def set_up_data(user_string): filename = "training_data.pkl" #file name of pickle file of training_data os.chdir("C:\\Users\\Jeremy\\Desktop\Senior Project Design") #change python data = get_data(filename) #training data angle = data[0] #training angle data im = np.array(data[1]) #training image data im = normalize(im) labels_list = data[2] if (user_string == 'base_model'): im = np.concatenate((im, im)) angle = np.concatenate((angle, angle)) labels_list = np.concatenate((labels_list, labels_list)) rng_state = np.random.get_state() np.random.shuffle(im) np.random.set_state(rng_state) np.random.shuffle(angle) np.random.set_state(rng_state) np.random.shuffle(labels_list) # between 0 and 1 #image is tuple now of images so get the first element to get correct dimension size return angle, im, labels_list
def get_angle_degree_val( num, cap, plotting=True ): #gets the angle in degrees input argument is current test number #as an interger # Capture frame-by-frame cv2.waitKey(0) ret, frame = #ret true if image is retrived from camera false otherwise #frame is the image retrived from the camera IMAGE = copy.deepcopy(frame) #cv2.imwrite("C:\\Users\\Jeremy\\Desktop\\test_run_images\\t"+str(num)+".png",IMAGE) #get a deep copy of fram and assign it to the variable name of IMAGE start = time.time() #set time object to variable name of start IM = segment_blue_disk.segment_blue_disk(frame) #set IM to segment blue disk of the current frame IM = resize(IM) #resize the image to size of (227,240) IM = normalize(IM) #normalize the resized image pred = model.predict(IM) #predict the outputs of the image sin(theta),cos(theta) values angle = getAngle(pred) #predict angle value of image in degrees if (plotting): cv2.imshow('IMAGE', IMAGE) cv2.imwrite( "C:\\Users\\Jeremy\\Desktop\\test_run_images\\t" + str(num) + str(angle) + ".png", IMAGE) print(angle) #display angle value to the screen end = time.time() print( str(float(end - start)) + " time in seconds for program to run one disk check ") #display the execution time of program to the screen cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() gc.collect() cv2.destroyAllWindows() cap.release() return angle #return angle value in degrees
#break out of the loop iff the file path for the image does not exist IM = cv2.imread("C:\\Users\\Jeremy\\disk" + str(int(my_index + 2)) + "\\_0.png") #load in image with OpenCV imread read method IM = segment_blue_disk.segment_blue_disk(IM) #call segment_blue_disk method to crop the image only containing the blue disk Image_vector.append(resize(IM)) #call size function set to resize image to a size of (227,240,3) IM_plot_vector.append(IM) #add a element of the image numpy array to the IM_plot_vector list my_index = my_index + 1 #increment index by positive value of one Image_vector = normalize(Image_vector) #normalize the Image_vector end_time_pre_process = time.time() #get value for use for computing end time print("elapsted time preprocessing" + " " + str(my_index) + " number of images is: " + str(float(end_time_pre_process - start_time)) + " seconds") #print the time elapsed during program execution gc.collect() #call the garbage collector Image_vector = Image_vector[0] #extract tuple of list of numpy arrays comparison_IM_vector = []
try: print("in the loop now in try except block") frame=segment_blue_disk(frame); frame=cv2.resize(frame,(215,215)) break; except: continue cv2.imshow('frame',frame) #display frame of image cv2.waitKey(1) #cv2 waitkey #frame=cv2.medianBlur(frame,5) frame=normalize(frame); #normalize image pixel values between -1 and 1 cos_sin_vector=model.predict(np.reshape(frame,(1,215,215,3))); #reshape image to (1,215,215,3) so keras will not throw error angle=getAngle(cos_sin_vector); #vector with columns cos(theta) and sin(theta) print(angle); #display angle value on the screen angle=np.mod(360-angle,120) #get clockwise angle in terms of a counterclockwise angle print(angle) #print clockwise angle value in degrees get_output(digitize_output(angle)) #get output and digitize it then send the output to the raspberry pi end_time=time.time(); #end time object of type time.time() print("elapsted time is: "+str(float(end_time-start_time))+" in seconds"); #display elaspted time of program time.sleep(10) #pause for 10 seconds turn_off_all_ouput_io_pins() #turn all output pins off cap.release(); #release videocapture object cv2.destroyAllWindows(); #destroy all opencv windows
os.chdir("C:/Users/Jeremy/Desktop/Senior Project Design") from processing_libs import get_data, normalize, getAngle from segment_blue_disk import segment_blue_disk def set_keras_backend( backend): #change the backend of keras to theano or tensorflow if K.backend() != backend: os.environ['KERAS_BACKEND'] = backend reload(K) assert K.backend() == backend set_keras_backend("theano") model = load_model("experimental_model.h5") cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) ret, frame = if ret: cv2.imshow('frame', frame) frame = segment_blue_disk(frame) frame = normalize(frame) frame = cv2.resize(frame) print("angle estimated value is: " + str(getAngle(model.predict(frame))))
import os import time import gc from processing_libs import getAngle, normalize, getError os.chdir("C:\\Users\\Jeremy\\Desktop\\Senior Project Design") start_time = time.time() plot.close("all") gc.collect() model = load_model("model.h5") model2 = load_model("model_final.h5") #model3=load_model("model_deep_learning.h5") gc.collect() data = pickle.load(open("training_data.pkl", "rb")) validation_Images = data[1] validation_Images = normalize(validation_Images) ground_truth_values = data[0] gc.collect() del data prediction_values = model.predict(validation_Images[0:720]) prediction_values2 = model2.predict(validation_Images[0:720]) #prediction_values3=model3.predict(validation_Images[0:720]); theta_angle = getAngle(prediction_values) + getAngle(prediction_values2) theta_angle = theta_angle / 2 theta_angle = np.mod(theta_angle, 360) error = getError(theta_angle, ground_truth_values) plot.figure(1) plot.plot(np.array(ground_truth_values[0:360]), np.array(error[0:360])) plot.xlabel("ground truth value in degrees")