Exemple #1
def generateTestCode(classes, buildTags, tags, macroDefs):
    [testMacros, testResultUtilities]=setResultCode()
    codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], testResultUtilities , 'Test utility functions')

    TestSpecFile= progSpec.fetchTagValue([tags, buildTags], 'TestSpec')
    TestSpecStr = progSpec.stringFromFile(TestSpecFile) + testMacros
    #print "#################################\n", TestSpecStr
    [testTagStore, testBuildSpecs, testClasses, newTestClasses] = codeDogParser.parseCodeDogString(TestSpecStr, classes[0], classes[1], macroDefs, "TestDog Specification")

    # Replace runcode if it isn't there
    # Here: generate EXEC_TESTS() and RUN_TEST()
    TestsToRun = progSpec.fetchTagValue([testTagStore], 'TestsToRun')
    TestList = TestsToRun.split()
    for T in TestList:
        if count>0:
            TestArrayText+=", "
            SwitchCaseText+="else "

        TestArrayText += '"'+T+'"'

        SwitchCaseText += 'if(testName=="'+T+'"){' + T.replace('/', '_') +'()}\n'

    testBedUtilities = setUtilityCode(TestArrayText, SwitchCaseText)

   # print "TEST TEXT:", testBedUtilities
    codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], testBedUtilities, 'Test code' )

    return testTagStore
Exemple #2
def generateMainFunctionality(classes, tags):
    # TODO: Some deInitialize items should automatically run during abort().
    # TODO: System initCode should happen first in initialize, last in deinitialize.

    runCode = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, 'runCode')
    Platform = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, 'Platform')
    if Platform != 'Android':
        mainFuncCode = """
        me void: main( ) <- {
            initialize(String.join(" ", args))
            """ + runCode + """

    if Platform == 'Android':
        mainFuncCode = """
        me void: runDogCode() <- {
            """ + runCode + """
    progSpec.addObject(classes[0], classes[1], 'GLOBAL', 'struct', 'SEQ')
        classes[0], classes[1],
        progSpec.wrapFieldListInObjectDef('GLOBAL', mainFuncCode),
        'Java start-up code')
Exemple #3
def extractLibTags(library):
    global tagsFromLibFiles
    libTags = loadTagsFromFile(library)
    tagsFromLibFiles[library] = libTags
    ReqTags = progSpec.fetchTagValue([libTags], 'requirements')
    if ReqTags == None: ReqTags = []
    if len(ReqTags) > 0: ReqTags = filterReqTags(ReqTags)
    interfaceTags = progSpec.fetchTagValue([libTags], 'interface')
    if interfaceTags == None: interfaceTags = []
    return [ReqTags, interfaceTags]
def apply(classes, tags, className, dispMode):
    if dispMode[:4] == 'TAG_':
        dispModeTagName = dispMode[4:]
        dispMode = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, dispModeTagName)
    if (dispMode != 'none' and dispMode != 'text' and dispMode != 'draw'
            and dispMode != 'Proteus' and dispMode != 'toGUI'):
            'Invalid parameter for display mode in Code Data Display pattern: '
            + str(dispMode))
    if dispMode == 'none': return

    global classesToProcess
    classesToProcess = [className]
    global classesEncoded

    if (dispMode == 'Proteus'): processor = structAsProteusWriter()
    elif (dispMode == 'text'): processor = structToStringWriter()
    elif (dispMode == 'draw'): processor = structDrawingWriter()

    for classToEncode in classesToProcess:
        if classToEncode in classesEncoded: continue
        cdlog(1, "  ENCODING " + dispMode + ": " + classToEncode)
        classesEncoded[classToEncode] = 1
            classes, {}, [classToEncode])  # Invoke the GenSymbols pattern
        processor.processStruct(classes, classToEncode)
def checkIfLibFileMightSatisyNeedWithRequirements(tags, need, libFile, indent):
    [ReqTags, interfaceTags, featuresNeeded] = extractLibTags(libFile)
    Requirements = []
    LibCanWork = True
    if need[0] == 'require':
        LibCanWork = False
        if 'provides' in interfaceTags:
            if need[1] in interfaceTags['provides']:
                #print(indent, '{}REQUIRE: {} in {}'.format(indent, need[1], interfaceTags['provides']))
                LibCanWork = True

    for ReqTag in ReqTags:
        #print("REQUIREMENT: {}".format(ReqTag))
        if ReqTag[0] == 'feature':
                "\n    Nested Features should be implemented. Please implement them. (",
                ReqTag[1], ")n")
        elif ReqTag[0] == 'require':
        elif ReqTag[0] == 'tagOneOf':
            tagToCheck = ReqTag[1]
            validValues = progSpec.extractListFromTagList(ReqTag[2])
            parentTag = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags,
                                               tagToCheck)  # E.g.: "platform"
            if parentTag == None:
                LibCanWork = False
                cdErr("ERROR: The tag '" + tagToCheck + "' was not found in" +
                      libFile + ".\n")
            if not parentTag in validValues: LibCanWork = False
    return [LibCanWork, Requirements, featuresNeeded]
Exemple #6
def codeStructText(classes, attrList, parentClass, classInherits,
                   classImplements, structName, structCode, tags):
    classAttrs = ''
    Platform = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, 'Platform')
    if len(attrList) > 0:
        for attr in attrList:
            if attr == 'abstract': classAttrs += 'abstract '

    if (parentClass != ""):
        parentClass = parentClass.replace('::', '_')
        parentClass = progSpec.unwrapClass(classes, structName)
        parentClass = ' extends ' + parentClass
    elif classInherits != None:
        parentClass = ' extends ' + classInherits[0][0]
        #print "parentClass::: " , parentClass
    if classImplements != None:
        parentClass += ' implements '
        count = 0
        for item in classImplements[0]:
            if count > 0:
                parentClass += ', '
            parentClass += item
            count += 1
        #print "parentClass:: " , parentClass
    if structName == "GLOBAL" and Platform == 'Android':
        classAttrs = "public " + classAttrs
    S = "\n" + classAttrs + "class " + structName + '' + parentClass + " {\n" + structCode + '};\n'
    #if classAttrs!='': print "ATTRIBUTE:", classAttrs +"class "+structName+''+parentClass
    return ([S, ""])
Exemple #7
def checkIfLibFileMightSatisyNeedWithRequirements(tags, need, libFile, indent):
    [ReqTags, interfaceTags] = extractLibTags(libFile)
    Requirements = []
    LibCanWork = True
    if need[0] == 'require':
        LibCanWork = False
        if 'provides' in interfaceTags:
            if need[1] in interfaceTags['provides']:
                #print indent, 'REQUIRE: ', need[1], ' in ' ,interfaceTags['provides']
                LibCanWork = True

    for Req in ReqTags:
        # print "REQUIREMENT:", Req[0], Req[1]
        if Req[0] == 'feature':
            print "\n    Nested Features should be implemented. Please implement them. (", Req[
                1], ")n"
        elif Req[0] == 'require':
        elif Req[0] == 'tagOneOf':
            tagToCheck = Req[1]
            validValues = progSpec.extractListFromTagList(Req[2])
            parentTag = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags,
                                               tagToCheck)  # E.g.: "platform"
            if parentTag == None:
                LibCanWork = False
                cdErr("ERROR: The tag '" + tagToCheck + "' was not found in" +
                      libFile + ".\n")
            if not parentTag in validValues: LibCanWork = False
            else: cdlog(1, "  Validated: " + tagToCheck + " = " + parentTag)

    return [LibCanWork, Requirements]
def extractLibTags(library):
    libTags = loadTagsFromFile(library)
    tagsFromLibFiles[library] = libTags
    ReqTags = progSpec.fetchTagValue([libTags], 'requirements')
    if ReqTags == None:
        ReqTags = []
    elif len(ReqTags) > 0:
        ReqTags = filterReqTags(ReqTags)
    interfaceTags = progSpec.fetchTagValue([libTags], 'interface')
    if interfaceTags == None:
        interfaceTags = []
    featuresTags = progSpec.fetchTagValue([libTags], 'featuresNeeded')
    featuresNeeded = []
    if featuresTags:
        for feature in featuresTags:
            featuresNeeded.append(['feature', feature])
    return [ReqTags, interfaceTags, featuresNeeded]
Exemple #9
def ChooseLibs(classes, buildTags, tags):
    cdlog(0, "\n##############   C H O O S I N G   L I B R A R I E S")
    featuresNeeded = progSpec.fetchTagValue([tags], 'featuresNeeded')
    initialNeeds = []
    for feature in featuresNeeded:
        initialNeeds.append(["feature", feature])
    solutionOptions = constructANDListFromNeeds([tags, buildTags],
                                                initialNeeds, [], "")
    reduceSolutionOptions(solutionOptions, '')
    for libPath in solutionOptions[1]:
        cdlog(2, "USING LIBRARY:" + libPath)
    return solutionOptions[1]
Exemple #10
def generateMainFunctionality(classes, tags):
    # TODO: Make initCode, runCode and deInitCode work better and more automated by patterns.
    # TODO: Some deInitialize items should automatically run during abort().
    # TODO: Deinitialize items should happen in reverse order.

    runCode = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, 'runCode')
    me void: main() <- {
        """ + runCode + """

    progSpec.addObject(classes[0], classes[1], 'GLOBAL', 'struct', 'SEQ')
    codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], progSpec.wrapFieldListInObjectDef('GLOBAL',  mainFuncCode ), 'Swift start-up code')
Exemple #11
def getListWidgetMgrCode(classes, listManagerStructName, rowTypeName,
                         fieldName, classOptionsTags):
    # New listWidgetMgr code generator
    # Find the model
    rowWidgetName = rowTypeName + 'Widget'
    listWidgetStyle = progSpec.fetchTagValue([classOptionsTags],
                                             fieldName + '.style.widgetStyle')
    if listWidgetStyle == None: listWidgetStyle = 'simpleList'
    modelRef = progSpec.findSpecOf(classes[0], rowWidgetName, 'struct')
    if modelRef == None:
        print("modelRef: ", modelRef, rowTypeName)
        addNewStructToProcess(rowWidgetName, rowTypeName, 'struct',
    filename = './preDynamicTypes/' + listWidgetStyle + '.dog'
    classSpec = progSpec.stringFromFile(filename)
    classSpec = classSpec.replace('<ROW_TYPE>', rowTypeName)
    classSpec = classSpec.replace('<LIST_CLASS_NAME>', listManagerStructName)
    #print '==========================================================\n'+classSpec
    codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], classSpec,
Exemple #12
def codeVarField_Str(convertedType, innerType, typeSpec, fieldName,
                     fieldValueText, className, tags, indent):
    # TODO: make test case
    S = ""
    fieldOwner = progSpec.getTypeSpecOwner(typeSpec)
    Platform = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, 'Platform')
    # TODO: make next line so it is not hard coded
    if (Platform == 'Android' and
        (convertedType == "CanvasView"
         or convertedType == "FragmentTransaction"
         or convertedType == "FragmentManager" or convertedType == "Menu"
         or convertedType == "static GLOBAL" or convertedType == "Toolbar"
         or convertedType == "NestedScrollView" or convertedType == "SubMenu"
         or convertedType == "APP" or convertedType == "AssetManager"
         or convertedType == "ScrollView" or convertedType == "LinearLayout"
         or convertedType == "GUI" or convertedType == "HorizontalScrollView"
         or convertedType == "widget" or convertedType == "GLOBAL")):
        #print "                                        ConvertedType: ", convertedType, "     FieldName: ", fieldName
        S += indent + "public " + convertedType + ' ' + fieldName + ';\n'
        S += indent + "public " + convertedType + ' ' + fieldName + fieldValueText + ';\n'
    return [S, '']
def ChooseLibs(classes, buildTags, tags):
    """Entry point to libraryMngr

    tags: dict

    cdlog(0, "\n##############   C H O O S I N G   L I B R A R I E S")
    featuresNeeded = progSpec.fetchTagValue([tags], 'featuresNeeded')
    initialNeeds1 = []
    for feature in featuresNeeded:
        if not feature in initialNeeds1: initialNeeds1.append(feature)

    initialNeeds2 = []
    for feature in initialNeeds1:
        initialNeeds2.append(['feature', feature])
    solutionOptions = constructANDListFromNeeds([tags, buildTags],
                                                initialNeeds2, [], "")
    reduceSolutionOptions(solutionOptions, '')
    for libPath in solutionOptions[1]:
        cdlog(2, "USING LIBRARY:" + str(libPath))
    return solutionOptions[1]
Exemple #14
def apply(classes, tags, stylerTagName):
    if not (isinstance(stylerTagName, str)):
        cdErr("Styler tag name must be a string")
    stylerTagValue = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, stylerTagName)
    initCode = processStyler(stylerTagValue)

    code = r"""
struct GLOBAL{
    our Styler:: styler
struct Styler{
    our cdColor[map string]: userColors
    me cdColor:  frGndColor      <- Black
    me cdColor:  bkGndColor      <- White
    me cdColor:  highlight1Color <- Black
    me cdColor:  highlight2Color <- Cornflower
    me cdColor:  highlight3Color <- OrangeRed
    me cdColor:  primaryTextColor <- Black
    me cdColor:  data1Color <- Cornflower
    me cdColor:  data2Color <- Turquoise
    me cdColor:  data3Color <- Magenta
    me cdColor:  data4Color <- MediumVioletRed
    me cdColor:  data5Color <- OrangeRed
    me cdColor:  data6Color <- Gold

    our fontSpec:: fontDefault{"Ariel", 10, 0}
    our fontSpec:: fontTitle{"Ariel", 16, 0}
    our fontSpec:: fontSmall{"Ariel", 8, 0}
    our fontSpec: fontVerySmall
    our fontSpec: fontLabelWidgetAndroid
    our fontSpec: fontEntryWidgetAndroid
    our fontSpec: fontTitleAndroid
    our fontSpec: fontTextAndroid

    void: setCustomColor(me string: ID, me cdColor: color) <- {
        our cdColor:: tmpColor <- color
        userColors.insert(ID, tmpColor)
    me cdColor: color(me string: ID, me cdColor: defaultColor) <- {
        our cdColor[itr map string]: colorItr <- userColors.find(ID)
        if(colorItr == userColors.end()){

    me string[map string]: userFontNames
    me string: titleFont
    me string: normalFont
    me string: H1_font
    me string: H2_font
    me string: H3_font
    me string: H4_font
    me string: H5_font
    me string: H6_font
    me string: timesFont
    me string: sansSerifFont
    me string: comicFont
    me string: scriptFont
    me string: monoFont

    void: setCustomFont(me string: ID, me string: fontName) <- {
        userFontNames.insert(ID, fontName)
    me string: font(me string: ID) <- {return(userFontNames.get(ID))}

    me int[map string]: userFontSizes
    me int: fontSizeVerySmall
    me int: fontSizeSmall
    me int: fontSizeNormalSize
    me int: fontSizeLarge
    me int: fontSizeVeryLarge

    void: setCustomFontSize(me string: ID, me int: fontSize) <- {
        userFontSizes.insert(ID, fontSize)
    me int: fontSize(me string: ID) <- {

    me mode[pp, dp, sp]: pixelMode <- pp

    me int: widgetLabelBoxWidth <- 100
    me int: widgetValueBoxWidth <- 100

    void: INIT()<-{
        Allocate(fontDefault, "ariel", "14")
        Allocate(fontTitle, "ariel", "20")
        Allocate(fontSmall, "ariel", "10")
        Allocate(fontVerySmall, "ariel", "5")
        Allocate(fontLabelWidgetAndroid, "ariel", "25")
        Allocate(fontEntryWidgetAndroid, "ariel", "25")
        Allocate(fontTitleAndroid, "ariel", "25")
        Allocate(fontTextAndroid, "ariel", "20")

    code = code.replace('<INITCODE>', initCode)
    #print '==========================================================\n'+code
    codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], code,
                                      'Pattern: MakeStyler')
Exemple #15
def apply(classes, tags, stylerTagName):
    if not (isinstance(stylerTagName, basestring)):
        cdErr("Styler tag name must be a string")
    stylerTagValue = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, stylerTagName)
    initCode = processStyler(stylerTagValue)

    code = r"""
struct GLOBAL{
    our Styler:: styler
struct Styler{
    our cdColor[map string]: userColors
    me cdColor:  frGndColor      <- White
    me cdColor:  bkGndColor      <- Black
    me cdColor:  highlight1Color <- White
    me cdColor:  highlight2Color <- Cornflower
    me cdColor:  highlight3Color <- OrangeRed

        our fontSpec:: fontDefault <- ("Ariel", 10, 0)
        our fontSpec:: fontTitle <- ("Ariel", 16, 0)
        our fontSpec:: fontSmall <- ("Ariel", 8, 0)

    void: setCustomColor(me string: ID, me cdColor: color) <- {
        our cdColor:: tmpColor <- color
        userColors.insert(ID, tmpColor)
    me cdColor: color(me string: ID) <- {

    me string[map string]: userFontNames
    me string: titleFont
    me string: normalFont
    me string: H1_font
    me string: H2_font
    me string: H3_font
    me string: H4_font
    me string: H5_font
    me string: H6_font
    me string: timesFont
    me string: sansSerifFont
    me string: comicFont
    me string: scriptFont
    me string: monoFont

    void: setCustomFont(me string: ID, me string: fontName) <- {
        userFontNames.insert(ID, fontName)
    me string: font(me string: ID) <- {return(userFontNames.get(ID))}

    me int[map string]: userFontSizes
    me int: fontSizeVerySmall
    me int: fontSizeSmall
    me int: fontSizeNormalSize
    me int: fontSizeLarge
    me int: fontSizeVeryLarge

    void: setCustomFontSize(me string: ID, me int: fontSize) <- {
        userFontSizes.insert(ID, fontSize)
    me int: fontSize(me string: ID) <- {

    me mode[pp, dp, sp]: pixelMode <- pp

    void: INIT()<-{

    Allocate(fontDefault, "ariel", "14")
    Allocate(fontTitle, "ariel", "20")
    Allocate(fontSmall, "ariel", "10")

    code = code.replace('<INITCODE>', initCode)
    #print '==========================================================\n'+code
    codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], code,
                                      'Pattern: MakeStyler')
Exemple #16
def apply(classes, tags, stylerTagName):
    if not (isinstance(stylerTagName, str)):
        cdErr("Styler tag name must be a string")
    stylerTagValue = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, stylerTagName)
    initCode = processStyler(stylerTagValue)

    code = r"""
struct GLOBAL{
    our Styler:: styler
struct Styler{
    me Map<me string, our cdColor>: userColors
    me cdColor:  frGndColor      <- Black
    me cdColor:  bkGndColor      <- White
    me cdColor:  highlight1Color <- Black
    me cdColor:  highlight2Color <- Cornflower
    me cdColor:  highlight3Color <- OrangeRed
    me cdColor:  primaryTextColor <- Black
    me cdColor:  data1Color <- Cornflower
    me cdColor:  data2Color <- Turquoise
    me cdColor:  data3Color <- Magenta
    me cdColor:  data4Color <- MediumVioletRed
    me cdColor:  data5Color <- OrangeRed
    me cdColor:  data6Color <- Gold

//TODO: Why don't these constructor inits work?
    our fontSpec:: defaultFont{"Ariel", 10, 0}
    our fontSpec:: titleFont{"Ariel", 16, 0}
    our fontSpec:: smallFont{"Ariel", 8, 0}
    our fontSpec:: verySmallFont{"Ariel", 5, 0}

    void: setCustomColor(me string: ID, me cdColor: color) <- {
        our cdColor:: tmpColor <- color
        userColors.insert(ID, tmpColor)
    me cdColor: color(me string: ID, me cdColor: defaultColor) <- {
        itr Map<me string, our cdColor>: colorItr <- userColors.find(ID)
        if(colorItr != userColors.end()){return(colorItr.val)}

    me Map<me string, me string>: userFontNames
    me string: titleFontname
    me string: normalFontname
    me string: H1_fontname
    me string: H2_fontname
    me string: H3_fontname
    me string: H4_fontname
    me string: H5_fontname
    me string: H6_fontname
    me string: timesFontname
    me string: sansSerifFontname
    me string: comicFontname
    me string: scriptFontname
    me string: monoFontname

    void: setCustomFont(me string: ID, me string: fontName) <- {
        userFontNames.insert(ID, fontName)
    me string: font(me string: ID) <- {return(userFontNames.at(ID))}

    me Map<me string, me int>: userFontSizes
    me int: verySmallFontSize
    me int: smallFontSize
    me int: normalSizeFontSize
    me int: largeFontSize
    me int: veryLargeFontSize

    void: setCustomFontSize(me string: ID, me int: fontSize) <- {
        userFontSizes.insert(ID, fontSize)
    me int: fontSize(me string: ID) <- {

    me mode[pp, dp, sp]: pixelMode <- pp

    me int: widgetLabelBoxWidth <- 100
    me int: widgetValueBoxWidth <- 100

    me Map<me string, me string>: userStrings
    void: setCustomString(me string: key, me string: value) <- {
        userStrings.insert(key, value)

    me Map<me string, me int>: userIntegers
    void: setCustomInteger(me string: key, me string: value) <- {
      //  userIntegers.insert(key, (value))

    me Map<me string, me int>: userDoubles
    void: setCustomDouble(me string: key, me string: value) <- {
      //  userIntegers.insert(key, (value))

    void: INIT()<-{
        Allocate(defaultFont, "ariel", "14")
        Allocate(titleFont, "ariel", "20")
        Allocate(smallFont, "ariel", "10")
        Allocate(verySmallFont, "ariel", "5")

    code = code.replace('<INITCODE>', initCode)
    #print '==========================================================\n'+code
    codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], code,
                                      'Pattern: MakeStyler')