def observable_update(self, o, e=None): if isinstance(e, SpaceHaulControllerEvent): if e.event_type == "select" and isinstance(e.o, Ship): e.o.add_observer(self) self.ship_change_comm.signal.emit(e.o) elif e.event_type == "unselect" and isinstance(e.o, Ship): e.o.remove_observer(self) self.ship_change_comm.signal.emit( Ship(-1, "", Location(0, 0, 0))) elif isinstance(o, Ship): # the selected star changed attributes self.ship_change_comm.signal.emit(o)
def _kafka_event_ship(self, msg): self.log_kafka("KAFKA EVENT [SHIP]") incoming_ship = Ship.from_dict(msg.value, self.star_list()) # if we have the ship, update it, else create it found_ship = False for ship in self.ships(): if ship.ship_id() == incoming_ship.ship_id(): found_ship = True self.log_kafka("we already have this ship, do update") ship.update_from_ship(incoming_ship) if not found_ship: # add it self.log_kafka("did not find ship, add it") self.ship_list().add_ship(incoming_ship)
return stars if __name__ == "__main__": print("Publishing a star to kafka...") gummerton = Star(1, "Gummerton", Location(-600000, 100, 0)) new_gumbria = Star(2, "New Gumbria", Location(500000, -600000, 0)) gummi_glen = Star(3, "Gummi Glen", Location(300000, 300000, 0)) stars = [ gummerton, new_gumbria, gummi_glen ] gss_toadie = Ship(1, "GSS Toadie", Location(gummerton.location().x, gummerton.location().y, gummerton.location().z)) print("first gss_toadie.location()", gss_toadie.location()) ships = [ gss_toadie ] stars = create_random_stars(2, (700000, 700000, 0), 100000) gss_toadie.set_location(stars[0].location()) topic_name = "quickstart-events" producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers="localhost:9092") for s in stars: j = s.to_json() print("Producer sending JSON [{0}]".format(j)) producer.send(topic_name, value=j.encode('utf-8'), headers=[("type", b'star')])
def ship_change(self, ship: Ship): if ship.ship_id() == -1: self.name_label.setText("") else: self.name_label.setText(
def ship_add(self, ship: Ship): ship.add_observer(self) self.my_layout.addWidget( ShipListShipWidget(self, self.controller, ship))
def add_ship(self, ship: Ship): # watch the ship for updates ship.add_observer(self) self.repaint()