def put(local, remote, force=False): user = client.context.get('user') if remote = Path( / remote if not hasattr(local, 'read'): local = Path(local) if local.is_dir(): with unsudo(): # Force reset to SSH user. mkdir(remote) if user: chown(user, remote) for path in local.rglob('*'): relative_path = path.relative_to(local) put(path, remote / relative_path) return if not force and exists(remote): lstat = os.stat(str(local)) rstat = client.sftp.stat(str(remote)) if (lstat.st_size == rstat.st_size and lstat.st_mtime <= rstat.st_mtime): print(f'{local} => {remote}: SKIPPING (reason: up to date)') return elif isinstance(local, StringIO): local = BytesIO( if hasattr(local, 'read'): func = client.sftp.putfo bar = ProgressBar(prefix=f'Sending to {remote}', animation='{spinner}', template='{prefix} {animation} {done:B}') else: bar = ProgressBar(prefix=f'{local} => {remote}') func = client.sftp.put if client.dry_run: print(bar.prefix) return tmp = str(Path('/tmp') / md5(str(remote).encode()).hexdigest()) try: func(local, tmp, callback=lambda done, total: bar.update(done=done, total=total), confirm=True) except OSError as err: print(red(f'Error while processing {remote}')) print(red(err)) sys.exit(1) if hasattr(local, 'read'): bar.finish() if user: with (unsudo()): with (sudo()): chown(user, tmp) mv(tmp, remote) if user: chown(user, remote)
def get(remote, local): if remote = Path( / remote if hasattr(local, 'read'): func = client.sftp.getfo bar = ProgressBar(prefix=f'Reading from {remote}', animation='{spinner}', template='{prefix} {animation} {done:B}') else: bar = ProgressBar(prefix=f'{remote} => {local}', template='{prefix} {animation} {percent} ' '({done:B}/{total:B}) ETA: {eta}') func = client.sftp.get func(str(remote), local, callback=lambda done, total: bar.update(done=done, total=total)) if hasattr(local, 'read'): bar.finish()