),
                'type': self.get_tokentype()
            reply = {'message': 'remote side denied access'}

        return res, otp_count, reply
 def test_15_check_pin(self):
     db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first()
     token = TokenClass(db_token)
     self.assertFalse(token.check_pin("wrong pin"))