Exemple #1
 def fdot(A, B):
     # flatten dot. Regard A and B as long vector
     A = pp.farr(A)
     B = pp.farr(B)
     A = A * (1.0/A.shape[0])
     B = B * (1.0/B.shape[0])
     return pnp.sum(A * B)
Exemple #2
def predict(network, inputs, hypers):
    n_layer = len(network)
    batch_size = hypers[6]
    up = inputs.shape[0] - batch_size + 1
    for s in range(0, up, batch_size):
        temp = pp.farr(inputs[s: s + batch_size, :])
        for i in range(n_layer):
            layer = network[i]
            temp = pnp.dot(temp, layer['weight']) + pnp.dot(pnp.ones((temp.shape[0], 1)), layer['bias'])
            if layer['activation'] == 'relu':
                temp = relu(temp)
            else: # 'linear'
        if s == 0:
            pred = temp
            pred = pnp.concatenate((pred, temp), axis = 0)
    if up <= 0 or pred.shape[0] < inputs.shape[0]:
        if up <= 0:
            temp = inputs
            temp = inputs[pred.shape[0]:, :]
        for i in range(n_layer):
            layer = network[i]
            temp = pnp.dot(temp, layer['weight']) + pnp.dot(pnp.ones((temp.shape[0], 1)), layer['bias'])
            if layer['activation'] == 'relu':
                temp = relu(temp)
            else: # 'linear'
        if up <= 0:
            pred = temp
            pred = pnp.concatenate((pred, temp), axis = 0)
    return pred
Exemple #3
def add_layer(n_in, n_out, activation, p):
    weight = 0.1 * np.random.random((n_in, n_out)) - 0.05
    weight = pp.farr(weight)
    v = pnp.zeros((n_in, n_out))
    bias = pnp.zeros((1, n_out))
    bias_v = pnp.zeros((1, n_out))
    return {'weight': weight, 'bias': bias, 'activation': activation, 'p': p, 'v': v, 'bias_v': bias_v}
Exemple #4
def demo(hyper_param):
    seed = hyper_param['seed']
    suffix = ''
    data_dir = hyper_param['data_dir']
    no = hyper_param['no']
    seed = hyper_param['seed']
    dir_trial = data_dir + 'trial' + str(seed) + suffix + '/'
    metrics = []
    DTItrain = read_ndarray(dir_trial, 'fold' + str(no) + '_train_dense', ' ', 'int32')
    DTItrain = pp.farr(DTItrain)
    Re = train(data_dir, no + seed, DTItrain, hyper_param['maxiterpr'], hyper_param['maxiterd'], 
               hyper_param['restartProb'], hyper_param['dim_drug'], hyper_param['dim_prot'], 
               hyper_param['imc_k'], hyper_param['imc_iter'], hyper_param['log_iter'], hyper_param['pmiter'], 
               hyper_param['explicit'], hyper_param['gciter'], hyper_param['lamb'])

    test1 = read_ndarray(dir_trial, 'fold' + str(no) + '_test1basic', ' ', 'int32')
    auroc, aupr = evaluate(Re, test1)
    test9 = read_ndarray(dir_trial, 'fold' + str(no) + '_test9extra', ' ', 'int32')
    test_10 = pnp.vstack((test1, test9))
    auroc, aupr = evaluate(Re, test_10)
    testall = read_ndarray(dir_trial, 'fold' + str(no) + '_testallextra', ' ', 'int32')
    test_all = pnp.vstack((test1, testall))
    auroc, aupr = evaluate(Re, test_all)
    Re = pp.back2plain(Re)
    metrics = np.array(metrics)
    return Re, metrics
Exemple #5
def maxabsscaler(x):

    batch = 20
    max_abs = pp.farr([pnp.max(pnp.abs(x[i:i+batch,:]), axis=0) for i in range(0, x.shape[0], batch)])
    if (len(max_abs) == 1):
        max_abs = pp.farr(max_abs)
        max_abs = pnp.vstack(pp.farr(max_abs))

    max_abs = pnp.max(max_abs, axis = 0)
    m_tmp = pnp.ravel(max_abs)
    #max_abs[max_abs == 0.0] = 1.0
    for i in range(len(m_tmp)):
        flag_zero = (m_tmp[i] < 1e-8)
        m_tmp[i] = m_tmp[i]*(1-flag_zero) + 1.0*flag_zero

    max_abs = pnp.reshape(m_tmp, (1, -1))

    return max_abs
Exemple #6
 def pmPCA_po(A, dim, it):
     results = []
     ws = []
     ls = []
     for i in range(dim):
         v = pnp.ones((A.shape[0], 1))
         v, l = power(A, v, it)
         # Prepare a vector w
         w = pnp.zeros(v.shape)
         w[0] = pnp.norm(v)
         w += v
         w = w * myreciprocal(pnp.norm(w))
         # Reduce the matrix dimension
         A = hhupdate(A, w)
         # Reconstruct the eigenvector of original matrix from the current one
         for wp in ws:
             v = pnp.concatenate((pp.farr([[0]]), v))
             v = hhmul(v, wp)
         v = v * myreciprocal(pnp.norm(v))
         ws.insert(0, w)
     return pnp.concatenate(results, axis=1), pp.farr(ls)
Exemple #7
def scale(x, max_abs):
    #x = x / np.dot(np.ones((x.shape[0], 1)), max_abs)
    x_ones = pnp.ones((x.shape[0], 1))    
    sca = pnp.dot(x_ones, max_abs)
    tar_shape = x.shape
    #x = x * pnp.reciprocal(sca)
    batch_size = 20
    tmp_x = [(x[i:i+batch_size, :] * pp.reciprocal(sca[i:i+batch_size, :])) for i in range(0, x.shape[0], batch_size)]
    if(len(tmp_x) == 1):
        x = pp.farr(tmp_x)
        x = pnp.reshape(x, tar_shape)
        x = pnp.vstack(tmp_x)
        x = pnp.reshape(x, tar_shape)

    print("!!!!!!!!!1", x.shape)
    return x
Exemple #8
def train(data_dir, seed_IMC, DTItrain, maxiterpr, maxiterd, restartProb, dim_drug, dim_prot, imc_k, imc_iter, log_iter, pmiter, explicit, gciter, lamb):
    ### input and output dir name for compact feature learning
    dir_inter = data_dir + 'data_prep/'
    dir_DTIMPC = data_dir + 'data_luo/' 
    ### get drug networks, require MPC version <-
    # structure
    dpsM = np.load(dir_inter + 'finger_rdkit_' + str(explicit) + '.npy') 
    dpsM = pp.farr(dpsM)
    drugSim = dice_sim_matrix_po(dpsM)
    drugNets = [drugSim]
    # interactions / associations
    drugNetworks = ['mat_drug_disease']
    for idrug in drugNetworks:
        idr = read_ndarray(dir_DTIMPC, idrug, ' ', 'int32')
        idrSim = jaccard_sim_po(idr)
    protein_feature = np.load(dir_inter + 'public_protein_feature_' + str(dim_prot) + '.npy')
    drug_feature = DCA_po(drugNets, dim_drug, restartProb, maxiterd, pmiter, log_iter)
    np.random.seed(seed_IMC) # <--- random seed to initialize IMC
    Re = IMC_po(DTItrain, drug_feature, protein_feature, k=imc_k, lamb=lamb, maxiter=imc_iter, gciter=gciter)
    return Re
Exemple #9
def run(config):

    data_set = config[1][0]
    data_dir = config[1][1]

    ilist = [data_set]

    hyper = [
        int(config[1][7]),   # hyper[5] - n_epoch
        int(config[1][8])    # hyper[6] - batch_size

    ensemble = int(config[1][9])
    seed = int(config[1][10])
    # ilist and hyper are public
    for i in ilist:
        X_train = pp.farr(np.load(data_dir + i + "_Xtrain.npy"))
        X_test = pp.farr(np.load(data_dir + i + "_Xtest.npy"))
        y_train = pp.farr(np.load(data_dir + i + "_ytrain.npy"))
        y_test = pp.farr(np.load(data_dir + i + "_ytest.npy"))
        #X_train = pp.ss("X_train")
        #X_test = pp.ss("X_test")
        #y_train = pp.ss("y_train")
        #y_test = pp.ss("y_test")
        X_train = pp.farr(X_train)
        X_test = pp.farr(X_test)
        y_train = pp.farr(y_train)
        y_test = pp.farr(y_test)
        ## X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, all should be secretly shared <-
        print('**************', i, X_train.shape, X_test.shape, y_train.shape, y_test.shape, '***************')
        # val, num_train, ran, random seed, index_perm, those five are public
        val = float(config[1][11])
        num_train = X_train.shape[0]
        ran = int(config[1][12])
        index_perm = np.random.permutation(num_train)
        X_train_c = X_train[index_perm,:] #shuffled train data
        y_train_c = y_train[index_perm,:] #keep corresponding
        X_test_c = X_test
        y_test_c = y_test
        maxabs_x = maxabsscaler(X_train_c)
        X_train_c = scale(X_train_c, maxabs_x)
        X_test_c = scale(X_test_c, maxabs_x)
        maxabs_y = maxabsscaler(y_train_c)
        y_train_c = scale(y_train_c, maxabs_y)
        y_test_c = scale(y_test_c, maxabs_y)

        # split train set and validation set
        valid_num = int(val * (X_train_c.shape[0]))
        X_valid_c = X_train_c[:valid_num, :]
        y_valid_c = y_train_c[:valid_num, :]
        X_train_c = X_train_c[valid_num:, :]
        y_train_c = y_train_c[valid_num:, :]
        # train and test, ensemble number (i.e., 8) is public
        r2test, y_test_pred = nns(X_train_c, y_train_c, X_valid_c, y_valid_c, X_test_c, y_test_c, maxabs_y, ensemble, hyper, ran)
        print('important log')
        print('seed:', ran)
        print('hyper:', hyper)
        print('dataset:', i)

        return r2test, y_test_pred
Exemple #10
def DCA_po(networks, dim, rsp, maxiter, pmiter, log_iter):
    def log_po(x, times):
        tmp = x - 1
        sgn = 1
        result = 0
        for k in range(times):
            result += 1. / (k+1) * sgn * tmp
            tmp *= x - 1
            sgn *= -1
        return result
    def power(A, v, it):
        u = v
        for i in range(it):
            v = pnp.dot(A, u)
            l = pnp.dot(pnp.transpose(v), u) * myreciprocal(pnp.dot(pnp.transpose(u), u))
            u = v * myreciprocal(l.flatten()[0])
        return u, l
    def hhmul(v, w):
        return v - 2 * pnp.transpose(w).dot(v).flatten()[0]* w
    def hhupdate(A, w):
        wA = 2 * pnp.dot(w, pnp.dot(pnp.transpose(w), A))
        wAw = 2 * pnp.dot(pnp.dot(wA, w), pnp.transpose(w))
        A = A - wA - pnp.transpose(wA) + wAw
        return A[1:, 1:]
    def pmPCA_po(A, dim, it):
        results = []
        ws = []
        ls = []
        for i in range(dim):
            v = pnp.ones((A.shape[0], 1))
            v, l = power(A, v, it)
            # Prepare a vector w
            w = pnp.zeros(v.shape)
            w[0] = pnp.norm(v)
            w += v
            w = w * myreciprocal(pnp.norm(w))
            # Reduce the matrix dimension
            A = hhupdate(A, w)
            # Reconstruct the eigenvector of original matrix from the current one
            for wp in ws:
                v = pnp.concatenate((pp.farr([[0]]), v))
                v = hhmul(v, wp)
            v = v * myreciprocal(pnp.norm(v))
            ws.insert(0, w)
        return pnp.concatenate(results, axis=1), pp.farr(ls)
    P = pp.farr([])
    for net in networks:
        tQ = RWR_po(net, maxiter, rsp)
        if P.shape[0] == 0:
            P = pnp.zeros((tQ.shape[0], 0))
        # concatenate network
        P = pnp.hstack((P, tQ))
    alpha = 0.01
    P = log_po(P + alpha, log_iter) - pnp.log(alpha) # 0 < p <ln(n+1)
    P = pnp.dot(P, pnp.transpose(P)) # 0 < p < n * ln^2(n+1)
    vecs, lambdas = pmPCA_po(P, dim, pmiter)
    sigd = pnp.dot(pnp.eye(dim), pnp.diag(lambdas))
    sigd_sqsq = pnp.sqrt(pnp.sqrt(sigd))
    flag = pnp.abs(sigd)<1e-6
    sigd_sqsq = flag*pnp.zeros(sigd.shape)+(1-flag)*sigd_sqsq
    X = pnp.dot(vecs, sigd_sqsq)
    return X
Exemple #11
def read_ndarray(dirn, net, sepa, dtype = 'float64'):
    inputID = dirn + net + '.txt'
    M = np.loadtxt(inputID, delimiter = sepa, dtype = dtype)
    return pp.farr(M)
Exemple #12
 def multi_dot(arr):
     ans = arr[-1]
     for ii in range(len(arr)-2,-1,-1):
         ans = pp.farr(arr[ii]).dot(ans)
     return ans