Exemple #1
def sliceVector(vector, atoms, select):
    """Return part of the *vector* for *atoms* matching *select*.  Note that 
    returned :class:`.Vector` instance is not normalized.
    :arg vector: vector instance to be sliced
    :type vector: :class:`.VectorBase`
    :arg atoms: atoms for which *vector* describes a deformation, motion, etc.
    :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic`
    :arg select: an atom selection or a selection string 
    :type select: :class:`.Selection`, str 
    :returns: (:class:`.Vector`, :class:`.Selection`)"""
    if not isinstance(vector, VectorBase):
        raise TypeError('vector must be a VectorBase instance, not {0:s}'
    if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
        raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance, not {0:s}'
    if atoms.numAtoms() != vector.numAtoms(): 
        raise ValueError('number of atoms in model and atoms must be equal')
    if isinstance(select, str):
        selstr = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            sel = atoms.select(selstr)
            which = sel._getIndices()
            which = SELECT.getIndices(atoms, selstr)
            sel = Selection(atoms.getAtomGroup(), atoms.getIndices()[which],
                            selstr, atoms.getACSIndex())
    elif isinstance(select, AtomSubset):
        sel = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            if sel.getAtomGroup() != atoms:
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            which = sel._getIndices()
            if atoms.getAtomGroup() != sel.getAtomGroup():
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            elif not sel in atoms:
                raise ValueError('select is not a subset of atoms')
            idxset = set(atoms._getIndices())
            which = np.array([idx in idxset for idx in sel._getIndices()])
            which = which.nonzero()[0]
        selstr = sel.getSelstr()
        raise TypeError('select must be a string or a Selection instance')
    vec = Vector(vector.getArrayNx3()[
                 which, :].flatten(),
                 '{0:s} slice {1:s}'.format(str(vector), repr(selstr)), 
    return (vec, sel)
Exemple #2
def sliceVector(vector, atoms, select):
    """Return part of the *vector* for *atoms* matching *select*.  Note that
    returned :class:`.Vector` instance is not normalized.

    :arg vector: vector instance to be sliced
    :type vector: :class:`.VectorBase`

    :arg atoms: atoms for which *vector* describes a deformation, motion, etc.
    :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic`

    :arg select: an atom selection or a selection string
    :type select: :class:`.Selection`, str

    :returns: (:class:`.Vector`, :class:`.Selection`)"""

    if not isinstance(vector, VectorBase):
        raise TypeError('vector must be a VectorBase instance, not {0}'
    if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
        raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance, not {0}'
    if atoms.numAtoms() != vector.numAtoms():
        raise ValueError('number of atoms in model and atoms must be equal')

    if isinstance(select, str):
        selstr = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            sel = atoms.select(selstr)
            which = sel._getIndices()
            which = SELECT.getIndices(atoms, selstr)
            sel = Selection(atoms.getAtomGroup(), atoms.getIndices()[which],
                            selstr, atoms.getACSIndex())

    elif isinstance(select, AtomSubset):
        sel = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            if sel.getAtomGroup() != atoms:
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            which = sel._getIndices()
            if atoms.getAtomGroup() != sel.getAtomGroup():
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            elif not sel in atoms:
                raise ValueError('select is not a subset of atoms')
            idxset = set(atoms._getIndices())
            which = np.array([idx in idxset for idx in sel._getIndices()])
            which = which.nonzero()[0]
        selstr = sel.getSelstr()

        raise TypeError('select must be a string or a Selection instance')

    vec = Vector(vector.getArrayNx3()[
                 which, :].flatten(),
                 '{0} slice {1}'.format(str(vector), repr(selstr)),
    return (vec, sel)
def reduceModel(model, atoms, select):
    """Return reduced NMA model.  Reduces a :class:`.NMA` model to a subset of
    *atoms* matching *select*.  This function behaves differently depending on
    the type of the *model* argument.  For :class:`.ANM` and :class:`.GNM` or
    other :class:`.NMA` models, force constant matrix for system of interest
    (specified by the *select*) is derived from the force constant matrix for
    the *model* by assuming that for any given displacement of the system of
    interest, other atoms move along in such a way as to minimize the potential
    energy.  This is based on the formulation in [KH00]_.  For :class:`.PCA`
    models, this function simply takes the sub-covariance matrix for selection.

    .. [KH00] Konrad H, Andrei-Jose P, Serge D, Marie-Claire BF, Gerald RK.
       Harmonicity in slow protein dynamics. *Chem Phys* **2000** 261:25-37.

    :arg model: dynamics model
    :type model: :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.GNM`, or :class:`.PCA`

    :arg atoms: atoms that were used to build the model
    :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic`

    :arg select: an atom selection or a selection string
    :type select: :class:`.Selection`, str

    :returns: (:class:`.NMA`, :class:`.Selection`)"""

    linalg = importLA()

    if not isinstance(model, NMA):
        raise TypeError('model must be an NMA instance, not {0}'
    if not isinstance(atoms, (AtomGroup, AtomSubset, AtomMap)):
        raise TypeError('atoms type is not valid')
    if len(atoms) <= 1:
        raise TypeError('atoms must contain more than 1 atoms')

    if isinstance(model, GNM):
        matrix = model._kirchhoff
    elif isinstance(model, ANM):
        matrix = model._hessian
    elif isinstance(model, PCA):
        matrix = model._cov
        raise TypeError('model does not have a valid type derived from NMA')
    if matrix is None:
        raise ValueError('model matrix (Hessian/Kirchhoff/Covariance) is not '

    if isinstance(select, str):
        system = SELECT.getBoolArray(atoms, select)
        n_sel = sum(system)
        if n_sel == 0:
            raise ValueError('select matches 0 atoms')
        if len(atoms) == n_sel:
            raise ValueError('select matches all atoms')

        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            ag = atoms
            which = np.arange(len(atoms))[system]
            ag = atoms.getAtomGroup()
            which = atoms._getIndices()[system]
        sel = Selection(ag, which, select, atoms.getACSIndex())

    elif isinstance(select, AtomSubset):
        sel = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            if sel.getAtomGroup() != atoms:
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            system = np.zeros(len(atoms), bool)
            system[sel._getIndices()] = True
            if atoms.getAtomGroup() != sel.getAtomGroup():
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            elif not sel in atoms:
                raise ValueError('select is not a subset of atoms')
            idxset = set(atoms._getIndices())
            system = np.array([idx in idxset for idx in sel._getIndices()])

        raise TypeError('select must be a string or a Selection instance')

    other = np.invert(system)

    if model.is3d():
        system = np.tile(system, (3, 1)).transpose().flatten()
        other = np.tile(other, (3, 1)).transpose().flatten()
    ss = matrix[system, :][:, system]
    if isinstance(model, PCA):
        eda = PCA(model.getTitle() + ' reduced')
        return eda, system
    so = matrix[system, :][:, other]
    os = matrix[other, :][:, system]
    oo = matrix[other, :][:, other]
    matrix = ss - np.dot(so, np.dot(linalg.inv(oo), os))

    if isinstance(model, GNM):
        gnm = GNM(model.getTitle() + ' reduced')
        return gnm, sel
    elif isinstance(model, ANM):
        anm = ANM(model.getTitle() + ' reduced')
        return anm, sel
    elif isinstance(model, PCA):
        eda = PCA(model.getTitle() + ' reduced')
        return eda, sel
Exemple #4
def sliceModel(model, atoms, select):
    """Return a part of the *model* for *atoms* matching *select*.  Note that 
    normal modes (eigenvectors) are not normalized.
    :arg mode: NMA model instance to be sliced
    :type mode: :class:`.NMA`
    :arg atoms: atoms for which the *model* was built
    :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic`
    :arg select: an atom selection or a selection string 
    :type select: :class:`.Selection`, str 
    :returns: (:class:`.NMA`, :class:`.Selection`)"""
    if not isinstance(model, NMA):
        raise TypeError('mode must be a NMA instance, not {0:s}'
    if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
        raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance, not {0:s}'
    if atoms.numAtoms() != model.numAtoms(): 
        raise ValueError('number of atoms in model and atoms must be equal')
    array = model._getArray()
    if isinstance(select, str):
        selstr = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            sel = atoms.select(selstr)
            which = sel.getIndices()
            which = SELECT.getIndices(atoms, selstr)
            sel = Selection(atoms.getAtomGroup(), atoms.getIndices()[which],
                            selstr, atoms.getACSIndex())
    elif isinstance(select, AtomSubset):
        sel = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            if sel.getAtomGroup() != atoms:
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            which = sel._getIndices()
            if atoms.getAtomGroup() != sel.getAtomGroup():
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            elif not sel in atoms:
                raise ValueError('select is not a subset of atoms')
            idxset = set(atoms._getIndices())
            which = np.array([idx in idxset for idx in sel._getIndices()])
            which = which.nonzero()[0]
        selstr = sel.getSelstr()
        raise TypeError('select must be a string or a Selection instance')
    nma = type(model)('{0:s} slice {1:s}'
                      .format(model.getTitle(), repr(selstr)))
    if model.is3d():
        which = [which.reshape((len(which),1))*3]
        which = np.concatenate(which, 1).flatten()
    nma.setEigens( array[which, :], model.getEigvals() )
    return (nma, sel)
Exemple #5
def sliceMode(mode, atoms, select):
    """Return part of the *mode* for *atoms* matching *select*.  This works 
    slightly different from :func:`.sliceVector`. Mode array (eigenvector) is 
    multiplied by square-root of the variance along the mode.  If mode is from
    an elastic network model, variance is defined as the inverse of the 
    eigenvalue.  Note that returned :class:`~.Vector` instance is not 
    :arg mode: mode instance to be sliced
    :type mode: :class:`.Mode`
    :arg atoms: atoms for which *mode* describes a deformation, motion, etc.
    :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic`
    :arg select: an atom selection or a selection string 
    :type select: :class:`.Selection`, str 
    :returns: (:class:`~.Vector`, :class:`~.Selection`)"""
    if not isinstance(mode, Mode):
        raise TypeError('mode must be a Mode instance, not {0:s}'
    if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
        raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance, not {0:s}'
    if atoms.numAtoms() != mode.numAtoms(): 
        raise ValueError('number of atoms in model and atoms must be equal')
    if isinstance(select, str):
        selstr = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            sel = atoms.select(selstr)
            which = sel._getIndices()
            which = SELECT.getIndices(atoms, selstr)
            sel = Selection(atoms.getAtomGroup(), atoms.getIndices()[which],
                            selstr, atoms.getACSIndex())
    elif isinstance(select, AtomSubset):
        sel = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            if sel.getAtomGroup() != atoms:
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            which = sel._getIndices()
            if atoms.getAtomGroup() != sel.getAtomGroup():
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            elif not sel in atoms:
                raise ValueError('select is not a subset of atoms')
            idxset = set(atoms._getIndices())
            which = np.array([idx in idxset for idx in sel._getIndices()])
            which = which.nonzero()[0]
        selstr = sel.getSelstr()
        raise TypeError('select must be a string or a Selection instance')
    vec = Vector(mode.getArrayNx3()[
                 which,:].flatten() * mode.getVariance()**0.5,
                 '{0:s} slice {1:s}'.format(str(mode), repr(selstr)), 
    return (vec, sel)
Exemple #6
def sliceModel(model, atoms, select):
    """Return a part of the *model* for *atoms* matching *select*.  Note that
    normal modes (eigenvectors) are not normalized.

    :arg mode: NMA model instance to be sliced
    :type mode: :class:`.NMA`

    :arg atoms: atoms for which the *model* was built
    :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic`

    :arg select: an atom selection or a selection string
    :type select: :class:`.Selection`, str

    :returns: (:class:`.NMA`, :class:`.Selection`)"""

    if not isinstance(model, NMA):
        raise TypeError('mode must be a NMA instance, not {0}'
    if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
        raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance, not {0}'
    if atoms.numAtoms() != model.numAtoms():
        raise ValueError('number of atoms in model and atoms must be equal')

    array = model._getArray()

    if isinstance(select, str):
        selstr = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            sel = atoms.select(selstr)
            which = sel.getIndices()
            which = SELECT.getIndices(atoms, selstr)
            sel = Selection(atoms.getAtomGroup(), atoms.getIndices()[which],
                            selstr, atoms.getACSIndex())

    elif isinstance(select, AtomSubset):
        sel = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            if sel.getAtomGroup() != atoms:
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            which = sel._getIndices()
            if atoms.getAtomGroup() != sel.getAtomGroup():
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            elif not sel in atoms:
                raise ValueError('select is not a subset of atoms')
            idxset = set(atoms._getIndices())
            which = np.array([idx in idxset for idx in sel._getIndices()])
            which = which.nonzero()[0]
        selstr = sel.getSelstr()

        raise TypeError('select must be a string or a Selection instance')

    nma = type(model)('{0} slice {1}'
                      .format(model.getTitle(), repr(selstr)))
    if model.is3d():
        which = [which.reshape((len(which), 1))*3]
        which = np.concatenate(which, 1).flatten()
    nma.setEigens(array[which, :], model.getEigvals())
    return (nma, sel)
Exemple #7
def sliceMode(mode, atoms, select):
    """Return part of the *mode* for *atoms* matching *select*.  This works
    slightly different from :func:`.sliceVector`. Mode array (eigenvector) is
    multiplied by square-root of the variance along the mode.  If mode is from
    an elastic network model, variance is defined as the inverse of the
    eigenvalue.  Note that returned :class:`.Vector` instance is not

    :arg mode: mode instance to be sliced
    :type mode: :class:`.Mode`

    :arg atoms: atoms for which *mode* describes a deformation, motion, etc.
    :type atoms: :class:`.Atomic`

    :arg select: an atom selection or a selection string
    :type select: :class:`.Selection`, str

    :returns: (:class:`.Vector`, :class:`.Selection`)"""

    if not isinstance(mode, Mode):
        raise TypeError('mode must be a Mode instance, not {0}'
    if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
        raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance, not {0}'
    if atoms.numAtoms() != mode.numAtoms():
        raise ValueError('number of atoms in model and atoms must be equal')

    if isinstance(select, str):
        selstr = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            sel = atoms.select(selstr)
            which = sel._getIndices()
            which = SELECT.getIndices(atoms, selstr)
            sel = Selection(atoms.getAtomGroup(), atoms.getIndices()[which],
                            selstr, atoms.getACSIndex())

    elif isinstance(select, AtomSubset):
        sel = select
        if isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
            if sel.getAtomGroup() != atoms:
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            which = sel._getIndices()
            if atoms.getAtomGroup() != sel.getAtomGroup():
                raise ValueError('select and atoms do not match')
            elif not sel in atoms:
                raise ValueError('select is not a subset of atoms')
            idxset = set(atoms._getIndices())
            which = np.array([idx in idxset for idx in sel._getIndices()])
            which = which.nonzero()[0]
        selstr = sel.getSelstr()

        raise TypeError('select must be a string or a Selection instance')

    vec = Vector(mode.getArrayNx3()[which, :].flatten() *
                 '{0} slice {1}'.format(str(mode), repr(selstr)), mode.is3d())
    return (vec, sel)