def __init__(self): self.connected = False self.logged_in = False self.negotiating = False self.utf8 = codecs.lookup('utf-8') self.blink = False self.cur_len = 0 = False self.root = tkinter.Tk() self.root.title('BIXpy') self.Text = StringVar() self.init_widgets() self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel) self.prog = ProgramOptions()'ProgramOptions') geom = self.prog.Main_Geometry.Value if geom: self.root.geometry(geom) self.root.bind("<Return>", self.send_text) self.root.initial_focus = self.entry self.root.initial_focus.focus_set() self.user = UserOptions()'UserOptions') self.telnet = None self.wrap_chars = ' ,;:/\\]})=-+\n' self.root.mainloop()
class Main: def __init__(self): self.connected = False self.logged_in = False self.negotiating = False self.utf8 = codecs.lookup('utf-8') self.blink = False self.cur_len = 0 = False self.root = tkinter.Tk() self.root.title('BIXpy') self.Text = StringVar() self.init_widgets() self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel) self.prog = ProgramOptions()'ProgramOptions') geom = self.prog.Main_Geometry.Value if geom: self.root.geometry(geom) self.root.bind("<Return>", self.send_text) self.root.initial_focus = self.entry self.root.initial_focus.focus_set() self.user = UserOptions()'UserOptions') self.telnet = None self.wrap_chars = ' ,;:/\\]})=-+\n' self.root.mainloop() def init_widgets(self): self.options = ttk.Button(self.root, command=self.options, text="Options", width=12) self.options.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='w') self.conn = ttk.Button(self.root, command=self.connect, text='Connect', width=12) self.disc = ttk.Button(self.root, command=self.disconnect, text='Disconnect', width=12) self.conn.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='w') self.entry = ttk.Entry(self.root, textvariable = self.Text, width=90) self.entry.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky='ew') self.txt = tkinter.Text(self.root, width=80, height=50) self.txt.config(state = tkinter.DISABLED) self.txt.grid(column=0, row=1, columnspan=3, sticky='nwes') self.txt.bind('<Button-1>', self.single_click) self.txt.bind('<Double-1>', self.double_click) self.txt.bind_all('<<Selection>>', self.launch_web) sb = ttk.Scrollbar(command=self.txt.yview, orient='vertical') sb.grid(column=3, row=1, sticky='ns') self.txt['yscrollcommand'] = sb.set self.root.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.root.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1) def cancel(self, event = None): self.disconnect() if self.root.state() == 'normal': geom = self.root.geometry() self.prog.Main_Geometry.Value = geom self.prog.write('ProgramOptions') self.root.destroy() def connect(self): if not self.connected: self.append('\nConnecting...') self.root.update() if self.telnet: self.telnet.close() host = self.user.Host_Name.Value if not host: host = '' self.telnet = Telnet(host, 23, 60) self.telnet.set_option_negotiation_callback(self.telnet_negotiation) self.append('\nConnected.\n') self.disc.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='w') self.conn.grid_forget() self.connected = True self.root.update() self.process_telnet() def single_click(self, event): self.d_click = False def double_click(self, event): self.d_click = True def launch_web(self, event): if self.d_click: try: text = event.widget.get('sel.first', 'sel.last') except: text = None print(text) if text: def send_text(self, event = None): if self.telnet and self.connected: line = self.Text.get().replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\n\r', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') org_len = len(line) + self.cur_len first_time = True while first_time or len(line) > 0: first_time = False if len(line) + self.cur_len > 72: idx = 72 - self.cur_len while idx > 0 and ((not line[idx] in self.wrap_chars) or \ ((idx + 1 < len(line)) and (line[idx + 1] == '.'))): idx -= 1 if idx == 0: if self.cur_len > 0: if line[0] in self.wrap_chars: idx += 1 else: idx = 72 - self.cur_len else: idx += 1 nl_idx = line.find('\n') if nl_idx >= 0 and nl_idx < idx: idx = nl_idx found_nl = True else: found_nl = False text = line[0:idx] + '\n' if found_nl: idx += 1 line = line[idx:] self.cur_len = 0 else: text = line nl_idx = text.find('\n') if nl_idx < 0: line = '' else: text = line[0:nl_idx] line = line[nl_idx + 1:] if org_len > 72 or nl_idx >= 0: self.cur_len = len(text) else: self.cur_len = 0 text += '\n' if self.blink: text += ';;-BLINK\n' self.blink = False try: bytes = self.utf8.encode(text)[0] if self.user.Echo_Output.Value == '1': print('-->', bytes) self.telnet.write(bytes) except EOFError: self.show_disconnected() return self.Text.set('') if text = b'*\n' self.append(text) = False if self.user.Echo_Output.Value == '1': print('-->', text) def process_telnet(self): response = '' show = '' while self.telnet: text = None try: bytes = self.telnet.read_very_eager() except EOFError: self.show_disconnected() return if bytes: if self.user.Echo_Input.Value == '1': print('<--', bytes) text = self.utf8.decode(bytes, 'replace')[0] self.append(text) if not self.logged_in: if bytes.endswith(b'\r\nLogin: '******'nlz\n' show = response elif bytes.endswith(b'Name? '): if self.user.Login_Name.Value: response = self.user.Login_Name.Value.encode('utf-8') + b';;-BLINK\n' else: self.root.initial_focus.focus_set() self.blink = True elif bytes.endswith(b'Password: '******'utf-8') + b'\n' show = b'*\r\n' else: = True self.root.initial_focus.focus_set() elif bytes.find(b'\r\n::: Ready!') >= 0: self.logged_in = True if self.user.Read_Mode.Value: response = 'read ' + self.user.Read_Mode.Value + '\n' else: response = '' if self.user.Show_New.Value == '1': if len(response) > 0: response = 'show new; ' + response else: response = 'show new\n' response = response.encode('utf-8') self.root.initial_focus.focus_set() elif bytes.endswith(b'\x07Are you there? \r\n'): if self.user.Keep_Alive.Value: response = b'Yes\n' if response: try: self.telnet.write(response) except EOFError: self.show_disconnected() return if self.user.Echo_Output.Value == '1': if show: print('-->', show) else: print('-->', response) response = '' if show: self.append(show) show = '' self.root.update() def disconnect(self): if self.connected: self.append('\nDisconnecting...') self.root.update() if self.telnet: self.telnet.close() self.telnet = None self.show_disconnected() def show_disconnected(self): self.append('\nDisconnected.\n') self.conn.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='w') self.disc.grid_forget() self.connected = False self.logged_in = False def append(self, text): self.txt.config(state = tkinter.NORMAL) self.txt.insert(tkinter.END, text) self.txt.config(state = tkinter.DISABLED) self.txt.see(tkinter.END) def options(self): opt = Options(self.root, self.user) def telnet_negotiation(self, socket, command, option): if not self.negotiating: print('Sending the WILL BINARY (%s, %s, %s) command' %(IAC, WILL, BINARY)) self.negotiating = True socket.send(IAC) socket.send(WILL) socket.send(BINARY) print('Sending the DO BINARY (%s, %s, %s) command' %(IAC, DO, BINARY)) socket.send(IAC) socket.send(DO) socket.sendall(BINARY) response = WONT resp_text = 'WONT' if command==DO: print('Received a DO command (%s, %s, %s)' %(IAC, command, option)) if option == BINARY: response = WILL resp_text = 'WILL' socket.send(IAC) socket.send(response) socket.sendall(option) print('Sent a %s response (%s, %s, %s)' %(resp_text, IAC, response, option)) else: print('Ignoring a received command (%s, %s, %s)' %(IAC, command, option)) return