def back_ec2_create_ec2(param): instance = ec2.run_instances( BlockDeviceMappings= [ # 이게 기본 부트 볼륨으로 지정이 안됨.. /dev/sda1 같은거로 바꾸고, VolumeType, IOPS 세팅 피룡함 { "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1", "Ebs": { "DeleteOnTermination": True, "VolumeSize": param["ssd"], "VolumeType": "gp3", "Iops": param["iops"], "Throughput": 125, "DeleteOnTermination": True, } } ], ImageId=param["os"], InstanceType=param["plan"], KeyName=param["keypair"], MaxCount=1, MinCount=1, Monitoring={'Enabled': True}, NetworkInterfaces=[ { "AssociatePublicIpAddress": True, "DeviceIndex": 0, 'SubnetId': param["subnetid"], 'Groups': param["security-group-id"], "DeleteOnTermination": True, }, ] # UserData='string', # StackScript if exists ) cloud_id = param["cloudid"] instance_id = instance["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"] cloud = Cloud.query.filter_by(id=cloud_id).first() cloud.aws_instance_id = instance_id cloud.status = "Running" secgroup = SecurityGroup.query.filter_by( sec_group_id=param["security-group-id"][0]).first() secgroup.associated_to = cloud_id db.session.add(cloud) db.session.add(secgroup) db.session.commit() q.enqueue(back_update_ec2_info, instance_id) return instance
def delete_cloud(instance_id): cloud_with_user = db.session.query(Cloud, User).join(User).filter( and_(Cloud.user_id ==, == instance_id)).first() if cloud_with_user is not None: try: aws_instance_id = cloud_with_user.Cloud.aws_instance_id print("[Debug] - {}".format(aws_instance_id)) parameter = { "instance_id": cloud_with_user.Cloud.aws_instance_id, } job = q.enqueue(delete_ec2, parameter) flash('{} was Terminated.'.format(cloud_with_user.Cloud.hostname), 'success') except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() message = Markup("<strong>Error!</strong> Eroror{} ".format(e)) flash(message, 'danger') return redirect(url_for('cloud.all_clouds'))
def add_cloud(): form = CloudForm(request.form) plans = Plan.query.all() os_list = Oslist.query.all() keypair_list = db.session.query(, == sec_list = db.session.query(SecurityGroup).filter( SecurityGroup.user_id == credit_sum = db.session.query( Balance.balance).filter_by( app_name = form["appname"] if credit_sum < 1: # 관리자 승인된 크레딧을 1원이라도 충전하지 않았을 경우 print("크레딧이 없습니다 같은 메세지") abort(403) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate_on_submit(): try: plan_id =["plan"] sec_id =["secgroup"] get_sec_id = db.session.query( SecurityGroup.sec_group_id).filter( == sec_id).scalar() get_aws_plan = db.session.query( Plan.aws_plan, Plan.ssd, Plan.iops).filter( == plan_id)[0] param_plan = get_aws_plan[0] param_ssd = get_aws_plan[1] param_iops = get_aws_plan[2] vpc_info = db.session.query( VPC.vpc_id, VPC.inter_gw_id, VPC.default_subnet_id, VPC.default_sec_id, ==[0] aws_image = db.session.query( Oslist.aws_image_id, Oslist.os_name).filter( ==["os"])[0] vpc_id = vpc_info[4] vpc_default_subnetid = vpc_info[2] vpc_default_secid = vpc_info[3] keypair_id =["keypair"] if check_environment( == True: # 기존 키 페어 찾아서 클라우드에 반영 get_keypair = db.session.query(, Keypair.keytoken).filter( == keypair_id).first() keypairname_formatted = "{}_{}".format( get_keypair.keytoken, # DB에 기록 new_cloud = Cloud(["Hostname"],["plan"],,["os"], "Queued", "Requesting", "Seoul", keypair_id, vpc_id, "Requesting", "creating", "", sec_id) db.session.add(new_cloud) db.session.flush() db.session.refresh(new_cloud) assigned_id = print("AssignedId : {}".format(assigned_id)) db.session.commit() parameter = { "plan": param_plan, "iops": param_iops, "ssd": param_ssd, "os": aws_image.aws_image_id, "subnetid": vpc_default_subnetid, "keypair": keypairname_formatted, "security-group-id": [get_sec_id], "cloudid": assigned_id, "os_name": aws_image.os_name, "hostname": new_cloud.hostname, "vpc_id": vpc_id } job = q.enqueue(back_ec2_create_ec2, parameter) print("Task ({}) added to queue at {}".format(, job.enqueued_at)) else: raise Exception("관리자에게 문의해 주세요.") # 2. DB 에 기록.. # new_cloud = Cloud(, form. message = Markup( "<strong>Well done!</strong> Cloud Deploy Request successfully!" ) flash(message, 'success') return redirect(url_for('cloud.all_clouds')) except Exception as mesg: db.session.rollback() # 조금있다가 생각 # if vpc_id: # print("vpcId : {} ".format(vpc_id)) # vpc_select = db.session.query(VPC.vpc_id).filter( == vpc_id) # back_ec2_delete_vpc(vpc_select) # SDK rollback implement need message = Markup("<strong>내부 API 에러{}".format(mesg)) flash(message, 'danger') else: print("GET") return render_template('cloud/add.html', form=form, planlist=plans, oslist=os_list, keypair=keypair_list, secgroup=sec_list)
def train(bot_guid): code, user_id = checkAuth(request) # code = 200 # user_id = 16 if code == 200: bot = Bot.query.filter_by(bot_guid=bot_guid).first() if bot: if bot.user_id == user_id: for key in redis_db.scan_iter(match=bot_guid + '_*'): redis_db.delete(key) print('training') rasa_data = { "rasa_nlu_data": { "common_examples": [{ "text": "Nomnffl", "intent": "None", "entities": [] }, { "text": "Nekdg", "intent": "None", "entities": [] }, { "text": "Fesf", "intent": "None", "entities": [] }, { "text": "this is the this", "intent": "None", "entities": [] }, { "text": "likesdike mike", "intent": "None", "entities": [] }], "entity_synonyms": [], "regex_features": [] } } intents = Intent.query.filter_by(bot_guid=bot_guid).filter('eliza.%')).all() entities = Entity.query.filter_by(bot_guid=bot_guid) ent_data = {} words_json = {} for entity in entities: ent_data[] = [] if type(entity.examples) == str: entity.examples = json.loads(entity.examples) for example_key in entity.examples: ent_data[].extend( entity.examples[example_key]) rasa_data['rasa_nlu_data']['entity_synonyms'].append({ "value": example_key, "synonyms": entity.examples[example_key] }) for intent in intents: for utterance in intent.utterances: utt_copy = utterance intent_name = for word in stopWords: utt_copy = utt_copy.replace(word, " ") utt_words = utt_copy.split(" ") for word in utt_words: if word in words_json: if intent_name in words_json[word]: words_json[word][intent_name] += 1 else: words_json[word][intent_name] = 1 else: words_json[word] = {intent_name: 1} terminals = [] common_example = {} common_example['text'] = utterance.lower() common_example['intent'] = common_example['entities'] = [] new_examples = [] new_values = [] for entity in entities: if type(entity.examples) == str: entity.examples = json.loads(entity.examples) for example_key in entity.examples: utterance = utterance.lower() ent_examples = entity.examples[example_key] # Used to consider key as well - but key is automatically added (not verified) when retreiving so these steps are not needed # if example_key.lower() not in ent_examples: # if example_key in ent_examples: # ent_examples.remove(example_key) # ent_examples.append(example_key.lower()) for example in ent_examples: example = example.lower() test_utterance = ' ' + utterance + ' ' test_example = ' ' + example + ' ' if test_example in test_utterance: #print("here") start = utterance.find(example) end = start + len(example) is_valid = True if len(terminals) > 0: mod_terminals = [ x for x in terminals ] for term_start, term_end, name, value in terminals: if term_start <= start and term_end >= end: is_valid = False continue if start <= term_start and end >= term_end: mod_terminals.remove( (term_start, term_end, name, value)) continue terminals = [x for x in terminals] if is_valid: terminals.append( (start, end,, example)) for terminal in terminals: common_example['entities'].append({ "start": terminal[0], "end": terminal[1], "entity": terminal[2], "value": terminal[3] }) remaining_examples = ent_data[terminal[2]] if terminal[3] in remaining_examples: remaining_examples.remove(terminal[3]) values = generate(utterance, terminal[3], remaining_examples,, entities) new_values += values rasa_data['rasa_nlu_data']['common_examples'].append( common_example) # rasa_data['rasa_nlu_data']['common_examples'] += new_values # print(type(new_values)) # print(len(new_values)) # child_count = 0 # for val in new_values: # if type(val) == dict: # child_count += 1 # print(child_count) #print(rasa_data['rasa_nlu_data']['common_examples']) job = q.enqueue(train_bot, bot, rasa_data, words_json, timeout=600) job_id = job.get_id() print(job_id)'GET /api/train/' + bot_guid + ' bot training started') return jsonify({"success": True, "job_id": job_id}) #train_bot(bot,rasa_data, words_json) else: app.logger.warning('GET /api/train/' + bot_guid + ' not authorized') return jsonify({"error": "Not Authorized"}), 401 else: app.logger.warning('GET /api/train/' + bot_guid + ' bot does not exist') return jsonify({"error": "Bot doesn't exist"}), 404 elif code == 400: app.logger.warning('GET /api/train/' + bot_guid + ' invalid authorization token') return jsonify({"error": "Invalid Authorization Token"}), 400 elif code == 401: app.logger.warning('GET /api/train/' + bot_guid + ' no authorization token sent') return jsonify({"error": "No Authorization Token Sent"}), 401
def back_ec2_create_ec2(param): client = boto3.client('acm') response = client.request_certificate( DomainName=param["hostname"] + "", # arn:aws:acm:ap-northeast-2:453409655393:certificate/bc65ddcb-9963-4d29-bd9f-f98f9569fcdd ValidationMethod='DNS', Options={'CertificateTransparencyLoggingPreference': 'DISABLED'}, ) cert_arn = response["CertificateArn"] secret_key = secrets.token_hex() print("secKey: {}".format(secret_key)) amz_docker_install = """ #!/bin/bash mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/.manager mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/public_html chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/.manager sudo yum install docker git python3.7 -y git clone -b backend /home/ec2-user/.manager cd capstone-2021-4/backend/receiver/ chmod +x cd ~/ sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker #set secret key echo 'export secret={}' >> /home/ec2-user/.bashrc # permission chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/.manager #start up like rc.local """.format(secret_key) ubuntu_docker_install = """ #!/bin/bash \n wget\n chmod 777 index.html ./index.html\n sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu \n sudo systemctl enable docker \n """ flask_install = """ #!/bin/bash sudo service supervisord stop cd /home/ec2-user/.manager/capstone-2021-4/backend git reset --hard git clean -d -f -f git pull cp -rf /home/ec2-user/.manager/capstone-2021-4/backend/receiver/flask.ini /etc/supervisord.d/ echo 'environment=secret={}' >> /etc/supervisord.d/flask.ini sudo service supervisord start """.format(secret_key) use_userdata = "" if param["os_name"] == "ubuntu20.04": use_userdata = ubuntu_docker_install elif param["os_name"] == "amazonLinux": use_userdata = amz_docker_install # load balancer create elif param["os_name"] == "Amazon-Linux-flask": print("secret install : {} ".format(flask_install)) use_userdata = flask_install instance = ec2.run_instances( BlockDeviceMappings= [ # 이게 기본 부트 볼륨으로 지정이 안됨.. /dev/sda1 같은거로 바꾸고, VolumeType, IOPS 세팅 피룡함 { "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1", "Ebs": { "DeleteOnTermination": True, "VolumeSize": param["ssd"], "VolumeType": "gp3", "Iops": param["iops"], "Throughput": 125, "DeleteOnTermination": True, } } ], ImageId=param["os"], InstanceType=param["plan"], KeyName=param["keypair"], MaxCount=1, MinCount=1, Monitoring={'Enabled': True}, UserData=use_userdata, NetworkInterfaces=[ { "AssociatePublicIpAddress": True, # no need to change subnet attribute 'ipv4 auto assign' "DeviceIndex": 0, 'SubnetId': param["subnetid"], 'Groups': param["security-group-id"], "DeleteOnTermination": True, }, ] # UserData='string', # StackScript if exists ) cloud_id = param["cloudid"] instance_id = instance["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"] cloud = Cloud.query.filter_by(id=cloud_id).first() cloud.aws_instance_id = instance_id cloud.status = "Running" cloud.app_secret_access = secret_key cloud.certificate_arn = cert_arn secgroup = SecurityGroup.query.filter_by( sec_group_id=param["security-group-id"][0]).first() secgroup.associated_to = cloud_id db.session.commit() q.enqueue(back_update_ec2_info, instance_id) return instance