def process(command): command.actions.addProcessor("BBCSO Processor") if command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_BASIC_PAD: if config.USE_FULL_KEYSWITCHES or command.coord_Y == 1: keyswitch_num = processorhelpers.keyswitches.getNum( command.coord_X, command.coord_Y, 4, 2) command.edit( processorhelpers.RawEvent(0x90, keyswitch_num, command.value), "Remap keyswitches") """ Link to parameters - Fix this once API updates if == eventconsts.BASIC_FADER_1: command.edit(eventprocessor.rawEvent(0xB0, EXPRESSION, command.value)) if == eventconsts.BASIC_FADER_2: command.edit(eventprocessor.rawEvent(0xB0, DYNAMICS, command.value)) if == eventconsts.BASIC_FADER_3: command.edit(eventprocessor.rawEvent(0xB0, REVERB, command.value)) """ return
def process(command): command.actions.addProcessor("Error note handler") if (command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_BASIC_PAD or command.type == eventconsts.TYPE_PAD) and command.is_lift and command.getPadCoord() == (8, 1): internal.errors.recoverError(False, True) command.handle("Recover error") elif (command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_BASIC_PAD or command.type == eventconsts.TYPE_PAD) and command.is_lift and command.getPadCoord() == (8, 0): internal.errors.recoverError(True, True) command.handle("Recover error, entered debug mode") elif config.CHAOTIC_EVIL_ERROR_NOTE_HANDLER and command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_NOTE: # Do chaotic evil things if not command.is_lift: notes_list = [processorhelpers.RawEvent(0, x, 127) for x in range(127, -1, -1)] note = processorhelpers.ExtensibleNote(command, notes_list) internal.notesDown.noteOn(note) command.handle("All notes on") else: internal.notesDown.allNotesOff() command.handle("All notes off") else: if not (command.type in internal.consts.SHIFT_IGNORE_TYPES): command.handle("Device in error state")
def process(command): """Called with an event to be processed by your note processor. Events aren't filtered so you'll want to make sure your processor checks that events are notes. Args: command (ParsedEvent): An event for your function to modify/act on. """ command.addProcessor("Omni Mode Processor") # If command is a note if command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_NOTE: # Set status byte to channel 0xD (Omni preview channel) new_status = (command.status_nibble << 4) + internal.consts.OMNI_CHANNEL_STATUS command.edit(processorhelpers.RawEvent(new_status, command.note, command.value), "Remap for omni mode") command.ignore("Switch to omni channel", True) elif command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_BASIC_PAD or command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_PAD: if command.coord_X < 8: new_status = (9 << 4) + internal.consts.OMNI_CHANNEL_STATUS new_velocity = (config.DRUM_PADS_FULL_VELOCITY * 127 + (not config.DRUM_PADS_FULL_VELOCITY) * command.value) * (command.value != 0) command.edit(processorhelpers.RawEvent(new_status, PAD_MAPPINGS[command.coord_X][command.coord_Y], new_velocity), "Remap for omni mode") command.ignore("Remap to omni mode", True)
def process(command): """Called with an event to be processed by your note processor. Events aren't filtered so you'll want to make sure your processor checks that events are notes. Args: command (ParsedEvent): An event for your function to modify/act on. """ global current_set command.addProcessor("Note Randomiser Processor") # If the note processor isn't initialised, call the initialise function instead if not INIT_COMPLETE: processInit(command) return # If command is a note if command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_NOTE: if command.value: new_note = chord_sets[current_set][math.floor( abs(rng.random() * len(chord_sets[current_set]) - 0.01))] internal.notesDown.noteOn( processorhelpers.ExtensibleNote(command, [ processorhelpers.RawEvent(command.status, new_note, command.value) ])) command.handle("Randomise note") else: internal.notesDown.noteOff(command) command.handle("Randomise note off", True) elif == eventconsts.PEDAL: if command.is_lift: command.handle("Pedal lift", True) else: toNextSet() if not internal.getPortExtended(): # Forward note internal.sendCompleteInternalMidiMessage(command.getDataMIDI()) command.handle("Next chord set") elif command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_PAD: if command.coord_Y == 1 and command.coord_X < 8: if len(chord_sets[command.coord_X]): current_set = command.coord_X command.handle("Set chord set number") else: command.handle("Chord set doesn't exist") elif command.coord_Y == 0 and command.coord_X < 8: command.handle("Drum pads catch-all", True)
def process(command): """Called with an event to be processed by your note processor. Events aren't filtered so you'll want to make sure your processor checks that events are notes. Args: command (ParsedEvent): An event for your function to modify/act on. """ command.addProcessor("Scale Processor") if not INIT_COMPLETE: processInit(command) # If command is a note elif command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_NOTE: if not command.is_lift: note = command.note % 12 octave = command.note // 12 if SNAP_NOTES == None: return closest_distance = 13 closest_note = None closest_octave = 0 for x in SNAP_NOTES: distance = abs(note - x) if distance < closest_distance: closest_note = x closest_distance = distance if distance == 0: break new_note = closest_note + octave * 12 + closest_octave * 12 if PREVENT_NONSCALE and new_note != command.note: command.handle("Prevent non-scale note", True) return internal.notesDown.noteOn( processorhelpers.ExtensibleNote(command, [ processorhelpers.RawEvent(command.status, new_note, command.value) ])) command.handle("Snapped note on", True) else: internal.notesDown.noteOff(command) command.handle("Snapped note off", True) pass
def process(command): command.actions.addProcessor("BBCSO Processor") if command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_BASIC_PAD: if config.USE_FULL_KEYSWITCHES or command.coord_Y == 1: keyswitch_num = processorhelpers.keyswitches.getNum( command.coord_X, command.coord_Y, 4, 2) command.edit( processorhelpers.RawEvent(0x90, keyswitch_num, command.value), "Remap keyswitches") # # Map parameters # value = processorhelpers.toFloat(command.value) if command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_BASIC_FADER: if command.coord_X == 0: spitfire_generic.setExpression(command) elif command.coord_X == 1: spitfire_generic.setDynamics(command) if command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_BASIC_KNOB: if command.coord_X == 0: spitfire_generic.setReverb(command) elif command.coord_X == 1: spitfire_generic.setRelease(command) elif command.coord_X == 2: spitfire_generic.setTightness(command) elif command.coord_X == 3: pluginswrapper.setParamByName("Variation", command.value, -1, VARIATION, command) elif command.coord_X == 4: spitfire_generic.setVibrato(command) return
def process(command): """Called when processing commands. Args: command (ParsedEvent): contains useful information about the event. Use this to determing what actions your processor will take. """ # Add event processor to actions list (useful for debugging) command.actions.addProcessor("Slicex Processor") if command.type == eventconsts.TYPE_BASIC_PAD and command.coord_Y == 1: keyswitch_num = processorhelpers.keyswitches.getNum( command.coord_X, command.coord_Y, -1, -1, 0) if internal.window.active_plugin == "Slicex": keyswitch_num += 60 command.edit( processorhelpers.RawEvent(0x90, keyswitch_num, command.value), "Remap keyswitches") return
def process(command): """Called with an event to be processed by your note processor. Events aren't filtered so you'll want to make sure your processor checks that events are notes. Args: command (ParsedEvent): An event for your function to modify/act on. """ global RECENT_NOTE_UPPER, RECENT_NOTE_LOWER command.addProcessor("Chord Processor") if not INIT_COMPLETE: processInit(command) return # If command is a note elif command.type is eventconsts.TYPE_NOTE: if not command.is_lift: # How far note is up scale scale_pos = command.note - ROOT_NOTE notes_list = chords.getChord(scale_pos) if DO_INVERSIONS: """ print(ROOT_NOTE) print(ROOT_NOTE_UNADJUSTED) print(notes_list) for note_num in range(len(notes_list)): if notes_list[note_num] + ROOT_NOTE - ROOT_NOTE_UNADJUSTED > 12: notes_list[note_num] -= 12 if notes_list[note_num] + ROOT_NOTE - ROOT_NOTE_UNADJUSTED <= -12: notes_list[note_num] += 12 """ if RECENT_NOTE_LOWER != -1: for note_num in range(len(notes_list)): if (RECENT_NOTE_LOWER < (notes_list[note_num] - 12) < RECENT_NOTE_UPPER) \ or abs( (notes_list[note_num] - 12) - RECENT_NOTE_LOWER ) < abs( (notes_list[note_num]) - RECENT_NOTE_UPPER ): notes_list[note_num] -= 12 elif (RECENT_NOTE_LOWER < (notes_list[note_num] + 12) < RECENT_NOTE_UPPER) \ or abs( (notes_list[note_num] + 12) - RECENT_NOTE_UPPER ) < abs( (notes_list[note_num]) - RECENT_NOTE_LOWER ): notes_list[note_num] += 12 notes_list = sorted(notes_list) RECENT_NOTE_LOWER = notes_list[0] RECENT_NOTE_UPPER = notes_list[-1] notes_events = [] for i in range(len(notes_list)): if ENABLE_RANDOMNESS: new_velocity = int(2*(rng.random() - 0.5) * MAX_VEL_OFFSET * (command.value/127)) + command.value if new_velocity > 127: new_velocity = 127 elif new_velocity < 0: new_velocity = 0 else: new_velocity = command.value notes_events.append(processorhelpers.RawEvent(command.status, notes_list[i] + ROOT_NOTE, new_velocity)) send_notes = processorhelpers.ExtensibleNote(command, notes_events) command.handle("Chord on: " + chords.getRecentName()) notesDown.noteOn(send_notes) else: command.handle("Chord off") notesDown.noteOff(command) pass