def randomWalkBeginningEndDegrees(start, end, n, any_octave = False):
    if n == 1:
        return [start]
    elif n == 2:
        return [start, end]
    elif n == 3:
        return [start, random.choice([start - 1] + range(start + 1, end) + [end + 1]), end]
        while (True):
            degs = [start]
            for i in range(1, n - 2):
                if degs[-1] < 0:
                    degs.append(degs[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov))
                elif degs[-1] > 14:
                    degs.append(degs[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*-1)
                    degs.append(degs[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,-1,-1,1]))
            if any_octave:
                end = getClosestPCDegree(degs[-1], end)
            if end == degs[-1]:
                second_to_last = random.choice([end - 2, end - 1, end + 1, end + 2])
                second_to_last = random.randint(degs[-1] + 1, end) if end > degs[-1] else random.randint(end + 1, degs[-1])
            if abs(degs[-1] - degs[-2]) < 3:
        return degs
def randomDuration(length = 2.0, avoid = [], triplets = False):
    if length == 2.0:
        new_prob_dict = {}
        for val, prob in two_prob_dict.items():
            if val not in avoid and not (triplets == False and 0.33333333 in strToRhy(val)):
                new_prob_dict[val] = prob
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(new_prob_dict))
def genCell(length, prev_note = 0, first_note = None, chord = [], durs = [], cell_type = None, key=0):
    if cell_type == None:
        cell_type = ph.probDictToChoice(p_cell_dict)
    if cell_type == 'scalewise':
        return genScalewiseCell(length, prev_note, first_note, chord, durs, key)
    elif cell_type == 'chordal':
        return genChordalCell(length, prev_note, first_note, chord, durs, key)
        return genUsualCell(length, prev_note, first_note, chord, durs, key)
def randomDuration(length = 2.0, same = '', avoid = []):
    if length == 2.0:
        new_prob_dict = {}
        for val, prob in two_prob_dict.items():
            if val not in avoid:
                new_prob_dict[val] = prob
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(new_prob_dict))
    elif length == 4.0:
        if same == '':
            same = random.choice([True, False])
        if same:
            a = notHalfNote()
            return fh.concat([a,a])
            if random.uniform(0,1) < 0.1 and '3.0 1.0' not in avoid and '3.0 0.5 0.5' not in avoid and '1.0 2.0 1.0' not in avoid:
                a = strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice({'3.0 1.0':0.2, '3.0 0.5 0.5':0.4, '1.0 2.0 1.0': 0.6}))
                return a
                return randomDuration(2.0, avoid=avoid) + randomDuration(2.0, avoid=avoid)
def doubleSmooth(pitches, durs, leading = True):
    new = [pitches[0]]
    new_durs = [durs[0]]
    for i in range(1, len(pitches)):
        dur = durs[i] if i < len(durs) else 1.0
        if pitches[i] == new[-1]: #remove doubles
            new.append(new[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]))
        elif pitches[i] < -3: #choose a new note if going lower than -3
            if new[-1] > 0: 
                new.append(new[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]) )
                new.append(new[-1] + 2)
        elif pitches[i] > 14: #choose a new note if going higher than 14
            if new[-1] < 12:
                new.append(new[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]) )
                new.append(new[-1] - 2)                    
        elif (new[-1] - pitches[i]) >= 4 or (new[-1] - pitches[i]) <= -4: #choose a new note if the gap between notes is too large
            closest = sc.closestNoteDegreeInTriad(new[-1], 0)
            if closest < -2:
                new.append(closest + random.choice([1,2,2,3]))
            elif new[-1] == closest:
                new.append(closest + random.choice([-2,-1,-1,1,1,2]))
        if dur > 1 and new[-1] % 7 not in [0,2,4]: #choose a new note if it is not in the chord triad
            closest = sc.closestNoteDegreeInTriad(new[-1], 0)
            new[-1] = (closest)
        if new[-1] < -3:
            new[-1] = random.choice(range(-3, 0))
        elif new[-1] > 14:
             new[-1] = random.choice(range(12,14))
    #make leading notes resolve to tonic
    if leading:
        for i in range(0, len(new) - 1):
            if new[i] % 12 == 11:
                if random.uniform(0,1) < 0.7:
                    new[i + 1] = new[i] + 1
    return (new, new_durs)
def genHPhrase(
    harmony=[[0, 2, 4], [0, 2, 4], [4, 6, 8], [0, 2, 4]],
    prob_transform_dict={"transformed": 0.6, "new": 0.4},
    first_motif = genMotif(prev_note, harmony[:2])
    next_motif_type = ph.probDictToChoice(prob_transform_dict)
    if next_motif_type == "new":
        second_motif = genMotif(first_motif.pits[-1], harmony[2:])
        second_motif = transformChunk(first_motif, first_motif.pits[-1], harmony[2:])
    return Chunk([first_motif, second_motif])
def genMotif(beats):
    durations = rhy.randomDuration(beats)
    tot_durs = [sum(durations[:i]) for i in range(0, len(durations))]
    pitches = [random.choice([0,0,2,2,4,4,1,-1,-2])]
    for i in range(1, len(durations)):
        if tot_durs[i] == 2.0:
            probOnBeat = {-4: 1, -2:4, 0: 2, 2:4, 4:1} #try to make the on beat a member of the major triad
            probOnBeat = dict([(k,v) for k,v in probOnBeat.items() if abs(pitches[-1] - k) <= 4])
            if len(probOnBeat) == 0:
                probOnBeat = {pitches[-1] - 1:1, pitches[-1] + 1:1}
            pitches.append(pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(probOnBeat))
            #if pitches are too high/low, move towards the center
            if pitches[-1] > 12: 
                pitches.append(pitches[-1] - ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov))
            elif pitches[-1] < 0:
                pitches.append(pitches[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov))
            #otherwise, move either up or down
                pitches.append(pitches[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov) * random.choice([1,-1]))
    return Motif(pitches, durations)
def genMotif(prev_note=0, harmony=[[0, 2, 4], [4, 6, 8]]):
    first_chord = harmony[0]
    second_chord = harmony[1]
    # gen first cell
    cell1 = gc.getCell(2, prev_note, None, first_chord, [])
    # either gen or transform second cell
    next_cell_type = ph.probDictToChoice({"transformed": 0.7, "new": 0.3})
    if len(set(cell1.durs)) < 2 and len(cell1.durs) > 1:
        next_cell_type = "new"
    if next_cell_type == "new":
        cell2 = gc.getCell(2, cell1.pits[-1], None, second_chord, [])
        cell2 = transformChunk(cell1, cell1.pits[-1], [second_chord])
    return Chunk([cell1, cell2])
def randomDuration(length):
    if length == 1:
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(prob_dict))
    elif length == 2:
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(two_prob_dict))
    elif length == 3:
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(two_prob_dict)) + strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(prob_dict))
    elif length == 4:
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(two_prob_dict)) + strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(two_prob_dict))
def randomDuration(length, triplets = False):
    if length == 1:
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(prob_dict))
    elif length == 2:
        pdict = two_prob_dict_triplets if triplets else two_prob_dict
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(pdict))
    elif length == 3:
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(two_prob_dict) + strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(prob_dict)))
    elif length == 4:
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(two_prob_dict) + strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(two_prob_dict)))
        print('error - duration not supported yet')
Exemple #11
def genChordalCell(length, prev_note = 0, first_note = None, cord = [], durs = [], key = 0):
    pitches = []
    def strToNum(string):
        return [int(i) for i in string.split()]
    if cord == []:
        cord = strToNum(ph.probDictToChoice({'0 2 4':0.5, '4 6 8':0.3, '3 5 7':0.2}))
    if durs == []:
        durs = rhy.randomDuration(length)
    if first_note != None:
        pitches = [first_note]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 6 and cord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note + 1]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 3 and cord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note - 1]
        pitches = [sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, 1, False)]
    for i in range(1, len(durs)):
        pitches.append(randomChordNote(pitches[-1], cord, durs[i] == 0.25))
    return Chunk(pits=pitches, durs=durs, chord=cord, key = key)
def closenessDistribution(chord, prev_note, dist):
    if chord == []:
        return prev_note + random.choice([-1,-1,1,1,-2,2])
    if dist == 'close':
        far_dict = {0:0.6, 1:0.4}
    elif dist == 'med':
        far_dict = {0:0.4, 1:0.35, 2:0.2, 3:0.05}
    n = ph.probDictToChoice((far_dict))

    #get note in chord that is nth away from prev_note
    all_notes_in_chord = fh.concat([[root_note + octave for root_note in chord] for octave in range(-21,21,7)])

    #get distances between notes and prev_note
    notes_distances = map(lambda i: (i, abs(i - prev_note)), all_notes_in_chord)

    #sort notes_distances by the distance
    notes_distances = sorted(notes_distances, key = itemgetter(1))

    return notes_distances[n][0]
Exemple #13
def genUsualCell(length, prev_note = 0, first_note = None, cord = [], durs = [], key=0):
    pitches = []
    def strToNum(string):
        return [int(i) for i in string.split()]
    if cord == []:
        cord = strToNum(ph.probDictToChoice({'0 2 4':0.5, '4 6 8':0.3, '3 5 7':0.2}))
    if durs == []:
        durs = rhy.randomDuration(length)
    if first_note != None:
        pitches = [first_note]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 6 and cord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note + 1]
    elif prev_note % 7 == 3 and cord == [0,2,4]:
        pitches = [prev_note - 1]
        pitches = [sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, 1, False)]
    if durs[0] < 0:
        pitches.append(sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, 1, False))
        i_continue = 2
        i_continue = 1
    tot_durs = [sum(durs[:i]) for i in range(0, len(durs))]
    for i in range(i_continue, len(durs)):
        if tot_durs[i] % 1.0 == 0:
            if prev_note not in cord:
                pitches.append(sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, True))
                pitches.append(randomChordNote(prev_note, cord))
        elif random.uniform(0,1) < 0.5:
            if prev_note not in cord:
                pitches.append(sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, cord, True))
                pitches.append(randomChordNote(prev_note, cord))
            pitches.append(randomNextDegree(prev_note, 1))
        prev_note = pitches[-1]
    return_val = Chunk(pitches, durs, chord=cord, key=key)
    if pref.goodCell(return_val) or random.uniform(0,1) < 0.05:
        return return_val
        return genUsualCell(length, prev_note, first_note, cord, durs)
def randomMeasure():
    one_prob_dict = {'1.0': 0.4, '0.5 0.5': 0.53, '0.75 0.25':0.02, '0.5 0.25 0.25':0.02, '0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25':0.02}
    two_prob_dict = {}
    prob_dict_keys = list(prob_dict.keys())
    for i in range(0, len(prob_dict_keys)):
        two_prob_dict[prob_dict_keys[i] + ' ' + prob_dict_keys[i]] = 0.5*prob_dict[prob_dict_keys[i]]
        for j in range(i + 1, len(prob_dict_keys)):
            two_prob_dict[prob_dict_keys[i] + ' ' + prob_dict_keys[j]] = ph.geometricMean([prob_dict[prob_dict_keys[i]], prob_dict[prob_dict_keys[j]]])
            two_prob_dict[prob_dict_keys[j] + ' ' + prob_dict_keys[i]] = ph.geometricMean([prob_dict[prob_dict_keys[i]], prob_dict[prob_dict_keys[j]]])
    two_prob_dict['1.5 0.5'] = 0.5
    two_prob_dict['1.5 0.25 0.25'] = 0.1
    two_prob_dict['2.0'] = 0.5
    four_prob_dict = {}
    two_prob_dict_keys = list(two_prob_dict.keys())
    for i in range(0, len(prob_dict_keys)):
        four_prob_dict[two_prob_dict_keys[i] + ' ' + two_prob_dict_keys[i]] = 3*two_prob_dict[two_prob_dict_keys[i]]
        for j in range(i + 1, len(prob_dict_keys)):
            four_prob_dict[two_prob_dict_keys[i] + ' ' + two_prob_dict_keys[j]] = ph.geometricMean([two_prob_dict[two_prob_dict_keys[i]], two_prob_dict[two_prob_dict_keys[j]]])
            four_prob_dict[two_prob_dict_keys[j] + ' ' + two_prob_dict_keys[i]] = ph.geometricMean([two_prob_dict[two_prob_dict_keys[i]], two_prob_dict[two_prob_dict_keys[j]]])
    for key in prob_dict.keys():
        four_prob_dict['3.0 ' + key] = 0.2 + prob_dict[key]
    return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(four_prob_dict))
def randomNextDegree(prev_note = 0):
    interval = ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov) * random.choice([-1,1])
    return prev_note + interval
def alterMotif(motif, p_alter_pitch = 0.2, p_alter_rhythm = 0.2):
    new_durs = []
    new_pitches = []
    for i in range(0, len(motif.l1d)):
        beat = motif.l1d[i]
        beat_pitches = motif.l1p[i]
        ran1 = random.uniform(0,1) #used to determine rhythm changes
        ran2 = random.uniform(0,1) #used to determine pitch changes
        tmp_dur = []
        if beat == [1.0]: #either keep as quarter note, or transform to eighths or sixteenths
            if ran1 < p_alter_rhythm/2:
                tmp_dur = [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25]
                tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0]]
                for i in range(0,3):
                    tmp_pitches.append(tmp_pitches[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]))
            elif ran1 < p_alter_rhythm:
                tmp_dur = [0.5,0.5]
                if ran2 < p_alter_pitch:
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1])]
                    tmp_pitches.append(tmp_pitches[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]))
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0], beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1])]
                tmp_dur = [1.0]
                if ran2 < p_alter_pitch:
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1])]
                    tmp_pitches = beat_pitches
        elif beat == [0.5,0.5]: #either keep as eighths, or transform to sixteenths or quarter
            if ran1 < p_alter_rhythm/2:
                tmp_dur = [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25]
                if ran2 < p_alter_pitch:
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1])]
                    for i in range(0,3):
                        tmp_pitches.append(tmp_pitches[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]))
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0], beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]), beat_pitches[1], beat_pitches[1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1])]
            elif ran1 < p_alter_rhythm:
                tmp_dur = [1.0]
                if ran2 < p_alter_pitch:
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1])]
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0]]
                tmp_dur = [0.5,0.5]
                if ran2 < p_alter_pitch:
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]), beat_pitches[1]]
                    tmp_pitches = beat_pitches
        elif beat == [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25]: #either keep as sixteenths, or transform to eighths or quarter
            if ran1 < p_alter_rhythm/2:
                tmp_dur = [0.5,0.5]
                if ran2 < p_alter_pitch:
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1])]
                    tmp_pitches.append(tmp_pitches[-1]  + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]))
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0], beat_pitches[2]]
            elif ran1 < p_alter_rhythm:
                tmp_dur = [1.0]
                if ran2 < p_alter_pitch:
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1])]
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0]]
                tmp_dur = [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25]
                if ran2 < p_alter_pitch:
                    tmp_pitches = [beat_pitches[0] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1])]
                    for i in range(0,3):
                        tmp_pitches.append(tmp_pitches[-1] + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov)*random.choice([-1,1]))
                    tmp_pitches = beat_pitches
        else: #if the beat is neither all eighth notes nor sixteenth notes nor a quarter, keep the rhythm constant
            tmp_dur = beat
            tmp_pitches = []
            for pitch in beat_pitches:
                ran2 = random.uniform(0,1)
                if ran2 < p_alter_pitch:
                    tmp_pitches.append(pitch + ph.probDictToChoice(sc.horizontalmarkov))
    return Motif(new_pitches, new_durs)
Exemple #17
def genProcessCell(prev_note = 0, first_note = None, chord = [0,2,4], key = 0):
    if first_note == None:
        pitches = [sc.closestNoteDegreeInChord(prev_note, chord=chord)]
    durs = rhy.strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice({'0.5 0.25 0.25':0.1, '0.25 0.25 0.5':0.1, '0.5 0.5':0.5, '0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25':0.1}))
def randomHalfQuarterEighths():
    half_prob_dict = {'1.0 0.5 0.5':0.3, '00.5 0.5 1': 0.1, '0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5':0.25, '1.0 1.0': 0.15}
    return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(half_prob_dict))
def randomHalfRhythm(short = False):
    if short:
        return random.choice([[1.5, 0.5], [1.5, 0.25, 0.25], [1.0, 1.0], [1.0,0.5,0.5], [0.5,0.5,1.0]])
        return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(two_prob_dict))
                phrs_motifs = ([motifs[i] for i in random.choice(prev_types)])
                phrs_motifs = [motifs[which_to_start]]
                which_second = random.choice(range(0, len(motifs)))
                phrs_motifs.append(mlh.alterMotif(motifs[which_second], random.uniform(0,0.3), random.uniform(0,0.3)))
                #now, append third motif
                #append to list of motifs and motif patterns
                motif_patterns.append([which_to_start, which_second, len(motifs) - 1])
            phrs_motifs = [mlh.genMotif(4), mlh.genMotif(4), mlh.genMotif(4)]
            motif_patterns.append([len(motifs) - 3, len(motifs) - 2, len(motifs) - 1])
        #then, divide into phrases
        phrase_functions_list = dict([(o[0], o[1]) for o in getmembers(ngp) if isfunction(o[1])])
        #the probability dict containing names of functions
        phrase_functions_probs = dict( [ (o[0], probPhraseType(o[0])) for o in getmembers(ngp) if isfunction(o[1]) ])
        phrase_type = phrase_functions_list[ph.probDictToChoice(phrase_functions_probs)]
    phrases = [shiftMotifs(phrase) for phrase in phrases]
    p = fh.concat(phrases)
    degrees = fh.concat([i.l0p for i in p])
    rhythms = fh.concat([i.l0d for i in p])
    degrees, rhythms = smooth.smoothOut(degrees, rhythms)
    score = mh.listsDegreesToStream(degrees, rhythms, scale = scales["dorian"])
 def getChoice(item, rules):
     return rules[item.split("-")[0]][ph.probDictToChoice(rule_probs[item.split("-")[0]])]
def randomMeasure():
    return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(fourprobs))
def randomThreeProb():
    two = strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(twoprobs))
    return two
def randomTwoProb():
    return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(twoprobs))
def randomOneProb():
    return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(oneprobs))
def probToRhys(string_dict):
    return strToRhy(ph.probDictToChoice(string_dict))