async def _async_sys(proc, *args, write: STRBYTES = None, **kwargs) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Small async wrapper function for :func:`.call_sys_async` to simplify calling ``git``, including detecting git errors""" stderr_raise = kwargs.pop('stderr_raise', False) strip = kwargs.pop('strip', True) out, err = await call_sys_async(proc, *args, write=write, **kwargs) out, err = stringify(out, if_none=''), stringify(err, if_none='') if strip: out, err = out.strip(), err.strip() if len(err) > 1 and stderr_raise: raise SysCallError(f'Git returned an error: "{err}"') return out, err
def get(self, key: Union[bytes, str], default: Any = None, fail: bool = False) -> Any: key = str(stringify(key)) res = self.mcache.get(key) if empty(res): if fail: raise CacheNotFound(f'Cache key "{key}" was not found.') return default return pickle.loads(res) if self.use_pickle else res
async def commit(self, message: Optional[Union[str, bool]], *args, repo: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Calls ``git commit`` with the arguments ``-m "message" [args]``, where each positional argument passed after the message is passed as a command line argument. To disable prepending ``-m`` to the arguments, pass ``None`` as the ``message`` and only your specified ``args`` will be passed along to ``git commit``. You may also set ``message`` to ``False`` which will call ``git commit --allow-empty-message [args]`` instead of prepending ``-m``. **Basic Usage** Standard commit with a message, plus the argument '-a':: >>> g = Git() >>> g.commit("added example.txt", "-a") Pass ``None`` as the message to disable prepending ``-m`` to the git arguments. For example, the following call commits the current staged changes, while re-using the commit message/author info/timestamp from the previous commit ``9e27d7233ac5bc59bc37c0572a401068fbd5e6be``:: >>> g.commit(None, "-C", "9e27d7233ac5bc59bc37c0572a401068fbd5e6be") Pass ``False`` as the message for an easy way to call ``git commit --allow-empty-message``, plus any additional arguments you might pass:: >>> g.commit(False, '-a') :param str|bool message: The git commit message to commit with. Alternatively ``None`` to remove the default ``-m``, or ``False`` as a shortcut for ``--allow-empty-message`` instead of ``-m``. :param args: Additional CLI arguments to pass to ``git commit`` :param str repo: (as a kwarg only!) An absolute path to a Git repository to run ``git commit`` within. By default, this is ``None`` which results in the repo passed in the constructor ( :attr:`.repo` ) being used. :return str stdout: The string text printed to stdout by ``git commit`` while running the command. """ if message is None: return await self.git("commit", *args, repo=repo) if message is False: return await self.git("commit", "--allow-empty-message", *args, repo=repo) return await self.git("commit", "-m", stringify(message), *args, repo=repo)
def remove(self, *key: Union[bytes, str]) -> bool: removed = 0 for k in key: k = str(stringify(k)) try: self.get(k, fail=True) self.mcache.delete(k) removed += 1 except CacheNotFound: pass return removed == len(key)
def generate_http_request( url="/", host=None, method="GET", user_agent=settings.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, extra_data: Union[STRBYTES, List[str]] = None, body: STRBYTES = None, **kwargs ) -> bytes: method, url = stringify(method), stringify(url) http_ver = stringify(kwargs.get('http_ver', '1.0')) data = f"{method.upper()} {url} HTTP/{http_ver}\n" if host is not None: data += f"Host: {stringify(host)}\n" if user_agent is not None: data += f"User-Agent: {stringify(user_agent)}\n" data = byteify(data) if extra_data is not None: if isinstance(extra_data, list): extra_data = [byteify(x) for x in extra_data] data += b"\n".join(extra_data) else: data += byteify(extra_data) if not data.endswith(b"\n"): data += b"\n" if body is not None: data += byteify(body) if not data.endswith(b"\n"): data += b"\n" if not data.endswith(b"\n\n"): data += b"\n" return data
def load_keyfile(cls, filename: Text, password: Text = None): """ Returns an instance of :class:`.KeyManager` using a public/private key loaded from disk, instead of from string/bytes key data. Example:: >>> km = KeyManager.load_keyfile('id_rsa') >>> d = km.encrypt('hello world') >>> km.decrypt(d) b'hello world' :param str|bytes filename: The file location where the key is stored :param str|bytes password: If the key is encrypted, specify the password to decrypt it :raises InvalidFormat: When the key could not be identified, is not supported, or is corrupted :raises FileNotFoundError: The given ``filename`` couldn't be found. :return KeyManager cls: An instance of :class:`.KeyManager` (or child class) initialised with the key """ filename = stringify(filename) with open(filename, 'r') as fp: data = return cls(key=data, password=password)
async def git(self, *args, repo: str = None, strip=True, stderr=False) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]: """ Wrapper async method for calling ``git`` executable command against a repo - casts args to :class:`str`. This is intended for use internally by :class:`._AsyncGit` methods, but is under a non-private method name to allow you to call Git commands semi-directly if the class methods are getting in the way. Example:: >>> Git().git('commit', '--amend', '-a', '-m', 'lorem ipsum dolor') :param AnyStr|int|float|object|Any args: Positional command line arguments to pass to ``git``. Most formats are fine, as long as they can be casted into a :class:`str` :param str|None repo: The repository to run the command against. When ``None``, uses the value of :attr:`.repo` :param bool strip: (Default: ``True``) Whether to run :meth:`str.strip` on the string outputs of the command :param bool stderr: (Default: ``False``) When ``True``, includes the stderr output in the response like so: ``(stdout, stderr)`` When ``False``, simply returns ``stdout`` directly as a :class:`str` :return str stdout: (when ``stderr=False``) The text outputted to stdout by the command :return Tuple[str,str] stdout_err: (when ``stderr=True``) A :class:`tuple` containing ``(stdout: str, stderr: str)`` """ repo = self._repo(repo) out, err = await _async_sys("git", *[stringify(a) for a in args], cwd=repo, strip=strip) return (out, err) if stderr else out
def convert_datetime(d, if_empty=None, fail_empty=False, **kwargs) -> Optional[datetime]: """ Convert the object ``d`` into a :class:`datetime.datetime` object. If ``d`` is a string or bytes, then it will be parsed using :func:`dateutil.parser.parse` If ``d`` is an int/float/Decimal, then it will be assumed to be a unix epoch timestamp. **Examples**:: >>> convert_datetime("2019-01-01T00:00:00Z") # ISO date/time datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()) >>> convert_datetime("01/JAN/2019 00:00:00.0000") # Human date/time with month name datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()) >>> convert_datetime(1546300800) # Unix timestamp as integer datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()) >>> convert_datetime(1546300800000) # Unix timestamp (milliseconds) as integer datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()) :param d: Object to convert into a datetime :param if_empty: If ``d`` is empty / None, return this value :param bool fail_empty: (Def: ``False``) If this is True, then if ``d`` is empty, raises :class:`AttributeError` :key datetime.tzinfo tzinfo: (Default: :class:``) If no timezone was detected by the parser, use this timezone. Set this to ``None`` to disable forcing timezone-aware dates. :raises AttributeError: When ``d`` is empty and ``fail_empty`` is set to True. :raises dateutil.parser.ParserError: When ``d`` could not be parsed into a date. :return datetime converted: The converted :class:`datetime.datetime` object. """ from import tzutc _tzinfo = kwargs.pop('tzinfo', tzutc()) if isinstance(d, datetime): if d.tzinfo is None and _tzinfo is not None: d = d.replace(tzinfo=_tzinfo) return d # For objects, we first convert them into a string, then we can parse them into a datetime + set tzinfo if isinstance(d, date): d = str(d) d = stringify(d) if isinstance(d, bytes) else d if isinstance(d, (int, float)): return convert_unixtime_datetime(d) if isinstance(d, str): from dateutil.parser import parse, ParserError try: t = parse(d) if t.tzinfo is None and _tzinfo is not None: t = t.replace(tzinfo=_tzinfo) return t except (ParserError, ValueError) as e: "Failed to parse string. Attempting to parse as unix time") try: t = convert_unixtime_datetime(d) return t except (BaseException, Exception, ParserError) as _err: log.warning( "Failed to parse unix time. Re-raising original parser error. Unixtime error was: %s %s", type(_err), str(_err)) raise e except ImportError as e: msg = "ERROR: Could not import 'parse' from 'dateutil.parser'. Please " \ f"make sure 'python-dateutil' is installed. Exception: {type(e)} - {str(e)}" log.exception(msg) raise ImportError(msg) if empty(d): if fail_empty: raise AttributeError( "Error converting datetime. Parameter 'd' was empty!") return if_empty try: log.debug( "Passed object is not a supported type. Object type: %s || object repr: %s", type(d), repr(d)) log.debug("Calling convert_datetime with object casted to string: %s", str(d)) _d = convert_datetime(str(d), fail_empty=True) d = _d except Exception as e: "Converted passed object with str() to try and parse string version, but failed." )"Exception thrown from convert_datetime(str(d)) was: %s %s", type(e), str(e)) d = None # By setting d to None, it will trigger the ValueError code below. if not isinstance(d, datetime): raise ValueError( 'Timestamp must be either a datetime object, or an ISO8601 string...' ) return d
def _clean_strs(ob, **kwargs): try: return stringify(ob) except Exception: return str(repr(ob))
def set(self, key: Union[bytes, str], value: Any, timeout: Optional[int] = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT): v = pickle.dumps(value) if self.use_pickle else value return self.mcache.set(str(stringify(key)), v, timeout)
def load_key(cls, data: Text, password: bytes = None) -> Tuple[combined_key_types, str]: """ Load a private/public key from a string or bytes ``data`` containing the key in some format, such as PEM or OpenSSH. Use :py:meth:`.load_keyfile` to load a key from a file + auto-instantiate KeyManager with it. **Example:** >>> key = 'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIG3v6guHpI/j7AIl3F/EWMSReX8fH8MOSq1bC3ZuEjjC' >>> KeyManager.load_key(key) (<cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.ed25519._Ed25519PublicKey object at 0x7fa118289ba8>, 'public') :param str|bytes data: The public/private key data, as a string or bytes :param str|bytes password: If your key data is encrypted, pass the password in this argument to decrypt it. :raises InvalidFormat: When the key could not be identified, is not supported, or is corrupted :return tuple key_data: A tuple containing an instance of the key, and a string ``public`` or ``private`` Example: ``(<_Ed25519PublicKey object>, 'public')`` """ data = stringify(data) password = None if not password else byteify(password) try: if data[0:4] == 'ssh-' or data[0:6] == 'ecdsa-': return load_ssh_public_key(byteify(data), backend=default_backend()), 'public' if '-----BEGIN PUBLIC' in data: return load_pem_public_key(byteify(data), backend=default_backend()), 'public' if '-----BEGIN PRIVATE' in data: return load_pem_private_key( byteify(data), password=password, backend=default_backend()), 'private' except binascii.Error as e: raise InvalidFormat( f'Error while decoding key - possibly corrupted base64 encoding. ' f'Original exception: {type(e)} {str(e)}') except ValueError as e: raise InvalidFormat( f'Error while decoding key - key may be corrupted. ' f'Original exception: {type(e)} {str(e)}') ## # If we couldn't identify the key as PEM or OpenSSH, then fallback to attempting to load it as DER / PKCS12 ## data = byteify(data) try: # Try loading the key as a DER key key, ktype = cls._load_der_key(data=data, password=password) return key, ktype except InvalidFormat: pass try: # Try loading the key as PKCS12 key, ktype, _, _ = cls._load_pkcs12_key(data=data, password=password) return key, ktype except InvalidFormat: pass # Otherwise we have no idea what to do with this key. Time to give up. raise InvalidFormat('Unknown key format...')