Exemple #1
 def range_query(
     self, lower: float, upper: float, all_ids: bitmap, approximate: bool = APPROX
 ) -> bitmap:
     Return the bitmap of all rows with values in range [`lower`, `upper`[
     if lower > upper:
         lower, upper = upper, lower
     assert self.bins is not None
     pos_lo, pos_up = np.digitize([lower, upper], self.bins)
     if pos_up - pos_lo > len(self.bins) // 2:
         exclusion = self.bitmaps[: pos_lo + 1] + self.bitmaps[pos_up:]
         union = all_ids - bitmap.union(*exclusion)
         union = bitmap.union(*self.bitmaps[pos_lo + 1 : pos_up])
     if not approximate:
         detail = bitmap()
         ids = np.array(self.bitmaps[pos_lo], np.int64)
         values = self.column.loc[ids]
         if pos_lo == pos_up:
             selected = ids[(lower <= values) & (values < upper)]
             selected = ids[lower <= values]
             ids = np.array(self.bitmaps[pos_up], np.int64)
             values = self.column.loc[ids]
             selected = ids[values < upper]
     return union
Exemple #2
 def _process_created(ret: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
     b = dialog.bag
     if not created:
     if how == "outer":
         return _process_created_outer(ret)
     # if first_key not in created: return
     first_ids = created.get(first_key, None)
     second_ids = created.get(second_key, None)
     only_1st, common, only_2nd = inter_slice(first_ids, second_ids)
     assert isinstance(join_table, Table)
     if first_ids is not None:
         new_size = _len(first_ids)
         if (
             isinstance(first_ids, slice)
             and join_table.is_identity
             and (
                 join_table.last_id + 1 == first_ids.start or join_table.last_id == 0
             # the nice case (no gaps)
         else:  # there are gaps ...we have to keep trace of existing ids
             join_table.resize(new_size, index=bitmap.asbitmap(first_ids))
             if b.get("existing_ids", None) is None:
                 b["existing_ids"] = bitmap.asbitmap(join_table.index)
                 b["existing_ids"] = bitmap.union(
                     b["existing_ids"], bitmap.asbitmap(first_ids)
         join_table.loc[_fix(first_ids), first_cols] = first.loc[
             _fix(first_ids), first.columns
     if not _void(common):
         join_table.loc[_fix(common), second_cols] = second.loc[
             _fix(common), second.columns
     # first matching: older orphans on the second table with new orphans on the first
     only_1st_bm = bitmap.asbitmap(only_1st)
     paired = b["second_orphans"] & only_1st_bm
     if paired:
         join_table.loc[paired, second_cols] = second.loc[paired, second.columns]
         b["second_orphans"] = b["second_orphans"] - paired
         only_1st_bm -= paired
     b["first_orphans"] = bitmap.union(b["first_orphans"], only_1st_bm)
     # 2nd matching: older orphans on the first table with new orphans on the second
     only_2nd_bm = bitmap.asbitmap(only_2nd)
     paired = b["first_orphans"] & only_2nd_bm
     if paired:
         join_table.loc[paired, second_cols] = second.loc[paired, second.columns]
         b["first_orphans"] = b["first_orphans"] - paired
         only_2nd_bm -= paired
     b["second_orphans"] = bitmap.union(b["second_orphans"], only_2nd_bm)
Exemple #3
 def restricted_range_query(
     self, lower: float, upper: float, only_locs: Any, approximate: bool = APPROX
 ) -> bitmap:
     Return the bitmap of only_locs rows in range [`lower`, `upper`[
     if lower > upper:
         lower, upper = upper, lower
     only_locs = bitmap.asbitmap(only_locs)
     pos_lo, pos_up = np.digitize([lower, upper], self.bins)  # type: ignore
     union = bitmap.union(
         *[(bm & only_locs) for bm in self.bitmaps[pos_lo + 1 : pos_up]]
     if not approximate:
         detail = bitmap()
         ids = np.array(self.bitmaps[pos_lo] & only_locs, np.int64)
         values = self.column.loc[ids]
         if pos_lo == pos_up:
             selected = ids[(lower <= values) & (values < upper)]
             selected = ids[lower <= values]
             ids = np.array(self.bitmaps[pos_up] & only_locs, np.int64)
             values = self.column.loc[ids]
             selected = ids[values < upper]
     return union
Exemple #4
    def run_step_progress(self, run_number: int, step_size: int,
                          howlong: float) -> ReturnRunStep:
        _b = bitmap.asbitmap
        # to_delete: List[bitmap]
        to_create: List[bitmap]
        steps = 0
        tables = []
        ph_table = None
        # assert len(self.inputs) > 0
        reset_ = False
        for name in self.get_input_slot_multiple():
            slot = self.get_input_slot(name)
            t = slot.data()
            assert isinstance(t, BaseTable)
            if ph_table is None:
                ph_table = _get_physical_table(t)
                assert ph_table is _get_physical_table(t)
            # slot.update(run_number)
            if reset_ or slot.updated.any() or slot.deleted.any():
                reset_ = True
                steps += 1

            # if slot.deleted.any():
            #    deleted = slot.deleted.next(step_size)
            #    steps += 1
            #    to_delete.append(_b(deleted))
            # if slot.updated.any(): # actually don't care
            #    _ = slot.updated.next(step_size)
            #    #to_delete |= _b(updated)
            #    #to_create |= _b(updated)
            #    #steps += 1 # indices_len(updated) + 1
            if slot.created.any():
                created = slot.created.next(step_size)
                bm = _b(created)  # - to_delete
                steps += indices_len(created)
        if steps == 0:
            return self._return_run_step(self.state_blocked, steps_run=0)
        # to_delete = bitmap.union(*to_delete)
        to_create_4sure = bitmap()
        if len(to_create) == len(tables):
            to_create_4sure = bitmap.intersection(*to_create)

        to_create_maybe = bitmap.union(*to_create)

        if not self.result:
            self.result = TableSelectedView(ph_table, bitmap([]))
        if reset_:
            self.selected.selection = bitmap([])
        self.selected.selection = self.selected.index | to_create_4sure
        to_create_maybe -= to_create_4sure
        eff_create = to_create_maybe
        for t in tables:
            eff_create &= t.index
        self.selected.selection = self.selected.index | eff_create
        return self._return_run_step(self.state_blocked, steps)