Exemple #1
def get_externals(externals_file,
    '''Fetch external files

    This function interprets a formatted text document listing files 
    to be exported via SVN or a system copy command.

    get_externals(externals_file [, externals_dir [, makelog [, quiet]]])

    The `externals_file` argument should be the path of a tab-delimited text 
    file containing information on the external files that the function call
    should retrieve. This file needs to rows of numbers or characters, delimited 
    by either tabs or 4 spaces,one for each file to be exported via svn.
    The proper format is: rev   dir file    outdir  outfile notes

        ### Column descriptions:
        *  rev 
          * Revision number of the file/directory in integer format. 
            If left blank along with directory column, get_externals.py will 
            read the last specified revision number. If copying from a shared 
            drive rather than the repository, list revision number as COPY.
        *  dir
          *  Directory of the file/directory requested. As described above, 
             %xxx% placemarkers are substituted in from predefined values in 
             metadata.py. If left blank along with revision column, 
             get_externals.py will read the last specified directory. 
        *  file 
          *  Name of the file requested. If entire directory is required, leave 
             column as a single *. If a file name wildcard is required place 
             single * within filename. get_externals.py will attempt to screen
              out bad file names. Cannot be left blank.
        *  outdir   
          *  Desired output directory of the exported file/directory. 
             Typically of the form ./subdir/. If left blank, will be 
             filled with the first level of the externals relative path. 
        *  outfile 
          *  Desired output name of the exported file/directory. If left as 
             double quotes, indicates that it should have the same name. 
             Adding a directory name that is different from the default """" 
             will place this subdirectory within the outdir. Additionally, 
             get_externals can assign a prefix tag to exported file collections, 
             either through a folder export, or a wildcard call; it does so 
             when the outfile column contains text of the pattern '[prefix]*', 
             where the prefix [prefix] will be attached to exported files. 
        *  notes
          *  Optional column with notes on the export. get_externals.py ignores this, 
             but logs it.
        Example of externals.txt:
        rev dir file    outdir  outfile notes
        2    %svn%/directory/  *   ./destination_directory/ """"
        COPY    %svn%/other_directory/   my_file.txt  .   """"    

    The destination directory is specified by an optional second 
    parameter whose default value is "../external". The log file produced by 
    get_externals is automatically added to an optional third parameter 
    whose default value is '../output/make.log'. 

    The fourth argument, quiet, is by default False.  Setting this argument to 
    True suppresses standard output and errors from SVN. 
        LOGFILE = prelim.start_logging(metadata.settings['externalslog_file'],
        makelog, externals, last_dir, last_rev =  \
            prelim.externals_preliminaries(makelog, externals_file, LOGFILE)

        for line in externals:
                directive = SystemDirective(line, LOGFILE, last_dir, last_rev)

                # Save rev/dir for next line
                last_dir = directive.dir
                last_rev = directive.rev
        prelim.end_logging(LOGFILE, makelog, 'get_externals.py')

    except Exception as errmsg:
        print "Error with get_external: \n", errmsg
Exemple #2
def make_links(links_files,
    '''Import the make_links function from the make_links.py module.

    This function parses and interprets links files and uses that input to create symlinks
    to large data files (symlinks allow shortcuts to be made locally so that programs will
    act as if the files are stored locally, but no local hard drive space is taken up)

    make_links(links_files [, links_dir [, makelog  [, quiet]]])
    - links_files: A string containing the name of a valid links file, a string containing
      multiple names of valid links files (delimited by spaces), or a Python list of
      strings in which each element is a valid links file. Each string may also contain one
      wildcard (as an asterisk). For example:
        `make_links('./links.txt')`, or
        `make_links('../external/links1.txt ../external/links2.txt')`, or
        `make_links(['../external/links1.txt', '../external/links2.txt'])`, or
        To get every file in a directory, simply end the string with a wild card:

        There is no default argument for this parameter; links_files must be included in
        every call to make_links().
    - links_dir: A string containing the name of the local directory into which the symlinks 
        will be created. The default argument for this parameter is '../external_links/'.
    - makelog: A string containing the name of the makelog that will store make_links()
        output. If makelog is an empty string (i.e. ''), the default log file will be
        unchanged. The default argument for this parameter is '../output/make.log'.
    - quiet: A boolean. Setting this argument to True suppresses standard output and errors
        from svn. The default argument for this parameter is False.
    Take care when dealing with symlinks. Most programs will treat the links as if they are
    the file being linked to. For instance, if ../data_links/some_data.dta is a link to 
    \external_source\some_data.dta and Stata opens ../data_links/some_data.dta, edits it,
    and saves it to the same location, the original file (\external_source\some_data.dta)
    will be changed. In such a case, it would probably be preferable to save a local copy of
    the data and make changes to that file.   
        if makelog == '@DEFAULTVALUE@':
            makelog = metadata.settings['makelog_file']

        # Run preliminaries
        LOGFILE = start_logging(metadata.settings['linkslog_file'],

        list = LinksList(links_files, links_dir)

        if os.path.exists(list.links_dir):

        list.issue_sys_command(LOGFILE, quiet)

        end_logging(LOGFILE, makelog, 'make_links.py')

    except Exception as errmsg:
        print "Error with make_links: \n", errmsg
Exemple #3
def get_externals_github(externals_file,
    '''Fetch external files from GitHub

    This function retrieves files from GitHub as specified by a formatted text
    document indicated as an argument. 
    get_externals_github is only intended to download assets from releases.
    It cannot download the release source code or other assets not contained 
    within a release.

    - This function's usage largely follows that of get_externals(). Instead of 
    - get_externals_github is only intended to download assets from releases.
      It cannot download the release source code or other assets not contained 
      within a release.

    File format of a `externals_file`:
    This file needs to rows of numbers or characters, delimited by either tabs or 
    4 spaces, one for each file to be exported via GitHub.
    The proper column format is: url   outdir  outfile notes
    Column descriptions:
    *  url  
      *  Download url for the file in a specific GitHub release. The url given 
         should be the complete url.
    *  outdir 
      *  Desired output directory of the exported file/directory. Typically of the form 
         ./subdir/. If left blank, will be filled with the first level of the externals 
         relative path. 
    *  outfile 
      *  Desired output name of the exported file/directory. If left as double quotes, 
         indicates that it should have the same name as the asset name in GitHub. 
    *  notes 
      *  Optional column with notes on the export. get_externals_github.py ignores this,
         but logs it.

    Example of externals_github.txt:

    url outdir  outfile notes   
    https://github.com/TestUser/TestRepo/releases/download/v1.0/document.pdf    ./  """"
    https://github.com/TestUser/TestRepo/releases/download/AlternativeVersion/other_document.pdf    ./  """"
        # Request Token
        token = getpass.getpass(
            "\nEnter a valid GitHub token and then press enter: ")

        LOGFILE = prelim.start_logging(metadata.settings['githublog_file'],
        makelog, externals, last_dir, last_rev = \
            prelim.externals_preliminaries(makelog, externals_file, LOGFILE)

        for line in externals:
                directive = SystemDirective(line,

        prelim.end_logging(LOGFILE, makelog, 'get_externals_github.py')

    except Exception as errmsg:
        print "Error with get_externals_github: \n", errmsg