Exemple #1
def q2():
    def q2_helper(str1, str2):
        if len(str1) != len(str2):
            return 0
            ctr = 0
            for char in range(len(str1)):
                if str1[char] == str2[char]:
                    ctr += 1

        return (ctr * 1.0 / len(str1)) * 100

    human = data.read_protein(data.HUMAN_EYELESS_URL)
    fly = data.read_protein(data.FRUITFLY_EYELESS_URL)
    scores = data.read_scoring_matrix(data.PAM50_URL)
    c_pax = data.read_protein(data.CONSENSUS_PAX_URL)

    # get local alignment of human and fly
    a_matrix = soln.compute_alignment_matrix(human, fly, scores, False)
    l_score, l_h, l_ff = soln.compute_local_alignment(human, fly, scores, a_matrix)

    # removing the dashes
    l_h = l_h.replace("-", "")
    l_ff = l_ff.replace("-", "")

    # get global alignment matrix for each local string and pax
    pax_a_h_matrix = soln.compute_alignment_matrix(l_h, c_pax, scores, True)
    pax_a_ff_matrix = soln.compute_alignment_matrix(l_ff, c_pax, scores, True)

    # compute global alignment
    h_ga = soln.compute_global_alignment(l_h, c_pax, scores, pax_a_h_matrix)
    ff_ga = soln.compute_global_alignment(l_ff, c_pax, scores, pax_a_ff_matrix)

    print "human:\t\t", q2_helper(h_ga[1], h_ga[2])
    print "fruit fly:\t", q2_helper(ff_ga[1], ff_ga[2])
Exemple #2
def q7():
    x = "ABCABC"
    y = "ABCABC"

    sm = soln.build_scoring_matrix("ABC-", 2, 1, 0)
    print sm

    # global
    am = soln.compute_alignment_matrix(x, y, sm, True)
    print soln.compute_global_alignment(x, y, sm, am)
def q2_solution():
    consensus = read_protein(CONSENSUS_PAX_URL)
    #print "Consensus PAX domain: \n", consensus
    #print "\nLength of census PAX domain", len(consensus)

    local_alignment_human = alignment[1]
    local_alignment_human_no_dashes = local_alignment_human.replace("-", "")
    print "\nLocal_alignment_1: \n", local_alignment_human_no_dashes
    alignment_matrix1 = p.compute_alignment_matrix(
        consensus, local_alignment_human_no_dashes, scoring_matrix, True)
    global_alignment_consensus_vs_human = p.compute_global_alignment(
        consensus, local_alignment_human_no_dashes, scoring_matrix,
    print "\nGlobal alignment consensus vs human:\n", global_alignment_consensus_vs_human

    global_human1 = global_alignment_consensus_vs_human[1]
    global_human2 = global_alignment_consensus_vs_human[2]
    num_agree1 = 0
    for indx in range(len(global_human1)):
        if global_human1[indx] == global_human2[indx]:
            num_agree1 += 1
    print "Pencentage of ageeing letters in global alignment of local human VS consensus: {}%".format(
        num_agree1 / float(len(global_human1)) * 100)

    local_alignment_fruitfly = alignment[2]
    local_alignment_fruitfly_no_dashes = local_alignment_fruitfly.replace(
        "-", "")
    print "\nLocal_alignment_2:\n", local_alignment_fruitfly_no_dashes
    alignment_matrix2 = p.compute_alignment_matrix(
        consensus, local_alignment_fruitfly_no_dashes, scoring_matrix, True)
    global_alignment_consensus_vs_fruitfly = p.compute_global_alignment(
        consensus, local_alignment_fruitfly_no_dashes, scoring_matrix,
    print "\nGlobal alignment consensus vs chimp:\n", global_alignment_consensus_vs_fruitfly

    global_fruitfly1 = global_alignment_consensus_vs_fruitfly[1]
    global_fruitfly2 = global_alignment_consensus_vs_fruitfly[2]
    num_agree2 = 0
    for indx in range(len(global_fruitfly1)):
        if global_fruitfly1[indx] == global_fruitfly2[indx]:
            num_agree2 += 1
    print "Pencentage of ageeing letters in global alignment of local fruitfly VS consensus: {}%".format(
        num_agree2 / float(len(global_fruitfly1)) * 100)
Exemple #4
def q1():
    human = data.read_protein(data.HUMAN_EYELESS_URL)
    fly = data.read_protein(data.FRUITFLY_EYELESS_URL)
    scores = data.read_scoring_matrix(data.PAM50_URL)

    a_matrix = soln.compute_alignment_matrix(human, fly, scores, False)
    print soln.compute_local_alignment(human, fly, scores, a_matrix)

    a_matrix = soln.compute_alignment_matrix(human, fly, scores, True)
    print soln.compute_global_alignment(human, fly, scores, a_matrix)

    # local answer
    b = (875,

    # global answer
    a = (4,
def check_spelling(checked_word, dist, word_list):
    answer = set()
    letters = list("qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm")
    scor_matrix = p.build_scoring_matrix(letters, 2, 1, 0)

    for word in word_list:
        align_matrix = p.compute_alignment_matrix(checked_word, word,
                                                  scor_matrix, True)
        score = p.compute_global_alignment(checked_word, word, scor_matrix,
        edit_distance = len(word) + len(checked_word) - score
        if edit_distance <= dist:
    return answer
def q7():
    seq_x = "kqistian"
    seq_y = "kristian"
    scor_matrix = p.build_scoring_matrix(
        ["a", "b", "e", "k", "q", "t", "r", "i", "t", "n", "s"], 2, 1, 0)
    #print scor_matrix
    #print ""
    align_matrix = p.compute_alignment_matrix(seq_x, seq_y, scor_matrix, True)
    print align_matrix
    score = p.compute_global_alignment(seq_x, seq_y, scor_matrix, align_matrix)
    print score

    #Question 8
Exemple #7
def check_spelling(checked_word, dist, word_list):
    wordlist = []
    word_len = len(checked_word)

    # global
    for word in word_list:
        am = soln.compute_alignment_matrix(checked_word, word, word_sm, True)
        g_al, dummy_x, dummy_y = soln.compute_global_alignment(checked_word, word, word_sm, am)

        score = word_len + len(word) - g_al

        if score <= dist:
            print word, score

    return wordlist