Exemple #1
    def objective(self, u):
        N = self.N
        T = self.T
        t0 = self.t0
        x0 = self.x0
        path = self.path
        obstacle = self.obstacle
        posIdx = self.posIdx
        V_cmd = self.V_cmd
        fHandleCost = self.fHandleCost

        x = prob.computeOpenloopSolution(u, N, T, t0, x0)
        costvec = np.zeros([3 * N + 2, 1])

        for k in range(N):
            uk = np.array([u[k], u[k + N]])
            costout = prob.runningCosts(uk, x[k], t0 + k * T, path, obstacle,
                                        posIdx, V_cmd)
            costvec[k] = costout[0]  # V
            costvec[k + N] = costout[1]  # Vdot or Vddot
            costvec[k + 2 * N] = costout[2]  # Chidot or Chiddot

        cost_goalDist, cost_goalDelChi = prob.goalCost(x0, t0)  # goalcost_opt1
        #cost_goalDist, cost_goalDelChi = prob.goalCost(x[-1,:], t0) # goalcost_opt2

        costvec[3 * N] = cost_goalDist  # goal dist
        costvec[3 * N + 1] = cost_goalDelChi  # goal delta chi

        cost = np.sum(costvec)

        return cost
Exemple #2
    def objective(self, u):
        N = self.N
        T = self.T
        t0 = self.t0
        x0 = self.x0
        lanes = self.lanes
        obstacle = self.obstacle
        posIdx = self.posIdx

        x = prob.computeOpenloopSolution(u, N, T, t0, x0)
        cost = 0.0
        costvec = np.zeros([N, 1])

        for k in range(N):
            uk = np.array([u[k], u[k + N]])
            costvec[k] = prob.runningCosts(uk, x[k], t0 + k * T, lanes,
                                           obstacle, posIdx)
            cost = cost + costvec[k]

        return cost
Exemple #3
    def objective(self, u):
        N = self.N
        T = self.T
        t0 = self.t0
        x0 = self.x0
        path = self.path
        obstacle = self.obstacle
        posIdx = self.posIdx
        V_cmd = self.V_cmd
        fHandleCost = self.fHandleCost
        x00_23 = self.x00_23

        x = prob.computeOpenloopSolution(u, N, T, t0, x0, x00_23)
        costvec = np.zeros([3 * N + 2, 1])

        for k in range(N):
            uk = np.array([u[k], u[k + N]])
            costout = prob.runningCosts(uk, x[k], t0 + k * T, path, obstacle,
                                        posIdx, V_cmd)
            costvec[k] = costout[0]  # V
            costvec[k + N] = costout[1]  # Vdot or Vddot
            costvec[k + 2 * N] = costout[2]  # Chidot or Chiddot

        cost_goalDist, cost_goalDelChi = prob.goalCost(x0, t0)
        #cost_goalDist, cost_goalDelChi = prob.goalCost(x[-1,:], t0)
        costvec[3 * N] = cost_goalDist  # goal dist
        costvec[3 * N + 1] = cost_goalDelChi  # goal delta chi

        cost = np.sum(costvec)

        # write data once for analysis later using a global variable. other mentioned can be developed to not use the
        # global variable - but this was the least intrusive way of adding the functionality
        if globalVars.writeToFileCost == True:
            for k in range(3 * N):
                fHandleCost.write('%.2f ' % (costvec[k]))
            fHandleCost.write('%.2f ' % (costvec[3 * N]))
            fHandleCost.write('%.2f ' % (costvec[3 * N + 1]))
            globalVars.writeToFileCost = False

        return cost
Exemple #4
def getCostVec(u, N, T, t0, x0, path, obstacle, posIdx, V_cmd):
    import probInfo
    import numpy as np

    x = probInfo.computeOpenloopSolution(u, N, T, t0, x0)
    costvec = np.zeros([3 * N + 2, 1])

    for k in range(N):
        uk = np.array([u[k], u[k + N]])
        costout = probInfo.runningCosts(uk, x[k], t0 + k * T, path, obstacle, posIdx, V_cmd)
        costvec[k] = costout[0]  # V
        costvec[k + N] = costout[1]  # Vdot or Vddot
        costvec[k + 2 * N] = costout[2]  # Chidot or Chiddot

    cost_goalDist, cost_goalDelChi = probInfo.goalCost(x0, t0)  # goalcost_opt1
    # cost_goalDist, cost_goalDelChi = probInfo.goalCost(x[-1,:], t0) # goalcost_opt2

    costvec[3 * N] = cost_goalDist  # goal dist
    costvec[3 * N + 1] = cost_goalDelChi  # goal delta chi

    return costvec