def plot_ModuleLoads(MappingFile, CMSSW_Silicon, CMSSW_Scintillator): #Load external data data = loadDataFile(MappingFile) #dataframe data_tcs_passing, data_tcs_passing_scin = getTCsPassing( CMSSW_Silicon, CMSSW_Scintillator) #from CMSSW lpgbt_loads_tcs, lpgbt_loads_words, lpgbt_layers = getHexModuleLoadInfo( data, data_tcs_passing, data_tcs_passing_scin) plot(lpgbt_loads_tcs, "loads_tcs.png", binwidth=0.1, xtitle='Number of TCs on a single lpGBT') plot(lpgbt_loads_words, "loads_words.png", binwidth=0.1, xtitle='Number of words on a single lpGBT') plot2D(lpgbt_loads_tcs, lpgbt_layers, "tcs_vs_layer.png", xtitle='Number of TCs on a single lpGBT') plot2D(lpgbt_loads_words, lpgbt_layers, "words_vs_layer.png", xtitle='Number of words on a single lpGBT')
def check_for_missing_modules_inCMSSW(MappingFile, CMSSW_Silicon, CMSSW_Scintillator): #Load external data data = loadDataFile(MappingFile) #dataframe data_tcs_passing, data_tcs_passing_scin = getTCsPassing( CMSSW_Silicon, CMSSW_Scintillator) #from CMSSW getHexModuleLoadInfo(data, data_tcs_passing, data_tcs_passing_scin, True)
def main(): MappingFile = "data/FeMappingV7.txt" FileLocation = "../outputs/" data = loadDataFile(MappingFile) #dataframe minigroups, minigroups_swap = getMinilpGBTGroups(data) correlation = np.zeros((len(minigroups_swap), len(minigroups_swap))) listofarrs = [] # listofarrs.append(arr1) # listofarrs.append(arr2) # for job in range (60): # listofarrs.append(np.load(FileLocation + "bundles_job_"+str(job)+".npy",allow_pickle=True)) for filename in glob(FileLocation + "bundles_job_*[0-9].npy"): listofarrs.append(np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True)) for b, bundles in enumerate(listofarrs): print("Bundle " + str(b) + " of " + str(len(listofarrs))) for bundle in bundles: combination = combinations(bundle, 2) for comb in combination: #print(correlation(comb)) correlation[comb[0], comb[1]] += 1 correlation[comb[1], comb[0]] += 1 fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) fig1 = ax1.imshow(correlation, vmin=1, vmax=np.amax(correlation), cmap='viridis_r', norm=LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=np.amax(correlation))) fig2 = ax2.imshow(correlation, vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(correlation), cmap='viridis_r') #plt.pcolormesh(correlation,vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(correlation), cmap='gray_r') #plt.pcolormesh(correlation,vmin=0.1, vmax=np.amax(correlation), cmap='gray_r',norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.01, vmax=np.amax(correlation))) divider1 = make_axes_locatable(ax1) divider2 = make_axes_locatable(ax2) cax1 = divider1.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cax2 = divider2.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(fig1, cax=cax1) fig.colorbar(fig2, cax=cax2) fig.tight_layout() # plt.savefig("lin.png") # plt.savefig("lin.pdf") #plt.savefig("log.png",) plt.savefig("both_v2.png", dpi=2000)
def produce_AllocationFile(MappingFile, allocation, minigroup_type="minimal"): #Load mapping file data = loadDataFile(MappingFile) #List of which minigroups are assigned to each bundle configuration = np.hstack(np.load(allocation, allow_pickle=True)) #Get minigroups minigroups, minigroups_swap = getMinilpGBTGroups(data, minigroup_type) #Bundle together minigroup configuration bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, configuration) #Open output file fileout = open('allocation_20200729_1.txt', 'w') fileout.write( '(lpGBT_number) (number_modules) (sil=0scin=1) (layer) (u/eta) (v/phi) (number_elinks)\n' ) for b, bundle in enumerate(bundles): fileout.write(str(b) + "\n") for minigroup in bundle: #list lpgbts in minigroup: for lpgbt in minigroups_swap[minigroup]: fileout.write(str(lpgbt) + " ") #Get modules associated to each lpgbt: data_list = data[((data['TPGId1'] == lpgbt) | (data['TPGId2'] == lpgbt))] fileout.write(str(len(data_list)) + " ") for index, row in data_list.iterrows(): if (row['density'] == 2): fileout.write("1 " + str(row['layer']) + " " + str(row['u']) + " " + str(row['v']) + " " + str(row['TPGeLinkSum']) + " ") else: fileout.write("0 " + str(row['layer']) + " " + str(row['u']) + " " + str(row['v']) + " " + str(row['TPGeLinkSum']) + " ") fileout.write("\n") fileout.close()
def check_for_missing_modules_inMappingFile(MappingFile, CMSSW_Silicon, CMSSW_Scintillator): #Check for modules missing in the mapping file #Load external data data = loadDataFile(MappingFile) #dataframe data_tcs_passing, data_tcs_passing_scin = getTCsPassing( CMSSW_Silicon, CMSSW_Scintillator) #from CMSSW mappingfile_sil = data[data['density'] < 2][['layer', 'u', 'v']] mappingfile_scin = data[data['density'] == 2][['layer', 'u', 'v']] cmssw_sil = data_tcs_passing[['u', 'v', 'layer', 'nTCs']] cmssw_scin = data_tcs_passing_scin[['u', 'v', 'layer', 'nTCs']] #onlymapping_sil = mappingfile.merge(cmssw.drop_duplicates(), on=['u','v','layer'],how='left', indicator=True) onlycmssw_sil = cmssw_sil.merge(mappingfile_sil.drop_duplicates(), on=['u', 'v', 'layer'], how='left', indicator=True) onlycmssw_scin = cmssw_scin.merge(mappingfile_scin.drop_duplicates(), on=['u', 'v', 'layer'], how='left', indicator=True) onlycmssw_sil = onlycmssw_sil[onlycmssw_sil['_merge'] == 'left_only'] onlycmssw_scin = onlycmssw_scin[onlycmssw_scin['_merge'] == 'left_only'] print("Silicon") print(onlycmssw_sil[onlycmssw_sil['nTCs'] > 0][['layer', 'u', 'v' ]].to_string(index=False)) print("Scintillator") print(onlycmssw_scin[onlycmssw_scin['nTCs'] > 0][[ 'layer', 'u', 'v' ]].to_string(index=False))
def produce_nTCsPerModuleHists(MappingFile, allocation, CMSSW_ModuleHists, minigroup_type="minimal", correctionConfig=None): #Load mapping file data = loadDataFile(MappingFile) #List of which minigroups are assigned to each bundle configuration = np.hstack(np.load(allocation, allow_pickle=True)) #Get minigroups minigroups, minigroups_swap = getMinilpGBTGroups(data, minigroup_type) #Get list of which modules are in each minigroup minigroups_modules = getMiniModuleGroups(data, minigroups_swap) #Bundle together minigroup configuration bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, configuration) #Get nTC hists per module module_hists = getModuleTCHists(CMSSW_ModuleHists) #Open output file outfile = ROOT.TFile.Open("hists_per_bundle.root", "RECREATE") for b, bundle in enumerate(bundles): outfile.mkdir("bundle_" + str(b))"bundle_" + str(b)) for minigroup in bundle: for module in minigroups_modules[minigroup]: module_hists[tuple(module)].Write()
def study_mapping(MappingFile, CMSSW_ModuleHists, algorithm="random_hill_climb", initial_state="best_so_far", random_seed=None, max_iterations=100000, output_dir=".", print_level=0, minigroup_type="minimal", correctionConfig=None, phisplitConfig=None, chi2Config=None, TowerMappingFile=None): #Load external data data = loadDataFile(MappingFile) #dataframe try: #Configuration for how to divide TCs into phidivisionX and phidivisionY (traditionally phi > 60 and phi < 60) split = "per_roverz_bin" phidivisionX_fixvalue_min = 55 phidivisionY_fixvalue_max = None if phisplitConfig != None: split = phisplitConfig['type'] if 'phidivisionX_fixvalue_min' in phisplitConfig.keys(): phidivisionX_fixvalue_min = phisplitConfig[ 'phidivisionX_fixvalue_min'] if 'phidivisionY_fixvalue_max' in phisplitConfig.keys(): phidivisionY_fixvalue_max = phisplitConfig[ 'phidivisionY_fixvalue_max'] inclusive_hists, module_hists = getModuleHists( CMSSW_ModuleHists, split=split, phidivisionX_fixvalue_min=phidivisionX_fixvalue_min, phidivisionY_fixvalue_max=phidivisionY_fixvalue_max) except EnvironmentError: print("File " + CMSSW_ModuleHists + " does not exist") exit() # Apply various corrections to r/z distributions from CMSSW if correctionConfig != None: print("Applying geometry corrections") applyGeometryCorrections(inclusive_hists, module_hists, correctionConfig) include_errors_in_chi2 = False include_max_modules_in_chi2 = False include_max_towers_in_chi2 = False max_modules_weighting_factor = 1000 if chi2Config != None: if 'include_errors_in_chi2' in chi2Config.keys(): include_errors_in_chi2 = chi2Config['include_errors_in_chi2'] if 'include_max_modules_in_chi2' in chi2Config.keys(): include_max_modules_in_chi2 = chi2Config[ 'include_max_modules_in_chi2'] if 'max_modules_weighting_factor' in chi2Config.keys(): max_modules_weighting_factor = chi2Config[ 'max_modules_weighting_factor'] if 'include_max_towers_in_chi2' in chi2Config.keys(): include_max_towers_in_chi2 = chi2Config[ 'include_max_towers_in_chi2'] if 'max_modules_weighting_factor' in chi2Config.keys(): max_towers_weighting_factor = chi2Config[ 'max_towers_weighting_factor'] #Load tower data if required if include_max_towers_in_chi2: try: towerdata = loadModuleTowerMappingFile(TowerMappingFile) except EnvironmentError: print("File " + TowerMappingFile + " does not exist") exit() #Form hists corresponding to each lpGBT from module hists lpgbt_hists = getlpGBTHists(data, module_hists) minigroups, minigroups_swap = getMinilpGBTGroups(data, minigroup_type) minigroup_hists = getMiniGroupHists( lpgbt_hists, minigroups_swap, return_error_squares=include_errors_in_chi2) minigroup_hists_root = getMiniGroupHists(lpgbt_hists, minigroups_swap, root=True) #Get list of which modules are in each minigroup minigroups_modules = getMiniModuleGroups(data, minigroups_swap) #Get list of which towers are in each minigroup if include_max_towers_in_chi2: minigroups_towers = getMiniTowerGroups(towerdata, minigroups_modules) def mapping_max(state): global chi2_min global combbest max_modules = None max_towers = None chi2 = 0 bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, state) bundled_lpgbthists = getBundledlpgbtHists(minigroup_hists, bundles) if include_max_modules_in_chi2: max_modules = getMaximumNumberOfModulesInABundle( minigroups_modules, bundles) if include_max_towers_in_chi2: bundled_towers = getTowerBundles(minigroups_towers, bundles) max_towers = len( max(bundled_towers, key=len) ) #Get the length of bundle with the greatest number of towers chi2 = calculateChiSquared(inclusive_hists, bundled_lpgbthists, max_modules, max_modules_weighting_factor, max_towers, max_towers_weighting_factor) typicalchi2 = 600000000000 if include_errors_in_chi2: typicalchi2 = 10000000 if (chi2 < chi2_min): chi2_min = chi2 combbest = np.copy(state) if (print_level > 0): print(algorithm, " ", chi2_min, " ", chi2_min / typicalchi2) if include_max_towers_in_chi2: print("max_towers = ", max_towers) if include_max_modules_in_chi2: print("max_modules = ", max_modules) if (print_level > 1): print(repr(combbest)) return chi2 init_state = [] if (initial_state == "example"): init_state = example_minigroup_configuration if (initial_state[-4:] == ".npy"): print(initial_state) init_state = np.hstack(np.load(initial_state, allow_pickle=True)) if (len(init_state) != len(minigroups_swap)): print( "Initial state should be the same length as the number of mini groups" ) exit() elif (initial_state == "random"): np.random.seed(random_seed) init_state = np.arange(len(minigroups_swap)) np.random.shuffle(init_state) fitness_cust = mlrose.CustomFitness(mapping_max) # Define optimization problem object problem_cust = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=len(init_state), fitness_fn=fitness_cust, maximize=False, max_val=len(minigroups_swap), minigroups=minigroups_swap) # Define decay schedule schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() #schedule = mlrose.ArithDecay() filename = "bundles_job_" filenumber = "" if (len(sys.argv) > 2): filenumber = str(sys.argv[2]) else: filenumber = "default" filename += filenumber if (algorithm == "save_root"): #Save best combination so far into a root file bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, init_state) bundled_hists_root = getBundledlpgbtHistsRoot(minigroup_hists_root, bundles) bundled_hists = getBundledlpgbtHists(minigroup_hists, bundles) chi2 = calculateChiSquared(inclusive_hists, bundled_hists) newfile = ROOT.TFile("lpgbt_10.root", "RECREATE") + "/" + filename + "_saveroot.npy", np.array(bundles, dtype=object)) for sector in bundled_hists_root: for key, value in sector.items(): value.Write() for sector in inclusive_hists: sector.Scale(1. / 24.) sector.Write() newfile.Close() print("Chi2:", chi2) print("List of Bundles:") for b, bundle in enumerate(bundles): print("") print("bundle" + str(b)) for minigroup in bundle: #print (minigroup) lpgbts = minigroups_swap[minigroup] for lpgbt in lpgbts: print(str(lpgbt) + ", ", end='') elif algorithm == "random_hill_climb" or algorithm == "simulated_annealing": try: if (algorithm == "random_hill_climb"): best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.random_hill_climb( problem_cust, max_attempts=10000, max_iters=max_iterations, restarts=0, init_state=init_state, random_state=random_seed) elif (algorithm == "simulated_annealing"): best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem_cust, schedule=schedule, max_attempts=100000, max_iters=10000000, init_state=init_state, random_state=random_seed) except ValueError: print("interrupt received, stopping and saving") finally: bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, combbest) + "/" + filename + ".npy", np.array(bundles, dtype=object)) file1 = open(output_dir + "/chi2_" + filenumber + ".txt", "a") file1.write("bundles[" + filenumber + "] = " + str(chi2_min) + "\n") file1.close() else: print("Algorithm " + algorithm + " currently not implemented")
def checkFluctuations(initial_state, cmsswNtuple, mappingFile, outputName="alldata", tcPtConfig=None, correctionConfig=None, phisplitConfig=None, truncationConfig=None, save_ntc_hists=False, beginEvent=-1, endEvent=-1): nROverZBins = 42 #To get binning for r/z histograms inclusive_hists = np.histogram(np.empty(0), bins=nROverZBins, range=(0.076, 0.58)) roverzBinning = inclusive_hists[1] #List of which minigroups are assigned to each bundle init_state = np.hstack(np.load(initial_state, allow_pickle=True)) #Load the truncation options, if need to truncate based on E_T when running over ntuple (save_sum_tcPt == True) truncation_options = [] ABratios = [] nLinks = [] save_sum_tcPt = False if (tcPtConfig != None): save_sum_tcPt = tcPtConfig['save_sum_tcPt'] options_to_study = tcPtConfig['options_to_study'] if (truncationConfig != None): for option in options_to_study: truncation_options.append( truncationConfig['option' + str(option)]['predetermined_values']) ABratios.append( truncationConfig['option' + str(option)]['maxTCsA'] / truncationConfig['option' + str(option)]['maxTCsB']) nLinks.append(truncationConfig['option' + str(option)]['nLinks']) #Load the CMSSW ntuple to get per event and per trigger cell information rootfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(cmsswNtuple, "READ") tree = rootfile.Get("HGCalTriggerNtuple") #Load mapping file data = loadDataFile(mappingFile) #Load geometry corrections if correctionConfig['nTCCorrectionFile'] != None: modulesToCorrect = loadSiliconNTCCorrectionFile( correctionConfig['nTCCorrectionFile']) else: modulesToCorrect = pd.DataFrame() #Get list of which lpgbts are in each minigroup minigroups, minigroups_swap = getMinilpGBTGroups(data) #Get list of which modules are in each minigroup minigroups_modules = getMiniModuleGroups(data, minigroups_swap) bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, init_state) bundled_lpgbthists_allevents = [] bundled_pt_hists_allevents = [] ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX = {} #traditionally phi > 60 degrees ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY = {} #traditionally phi < 60 degrees ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX_tcPt = {} ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY_tcPt = {} nTCs_per_module = {} #Value of split in phi (traditionally 60 degrees) if phisplitConfig == None: phi_split_phidivisionX = np.full(nROverZBins, np.pi / 3) phi_split_phidivisionY = np.full(nROverZBins, np.pi / 3) else: if phisplitConfig['type'] == "fixed": phi_split_phidivisionX = np.full( nROverZBins, np.radians(phisplitConfig['phidivisionX_fixvalue_min'])) phi_split_phidivisionY = np.full( nROverZBins, np.radians(phisplitConfig['phidivisionY_fixvalue_max'])) else: file_roverz_inclusive = ROOT.TFile( str(phisplitConfig['splitfile']), "READ") PhiVsROverZ_Total = file_roverz_inclusive.Get("ROverZ_Inclusive") split_indices_phidivisionX = getPhiSplitIndices( PhiVsROverZ_Total, split="per_roverz_bin") split_indices_phidivisionY = getPhiSplitIndices( PhiVsROverZ_Total, split="per_roverz_bin") phi_split_phidivisionX = np.zeros(nROverZBins) phi_split_phidivisionY = np.zeros(nROverZBins) for i, (idxX, idxY) in enumerate( zip(split_indices_phidivisionX, split_indices_phidivisionY)): phi_split_phidivisionX[i] = PhiVsROverZ_Total.GetYaxis( ).GetBinLowEdge(int(idxY)) phi_split_phidivisionY[i] = PhiVsROverZ_Total.GetYaxis( ).GetBinLowEdge(int(idxY)) if save_ntc_hists: for i in range(15): for j in range(15): for k in range(1, 53): if k < 28 and k % 2 == 0: continue nTCs_per_module[0, i, j, k] = ROOT.TH1D( "nTCs_silicon_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j) + "_" + str(k), "", 49, -0.5, 48.5) for i in range(5): for j in range(12): for k in range(37, 53): nTCs_per_module[1, i, j, k] = ROOT.TH1D( "nTCs_scintillator_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j) + "_" + str(k), "", 49, -0.5, 48.5) for z in (-1, 1): for sector in (0, 1, 2): key1 = (z, sector) ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX[key1] = {} ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY[key1] = {} if save_sum_tcPt: ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX_tcPt[key1] = {} ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY_tcPt[key1] = {} for i in range(15): for j in range(15): for k in range(1, 53): if k < 28 and k % 2 == 0: continue ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX[key1][0, i, j, k] = np.empty(0) ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY[key1][0, i, j, k] = np.empty(0) if save_sum_tcPt: ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX_tcPt[key1][ 0, i, j, k] = [] #np.empty(0) ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY_tcPt[key1][ 0, i, j, k] = [] #np.empty(0) for i in range(5): for j in range(12): for k in range(37, 53): ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX[key1][1, i, j, k] = np.empty(0) ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY[key1][1, i, j, k] = np.empty(0) if save_sum_tcPt: ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX_tcPt[key1][ 0, i, j, k] = [] #np.empty(0) ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY_tcPt[key1][ 0, i, j, k] = [] #np.empty(0) try: for entry, event in enumerate(tree): if (beginEvent != -1 and entry < beginEvent): if (entry == 0): print("Event number less than " + str(beginEvent) + ", continue") continue if (endEvent != -1 and entry > endEvent): print("Event number greater than " + str(endEvent) + ", break") break # if entry > 10: # break print("Event number " + str(entry)) for key1 in ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX.keys(): for key2 in ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX[key1].keys(): ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX[key1][key2] = np.empty(0) ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY[key1][key2] = np.empty(0) if save_sum_tcPt: ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX_tcPt[key1][key2] = [ ] #np.empty(0) ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY_tcPt[key1][key2] = [ ] #np.empty(0) #Loop over list of trigger cells in a particular #event and fill R/Z histograms for each module #for phidivisionX and phidivisionY (traditionally phi > 60 degrees and phi < 60 degrees respectively) #Check if tc_pt exists (needed if we want to save the sum of (truncated) TC's pT) eventzip = zip(event.tc_waferu, event.tc_waferv, event.tc_layer, event.tc_x, event.tc_y, event.tc_z, event.tc_cellu, event.tc_cellv) if (save_sum_tcPt): if hasattr(event, 'tc_pt'): eventzip = zip(event.tc_waferu, event.tc_waferv, event.tc_layer, event.tc_x, event.tc_y, event.tc_z, event.tc_cellu, event.tc_cellv, event.tc_pt) else: print( 'tc_pt not found in TTree - switching to non-save_sum_pt mode' ) save_sum_tcPt = False for variables in eventzip: u, v, layer, x, y, z, cellu, cellv = variables[:8] if save_sum_tcPt: pt = variables[8] if (u > -990): #Silicon uv, sector = rotate_to_sector_0(u, v, layer) roverz_phi = getROverZPhi(x, y, z, sector) roverz_bin = np.argmax(roverzBinning > abs(roverz_phi[0])) if (roverz_phi[1] >= phi_split_phidivisionX[roverz_bin - 1]): #There should be no r/z values lower than 0.076 ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX[np.sign(z), sector][ 0, uv[0], uv[1], layer] = np.append( ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX[np.sign(z), sector][0, uv[0], uv[1], layer], abs(roverz_phi[0])) if save_sum_tcPt: ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX_tcPt[ np.sign(z), sector][0, uv[0], uv[1], layer].append([abs(roverz_phi[0]), pt]) if (roverz_phi[1] < phi_split_phidivisionY[roverz_bin - 1]): ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY[np.sign(z), sector][ 0, uv[0], uv[1], layer] = np.append( ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY[np.sign(z), sector][0, uv[0], uv[1], layer], abs(roverz_phi[0])) if save_sum_tcPt: ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY_tcPt[ np.sign(z), sector][0, uv[0], uv[1], layer].append([abs(roverz_phi[0]), pt]) else: #Scintillator eta = cellu phi = cellv etaphi, sector = etaphiMapping(layer, [eta, phi]) roverz_phi = getROverZPhi(x, y, z, sector) roverz_bin = np.argmax(roverzBinning > abs(roverz_phi[0])) if (roverz_phi[1] >= phi_split_phidivisionX[roverz_bin - 1]): ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX[np.sign(z), sector][ 1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer] = np.append( ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX[ np.sign(z), sector][1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer], abs(roverz_phi[0])) if save_sum_tcPt: ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX_tcPt[ np.sign(z), sector][1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer].append([abs(roverz_phi[0]), pt]) if (roverz_phi[1] < phi_split_phidivisionY[roverz_bin - 1]): ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY[np.sign(z), sector][ 1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer] = np.append( ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY[ np.sign(z), sector][1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer], abs(roverz_phi[0])) if save_sum_tcPt: ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY_tcPt[ np.sign(z), sector][1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer].append([abs(roverz_phi[0]), pt]) #Bin the TC module data module_hists_phidivisionX = {} module_hists_phidivisionY = {} for key1, value1 in ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX.items(): module_hists_phidivisionX[key1] = {} for key2, value2 in value1.items(): module_hists_phidivisionX[key1][key2] = np.histogram( value2, bins=nROverZBins, range=(0.076, 0.58))[0] for key1, value1 in ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY.items(): module_hists_phidivisionY[key1] = {} for key2, value2 in value1.items(): module_hists_phidivisionY[key1][key2] = np.histogram( value2, bins=nROverZBins, range=(0.076, 0.58))[0] for z in (-1, 1): for sector in (0, 1, 2): #the module hists are a numpy array of size 42 module_hists = [ module_hists_phidivisionX[z, sector], module_hists_phidivisionY[z, sector] ] #Apply geometry corrections applyGeometryCorrectionsNumpy(module_hists, modulesToCorrect) #Save the integral of module_hists, per event if save_ntc_hists: for module, hist in nTCs_per_module.items(): hist.Fill( np.round( np.sum(module_hists[0][module]) + np.sum(module_hists[1][module]))) #Sum the individual module histograms to get the minigroup histograms minigroup_hists = getMiniGroupHistsNumpy( module_hists, minigroups_modules) #Sum the minigroup histograms to get the bundle histograms bundled_lpgbthists = getBundledlpgbtHists( minigroup_hists, bundles) bundled_lpgbthists_allevents.append(bundled_lpgbthists) #Collect the individual TC Pt values for a given minigroup, with the view to truncate and sum if (save_sum_tcPt): tc_Pt_rawdata = [ ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionX_tcPt[z, sector], ROverZ_per_module_phidivisionY_tcPt[z, sector] ] #Apply geometry corrections applyGeometryCorrectionsTCPtRawData( tc_Pt_rawdata, modulesToCorrect) #Get lists of (r/z, pt) pairs, first for minigroups and then for bundles minigroup_tc_Pt_rawdata = getMiniGroupTCPtRawData( tc_Pt_rawdata, minigroups_modules) bundled_tc_Pt_rawdata = getBundledTCPtRawData( minigroup_tc_Pt_rawdata, bundles) #Get histograms of (truncated) sum pT per r/z bin bundled_pt_hists = applyTruncationAndGetPtSums( bundled_tc_Pt_rawdata, truncation_options, ABratios, roverzBinning, nLinks) bundled_pt_hists_allevents.append(bundled_pt_hists) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("interrupt received, stopping and saving") finally: #Write all data to file for later analysis (Pickling) if (beginEvent != -1): outputName = outputName + "_from" + str(beginEvent) if (endEvent != -1): outputName = outputName + "_to" + str(endEvent) with open(outputName + ".txt", "wb") as filep: pickle.dump(bundled_lpgbthists_allevents, filep) if save_sum_tcPt: with open(outputName + "_sumpt.txt", "wb") as filep: pickle.dump(bundled_pt_hists_allevents, filep) if save_ntc_hists: outfile = ROOT.TFile(outputName + "_nTCs.root", "RECREATE") for hist in nTCs_per_module.values(): hist.Write()
def study_mapping(MappingFile, CMSSW_ModuleHists, algorithm="random_hill_climb", initial_state="best_so_far", random_seed=1, max_iterations=100000, output_dir=".", print_level=0, minigroup_type="minimal"): #Load external data data = loadDataFile(MappingFile) #dataframe inclusive_hists, module_hists = getModuleHists(CMSSW_ModuleHists) #Form hists corresponding to each lpGBT from module hists lpgbt_hists = getlpGBTHists(data, module_hists) minigroups, minigroups_swap = getMinilpGBTGroups(data, minigroup_type) # minigroup_hists = getMiniGroupHists(lpgbt_hists,minigroups_swap) minigroup_hists = getMiniGroupHists(lpgbt_hists, minigroups_swap) minigroup_hists_root = getMiniGroupHists(lpgbt_hists, minigroups_swap, root=True) def mapping_max(state): global chi2_min global combbest chi2 = 0 bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, state) #bundled_lpgbthists = getBundledlpgbtHists(minigroup_hists,bundles) bundled_lpgbthists = getBundledlpgbtHists(minigroup_hists, bundles) chi2 = calculateChiSquared(inclusive_hists, bundled_lpgbthists) typicalchi2 = 600000000000 if (chi2 < chi2_min): chi2_min = chi2 combbest = np.copy(state) if (print_level > 0): print(algorithm, " ", chi2_min, " ", chi2_min / typicalchi2) if (print_level > 1): print(repr(combbest)) return chi2 init_state = [] if (initial_state == "best_so_far"): init_state = bestsofar if (initial_state[-4:] == ".npy"): print(initial_state) init_state = np.hstack(np.load(initial_state, allow_pickle=True)) elif (initial_state == "random"): init_state = np.arange(len(minigroups_swap)) np.random.shuffle(init_state) fitness_cust = mlrose.CustomFitness(mapping_max) # Define optimization problem object problem_cust = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=len(init_state), fitness_fn=fitness_cust, maximize=False, max_val=len(minigroups_swap), minigroups=minigroups_swap) # Define decay schedule schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() #schedule = mlrose.ArithDecay() filename = "bundles_job_" filenumber = "" if (len(sys.argv) > 2): filenumber = str(sys.argv[2]) else: filenumber = "default" filename += filenumber if (algorithm == "save_root"): #Save best combination so far into a root file bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, init_state) bundled_hists = getBundledlpgbtHistsRoot(minigroup_hists_root, bundles) chi2 = calculateChiSquared(inclusive_hists, bundled_hists) newfile = ROOT.TFile("lpgbt_10.root", "RECREATE") + "/" + filename + ".npy", bundles) for sector in bundled_hists: for key, value in sector.items(): value.Write() for sector in inclusive_hists: sector.Scale(1. / 24.) sector.Write() newfile.Close() print("Chi2:", chi2) print("List of Bundles:") for b, bundle in enumerate(bundles): print("") print("bundle" + str(b)) for minigroup in bundle: #print (minigroup) lpgbts = minigroups_swap[minigroup] for lpgbt in lpgbts: print(str(lpgbt) + ", ", end='') elif (algorithm == "random_hill_climb"): try: best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.random_hill_climb( problem_cust, max_attempts=10000, max_iters=max_iterations, restarts=0, init_state=init_state, random_state=random_seed) print(repr(best_state)) except ValueError: print("interrupt received, stopping and saving") finally: bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, combbest) + "/" + filename + ".npy", bundles) file1 = open(output_dir + "/chi2_" + filenumber + ".txt", "a") file1.write("bundles[" + filenumber + "] = " + str(chi2_min) + "\n") file1.close() elif (algorithm == "genetic_alg"): best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.genetic_alg(problem_cust, pop_size=200, mutation_prob=0.1, max_attempts=1000, max_iters=10000000, curve=False, random_state=random_seed) elif (algorithm == "mimic"): best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.mimic(problem_cust, pop_size=200, keep_pct=0.2, max_attempts=10, max_iters=np.inf, curve=False, random_state=random_seed) elif (algorithm == "simulated_annealing"): best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem_cust, schedule=schedule, max_attempts=100000, max_iters=10000000, init_state=init_state, random_state=1) else: print("Algorithm " + algorithm + " not known")
def checkFluctuations(initial_state, cmsswNtuple, mappingFile): #List of which minigroups are assigned to each bundle init_state = np.hstack(np.load(initial_state, allow_pickle=True)) #Load the CMSSW ntuple to get per event and per trigger cell information rootfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(cmsswNtuple, "READ") tree = rootfile.Get("HGCalTriggerNtuple") #Load mapping file data = loadDataFile(mappingFile) #Get list of which lpgbts are in each minigroup minigroups, minigroups_swap = getMinilpGBTGroups(data) #Get list of which modules are in each minigroup minigroups_modules = getMiniModuleGroups(data, minigroups_swap) bundles = getBundles(minigroups_swap, init_state) bundled_lpgbthists_allevents = [] ROverZ_per_module = {} ROverZ_per_module_Phi60 = {} for i in range(15): for j in range(15): for k in range(1, 53): if k < 28 and k % 2 == 0: continue ROverZ_per_module[0, i, j, k] = np.empty(0) ROverZ_per_module_Phi60[0, i, j, k] = np.empty(0) for i in range(5): for j in range(12): for k in range(37, 53): ROverZ_per_module[1, i, j, k] = np.empty(0) ROverZ_per_module_Phi60[1, i, j, k] = np.empty(0) try: for entry, event in enumerate(tree): # if entry > 10: # break print("Event number " + str(entry)) for key in ROverZ_per_module.keys(): ROverZ_per_module[key] = np.empty(0) ROverZ_per_module_Phi60[key] = np.empty(0) #Loop over list of trigger cells in a particular #event and fill R/Z histograms for each module #(inclusively and for phi < 60) for u, v, layer, x, y, z, cellu, cellv in zip( event.tc_waferu, event.tc_waferv, event.tc_layer, event.tc_x, event.tc_y, event.tc_z, event.tc_cellu, event.tc_cellv): eta_phi = getROverZPhi(x, y, z) if (u > -990): #Silicon uv = rotate_to_sector_0(u, v, layer) ROverZ_per_module[0, uv[0], uv[1], layer] = np.append( ROverZ_per_module[0, uv[0], uv[1], layer], abs(eta_phi[0])) if (eta_phi[1] < np.pi / 3): ROverZ_per_module_Phi60[ 0, uv[0], uv[1], layer] = np.append( ROverZ_per_module_Phi60[0, uv[0], uv[1], layer], abs(eta_phi[0])) else: #Scintillator eta = cellu phi = cellv etaphi = etaphiMapping(layer, [eta, phi]) ROverZ_per_module[1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer] = np.append( ROverZ_per_module[1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer], abs(eta_phi[0])) if (eta_phi[1] < np.pi / 3): ROverZ_per_module_Phi60[ 1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer] = np.append( ROverZ_per_module_Phi60[1, etaphi[0], etaphi[1], layer], abs(eta_phi[0])) ROverZ_Inclusive = np.empty(0) ROverZ_Inclusive_Phi60 = np.empty(0) for key, value in ROverZ_per_module.items(): ROverZ_Inclusive = np.append(ROverZ_Inclusive, value) for key, value in ROverZ_per_module_Phi60.items(): ROverZ_Inclusive_Phi60 = np.append(ROverZ_Inclusive_Phi60, value) #Bin the TC module data module_hists_inc = {} module_hists_phi60 = {} inclusive_hists = np.histogram(ROverZ_Inclusive, bins=42, range=(0.076, 0.58)) inclusive_hists_phi60 = np.histogram(ROverZ_Inclusive_Phi60, bins=42, range=(0.076, 0.58)) for key, value in ROverZ_per_module.items(): module_hists_inc[key] = np.histogram(value, bins=42, range=(0.076, 0.58))[0] for key, value in ROverZ_per_module_Phi60.items(): module_hists_phi60[key] = np.histogram(value, bins=42, range=(0.076, 0.58))[0] module_hists = [module_hists_inc, module_hists_phi60] #Sum the individual module histograms to get the minigroup histograms minigroup_hists = getMiniGroupHistsNumpy(module_hists, minigroups_modules) #Sum the minigroup histograms to get the bundle histograms bundled_lpgbthists = getBundledlpgbtHists(minigroup_hists, bundles) bundled_lpgbthists_allevents.append(bundled_lpgbthists) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("interrupt received, stopping and saving") finally: #Write all data to file for later analysis (Pickling) with open("alldata.txt", "wb") as filep: pickle.dump(bundled_lpgbthists_allevents, filep)