Exemple #1
def setTFList(imageList, centroids, K):
    This method used to set tf list to each image. We use centroids and compare
    distance between sift descriptors in image, and assign these features to 
    visual words.
        [image, image,..], [[int, int,...],...] => [image, image,..]
    processGap = len(imageList)/10.0
    processIndex = 0
    imageCount = 0
    print 'PROCESS Images ',
    for image in imageList:
        if imageCount == len(imageList) - 1:
            print '#'
        elif imageCount > processIndex*processGap:
            processIndex = processIndex + 1
        imageCount = imageCount + 1
        siftDescriptor = image.SIFTdescr

        wordList = []
        # get distances between SIFT and centers
        distances = getDistances(centroids, siftDescriptor)
        for siftIndex in xrange(len(siftDescriptor)):

            minIndex = np.argmin(distances[siftIndex])
        # save word list into test image
        # get tf list
        tfList = getTFlist(wordList, K)

    return imageList
Exemple #2
def setTFListTrainImageFast(trainImageList, labels, K):
    This method used to use K-means labels result to set tf list to train images.
        [image, image,...], [[int, int,...]] => [image, image,..] 
    start = 0
    for trainImage in trainImageList:

        descr = trainImage.SIFTdescr
        trainImage.setWordList(labels[start : start + len(descr)])
        wordList = trainImage.wordList
        tfList = getTFlist(wordList, K)

        start = start + len(descr)
    return trainImageList