Exemple #1
    def testParseProjectAccess_AllowedChoice(self):
        project = project_pb2.MakeProject('proj')
        access = project_helpers.ParseProjectAccess(project, '1')
        self.assertEqual(project_pb2.ProjectAccess.ANYONE, access)

        access = project_helpers.ParseProjectAccess(project, '3')
        self.assertEqual(project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY, access)
    def ProcessFormData(self, mr, post_data):
        """Process the posted form."""
        # 1. Parse and validate user input.
        # Project name is taken from post_data because we are creating it.
        project_name = post_data.get('projectname')
        if not project_name:
            mr.errors.projectname = _MSG_MISSING_PROJECT_NAME
        elif not framework_bizobj.IsValidProjectName(project_name):
            mr.errors.projectname = _MSG_INVALID_PROJECT_NAME

        summary = post_data.get('summary')
        if not summary:
            mr.errors.summary = _MSG_MISSING_PROJECT_SUMMARY
        description = post_data.get('description', '')

        access = project_helpers.ParseProjectAccess(None,
        home_page = post_data.get('project_home')
        if home_page and not (home_page.startswith('http://')
                              or home_page.startswith('https://')):
            mr.errors.project_home = 'Home page link must start with http(s)://'
        docs_url = post_data.get('docs_url')
        if docs_url and not (docs_url.startswith('http:')
                             or docs_url.startswith('https:')):
            mr.errors.docs_url = 'Documentation link must start with http: or https:'

        self.CheckCaptcha(mr, post_data)

        # These are not specified on via the ProjectCreate form,
        # the user must edit the project after creation to set them.
        committer_ids = []
        contributor_ids = []

        # Validate that provided logo is supported.
        logo_provided = 'logo' in post_data and not isinstance(
            post_data['logo'], basestring)
        if logo_provided:
            item = post_data['logo']
            except gcs_helpers.UnsupportedMimeType, e:
                mr.errors.logo = e.message
    def ProcessFormData(self, mr, post_data):
        """Process the posted form."""
        # 1. Parse and validate user input.
        summary, description = self._ParseMeta(post_data, mr.errors)
        access = project_helpers.ParseProjectAccess(mr.project,

        only_owners_remove_restrictions = ('only_owners_remove_restrictions'
                                           in post_data)
        only_owners_see_contributors = 'only_owners_see_contributors' in post_data

        issue_notify = post_data['issue_notify']
        if issue_notify and not validate.IsValidEmail(issue_notify):
            mr.errors.issue_notify = _MSG_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS

        process_inbound_email = 'process_inbound_email' in post_data
        home_page = post_data.get('project_home')
        if home_page and not (home_page.startswith('http:')
                              or home_page.startswith('https:')):
            mr.errors.project_home = 'Home page link must start with http: or https:'
        docs_url = post_data.get('docs_url')
        if docs_url and not (docs_url.startswith('http:')
                             or docs_url.startswith('https:')):
            mr.errors.docs_url = 'Documentation link must start with http: or https:'
        source_url = post_data.get('source_url')
        if source_url and not (source_url.startswith('http:')
                               or source_url.startswith('https:')):
            mr.errors.source_url = 'Source link must start with http: or https:'

        logo_gcs_id = ''
        logo_file_name = ''
        if 'logo' in post_data and not isinstance(post_data['logo'],
            item = post_data['logo']
            logo_file_name = item.filename
                logo_gcs_id = gcs_helpers.StoreLogoInGCS(
                    logo_file_name, item.value, mr.project.project_id)
            except gcs_helpers.UnsupportedMimeType, e:
                mr.errors.logo = e.message
Exemple #4
 def testParseProjectAccess_BogusChoice(self):
     project = project_pb2.MakeProject('proj')
     access = project_helpers.ParseProjectAccess(project, '9')
     self.assertEqual(None, access)
Exemple #5
 def testParseProjectAccess_NotOffered(self):
     project = project_pb2.MakeProject('proj')
     access = project_helpers.ParseProjectAccess(project, None)
     self.assertEqual(None, access)