Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.nextEnabled = False

        title = QLabel("Programming SmartDrive Bluetooth")
        self.progressBar = ProgressBar()
        self.startButton = QPushButton("Start")
        self.stopButton = QPushButton("Stop")

        label = QLabel("Will now automatically program SmartDrive Bluetooth.")

        self.sn = QLabel("S/N: ")

        self.lk = QLabel("License: ")

        self.addr = QLabel("Address: ")

        self.labels = [
            title, label, self.sn, self.lk, self.addr, self.progressBar,
            self.startButton, self.stopButton

Exemple #2
def partial_plot(clf,
    X = X_.copy()
    N = len(X)
    if lims == None:
        x_min = X[x_name].min()
        x_max = X[x_name].max()
        x_min = lims[0]
        x_max = lims[1]
    if categorical:
        x = np.array([x_min, x_max] * int(n_points / 2.))
        x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n_points)
    p = []
    pb = ProgressBar()
    for i, x_i in enumerate(x):
        X[x_name] = [x_i] * N
        _idx = np.random.randint(
            N, size=n_samp)  #sub sample to reduce time to evaluate
            clf.predict_proba(X.values[_idx], labels=labels[_idx])[1].mean(0))
        pb.update_progress(i / n_points)
    return x, np.array(p)
def run_burnin(sampler,startPos,nSteps,storechain=False):
    iStep = 0
    bar = ProgressBar()
    for pos, prob, state in sampler.sample(startPos,iterations=nSteps,storechain=storechain):
        bar.render(int(100*iStep/nSteps),'running Burn In')
        iStep += 1
    return pos, prob, state
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.nextEnabled = False

        title = QLabel("Programming Bootloader")
        switchesLabel = QLabel(
            "Set the MX2+ DIP switches for bootloader programming as shown below.\nThen power-cycle the SmartDrive."
        self.pixMap = QtGui.QPixmap(

        self.progressBar = ProgressBar()
        self.startButton = QPushButton("Start")
        self.stopButton = QPushButton("Stop")

        self.labels = [
            title, switchesLabel, self.progressBar, self.startButton,

        self.picture = QLabel(self)
            self.pixMap.scaled(self.getPictureSize(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio))

Exemple #5
def colormap(hm, gradient, smoothness):
    width, height = hm.size

    img = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))

    colorlist = []

    for g in range(len(gradient) - 1):
        (start, color) = gradient[g]
        (nextStart, nextColor) = gradient[g + 1]

        begin = start * smoothness
        end = (nextStart - start) * smoothness

        sublist = list(Color(color).range_to(Color(nextColor), end))
        colorlist += sublist

    prog = ProgressBar(height)

    print("\nColor Map:")

    for y in range(0, height):
        for x in range(0, width):
            value = hm.getpixel((x, y))
            if value != -2147483648:
                setpixel(x, y, value, colorlist, img)
    return img
Exemple #6
    def render(self, scene):
        """ Render image from stuff inside scene """
        width = scene.width
        height = scene.height
        ar = width / height

        camera = scene.camera
        im = Image(width, height)

        xmin = -1
        xmax = 1
        ymax = xmax / ar
        ymin = -ymax
        dx = (xmax - xmin) / (width - 1)
        dy = (ymax - ymin) / (height - 1)

        pb = ProgressBar(height * width)

        for j in range(height):
            y = ymin + dy * j
            for i in range(width):
                x = xmin + dx * i

                ray = Ray(camera, Vector(x, y, 0) - camera)
                c = self.ray_trace(ray, scene)
                im.set_pixel(j, i, c)
        return im
Exemple #7
def gen_var_result_scores(clf, X_train, X_test, y_train=None,
                              n_rounds=100, verbose=False, fit=True):
    Given classifier and training data, return variable importances on the
    test data on a per-sample basis. UPDATED.
    Result scores represent the difference between the observed score and
    the mean score obtained if the specific variable is resampled from the
    training data randomly.
    if fit:
        if verbose:
            print 'Training model...'
            t0 = time.time()
        clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
        if verbose:
            t1 = time.time()
            print 'Training took %.2f seconds' % (t1 - t0)
    real_scores = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
    result_scores = np.zeros(X_test.shape)
    if verbose:
        pb = ProgressBar()
        progress = 0
    for var in range(X_train.shape[1]):
        single_var_scores = np.zeros([X_test.shape[0], n_rounds])
        X_test_mod = np.copy(X_test)
        for j in range(n_rounds):
            if verbose:
                progress += 1
                pb.update_progress(progress / float(n_rounds * X_train.shape[1]))
            X_test_mod[:, var] = np.random.choice(X_train[:, var], X_test.shape[0], replace=True)
            single_var_scores[:, j] = clf.predict_proba(X_test_mod)[:, 1]
        result_scores[:, var] = np.abs(real_scores - np.mean(single_var_scores, axis=1))
    return result_scores
Exemple #8
    def cal_rows(self, css, scene, h, dh):
        width = scene.width
        height = scene.height
        ar = width / height
        camera = scene.camera
        xmin = -1
        xmax = 1
        ymax = xmax / ar
        ymin = -ymax
        dx = (xmax - xmin) / (width - 1)
        dy = (ymax - ymin) / (height - 1)
        cs = []  # 3 * width * (dh)
        pb = ProgressBar((dh) * width)

        for j in range(h, h + dh):
            y = ymin + dy * j
            for i in range(width):
                x = xmin + dx * i
                ray = Ray(camera, Vector(x, y, 0) - camera)
                c = self.ray_trace(ray, scene)

        a = h * width * 3
        b = (h + dh) * width * 3
        css[a:b] = cs
Exemple #9
def font_file_cracker():
        file = request.files.get('font_file')
        type_ = request.form.get('type')
    except Exception as _e:
        return jsonify({'code': 400, 'msg': f'lose args,{_e}', 'res': {}})

    filename = re.sub('[(()) ]', '', file.filename)
    if not os.path.exists('./font_collection'):

    file.save('./font_collection/' + filename)

    if config.is_online and not check_file('./font_collection/' + filename):
        return jsonify({'code': 300, 'msg': 'Please use example file(*^_^*)'})


    res = ocr_processor('./font_collection/' + filename)

    if type_ == 'html':
        font_dict = {}
        for foo in res:
            font_dict[foo['name']] = foo['ocr_result']

        return jsonify({
            'code': 200,
            'html': render_template('images.html', result=res),
            'font_dict': font_dict
        return jsonify({'code': 200, 'msg': 'success', 'res': res})
Exemple #10
def resample_lts( lts, out_lts, new_rate = 5000, cutoff = 2000 ):
	Resample a LabeledTimeseries to an output LabeledTimeseries.

	Returns a LabeledTimeseries containing the new resampled data.

	Keyword Arguments:
	lts -- An input LabeledTimeseries to resample
	out_lts -- A LabeledTimeseries to output the resampled data to.  If this
		is a string, create a new sibling LabeledTimeseries with this name.
	new_rate -- The sampling rate to resample to. (Default: 5000 samples per sec)
	cutoff -- The cutoff value for the FIR low-pass filter.  Ensure this is set
		considerably *below* the nyquist of 'new_rate'. (Default: 2000 Hz)
	from h5eeg import LabeledTimeseries

	# Create the new LabeledTimeseries if necessary
	if isinstance( out_lts, basestring ):
		parent_group = lts.dataset.parent
		new_length = int( len( lts ) * ( float( new_rate ) / float( lts.get_rate() ) ) )
		out_lts = LabeledTimeseries.create( parent_group, new_length, 
			lts.get_labels(), new_rate, name = out_lts )

	# Resample lts data channel by channel
	pbar = ProgressBar( len( lts.get_labels() ) )
	for idx, ch_name in enumerate( lts.get_labels() ):
		print 'Resampling Channel: %s...' % ch_name
		ch_data = resample( lts[ :, ch_name ], lts.get_rate(), new_rate, cutoff )
		convert_length = min( len( ch_data ), len( out_lts ) )
		out_lts[ 0:convert_length, ch_name ] = ch_data[ 0:convert_length ]
		pbar.animate( idx )

	# lts.dataset.file.flush() # This takes forever.  Don't bother.
	return out_lts
Exemple #11
def run_mcmc_save(sampler, startPos, nSteps, rState, file, **kwargs):
    '''runs and MCMC chain with emcee, and saves steps to a file'''
    #open chain save file
    if file:
        f = open(file, "w")
    iStep = 0
    bar = ProgressBar()
    for pos, prob, state in sampler.sample(startPos,
        if file:
            f = open(file, "a")
        bar.render(int(100 * iStep / nSteps), 'running MCMC')
        iStep += 1
        for k in range(pos.shape[0]):
            # loop over all walkers and append to file
            thisPos = pos[k]
            thisProb = prob[k]
            if file:
                f.write("{0:4d} {1:s} {2:f}\n".format(
                    k, " ".join(map(str, thisPos)), thisProb))
        if file:
    return sampler
Exemple #12
def run_ptmcmc_save(sampler, startPos, nSteps, file, **kwargs):
    '''runs PT MCMC and saves zero temperature chain to file'''
    if not os.path.exists(file):
        f = open(file, "w")

    iStep = 0
    bar = ProgressBar()
    for pos, prob, like in sampler.sample(startPos,
        bar.render(int(100 * iStep / nSteps), 'running MCMC')
        iStep += 1
        f = open(file, "a")
        # pos is shape (ntemps, nwalkers, npars)
        # prob is shape (ntemps, nwalkers)
        # loop over all walkers for zero temp and append to file
        zpos = pos[0, ...]
        zprob = prob[0, ...]
        for k in range(zpos.shape[0]):
            thisPos = zpos[k]
            thisProb = zprob[k]
            f.write("{0:4d} {1:s} {2:f}\n".format(k,
                                                  " ".join(map(str, thisPos)),
    return sampler
Exemple #13
def lightmap(nm, cm, light, ambient):
    width, height = nm.size
    cwidth, cheight = cm.size

    if cwidth != width or cheight != height:
        print("Resolutions do not match.")

    shaded = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))

    prog = ProgressBar(height)

    print("\nLight Map:")

    for y in range(0, height):
        for x in range(0, width):
            (cr, cg, cb, ca) = cm.getpixel((x, y))
            (r, g, b, a) = nm.getpixel((x, y))
            if a != 0:
                normal = vmath.Vector3(\
                    (r/255 - 0.5) * 2,
                    (g/255 - 0.5) * 2,
                    (b/255 - 0.5) * 2)
                angle = normal.angle(light, 'deg')
                illumination = 1 - (angle / 180)
                illumination = ambient + (1 - ambient) * illumination
                cr = int(illumination * cr)
                cg = int(illumination * cg)
                cb = int(illumination * cb)
                shaded.putpixel((x, y), (cr, cg, cb, ca))
    return shaded
Exemple #14
def spfilt( dataset, filt, io_blocksize = 1024, progress_bar = False ):
	Perform a spatial filter on an input two dimensional dataset.

	Returns dataset
	Keyword Arguments:
	dataset -- ndarray of size samples x channels
	filt -- ndarray spatial filter of channels x channels

	io_blocksize -- Number of samples to operate on at a time
		(Default: 1024)

	progress_bar -- If set to true, show a progress bar.
		(Default: False)
	TODO: Implement Parallelism
	start = 0
	nsamp = len( dataset )
	if progress_bar:
		from progress import ProgressBar
		pbar = ProgressBar( nsamp )

	while True:
		end_block = start + io_blocksize
		end = min( end_block, nsamp - 1 )
		dataset[ start:end, : ] = np.dot( dataset[ start:end, : ], filt )
		start = end

		if progress_bar: pbar.animate( start )
		if end_block >= nsamp: break

	return dataset
    def learn(self, samples, epochs=25000, noise=0, test_samples=None, show_progress=True):
        ''' Learn given distribution using n data
                List of sample sets
                Number of epochs to be ran for each sample set

        # Check if samples is a list
        if type(samples) not in [tuple,list]:
            samples = (samples,)
            epochs = (epochs,)

        n = 0 # total number of epochs to be ran
        for j in range(len(samples)):
            n += epochs[j]
        self.entropy = []
        self.distortion = []

        if show_progress:
            bar = ProgressBar(widgets=[Percentage(), Bar()], maxval=n).start()
        index = 0

        for j in range(len(samples)):
            self.samples = samples[j]
            I = np.random.randint(0,self.samples.shape[0],n)
            for i in range(epochs[j]):
                # Set sigma and learning rate via time
                t = index/float(n)
                lrate = self.lrate_i*(self.lrate_f/self.lrate_i)**t
                sigma = self.sigma_i*(self.sigma_f/self.sigma_i)**t
                C = self.adj.copy()

                # Learn something
                S = self.samples[I[i]] + noise*(2*np.random.random(len(self.samples[I[i]]))-1)
                S = np.minimum(np.maximum(S,0),1)

                if i%100 == 0:

                    if test_samples is not None:
                        distortion = self.compute_distortion(test_samples)
                        distortion = self.compute_distortion(self.samples)


                if show_progress:

                index = index+1

        if show_progress: bar.finish()
Exemple #16
def run_burnin(sampler, startPos, nSteps, storechain=False):
    iStep = 0
    bar = ProgressBar()
    for pos, prob, state in sampler.sample(startPos,
        bar.render(int(100 * iStep / nSteps), 'running Burn In')
        iStep += 1
    return pos, prob, state
Exemple #17
async def queue_tasks(
    tasks: AsyncIterable[tuple[AuditTask, LogQueue]],
    task_q: asyncio.Queue[tuple[AuditTask, LogQueue]],
    progress: ProgressBar,
) -> None:
    async for task, logqueue in tasks:
        await task_q.put((task, logqueue))
Exemple #18
def dropsubj_run():
    pb = ProgressBar(len(PERCENT_REMOVE))
    for p in PERCENT_REMOVE:
        this_rand = lambda d: replace_percent_subjects(d, p)
        cleaner = lambda d: remove_percent_deviant_subjects(d, p)
        params = {'p': p, 'cleaner': 'devsubj'}

        for row in run_experiment(this_rand, [cleaner], [params]):
            yield row
 def __init__(self, filename):
     dfile = filename.split('.')[0] + '.pkl'
         dump = self.loadfile(dfile)
         self.bag_of_word = dump['bag_of_word']
         self.bag_of_index = dump['bag_of_index']
         self.markov_matrix = np.array(dump['markov_matrix'])
     except OSError as e:
         self.bag_of_word = {}
         self.bag_of_index = {}
         self.markov_matrix = np.array([[0]])
         index = 0
             with open(filename, 'r') as file:
                     "log: this would show up if its a new file. A markov chain will be created and saved"
                 low = (' '.join(file.read().splitlines())).split(' ')
                 progress = ProgressBar(len(low) - 1, fmt=ProgressBar.FULL)
                 for i in range(progress.total):
                     progress.current += 1
                     if self.bag_of_word.setdefault(low[i], index) == index:
                         self.bag_of_index[index] = low[i]
                         self.markov_matrix = np.pad(self.markov_matrix,
                                                     [(0, self.max(index)),
                                                      (0, self.max(index))],
                         index += 1
                     if self.bag_of_word.setdefault(low[i + 1],
                                                    index) == index:
                         self.bag_of_index[index] = low[i + 1]
                         self.markov_matrix = np.pad(self.markov_matrix,
                                                     [(0, self.max(index)),
                                                      (0, self.max(index))],
                         index += 1
                         self.bag_of_word[low[i + 1]]] += 1
             s = np.sum(self.markov_matrix, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
             s[s == 0] = 1
             self.markov_matrix = self.markov_matrix / s
             self.markov_matrix[self.markov_matrix.shape[0] - 1][0] = 1
             dump = {}
             dump['bag_of_word'] = self.bag_of_word
             dump['bag_of_index'] = self.bag_of_index
             dump['markov_matrix'] = self.markov_matrix
             self.savefile(dump, dfile)
             del (dump)
             print("log:chain for ", filename, " is created")
         except OSError as e:
             print("file not found !")
Exemple #20
 def __init__(self, url, gitlab, includes=[], excludes=[], concurrency=1, in_file=None, method="http"):
     self.in_file = in_file
     self.method = method
     self.concurrency = concurrency
     self.excludes = excludes
     self.includes = includes
     self.url = url
     self.gitlab = gitlab
     self.root = Node("", root_path="", url=url)
     self.disable_progress = False
     self.progress = ProgressBar('* loading tree', self.disable_progress)
def minrho_run():
    pb = ProgressBar(len(NUM_DROP))
    sys.stderr.write("Beginning minrho eval.\n")

    for n in NUM_DROP:
        this_rand = lambda d: replace_subjects(d, n)
        cleaner = lambda d: remove_most_deviant_subjects(d, n)
        params = {'n': n, 'cleaner': 'minrho'}

        for row in run_experiment(this_rand, [cleaner], [params]):
            yield row
def convert_bcistream( dat, h5filename = None, overwrite = False ):

	# If we don't have a filename for the resulting hdf5 file, we will
	# just make an hdf5 file from the current filename in the same directory
	if h5filename == None:
		filepath, h5filename = os.path.split( dat.filename )
		h5filename = os.path.splitext( h5filename )[0]
		h5filename = os.path.join( filepath, h5filename + '.hdf5' )

	if os.path.isfile( h5filename ) and not overwrite:
		print "Error: %s exists already.  Not overwriting." % h5filename
		return None

	# Create the required group and set group attributes
	# NOTE: BCI2000 file format has no good record of experiment
	outfile = h5.File( h5filename, 'w' )
	group = H5EEGGroup.create( outfile, 
		subject = dat.params[ 'SubjectName' ],
		timestamp = dat.datestamp )

	# Create the EEG, AUX, and Event datasets
	eeg_labels = [ str( i + 1 ) for i in range( dat.nchan ) ]
	if 'ChannelNames' in dat.params.keys(): eeg_labels = dat.params[ 'ChannelNames' ]
	eeg_offsets = dat.offsets.astype( 'int32' )
	H5EEGDataset.create( group, dat.samples(), eeg_labels, eeg_offsets, dat.gains, 
		name = 'raw', rate = dat.samplingrate(), bytes_per_sample = dat.bytesperchannel )
	aux_labels = dat.statedefs.keys()
	H5EEGAuxDataset.create( group, dat.samples(), labels = aux_labels, 
		rate = dat.samplingrate() )
	H5EEGEvents.create( group )

	# Read the data into the h5f file in blocks of 1 second each
	dat.seek( 0 )
	eeg_dset = group.eeg().dataset
	aux_dset = group.aux().dataset
	print 'Converting %s to %s...' % ( dat.filename, h5filename )

	pbar = ProgressBar( dat.samples() )
	while dat.tell() != dat.samples():
		samp_idx = dat.tell()
		read_block = int( dat.samplingrate() )
		signal, states = dat.decode( nsamp = read_block, apply_gains = False )
		read_block = signal.shape[1]

		eeg_dset[ samp_idx:( samp_idx + read_block ), : ] = signal.T
		for idx, label in enumerate( aux_labels ):
			aux_dset[ samp_idx:( samp_idx + read_block ), idx ] = np.squeeze( states[ label ] )

		pbar.animate( dat.tell() )

	return outfile
def zscore_run(randomizer, randomizer_name):
    pb = ProgressBar(len(ZSCORES) * len(NOISES))
    sys.stderr.write("Beginning zscore eval with %s randomization.\n" % randomizer_name)
    for percent_noise in NOISES:
        this_rand = lambda d: randomizer(d, percent_noise)

        cleaners = [zscore and RemoveDeviantRatings(zscore).scores or BaselineCleaner().scores
                    for zscore in ZSCORES]
        parameters = [dict(cleaner='zscore', p=percent_noise, randomizer=randomizer_name, zscore=str(zscore))
                      for zscore in ZSCORES]

        for row in run_experiment(this_rand, cleaners, parameters):
            yield row
Exemple #24
def cmd_dump(logger, args):
    Dump recorded values into a file or to stdout.
    if logger.is_busy():
        print("Logger is currently recording.")
        return 1
    config = logger.configuration()
    if config["count"] == 0:
        print("No records available (nothing has been logged).")
        return 0
    output = _open_output(args, config)
    progress = None if args.no_progress else ProgressBar(config['count'])
    if args.data_format:
        data_format = args.data_format
        data_format = "%c;%d;%t"
        if config["humidity"]:
            data_format += ";%h"
    counter = 0
    for values in logger:
        for value in values:
            stamp, temp, hum = value
            record = _format_record(data_format, counter,
                                    stamp.strftime(args.time_format), temp,
                                    hum if config["humidity"] else None)
            print(record, file=output)
            counter += 1
        if progress is not None:
            progress += len(values)
    if progress is not None:
    return 0
Exemple #25
def trim_samples(samples,nsamp,pbar=False):

    weights = np.array([s.w for s in samples])
    weights /= max(weights)
    neff = np.sum(weights)
    n    = weights.size 

    print "effective number of samples: " , neff, "/", n

    # Now trim off the ones that are too small
    ntarget = sum([ w if w<1.0/n else 1 for w in weights]) + 0.0

    if nsamp>0 and nsamp<ntarget:
        weights *= nsamp/neff
        weights *= n

    if pbar: progress_bar = ProgressBar(samples.size,message="trimming samples ")
    else: print "trimming samples"
    trimmed_samples = []
    for w,s in zip(weights,samples):
        if rand() < w:
            s.w = max(1.0,w)

        if pbar: progress_bar()

    trimmed_samples = np.array(trimmed_samples)
    print "Samples trimmed from " , n, " to ", trimmed_samples.size

    return trimmed_samples
Exemple #26
def to_png(tif):
    width, height = tif.size

    img = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))

    prog = ProgressBar(height - 1)

    print("\nTo PNG:")
    for y in range(0, height - 1):
        for x in range(0, width - 1):
            value = tif.getpixel((x, y))
            setpixel(x, y, value, img)

    return img
Exemple #27
    def _align(self, Ys, X, sel=None, record=True):

        pb = ProgressBar(final=len(Ys), label='align', tail_label='{i:}')
        if record:
            info = np.zeros((len(Ys), 11))

        # set defaults
        sel = sel or slice(None)

        X_sel = X[:, sel]
        t0 = self._calc_centroid(X_sel)
        X0 = X - t0  # centre reference on origin
        X0_sel = X0[:, sel]

        for i, Y_ in enumerate(Ys):
            Y_sel = Y_[:, sel]
            t = self._calc_centroid(Y_sel)
            Y0_ = Y_ - t  # centre frame on origin
            Y0_sel = Y0_[:, sel]
            R = self._calc_optrot(X0_sel, Y0_sel)  # get rotation matrix
            Y0 = np.dot(R, Y0_.T)  # rotate
            Y = Y0 + t0  # centre frame on t0
            Ys[i, :, :] = Y

            if record:
                # ref/frame comparison before alignment
                info[i, 0] = self._calc_rmsd(X, Y_)  # all
                info[i, 2] = self._calc_rmsd(X0, Y0_)  # rotational
                info[i, 3] = self._calc_rmsd(X0_sel,
                                             Y0_sel)  # rotational selection

                # ref/frame comparison after alignment
                info[i, 4] = self._calc_rmsd(X, Y)  # all
                info[i, 5] = self._calc_rmsd(X0, Y0)  # rotational

                # aligned/unaligned frame comparisons
                info[i, 6] = self._calc_rmsd(Y_, Y)  # all
                info[i, 7] = self._calc_rmsd(Y0, Y0_)  # rotational

                # ref/frame and aligned/unaligned
                info[i, 8] = self._calc_rmsd(t, t0)  # centre difference

                # euler angles
                info[i, 8:11] = self._calc_euler(R)

        return (Ys, info) if record else Ys
Exemple #28
async def task_runner(task_q: asyncio.Queue[tuple[AuditTask, LogQueue]],
                      result_aggr: ResultAggregator,
                      progress: ProgressBar) -> None:
    await asyncio.sleep(
    )  # Random jitter at the start so that not all requests get fired immediately
    while True:
        task, logqueue = await task_q.get()
        await task.audit_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
        await task.run(result_aggr)
        await logqueue.flush()
Exemple #29
def background_thread():
    """Example of how to send server generated events to clients."""
    while True:
        ret = []
        while not SocketQueue.res_queue.empty():
            ProgressBar.now_length += 1
        if ret:
            socketio.emit('my_response', {
                'data': ret,
                'width': str(ProgressBar.calculate()) + '%'
        socketio.emit('my_response', {
            'data': ret,
            'width': str(ProgressBar.calculate()) + '%'
Exemple #30
    def __init__(self, pdb, dmin, dmax, expand=True):

        # inherit from Mixin
        self.enumerate_hkl = self._enumerate_hkl_numpy

        # enable access to self.F[h, k, l] with slicing support
        self.F = self._make_FhklArray()

        # coordinates
        if expand:
            pdb = pdb.get_unitcell()

        uc_xyzc = np.dot(pdb.S, [pdb.x, pdb.y, pdb.z])
        self.n = len(pdb)

        # reflections
        hkls, d = self._enumerate_hkl_numpy(dmin, dmax, S=pdb.S)
        stol2 = 1.0 / (4.0 * d * d)

        # Cromer-Mann scattering factors
        assert os.path.isfile('cm.pkl')
        with open('cm.pkl', 'rb') as _f:
            _A, _B, _C = pickle.load(_f)
        f0 = {
            _C[e] + sum(_A[e][i] * np.exp(-_B[e][i] * stol2) for i in range(4))
            for e in set(pdb.e)

        # direct summation for each summand
        self.Fatoms = np.zeros((len(pdb), len(hkls)), dtype=complex)
        p = ProgressBar(final=len(pdb),

        for i, (xyzc, e, n, b) in enumerate(zip(uc_xyzc.T, pdb.e, pdb.n,
            hx = np.sum(hkls * xyzc, axis=1)
            self.Fatoms[i, :] = n * f0[e] * np.exp(-b * stol2) * np.exp(
                np.pi * 2j * hx)

        # save drange
        self._hkls = hkls
        self._d = d
Exemple #31
def font_file_cracker():
    file_suffix = None
        file = request.files.get('font_file')
        type_ = request.form.get('type')
    except Exception as _e:
        return jsonify({'code': 400, 'msg': f'lose args,{_e}', 'res': {}})

    filename = re.sub('[(()) ]', '', file.filename)
    file.save('./font_collection/' + filename)

    if config.is_online and not check_file('./font_collection/' + filename):
        return jsonify({'code': 300, 'msg': 'Please use example file(*^_^*)'})


        res = ocr_processor(filename, request.remote_addr, has_pic_detail=True)

        if type_ == 'html':
            font_dict = {}
            for idx, foo in enumerate(res):
                if foo['ocr_result']:
                    res[idx]['ocr_result'] = foo['ocr_result'][0]['simPred']
                    font_dict[foo['name']] = foo['ocr_result']
                    res[idx]['ocr_result'] = 'undefined'
                    font_dict[foo['name']] = 'undefined'

            return jsonify({
                'code': 200,
                'html': render_template('images.html', result=res),
                'font_dict': font_dict
            return jsonify({'code': 200, 'msg': 'success', 'res': res})

    except Exception as _e:
        if file_suffix:
            shutil.rmtree('./fontforge_output/' + file_suffix)
        return jsonify({'code': 400, 'msg': f'{_e}', 'res': {}})
def svd_run(randomizer, randomizer_name):
    pb = ProgressBar((K + 1) * len(NOISES))
    sys.stderr.write("Beginning SVD eval with %s randomization.\n" % randomizer_name)
    for percent_noise in NOISES:
        this_rand = lambda d: randomizer(d, percent_noise)

        parameters = [{
            'cleaner': 'svd',
            'p_noise': percent_noise,
            'randomizer': randomizer_name,
            'k': str(k)
        } for k in [None] + range(1, K + 1)]
        cleaners = [BaselineCleaner().scores] + [c.scores for c in create_svd_cleaners(K)]

        for row in run_experiment(this_rand, cleaners, parameters):
            yield row
Exemple #33
def compute_slices(fsamples,xs,pbar=False):
    if pbar: progress_bar = ProgressBar(fsamples.size,message="computing slices ")
    else: print "computing slices"
    slices = []

    for f in fsamples:
        if pbar: progress_bar()
    return np.array(slices).T                   # return transpose
Exemple #34
def compute_kernels(slices,weights,pbar=False):
    if pbar: progress_bar = ProgressBar(slices.size,message="computing kernels")
    else: print "computing kernels"
    kernels = []

    for s in slices:
        if pbar: progress_bar()
    return np.array(kernels)
Exemple #35
def rebuild_random(magic, data):
    """Create a random.Random() object from the data and the magic vectors

    :param list[str] magic: magic vector data
    :param str data: observed output from Mersenne Twister
    :rtype: random.Random
    progress = ProgressBar()
    data_vals = [ord(d) for d in data]
    state = [0L for _ in xrange(N)]
Exemple #36
def compute_masses(kernels,y,pbar=False):

    if pbar: progress_bar = ProgressBar(kernels.size,message="computing masses ")
    else: print "computing masses"
    masses = []

    for k in kernels:
        masses.append( compute_pmf(y,k) )         # compute M(x,y) for each value
        if pbar: progress_bar()

    return np.array(masses).T             # return the transpose
Exemple #37
def download_images(uri_list, download_location, retain_original_naming=True):
    num = len(uri_list)
    progress = ProgressBar(num, fmt=ProgressBar.FULL)
    for i, src in enumerate(uri_list):
        ############################### DO WORK HERE ###########################
            img_data = urlopen(src).read()
            if len(img_data) > 0:  #Read Success
                filename = basename(urlsplit(src)[2]).strip()
                if not retain_original_naming:
                    filetype = filename.split('.')[-1]
                    filename = str(i + 1) + '.' + filetype
                output = open(os.path.join(download_location, filename), 'wb')
        except Exception as e:
        ############################### END OF WORK #$##########################
        progress.current += 1
Exemple #38
def normalmap(hm, sobelscale):
    width, height = hm.size

    nm = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))

    prog = ProgressBar(height)

    print("\nNormal Map:")

    for y in range(0, height):
        for x in range(0, width):
            value = hm.getpixel((x, y))
            if value != -2147483648:
                normal = sobel(x, y, hm, sobelscale)
                color = (\
                    int(normal.x * 255),
                    int(normal.y * 255),
                    int(normal.z * 255), 255)
                nm.putpixel((x, y), color)

    return nm
def run_mcmc_save(sampler,startPos,nSteps,rState,file,**kwargs):
    '''runs and MCMC chain with emcee, and saves steps to a file'''
    #open chain save file
    if file:
        f = open(file,"w")
    iStep = 0
    bar = ProgressBar()
    for pos, prob, state in sampler.sample(startPos,iterations=nSteps,rstate0=rState,storechain=True,**kwargs):
        if file:
            f = open(file,"a")
        bar.render(int(100*iStep/nSteps),'running MCMC')
        iStep += 1
        for k in range(pos.shape[0]):
            # loop over all walkers and append to file
            thisPos = pos[k]
            thisProb = prob[k]
            if file:
                f.write("{0:4d} {1:s} {2:f}\n".format(k," ".join(map(str,thisPos)),thisProb ))
        if file:        
    return sampler
Exemple #40
def listen( data, rate ):
	Listen to a one-dimensional numpy array

	Keyword Arguments:
	data -- A one-dimensional numpy array
	rate -- The data sampling rate.  This has nothing to do with the sampling 
		rate of the audio output from your speakers.

	Depends on pyaudio
	import pyaudio
	p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
	stream = p.open( format = pyaudio.paFloat32, channels = 1, 
		rate = int( rate ), output = True )

	data = np.squeeze( data )
	data = data / max( abs( max( data ) ), abs( min( data ) ) )
	start = 0
	rate = int( rate )
	read_block = rate / 4 # Read in 0.25 sec increments
	audio_length = len( data ) / float( rate )
	pbar = ProgressBar( audio_length )
	print 'Listening to data (%f sec)...  Interrupt (^C) to stop.' % audio_length
		while start != len( data ):
			end = min( len( data ), start + read_block )
			pbar.animate( start / float( rate ) )
			stream.write( data[ start:end ].astype( 'float32' ).tostring() )
			start = end
	except KeyboardInterrupt:


def run_ptmcmc_save(sampler,startPos,nSteps,file,**kwargs):
    '''runs PT MCMC and saves zero temperature chain to file'''
    if not os.path.exists(file):
        f = open(file,"w")

    iStep = 0    
    bar = ProgressBar()
    for pos, prob, like in sampler.sample(startPos,iterations=nSteps,storechain=True,**kwargs):
        bar.render(int(100*iStep/nSteps),'running MCMC')
        iStep += 1
        f = open(file,"a")
        # pos is shape (ntemps, nwalkers, npars)
        # prob is shape (ntemps, nwalkers)
        # loop over all walkers for zero temp and append to file
        zpos = pos[0,...]
        zprob = prob[0,...]
        for k in range(zpos.shape[0]):
            thisPos = zpos[k]
            thisProb = zprob[k]
            f.write("{0:4d} {1:s} {2:f}\n".format(k," ".join(map(str,thisPos)),thisProb ))
    return sampler    
mappings = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[1], sep="\t")

synsets = mappings.Synset[mappings.Synset.notnull()]
synsets = [y for x in synsets.map(lambda z: z.split()) for y in x]

def fetch_image_urls(synset):
    data = fetch.fetch_data(MAPPING_URL % synset)
    image_mappings = [y.split() for y in data.split("\r\n") if y]
    return image_mappings

def fetch_hypos(synset):
    data = fetch.fetch_data(HYPO_URL % synset)
    return data.replace("-", "").split("\r\n")

pb = ProgressBar(len(synsets))
for synset in synsets:
    image_urls = fetch_image_urls(synset)
    if len(image_urls) == 0:
        children_synsets = fetch_hypos(synset)
        children_urls = [fetch_image_urls(cs) for cs in children_synsets]
        image_urls = [y for x in children_urls for y in x]

    for imgid, url in image_urls:
        print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (synset, imgid, url)


Exemple #43
	# Check that an IP/Hostname was sent
	# Load Configuration
	con = Con('ports.ini');

	targetIP = sys.argv[1]

	ipparse = IPParse(targetIP)
	ips = ipparse.parse()
	ipmatch = re.compile('(\d{1,3}\.{1}){3}\d{1,3}')
	for ip in ips:
		if (ipmatch.match(ip) == None):
			ip = gethostbyname(ip)
		# Check if the host is up first
		if (is_host_up(ip) == False):
			print "DOWN: %s is down" % ip

		print 'Starting scan on host: ', ip
		p = ProgressBar(1024)
		open_ports = {}
		for i in range(10, 1024):
			if(scan_port(ip, i)):
				# right justify for sorting
				open_ports[str(i).rjust(5, '0')] = con.get(i)

		for port in sorted(open_ports.iterkeys()):
			print "Port (%s): %s" % (str(int(port)).rjust(5, ' '), open_ports[port])
Exemple #44
def spectrogram( lts, channel, events, length = None, baseline_length = None,
	baseline_offset = 0, nfft = 1024, shift = 10, progress_bar = False ):
	Generate a spectrogram based on a query into the dataset.  Internally, this uses
	matplotlib.mlab.specgram, so this is a FFT-based spectrogram.

	data = [baseline_length][baseline_offset]| event[start_idx] |[length]

	Returns: ( avg_spec, f, t )
	avg_spec = Average spectrogram array
	f = frequency labels for axis 0 of avg_spec
	t = time labels for axis 1 of avg_spec

	Keyword Arguments:
	lts -- LabeledTimeseries object to use as the input dataset.

	events -- An ndarray of event objects to generate spectrograms for.
		Hint: use H5EEGEvents.query_events(...) for this!

	channel -- The channel within lts to create the spectrogram from.

	length -- Length of the spectrogram in samples.  This value overrides event
		duration and is used to define spectrogram length for flag events.
		(Default: None -- length defined by event duration)

	baseline_length -- The number of samples of 'baseline' period to collect before
		each event.  This data segment will be transformed into a spectrogram from
		which a baseline distribution will be defined per-frequency bin for Z-scoring.
		NOTE: Set baseline_length = 0 to disable baseline referencing.
		(Default: None -- baseline_length = length.  If length == none, use event duration)

	baseline_offset -- The number of samples to offset before the event start_idx
		before the baseline period ends.  See diagram above for clarification.
		(Default: 0 -- No samples of baseline offset)

	nfft -- Length of fft window.  Should be a power of two.  Used for both baseline
		and spectrogram. Should be shorter than length and baseline_length.
		(Default: 1024)

	shift -- Time shift of fft windows in samples.  overlap = nfft - shift.
		(Default: 10)

	progress_bar -- Show a progress bar.
		(Default: False)

	FIXME: Specify lengths in seconds, because we have a samplingrate.
	TODO: Parallelism
	overlap = nfft - shift
	if baseline_length == None: baseline_length = length

	# Calculate a spectrogram for every event matching the query
	avg_spec = None
	num_spectrograms = 0.0
	if progress_bar:
		from progress import ProgressBar
		pbar = ProgressBar( len( events ) )

	for idx, event in enumerate( events ):

		# Acquire information about the event
		name = event['name']
		start_idx = event['start_idx']
		duration = event['duration']

		# Skip the event if we can't find a good length for it.
		if duration == 0: duration = length
		if duration == None: continue;

		# Acquire the data for this spectrogram and calculate the spectrogram.
		data = lts[ start_idx:start_idx + duration, channel ]
		spec, f, t = specgram( data, NFFT = nfft, Fs = lts.get_rate(), noverlap = overlap )
		spec = 20.0 * np.log10( spec )

		# Reference to baseline if we can
		if baseline_length != 0:

			# Acquire the baseline data
			if baseline_length == None: b_len = duration
			else: b_len = baseline_length
			baseline_start = start_idx - b_len - baseline_offset
			baseline_end = start_idx - baseline_offset
			baseline_data = lts[ baseline_start:baseline_end, channel ]

			# Calculate the baseline spectrogram and determine distribution
			baseline_spec, f_base, t_base = specgram( baseline_data, NFFT = nfft,
				Fs = lts.get_rate(), noverlap = overlap )
			baseline_spec = 20.0 * np.log10( baseline_spec )
			mu = np.mean( baseline_spec, axis = 1 )
			sigma = np.std( baseline_spec, axis = 1 )

			# Z-Score the spectrogram by the baseline distribution.
			def zscore( data, mu, sigma ):
				return np.divide( np.subtract( data, mu ), sigma )
			spec = np.apply_along_axis( zscore, 0, spec, mu, sigma )

		# Add the spectrogram to the list of spectrograms
		if avg_spec == None: avg_spec = spec
		else: avg_spec = np.add( avg_spec, spec )
		num_spectrograms += 1.0

		# Update the progress
		if progress_bar: pbar.animate( idx )

	# Sanity Check
	if num_spectrograms == 0.0:
		raise Warning( "No spectrograms generated -- Did you forget to specify Length?" )
		return None, None, None

	# Average the plot and return the calculated parameters
	np.divide( avg_spec, num_spectrograms, out = avg_spec )
	return avg_spec, f, t
Exemple #45
def frequency_feature( lts, events, length = None, band = ( 70, 110 ), smooth = 10,
	baseline_length = None, baseline_offset = 0, baseline_features = False,
	progress_bar = False, exclude_ch = [] ):
	Generate average frequency features from a LabeledTimeseries across events.

	data = [baseline_length][baseline_offset]| event[start_idx] |[length]

	Returns: ( features, obs_labels, ch_labels, t_labels )
		features -- ndarray of frequency features ( obs (events) x ch x samples (time) )
		obs_labels -- labels of the observation axis of features
		ch_labels -- labels of the ch axis of features.  Equal to lts.get_labels()
		t_labels -- time labels in seconds.

	Keyword Arguments:
	lts -- LabeledTimeseries object to use as the input dataset.

	events -- An ndarray of event objects to generate features for.
		Hint: use H5EEGEvents.query_events(...) for this!

	length -- Length of the feature in seconds.  This value overrides event
		duration and is used to define feature length for flag events.
		(Default: None -- length defined by event duration)

	band -- Frequency band in Hz defined by a tuple ( cuton, cutoff ).  Data will be
		filtered by an FIR bandpass filter and hilbert-transformed to extract the power
		in that band.
		(Default: ( 70, 110 ) High Gamma

	smooth -- The power envelope is low-pass filtered to this frequency.  Used to
		smooth feature output.  Set to 0 for no additional smoothing
		(Default: 10 Hz)

	baseline_length -- The number of samples of 'baseline' period to collect before
		each event.  This data segment will be have features extracted from
		which a baseline distribution will be defined per-electrode for Z-scoring.
		NOTE: Set baseline_length = 0 to disable baseline referencing.
		(Default: None -- baseline_length = length)

	baseline_offset -- The number of samples to offset before the event start_idx
		before the baseline period ends.  See diagram above for clarification.
		(Default: 0 -- No samples of baseline offset)

	baseline_features -- Append features for the baseline periods rather than 
		referencing/zscoring the features by baseline.
		NOTE: This will double the number of features/observations
		(Default: False -- Do not append baseline features)

	progress_bar -- Show a progress bar.
		(Default: False)

	Depends on BCPy2000 hilbert.
	FIXME: Remove Dependency
	TODO: Parallelism
	import BCPy2000.Paths
	from BCPy2000.SigTools.Basic import hilbert

	# Take sampling rate into account
	length = int( length * lts.get_rate() )
	if baseline_length == None: baseline_length = length
	if baseline_length == None: baseline_length = 0
	buffer_samples = int( 0.2 * lts.get_rate() )

	# Calculate filter coefficients
	smooth = smooth / float( lts.get_rate() )
	smooth_coefs = None
	if smooth != 0.0:
		smooth_coefs = firwin( 64, cutoff = smooth, window = "hamming" )
		smooth_coefs = smooth_coefs / sum( smooth_coefs ) # Correct Gain

	# Determine channel indices
	def bad_ch( ch ):
		for q in exclude_ch: 
			if q in ch: return True
		return False
	channels = np.array( [ ch for ch in lts.get_labels() if not bad_ch( ch ) ] )

	features = []
	obs_labels = []

	def add_observation( name, feature ):
		if smooth_coefs != None:
			feature = filtfilt( smooth_coefs, [1.0], feature, axis = 0 )
		features.append( feature.T )
		obs_labels.append( name )

	# Calculate features for every event matching the query
	if progress_bar:
		from progress import ProgressBar
		pbar = ProgressBar( len( events ) )
	for idx, event in enumerate( events ):

		# Acquire information about the event
		name = event['name']
		start_idx = event['start_idx']
		duration = event['duration']

		# Skip the event if we can't find a good length for it.
		# FIXME: Logic is off here.
		if duration == 0: duration = length
		if duration == None: continue;

		# Define start and end of feature extraction epoch
		end = start_idx + duration + buffer_samples
		start = start_idx - buffer_samples

		# Acquire the data for this spectrogram and calculate the spectrogram.
		observation = lts[ start:end, channels ]
		obs_features = hilbert( observation, band = band, return_dict = True,
			samplingfreq_hz = lts.get_rate() )[ 'amplitude' ]

		# Reference to baseline if we can
		if baseline_length != 0:

			# Acquire the baseline data
			baseline_start = start_idx - baseline_length - baseline_offset - buffer_samples
			baseline_end = start_idx - baseline_offset + buffer_samples
			baseline_data = lts[ baseline_start:baseline_end, channels ]

			# Calculate the baseline features and determine distribution
			obs_baseline = hilbert( baseline_data, band = band, return_dict = True,
				samplingfreq_hz = lts.get_rate() )[ 'amplitude' ]
			obs_baseline = obs_baseline[ buffer_samples:-buffer_samples, : ]

			if baseline_features == False:
				# Z-Score the features by the baseline distribution.
				# TODO: This isn't statistically sound, this assumes 
				# independence in the time-series
				mu = np.mean( obs_baseline, axis = 0 )
				sigma = np.std( obs_baseline, axis = 0 )
				def zscore( data, mu, sigma ):
					return np.divide( np.subtract( data, mu ), sigma )
				obs_features = np.apply_along_axis( zscore, 1, obs_features, mu, sigma )
			else: add_observation( 'BASELINE_' + name, obs_baseline )

		# Add the features to the list of features
		obs_features = obs_features[ buffer_samples:-buffer_samples, : ]
		add_observation( name, obs_features )

		# Update the progress
		if progress_bar: pbar.animate( idx )

	# Return the feature array
	features = np.array( features )
	t_labels = np.arange( features.shape[-1] ) / float( lts.get_rate() )
	return ( features, obs_labels, channels, t_labels )
Exemple #46
from progress import ProgressBar
from time import sleep
from random import random

my_list = range(20)

print 'TEST: Using a default ProgressBar'
pb = ProgressBar(len(my_list), 20)
for i in my_list:

print 'TEST: Using a custom design'
pb = ProgressBar(len(my_list), 20, bookends='<{}>', 
        bar_char='/', empty_char='-')
for i in my_list:

print 'TEST: Using a minimal design'
pb = ProgressBar(len(my_list), 20, bookends='', 
        bar_char='-', empty_char=' ', show_percent=True, show_iter=False,
    v = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=N//2)
    theta = 2*np.pi*u
    phi = np.arccos(2*v-1)
    spheres[:N//2,0] = rho*np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)+.5
    spheres[:N//2,1] = rho*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi)+.0
    spheres[:N//2,2] = rho*np.cos(phi)+.5
    spheres[N//2:,0] = rho*np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)+.5
    spheres[N//2:,1] = rho*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi)+1.0
    spheres[N//2:,2] = rho*np.cos(phi)+.5 

    samples = sphere
    net = DSOM((n,n,3), elasticity=1.0, init_method='fixed')
    I = np.random.randint(0,samples.shape[0], epochs)
    bar = ProgressBar(widgets=[Percentage(), Bar()], maxval=epochs).start()
    plotfile = '/tmp/plot.txt'
    datafile = '/tmp/data.txt'
    rot_x, rot_z = 65,225

    for i in range(epochs):
        if i == (epochs//2):
            samples = spheres
            I = np.random.randint(0,samples.shape[0], epochs)

        if i%5 == 0:
            rot_x = 20+(1+np.cos(i/float(epochs)*4*np.pi))*45
            rot_z = (rot_z+1) % 360
            filename = '/tmp/image-%05d' % i
            file = open(plotfile, 'w')
print "parsing file '%s'" % sopts.inputfile
neighbor = ""
lc = 0

# open input+output file
fh = open(sopts.inputfile, 'r')
fhout = open(sopts.outputfile, 'w')	# rewrite
linebuffer = []
headers = False
t0 = time()
print "getting length of file... ",
numlines = get_num_lines(sopts.inputfile)
if (numlines > -1):
	print "%d lines" % numlines
	progress = ProgressBar(50)
	print "failed"

while (main_loop):
		filepos = fh.tell()	# remember position before reading
		line = fh.readline()
		if ((not "\n" in line) and (line != '')):
			if (line != ''):
				lc += 1
				if (lc % 10000 == 0 and numlines > -1):
					duration = (time() - t0)
Exemple #49
def main(plistpath, dest, options=None):
    if options:
        flat = options.flat
        delete = options.delete
        pretend = options.pretend

    plist = open(plistpath)
    srcset = set()
    destset = set()

    p.message("Parsing playlist.", 1)

    playlistpaths = []

    for line in plist:
        if line[0] == '#':

        if line[-1] == '\n':
            path = line[:-1] # strip the new line
            path = line


    if len(playlistpaths) == 0:
        p.message("Playlist is empty!", 1)

    p.message("Loading metadata from playlist files.", 1)
    if p.level > 1 and p.level < 4:
        bar = ProgressBar(len(playlistpaths),"numbers")
    i = 0

    for path in playlistpaths:
            song = getMetaData(path)
            totalbytes += os.path.getsize(path)

        except (OSError, IOError) as e:
            p.message("\nError loading {0}: {1}".format(path, e.strerror), 2)
        i += 1
        if p.level > 1 and p.level < 4:

    p.message("{0} files, {1} MB".format(len(playlistpaths), totalbytes/(1024.0*1024.0)), 2)

    p.message("Loading existing files", 1)
    existingFilePaths = []

    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dest):
        for path in filenames:
            if path[-3:] == 'mp3':
                fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, path)

    if len(existingFilePaths) > 0:
        p.message("Loading metadata from existing files.", 2)
        if p.level > 1 and p.level < 4:
            bar = ProgressBar(len(existingFilePaths),"numbers")
        i = 0

        for path in existingFilePaths:
                song = getMetaData(path)
            except HeaderNotFoundError:
                # This is when the mp3 file in place is malformed, like when it is
                # only a partial file
            except IOError:
                # Something wierd happened
                p.message("File not found" + path, 2)
            i += 1
            if p.level > 1 and p.level < 4:
        p.message("No existing files", 3)

    toAdd = srcset - destset
    toDel = destset - srcset

    # we can't just take the intersection, because we need the version from
    # dest
    toCheck = set()
    for song in destset:
        if song in srcset:

    # Delete songs that shouldn't be there (if we should delete things)
    if delete and len(toDel) > 0 and not pretend:
        p.message("Deleting songs", 1)
        for song in toDel:
        p.message("Not deleting: delete flag={0}, pretend={1} len(toDel)={2}".format(delete,pretend,len(toDel)),5)

    # Move songs around that are already there, but possibly not in the right
    # place
    first = False
    if len(toCheck) > 0:
        for song in toCheck:
            data = song.data(root=dest)
            data['artist'] = sanitize(data['artist'])
            data['album'] = sanitize(data['album'])
            data['title'] = sanitize(data['title'])
            newFile = ""
            if flat == False:
                artistDir = u"{0[root]}/{0[artist]}".format(data)
                albumDir = artistDir + u"/{0[album]}".format(data)
                newFile = albumDir + u"/{0[track]:0>2} {0[title]}.mp3".format(data)

                if not os.path.exists(artistDir):
                if not os.path.exists(albumDir):
                newFile = u"{0[root]}/{0[artist]} - {0[album]} - {0[track]:0>2} {0[title]}.mp3".format(data)

            if not song.mp3path == newFile:
                if first:
                    first = False
                    p.message("Organizing old songs", 1)
                if not pretend:
                    shutil.move(song.mp3path, newFile)

    # Copy new songs
    if len(toAdd) > 0:
        p.message("Copying songs", 1)
        if p.level > 1 and p.level < 4:
            bar = ProgressBar(len(toAdd),"numbers")
        i = 0

        for song in toAdd:
            data = song.data(root=dest)
            data['artist'] = sanitize(data['artist'])
            data['album'] = sanitize(data['album'])
            data['title'] = sanitize(data['title'])
            newPath = ""
            if flat == False:
                artistDir = u"{0[root]}/{0[artist]}".format(data)
                albumDir = artistDir + u"/{0[album]}".format(data)
                newPath = albumDir + u"/{0[track]:0>2} {0[title]}.mp3".format(data)

                if not os.path.exists(artistDir) and not pretend:
                if not os.path.exists(albumDir) and not pretend:
                newPath = u"{0[root]}/{0[artist]} - {0[album]} - {0[track]:0>2} {0[title]}.mp3".format(data)

            p.message("Copying {0}".format(newPath), 4)
            if not pretend:
                    shutil.copyfile(song.mp3path, newPath)
                except IOError as e:
                    p.message("Error copying {0}: {1}".format(newPath, e.strerror), 3)
            i += 1
            if p.level > 1 and p.level < 4:
        p.message("All songs already there!", 1)

    p.message("\nDone.", 1)
Exemple #50
def parse_crux_search_txt(filename):
    """Iterate over records in a search.{target,decoy}.txt.

    Crux txt format files are tab-delimited with 30 fields*, described
    in the online documentation [1]. This function returns an iterator
    which yields a dictionary with the fields and their values.

    * 'decoy q-value (p-value)' is not output by Crux, at least as of v1.33.

    [1] http://noble.gs.washington.edu/proj/crux/txt-format.html

       filename: Name of the crux search-for-matches output.

       Dictionary that maps field names to values. Only fields that
       are non-empty in the input exist in the returned dictionary.
       Many of the fields are not usually set in the output of crux
       search-for-matches, and will not be available.

    fields = ['scan', # int
              'charge', # int
              'spectrum precursor m/z', # float
              'spectrum neutral mass', # float
              'peptide mass', # float
              'delta_cn', # float
              'sp score', # float
              'sp rank', # float
              'xcorr score', # float
              'xcorr rank', # int
              'p-value', # float
              'Weibull est. q-value', # float
              'decoy q-value (xcorr)', # float
              'percolator score', # float
              'percolator rank', # int
              'percolator q-value', # float
              'q-ranker score', # float
              'q-ranker q-value', # float
              'b/y ions matched', # int
              'b/y ions total', # int
              'matches/spectrum', # int
              'sequence', # string
              'cleavage type', # string
              'protein id', # string
              'flanking aa', # string
              'unshuffled sequence', # string
              'eta', # float
              'beta', # float
              'shift', # float
              'corr'] # float
    casts = [ int, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int,
              float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, int, int,
              int, str, str, str, str, str, float, float, float, float ]
    assert(len(fields) == len(casts))

    _mandatories = [ 'scan', 'charge', 'spectrum precursor m/z',
                     'spectrum neutral mass', 'xcorr score',
                     'xcorr rank', 'sequence' ]

    def conv(f, value):
        value = value.strip()
        if len(value):
            return f(value)

    def validate(record):
        return all(record.has_key(m) for m in _mandatories)

    widgets = [ Percentage(), Bar(), ETA() ]
    progress = ProgressBar(widgets = widgets,
                           maxval = os.path.getsize(filename)).start()

    with open(filename) as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
        # Header
        row = reader.next()
        if row != fields:
            raise ParseError('Header: ', filename, 1, ' '.join(row))
        # Body
        for row in reader:
            if len(row) != len(fields):
                raise ParseError('Line: ', filename, reader.line_num,
                                 ' '.join(row))

            r = dict((k, conv(f,x)) for k, f, x in zip(fields, casts, row))
            if r:
                if not validate(r):
                    raise ParseError('Missing: ', filename, reader.line_num,
                                     ' '.join(row))
                yield r

Exemple #51
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from progress import ProgressBar
from animation import *
from time import sleep

p = ProgressBar(" Doing the 1st thing:", max_value=20, width=20)
for i in range(21):

a = Animation("Waiting for the 2nd thing:")
for i in range(21):

a = Animation("Waiting for the 3rd thing:", animation=ANIMATE_VGROW)
for i in range(21):

a = Animation("Waiting for the 4th thing:", animation=ANIMATE_HGROW)
for i in range(21):

a = Animation("Waiting for the 5th thing:", animation=ANIMATE_COUNT)
    # white dwarf temp
    twdVals = np.random.normal(loc=args.twd,scale=args.e_twd,size=chainLength)*units.K
    # period
    pVals = np.random.normal(loc=args.p,scale=args.e_p,size=chainLength)*units.d

    # loop over the MCMC chain, calculating system parameters as we go
    # table for results
    results = Table(names=('q','Mw','Rw','Mr','Rr','a','Kw','Kr','incl'))
    # need to be a little careful about astropy versions here, since only
    # versions >=1.0 allow quantities in tables
    # function below extracts value from quantity and floats alike
    getval = lambda el: getattr(el,'value',el) 
    psolve = partial(solve,baseDir=baseDir)
    data = zip(qVals,dphiVals,rwVals,twdVals,pVals)
    solvedParams = PB.map(psolve,data,multiprocess=True)
    print 'Writing out results...'
    # loop over these results and put all the solutions in our results table
    iStep = 0    
    bar = ProgressBar()
    for thisResult in solvedParams:
        bar.render(int(100*iStep/(len(solvedParams))),'Combining data')
        iStep += 1
        if thisResult is not None:

    print 'Found solutions for %d percent of samples in MCMC chain' % (100*float(len(results))/float(chainLength))
Exemple #53
from noisify import *
from progress import ProgressBar


heads, mods, whole, assoc = load_data()
concatted = pd.concat([heads, mods], ignore_index=True)

agg_concat_orig = combine_measures(aggregate_ratings(concatted))['mean']
agg_whole_orig = aggregate_ratings(whole)['mean']

output = []

NUM_DROP = range(1, 26)
pb = ProgressBar(len(NUM_DROP) * REPEATS)
for n in NUM_DROP:
    this_row = {}
    for i in xrange(REPEATS):
        noisy_concat = replace_subjects(concatted, n)
        noisy_whole = replace_subjects(whole, n)
        clean_concat = remove_most_deviant_subjects(noisy_concat, n)
        clean_whole = remove_most_deviant_subjects(noisy_whole, n)

        agg_concat = combine_measures(aggregate_ratings(noisy_concat))['mean']
        agg_whole = aggregate_ratings(noisy_whole)['mean']

        agg_cl_concat = combine_measures(aggregate_ratings(clean_concat))['mean']
        agg_cl_whole = aggregate_ratings(clean_whole)['mean']


    #cleaning up

    url = obj["url"][1:][:-1]
    name = obj["url"][1:][:-1].split('/')[-1]
    filename = os.path.join(DOWNLOADS_FOLDER, name)
    name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)

    bar = ProgressBar(title="Downloading Started : Downloading %s V. %s " % (name, obj["version"]))

    if(ext not in [".app",".zip",".pkg",".dmg"]):
        bar.update(0, message="Can't handle files of type %s" % ext)


    def prg(count, blockSize, totalSize):

        percent = int(count * blockSize * 100 / totalSize)
        bar.update(percent,message="(%s%%) Downloading %s " % (percent,url))