Exemple #1
class Vector:
    """Class for abstraction of vector data
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialise object with either geometry or filename

            data: Can be either
                * a filename of a vector file format known to GDAL
                * List of dictionaries of fields associated with
                  point coordinates
                * None
            projection: Geospatial reference in WKT format.
                        Only used if geometry is provide as a numeric array,
            geometry: A list of either point coordinates or polygons/lines
                      (see note below)
            geometry_type: Desired interpretation of geometry.
                           Valid options are 'point', 'line', 'polygon' or
                           the ogr types: 1, 2, 3
                           If None, a geometry_type will be inferred
            name: Optional name for layer.
                  Only used if geometry is provide as a numeric array
            keywords: Optional dictionary with keywords that describe the
                      layer. When the layer is stored, these keywords will
                      be written into an associated file with extension

                      Keywords can for example be used to display text
                      about the layer in a web application.


        If data is a filename, all other arguments are ignored
        as they will be inferred from the file.

        The geometry type will be inferred from the dimensions of geometry.
        If each entry is one set of coordinates the type will be ogr.wkbPoint,
        if it is an array of coordinates the type will be ogr.wkbPolygon.

        Each polygon or line feature take the form of an Nx2 array representing
        vertices where line segments are joined

        if data is None and projection is None and geometry is None:
            # Instantiate empty object
            self.name = name
            self.projection = None
            self.geometry = None
            self.geometry_type = None
            self.filename = None
            self.data = None
            self.extent = None
            self.keywords = {}
            self.style_info = {}

        if isinstance(data, basestring):
            # Assume that data is provided as sequences provided as
            # arguments to the Vector constructor
            # with extra keyword arguments supplying metadata

            self.name = name
            self.filename = None

            if keywords is None:
                self.keywords = {}
                msg = ('Specified keywords must be either None or a '
                       'dictionary. I got %s' % keywords)
                verify(isinstance(keywords, dict), msg)
                self.keywords = keywords

            if style_info is None:
                self.style_info = {}
                msg = ('Specified style_info must be either None or a '
                       'dictionary. I got %s' % style_info)
                verify(isinstance(style_info, dict), msg)
                self.style_info = style_info

            msg = 'Geometry must be specified'
            verify(geometry is not None, msg)

            msg = 'Geometry must be a sequence'
            verify(is_sequence(geometry), msg)
            self.geometry = geometry

            self.geometry_type = get_geometry_type(geometry, geometry_type)

            #msg = 'Projection must be specified'
            #verify(projection is not None, msg)
            self.projection = Projection(projection)

            if data is None:
                # Generate default attribute as OGR will do that anyway
                # when writing
                data = []
                for i in range(len(geometry)):
                    data.append({'ID': i})

            # Check data
            self.data = data
            if data is not None:
                msg = 'Data must be a sequence'
                verify(is_sequence(data), msg)

                msg = ('The number of entries in geometry and data '
                       'must be the same')
                verify(len(geometry) == len(data), msg)

            # FIXME: Need to establish extent here

    def __str__(self):
        """Render as name, number of features, geometry type

        g_type_str = geometrytype2string(self.geometry_type)
        return ('Vector data set: %s, %i features, geometry type '
                '%s (%s)' %
                (self.name, len(self), str(self.geometry_type), g_type_str))

    def __len__(self):
        """Size of vector layer defined as number of features

        if hasattr(self, 'geometry') and self.geometry is not None:
            return len(self.geometry)
            return 0

    def __eq__(self, other, rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-8):
        """Override '==' to allow comparison with other vector objecs

           other: Vector instance to compare to
           rtol, atol: Relative and absolute tolerance.
                       See numpy.allclose for details

        # Check type
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            msg = ('Vector instance cannot be compared to %s'
                   ' as its type is %s ' % (str(other), type(other)))
            raise TypeError(msg)

        # Check number of features match
        if len(self) != len(other):
            return False

        # Check projection
        if self.projection != other.projection:
            return False

        # Check geometry type
        if self.geometry_type != other.geometry_type:
            return False

        # Check geometry
        geom0 = self.get_geometry()
        geom1 = other.get_geometry()
        if len(geom0) != len(geom1):
            return False

        if self.is_point_data:
            if not numpy.allclose(geom0, geom1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
                return False
            # Line or Polygon data
            for i in range(len(geom0)):
                if not numpy.allclose(geom0[i], geom1[i], rtol=rtol,
                    return False

        # Check keys
        x = self.get_data()
        y = other.get_data()

        if x is None:
            if y is not None:
                return False
            for key in x[0]:
                for i in range(len(y)):
                    if key not in y[i]:
                        return False

            for key in y[0]:
                for i in range(len(x)):
                    if key not in x[i]:
                        return False

            # Check data
            for i, a in enumerate(x):
                for key in a:
                    X = a[key]
                    Y = y[i][key]

                    if X != Y:
                        # Not obviously equal, try some special cases

                        res = None
                            # try numerical comparison with tolerances
                            res = numpy.allclose(X, Y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
                            if not res:
                                return False

                            # Try to cast as booleans. This will take care of
                            # None, '', True, False, ...
                            res = (bool(X) is bool(Y))
                            if not res:
                                return False

                        if res is None:
                            # None of the comparisons could be done
                            return False

        # Check keywords
        if self.keywords != other.keywords:
            return False

        # Vector layers are identical up to the specified tolerance
        return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """Override '!=' to allow comparison with other projection objecs
        return not self == other

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

    def set_name(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def get_filename(self):
        return self.filename

    def get_keywords(self, key=None):
        """Return keywords dictionary
        if key is None:
            return self.keywords
            if key in self.keywords:
                return self.keywords[key]
                msg = ('Keyword %s does not exist in %s: Options are '
                       '%s' % (key, self.get_name(), self.keywords.keys()))
                raise Exception(msg)

    def get_style_info(self):
        """Return style_info dictionary
        return self.style_info

    def get_caption(self):
        """Return 'impact_summary' keyword if present. Otherwise ''.
        if 'impact_summary' in self.keywords:
            return self.keywords['impact_summary']
            return ''

    def get_impact_summary(self):
        """Return 'impact_summary' keyword if present. Otherwise ''.
        if 'impact_summary' in self.keywords:
            return self.keywords['impact_summary']
            return ''

    def read_from_file(self, filename):
        """ Read and unpack vector data.

        It is assumed that the file contains only one layer with the
        pertinent features. Further it is assumed for the moment that
        all geometries are points.

        * A feature is a geometry and a set of attributes.
        * A geometry refers to location and can be point, line, polygon or
          combinations thereof.
        * The attributes or obtained through GetField()

        The full OGR architecture is documented at
        * http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_arch.html
        * http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_apitut.html

        Examples are at
        * danieljlewis.org/files/2010/09/basicpythonmap.pdf
        * http://invisibleroads.com/tutorials/gdal-shapefile-points-save.html
        * http://www.packtpub.com/article/geospatial-data-python-geometry

        basename, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)

        # Look for any keywords
        self.keywords = read_keywords(basename + '.keywords')

        # FIXME (Ole): Should also look for style file to populate style_info

        # Determine name
        if 'title' in self.keywords:
            vectorname = self.keywords['title']
            # Use basename without leading directories as name
            vectorname = os.path.split(basename)[-1]

        self.name = vectorname
        self.filename = filename
        self.geometry_type = None  # In case there are no features

        fid = ogr.Open(filename)
        if fid is None:
            msg = 'Could not open %s' % filename
            raise IOError(msg)

        # Assume that file contains all data in one layer
        msg = 'Only one vector layer currently allowed'
        if fid.GetLayerCount() > 1:
            msg = ('WARNING: Number of layers in %s are %i. '
                   'Only the first layer will currently be '
                   'used.' % (filename, fid.GetLayerCount()))
            raise Exception(msg)

        layer = fid.GetLayerByIndex(0)

        # Get spatial extent
        self.extent = layer.GetExtent()

        # Get projection
        p = layer.GetSpatialRef()
        self.projection = Projection(p)

        # Get number of features
        N = layer.GetFeatureCount()

        # Extract coordinates and attributes for all features
        geometry = []
        data = []
        for i in range(N):
            feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
            if feature is None:
                msg = 'Could not get feature %i from %s' % (i, filename)
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Record coordinates ordered as Longitude, Latitude
            G = feature.GetGeometryRef()
            if G is None:
                msg = ('Geometry was None in filename %s ' % filename)
                raise Exception(msg)
                self.geometry_type = G.GetGeometryType()
                if self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPoint:
                    geometry.append((G.GetX(), G.GetY()))
                elif self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbLineString:
                    M = G.GetPointCount()
                    coordinates = []
                    for j in range(M):
                        coordinates.append((G.GetX(j), G.GetY(j)))

                    # Record entire line as an Mx2 numpy array
                        numpy.array(coordinates, dtype='d', copy=False))
                elif self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPolygon:
                    ring = G.GetGeometryRef(0)
                    M = ring.GetPointCount()
                    coordinates = []
                    for j in range(M):
                        coordinates.append((ring.GetX(j), ring.GetY(j)))

                    # Record entire polygon ring as an Mx2 numpy array
                        numpy.array(coordinates, dtype='d', copy=False))
                #elif self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon:
                #    # FIXME: Unpact multiple polygons to simple polygons
                #    # For hints on how to unpack see

#    ring = G.GetGeometryRef(0)
#    M = ring.GetPointCount()
#    coordinates = []
#    for j in range(M):
#        coordinates.append((ring.GetX(j), ring.GetY(j)))

#    # Record entire polygon ring as an Mx2 numpy array
#    geometry.append(numpy.array(coordinates,
#                                dtype='d',
#                                copy=False))

                    msg = ('Only point, line and polygon geometries are '
                           'supported. '
                           'Geometry type in filename %s '
                           'was %s.' % (filename, self.geometry_type))
                    raise Exception(msg)

            # Record attributes by name
            number_of_fields = feature.GetFieldCount()
            fields = {}
            for j in range(number_of_fields):
                name = feature.GetFieldDefnRef(j).GetName()

                # FIXME (Ole): Ascertain the type of each field?
                #              We need to cast each appropriately?
                #              This is issue #66
                #              (https://github.com/AIFDR/riab/issues/66)
                #feature_type = feature.GetFieldDefnRef(j).GetType()
                fields[name] = feature.GetField(j)
                #print 'Field', name, feature_type, j, fields[name]


        # Store geometry coordinates as a compact numeric array
        self.geometry = geometry
        self.data = data

    def write_to_file(self, filename):
        """Save vector data to file

            filename: filename with extension .shp or .gml

        Note, if attribute names are longer than 10 characters they will be
        truncated. This is due to limitations in the shp file driver and has
        to be done here since gdal v1.7 onwards has changed its handling of
        this issue: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_shapefile.html

        # Check file format
        basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)

        msg = ('Invalid file type for file %s. Only extensions '
               'shp or gml allowed.' % filename)
        verify(extension == '.shp' or extension == '.gml', msg)
        driver = DRIVER_MAP[extension]

        # FIXME (Ole): Tempory flagging of GML issue (ticket #18)
        if extension == '.gml':
            msg = ('OGR GML driver does not store geospatial reference.'
                   'This format is disabled for the time being. See '
            raise Exception(msg)

        # Derive layername from filename (excluding preceding dirs)
        layername = os.path.split(basename)[-1]

        # Get vector data
        geometry = self.get_geometry()
        data = self.get_data()

        N = len(geometry)

        # Clear any previous file of this name (ogr does not overwrite)

        # Create new file with one layer
        drv = ogr.GetDriverByName(driver)
        if drv is None:
            msg = 'OGR driver %s not available' % driver
            raise Exception(msg)

        ds = drv.CreateDataSource(filename)
        if ds is None:
            msg = 'Creation of output file %s failed' % filename
            raise Exception(msg)

        lyr = ds.CreateLayer(layername, self.projection.spatial_reference,
        if lyr is None:
            msg = 'Could not create layer %s' % layername
            raise Exception(msg)

        # Define attributes if any
        store_attributes = False
        if data is not None:
            if len(data) > 0:
                    fields = data[0].keys()
                    msg = ('Input parameter "attributes" was specified '
                           'but it does not contain dictionaries with '
                           'field information as expected. The first'
                           'element is %s' % data[0])
                    raise Exception(msg)
                    # Establish OGR types for each element
                    ogrtypes = {}
                    for name in fields:
                        att = data[0][name]
                        py_type = type(att)
                        msg = ('Unknown type for storing vector '
                               'data: %s, %s' % (name, str(py_type)[1:-1]))
                        verify(py_type in TYPE_MAP, msg)
                        ogrtypes[name] = TYPE_MAP[py_type]

                msg = ('Input parameter "data" was specified '
                       'but appears to be empty')
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Create attribute fields in layer
            store_attributes = True
            for name in fields:
                fd = ogr.FieldDefn(name, ogrtypes[name])
                # FIXME (Ole): Trying to address issue #16
                #              But it doesn't work and
                #              somehow changes the values of MMI in test
                #width = max(128, len(name))
                #print name, width

                # Silent handling of warnings like
                # Warning 6: Normalized/laundered field name:
                #'CONTENTS_LOSS_AUD' to 'CONTENTS_L'
                if lyr.CreateField(fd) != 0:
                    msg = 'Could not create field %s' % name
                    raise Exception(msg)

                # Restore error handler

        # Store geometry
        geom = ogr.Geometry(self.geometry_type)
        layer_def = lyr.GetLayerDefn()
        for i in range(N):
            # Create new feature instance
            feature = ogr.Feature(layer_def)

            # Store geometry and check
            if self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPoint:
                x = float(geometry[i][0])
                y = float(geometry[i][1])
                geom.SetPoint_2D(0, x, y)
            elif self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPolygon:
                wkt = array2wkt(geometry[i], geom_type='POLYGON')
                geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt)
            elif self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbLineString:
                wkt = array2wkt(geometry[i], geom_type='LINESTRING')
                geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt)
                msg = 'Geometry type %s not implemented' % self.geometry_type
                raise Exception(msg)


            G = feature.GetGeometryRef()
            if G is None:
                msg = 'Could not create GeometryRef for file %s' % filename
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Store attributes
            if store_attributes:
                for j, name in enumerate(fields):
                    actual_field_name = layer_def.GetFieldDefn(j).GetNameRef()

                    val = data[i][name]

                    if type(val) == numpy.ndarray:
                        # A singleton of type <type 'numpy.ndarray'> works
                        # for gdal version 1.6 but fails for version 1.8
                        # in SetField with error: NotImplementedError:
                        # Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
                        val = float(val)
                    elif val is None:
                        val = ''

                    feature.SetField(actual_field_name, val)

            # Save this feature
            if lyr.CreateFeature(feature) != 0:
                msg = 'Failed to create feature %i in file %s' % (i, filename)
                raise Exception(msg)


        # Write keywords if any
        write_keywords(self.keywords, basename + '.keywords')

        # FIXME (Ole): Maybe store style_info

    def get_attribute_names(self):
        """ Get available attribute names

        These are the ones that can be used with get_data

        return self.data[0].keys()

    def get_data(self, attribute=None, index=None):
        """Get vector attributes

        Data is returned as a list where each entry is a dictionary of
        attributes for one feature. Entries in get_geometry() and
        get_data() are related as 1-to-1

        If optional argument attribute is specified and a valid name,
        then the list of values for that attribute is returned.

        If optional argument index is specified on the that value will
        be returned. Any value of index is ignored if attribute is None.

        if hasattr(self, 'data'):
            if attribute is None:
                return self.data
                msg = ('Specified attribute %s does not exist in '
                       'vector layer %s. Valid names are %s'
                       '' % (attribute, self, self.data[0].keys()))
                verify(attribute in self.data[0], msg)

                if index is None:
                    # Return all values for specified attribute
                    return [x[attribute] for x in self.data]
                    # Return value for specified attribute and index
                    msg = ('Specified index must be either None or '
                           'an integer. I got %s' % index)
                    verify(type(index) == type(0), msg)

                    msg = ('Specified index must lie within the bounds '
                           'of vector layer %s which is [%i, %i]'
                           '' % (self, 0, len(self) - 1))
                    verify(0 <= index < len(self), msg)

                    return self.data[index][attribute]
            msg = 'Vector data instance does not have any attributes'
            raise Exception(msg)

    def get_geometry(self):
        """Return geometry for vector layer.

        Depending on the feature type, geometry is

        geometry type     output type
        point             list of 2x1 array of longitudes and latitudes)
        line              list of arrays of coordinates
        polygon           list of arrays of coordinates


        # FIXME (Ole): Do some checking
        return self.geometry

    def get_projection(self, proj4=False):
        """Return projection of this layer as a string
        return self.projection.get_projection(proj4)

    def get_bounding_box(self):
        """Get bounding box coordinates for vector layer.

        Format is [West, South, East, North]
        e = self.extent
        return [
            e[0],  # West
            e[2],  # South
            e[1],  # East
        ]  # North

    def get_extrema(self, attribute=None):
        """Get min and max values from specified attribute

        Return min, max
        if attribute is None:
            msg = ('Valid attribute name must be specified in get_extrema '
                   'for vector layers. I got None.')
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        x = self.get_data(attribute)
        return min(x), max(x)

    def get_topN(self, attribute, N=10):
        """Get top N features

            attribute: The name of attribute where values are sought
            N: How many

            layer: New vector layer with selected features

        # FIXME (Ole): Maybe generalise this to arbitrary expressions

        # Input checks
        msg = ('Specfied attribute must be a string. '
               'I got %s' % (type(attribute)))
        verify(isinstance(attribute, basestring), msg)

        msg = 'Specified attribute was empty'
        verify(attribute != '', msg)

        msg = 'N must be a positive number. I got %i' % N
        verify(N > 0, msg)

        # Create list of values for specified attribute
        values = self.get_data(attribute)

        # Sort and select using Schwarzian transform
        A = zip(values, self.data, self.geometry)

        # Pick top N and unpack
        _, data, geometry = zip(*A[-N:])

        # Create new Vector instance and return
        return Vector(data=data,

    def interpolate(self, X, name=None, attribute=None):
        """Interpolate values of this vector layer to other layer

            X: Layer object defining target
            name: Optional name of interpolated layer
            attribute: Optional attribute name to use.
                       If None, all attributes are used.
                       FIXME (Ole): Single attribute not tested well yet and
                                    not implemented for lines

            Y: Layer object with values of this vector layer interpolated to
               geometry of input layer X

        msg = 'Input to Vector.interpolate must be a vector layer instance'
        verify(X.is_vector, msg)

        X_projection = X.get_projection()
        S_projection = self.get_projection()

        msg = ('Projections must be the same: I got %s and %s' %
               (S_projection, X_projection))
        verify(S_projection == X_projection, msg)

        msg = ('Vector layer to interpolate from must be polygon geometry. '
               'I got OGR geometry type %s' %
        verify(self.is_polygon_data, msg)

        # FIXME (Ole): Maybe organise this the same way it is done with rasters
        # FIXME (Ole): Retain original geometry to use with returned data here
        if X.is_polygon_data:
            # Use centroids, in case of polygons
            X = convert_polygons_to_centroids(X)
        elif X.is_line_data:

            # Clip lines to polygon and return centroids

            # FIXME (Ole): Need to separate this out, but identify what is
            #              common with points and lines


            # Extract line features
            lines = X.get_geometry()
            line_attributes = X.get_data()
            N = len(X)
            verify(len(lines) == N)
            verify(len(line_attributes) == N)

            # Extract polygon features
            polygons = self.get_geometry()
            poly_attributes = self.get_data()
            verify(len(polygons) == len(poly_attributes))

            # Data structure for resulting line segments
            clipped_geometry = []
            clipped_attributes = []

            # Clip line lines to polygons
            for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
                for j, line in enumerate(lines):
                    inside, outside = clip_line_by_polygon(line, polygon)

                    # Create new attributes
                    # FIXME (Ole): Not done single specified polygon
                    #              attribute
                    inside_attributes = {}
                    outside_attributes = {}
                    for key in line_attributes[j]:
                        inside_attributes[key] = line_attributes[j][key]
                        outside_attributes[key] = line_attributes[j][key]

                    for key in poly_attributes[i]:
                        inside_attributes[key] = poly_attributes[i][key]
                        outside_attributes[key] = None

                    # Always create default attribute flagging if segment was
                    # inside any of the polygons
                    inside_attributes[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = True
                    outside_attributes[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = False

                    # Assign new attribute set to clipped lines
                    for segment in inside:

                    for segment in outside:

            # Create new Vector instance and return
            V = Vector(data=clipped_attributes,
            return V

        # The following applies only to Polygon-Point interpolation
        msg = ('Vector layer to interpolate to must be point geometry. '
               'I got OGR geometry type %s' %
        verify(X.is_point_data, msg)

        msg = ('Name must be either a string or None. I got %s' %
        verify(name is None or isinstance(name, basestring), msg)

        msg = ('Attribute must be either a string or None. I got %s' %
        verify(attribute is None or isinstance(attribute, basestring), msg)

        attribute_names = self.get_attribute_names()
        if attribute is not None:
            msg = ('Requested attribute "%s" did not exist in %s' %
                   (attribute, attribute_names))
            verify(attribute in attribute_names, msg)

        # Start algorithm

        # Extract point features
        points = ensure_numeric(X.get_geometry())
        attributes = X.get_data()
        N = len(X)

        # Extract polygon features
        geom = self.get_geometry()
        data = self.get_data()
        verify(len(geom) == len(data))

        # Augment point features with empty attributes from polygon
        for a in attributes:
            if attribute is None:
                # Use all attributes
                for key in attribute_names:
                    a[key] = None
                # Use only requested attribute
                # FIXME (Ole): Test for this is not finished
                a[attribute] = None

            # Always create default attribute flagging if point was
            # inside any of the polygons
            a[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = None

        # Traverse polygons and assign attributes to points that fall inside
        for i, polygon in enumerate(geom):
            if attribute is None:
                # Use all attributes
                poly_attr = data[i]
                # Use only requested attribute
                poly_attr = {attribute: data[i][attribute]}

            # Assign default attribute to indicate points inside
            poly_attr[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = True

            # Clip data points by polygons and add polygon attributes
            indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon)
            for k in indices:
                for key in poly_attr:
                    # Assign attributes from polygon to points
                    attributes[k][key] = poly_attr[key]

        # Create new Vector instance and return
        V = Vector(data=attributes,
        return V

    def is_raster(self):
        return False

    def is_vector(self):
        return True

    def is_point_data(self):
        return self.is_vector and self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPoint

    def is_line_data(self):
        return self.is_vector and self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbLineString

    def is_polygon_data(self):
        return self.is_vector and self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPolygon

    def is_inasafe_spatial_object(self):
        return True
Exemple #2
class Layer(object):
    """Common class for geospatial layers

    def __init__(self, name=None, projection=None,
                 keywords=None, style_info=None,
        """Common constructor for all types of layers

        See docstrings for class Raster and class Vector for details.

        # Name
        msg = ('Specified name  must be a string or None. '
               'I got %s with type %s' % (name, str(type(name))[1:-1]))
        verify(isinstance(name, basestring) or name is None, msg)
        self.name = name

        # Projection
        self.projection = Projection(projection)

        # Keywords
        if keywords is None:
            self.keywords = {}
            msg = ('Specified keywords must be either None or a '
                   'dictionary. I got %s' % keywords)
            verify(isinstance(keywords, dict), msg)
            self.keywords = keywords

        # Style info
        if style_info is None:
            self.style_info = {}
            msg = ('Specified style_info must be either None or a '
                   'dictionary. I got %s' % style_info)
            verify(isinstance(style_info, dict), msg)
            self.style_info = style_info

        # Defaults
        self.sublayer = sublayer
        self.filename = None
        self.data = None

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """Override '!=' to allow comparison with other projection objecs
        return not self == other

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

    def set_name(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def get_filename(self):
        return self.filename

    def get_projection(self, proj4=False):
        """Return projection of this layer as a string
        return self.projection.get_projection(proj4)

    def get_keywords(self, key=None):
        """Return a copy of the keywords dictionary

            * key (optional): If specified value will be returned for key only
        if key is None:
            return self.keywords.copy()
            if key in self.keywords:
                return self.keywords[key]
                msg = ('Keyword %s does not exist in %s: Options are '
                       '%s' % (key, self.get_name(), self.keywords.keys()))
                raise Exception(msg)

    def get_style_info(self):
        """Return style_info dictionary
        return self.style_info

    def get_impact_summary(self):
        """Return 'impact_summary' keyword if present. Otherwise ''.
        if 'impact_summary' in self.keywords:
            return self.keywords['impact_summary']
            return ''

    def get_total_needs(self):
        """Return 'total_needs' keyword if present. Otherwise ''.
        if 'total_needs' in self.keywords:
            return self.keywords['total_needs']
            return ''

    def get_style_type(self):
        """Return style type of a layer. If not found, return None
        if self.style_info is None:
            return None
        return self.style_info.get('style_type', None)

    # Layer properties used to identify their types
    def is_inasafe_spatial_object(self):
        return True

    def is_raster(self):
        if 'Raster' in str(self.__class__):
            return True
            return False

    def is_vector(self):
        if 'Vector' in str(self.__class__):
            return True
            return False
Exemple #3
class Layer(object):
    """Common class for geospatial layers
    def __init__(self,
        """Common constructor for all types of layers

        See docstrings for class Raster and class Vector for details.

        # Name
        msg = ('Specified name  must be a string or None. '
               'I got %s with type %s' % (name, str(type(name))[1:-1]))
        verify(isinstance(name, basestring) or name is None, msg)
        self.name = name

        # Projection
        self.projection = Projection(projection)

        # Keywords
        if keywords is None:
            self.keywords = {}
            msg = ('Specified keywords must be either None or a '
                   'dictionary. I got %s' % keywords)
            verify(isinstance(keywords, dict), msg)
            self.keywords = keywords

        # Style info
        if style_info is None:
            self.style_info = {}
            msg = ('Specified style_info must be either None or a '
                   'dictionary. I got %s' % style_info)
            verify(isinstance(style_info, dict), msg)
            self.style_info = style_info

        # Defaults
        self.sublayer = sublayer
        self.filename = None
        self.data = None

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """Override '!=' to allow comparison with other projection objecs
        return not self == other

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

    def set_name(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def get_filename(self):
        return self.filename

    def get_projection(self, proj4=False):
        """Return projection of this layer as a string
        return self.projection.get_projection(proj4)

    def get_keywords(self, key=None):
        """Return a copy of the keywords dictionary

            * key (optional): If specified value will be returned for key only
        if key is None:
            return self.keywords.copy()
            if key in self.keywords:
                return self.keywords[key]
                msg = ('Keyword %s does not exist in %s: Options are '
                       '%s' % (key, self.get_name(), self.keywords.keys()))
                raise Exception(msg)

    def get_style_info(self):
        """Return style_info dictionary
        return self.style_info

    def get_impact_summary(self):
        """Return 'impact_summary' keyword if present. Otherwise ''.
        if 'impact_summary' in self.keywords:
            return self.keywords['impact_summary']
            return ''

    def get_total_needs(self):
        """Return 'total_needs' keyword if present. Otherwise ''.
        if 'total_needs' in self.keywords:
            return self.keywords['total_needs']
            return ''

    def get_style_type(self):
        """Return style type of a layer. If not found, return None
        if self.style_info is None:
            return None
        return self.style_info.get('style_type', None)

    # Layer properties used to identify their types
    def is_inasafe_spatial_object(self):
        return True

    def is_raster(self):
        if 'Raster' in str(self.__class__):
            return True
            return False

    def is_vector(self):
        if 'Vector' in str(self.__class__):
            return True
            return False
Exemple #4
class Vector:
    """Class for abstraction of vector data

    def __init__(self, data=None, projection=None, geometry=None,
                 name='', keywords=None, style_info=None):
        """Initialise object with either geometry or filename

            data: Can be either
                * a filename of a vector file format known to GDAL
                * List of dictionaries of fields associated with
                  point coordinates
                * None
            projection: Geospatial reference in WKT format.
                        Only used if geometry is provide as a numeric array,
            geometry: A list of either point coordinates or polygons
            name: Optional name for layer.
                  Only used if geometry is provide as a numeric array
            keywords: Optional dictionary with keywords that describe the
                      layer. When the layer is stored, these keywords will
                      be written into an associated file with extension

                      Keywords can for example be used to display text
                      about the layer in a web application.

        Note that if data is a filename, all other arguments are ignored
        as they will be inferred from the file.

        The geometry type will be inferred from the dimensions of geometry.
        If each entry is one set of coordinates the type will be ogr.wkbPoint,
        if it is an array of coordinates the type will be ogr.wkbPolygon.

        if data is None and projection is None and geometry is None:
            # Instantiate empty object
            self.name = name
            self.projection = None
            self.geometry = None
            self.geometry_type = None
            self.filename = None
            self.data = None
            self.extent = None
            self.keywords = {}
            self.style_info = {}

        if isinstance(data, basestring):
            # Assume that data is provided as sequences provided as
            # arguments to the Vector constructor
            # with extra keyword arguments supplying metadata

            self.name = name
            self.filename = None

            if keywords is None:
                self.keywords = {}
                msg = ('Specified keywords must be either None or a '
                       'dictionary. I got %s' % keywords)
                assert isinstance(keywords, dict), msg
                self.keywords = keywords

            if style_info is None:
                self.style_info = {}
                msg = ('Specified style_info must be either None or a '
                       'dictionary. I got %s' % style_info)
                assert isinstance(style_info, dict), msg
                self.style_info = style_info

            msg = 'Geometry must be specified'
            assert geometry is not None, msg

            msg = 'Geometry must be a sequence'
            assert is_sequence(geometry), msg
            self.geometry = geometry

            self.geometry_type = get_geometry_type(geometry)

            #msg = 'Projection must be specified'
            #assert projection is not None, msg
            self.projection = Projection(projection)

            self.data = data
            if data is not None:
                msg = 'Data must be a sequence'
                assert is_sequence(data), msg

                msg = ('The number of entries in geometry and data '
                       'must be the same')
                assert len(geometry) == len(data), msg

            # FIXME: Need to establish extent here

    def __str__(self):
        """Render as name, number of features, geometry type

        g_type_str = geometrytype2string(self.geometry_type)
        return ('Vector data set: %s, %i features, geometry type '
                '%s (%s)' % (self.name,

    def __len__(self):
        """Size of vector layer defined as number of features

        return len(self.geometry)

    def __eq__(self, other, rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-8):
        """Override '==' to allow comparison with other vector objecs

           other: Vector instance to compare to
           rtol, atol: Relative and absolute tolerance.
                       See numpy.allclose for details

        # Check type
        if not isinstance(other, Vector):
            msg = ('Vector instance cannot be compared to %s'
                   ' as its type is %s ' % (str(other), type(other)))
            raise TypeError(msg)

        # Check projection
        if self.projection != other.projection:
            return False

        # Check geometry
        if not numpy.allclose(self.get_geometry(),
                              rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
            return False

        # Check keys
        x = self.get_data()
        y = other.get_data()

        for key in x[0]:
            for i in range(len(y)):
                if key not in y[i]:
                    return False

        for key in y[0]:
            for i in range(len(x)):
                if key not in x[i]:
                    return False

        # Check data
        for i, a in enumerate(x):
            for key in a:
                X = a[key]
                Y = y[i][key]
                if X != Y:
                    # Not obviously equal, try some special cases

                    res = None
                        # try numerical comparison with tolerances
                        res = numpy.allclose(X, Y,
                                             rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
                        if not res:
                            return False

                        # Try to cast as booleans. This will take care of
                        # None, '', True, False, ...
                        res = (bool(X) is bool(Y))
                        if not res:
                            return False

                    if res is None:
                        # None of the comparisons could be done
                        return False

        # Check keywords
        if self.keywords != other.keywords:
            return False

        # Vector layers are identical up to the specified tolerance
        return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        """Override '!=' to allow comparison with other projection objecs
        return not self == other

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

    def set_name(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def get_filename(self):
        return self.filename

    def get_keywords(self, key=None):
        """Return keywords dictionary
        if key is None:
            return self.keywords
            if key in self.keywords:
                return self.keywords[key]
                msg = ('Keyword %s does not exist in %s: Options are '
                       '%s' % (key, self.get_name(), self.keywords.keys()))
                raise Exception(msg)

    def get_style_info(self):
        """Return style_info dictionary
        return self.style_info

    def get_caption(self):
        """Return 'caption' keyword if present. Otherwise ''.
        if 'caption' in self.keywords:
            return self.keywords['caption']
            return ''

    def read_from_file(self, filename):
        """ Read and unpack vector data.

        It is assumed that the file contains only one layer with the
        pertinent features. Further it is assumed for the moment that
        all geometries are points.

        * A feature is a geometry and a set of attributes.
        * A geometry refers to location and can be point, line, polygon or
          combinations thereof.
        * The attributes or obtained through GetField()

        The full OGR architecture is documented at
        * http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_arch.html
        * http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_apitut.html

        Examples are at
        * danieljlewis.org/files/2010/09/basicpythonmap.pdf
        * http://invisibleroads.com/tutorials/gdal-shapefile-points-save.html
        * http://www.packtpub.com/article/geospatial-data-python-geometry

        basename, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)

        # Look for any keywords
        self.keywords = read_keywords(basename + '.keywords')

        # FIXME (Ole): Should also look for style file to populate style_info

        # Determine name
        if 'title' in self.keywords:
            vectorname = self.keywords['title']
            # Use basename without leading directories as name
            vectorname = os.path.split(basename)[-1]

        self.name = vectorname
        self.filename = filename
        self.geometry_type = None  # In case there are no features

        fid = ogr.Open(filename)
        if fid is None:
            msg = 'Could not open %s' % filename
            raise IOError(msg)

        # Assume that file contains all data in one layer
        msg = 'Only one vector layer currently allowed'
        if fid.GetLayerCount() > 1:
            msg = ('WARNING: Number of layers in %s are %i. '
                   'Only the first layer will currently be '
                   'used.' % (filename, fid.GetLayerCount()))
            raise Exception(msg)

        layer = fid.GetLayerByIndex(0)

        # Get spatial extent
        self.extent = layer.GetExtent()

        # Get projection
        p = layer.GetSpatialRef()
        self.projection = Projection(p)

        # Get number of features
        N = layer.GetFeatureCount()

        # Extract coordinates and attributes for all features
        geometry = []
        data = []
        for i in range(N):
            feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
            if feature is None:
                msg = 'Could not get feature %i from %s' % (i, filename)
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Record coordinates ordered as Longitude, Latitude
            G = feature.GetGeometryRef()
            if G is None:
                msg = ('Geometry was None in filename %s ' % filename)
                raise Exception(msg)
                self.geometry_type = G.GetGeometryType()
                if self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPoint:
                    geometry.append((G.GetX(), G.GetY()))
                elif self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbLineString:
                    M = G.GetPointCount()
                    coordinates = []
                    for j in range(M):
                        coordinates.append((G.GetX(j), G.GetY(j)))

                    # Record entire line as an Mx2 numpy array
                elif self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPolygon:
                    ring = G.GetGeometryRef(0)
                    M = ring.GetPointCount()
                    coordinates = []
                    for j in range(M):
                        coordinates.append((ring.GetX(j), ring.GetY(j)))

                    # Record entire polygon ring as an Mx2 numpy array
                #elif self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon:
                #    # FIXME: Unpact multiple polygons to simple polygons
                #    # For hints on how to unpack see

                #    ring = G.GetGeometryRef(0)
                #    M = ring.GetPointCount()
                #    coordinates = []
                #    for j in range(M):
                #        coordinates.append((ring.GetX(j), ring.GetY(j)))

                #    # Record entire polygon ring as an Mx2 numpy array
                #    geometry.append(numpy.array(coordinates,
                #                                dtype='d',
                #                                copy=False))

                    msg = ('Only point, line and polygon geometries are '
                           'supported. '
                           'Geometry type in filename %s '
                           'was %s.' % (filename,
                    raise Exception(msg)

            # Record attributes by name
            number_of_fields = feature.GetFieldCount()
            fields = {}
            for j in range(number_of_fields):
                name = feature.GetFieldDefnRef(j).GetName()

                # FIXME (Ole): Ascertain the type of each field?
                #              We need to cast each appropriately?
                #              This is issue #66
                #              (https://github.com/AIFDR/riab/issues/66)
                #feature_type = feature.GetFieldDefnRef(j).GetType()
                fields[name] = feature.GetField(j)
                #print 'Field', name, feature_type, j, fields[name]


        # Store geometry coordinates as a compact numeric array
        self.geometry = geometry
        self.data = data

    def write_to_file(self, filename):
        """Save vector data to file

            filename: filename with extension .shp or .gml

        Note, if attribute names are longer than 10 characters they will be
        truncated. This is due to limitations in the shp file driver and has
        to be done here since gdal v1.7 onwards has changed its handling of
        this issue: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_shapefile.html

        # Check file format
        basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)

        msg = ('Invalid file type for file %s. Only extensions '
               'shp or gml allowed.' % filename)
        assert extension == '.shp' or extension == '.gml', msg
        driver = DRIVER_MAP[extension]

        # FIXME (Ole): Tempory flagging of GML issue (ticket #18)
        if extension == '.gml':
            msg = ('OGR GML driver does not store geospatial reference.'
                   'This format is disabled for the time being. See '
            raise Exception(msg)

        # Derive layername from filename (excluding preceding dirs)
        layername = os.path.split(basename)[-1]

        # Get vector data
        geometry = self.get_geometry()
        data = self.get_data()

        N = len(geometry)

        # Clear any previous file of this name (ogr does not overwrite)

        # Create new file with one layer
        drv = ogr.GetDriverByName(driver)
        if drv is None:
            msg = 'OGR driver %s not available' % driver
            raise Exception(msg)

        ds = drv.CreateDataSource(filename)
        if ds is None:
            msg = 'Creation of output file %s failed' % filename
            raise Exception(msg)

        lyr = ds.CreateLayer(layername,
        if lyr is None:
            msg = 'Could not create layer %s' % layername
            raise Exception(msg)

        # Define attributes if any
        store_attributes = False
        if data is not None:
            if len(data) > 0:
                    fields = data[0].keys()
                    msg = ('Input parameter "attributes" was specified '
                           'but it does not contain dictionaries with '
                           'field information as expected. The first'
                           'element is %s' % data[0])
                    raise Exception(msg)
                    # Establish OGR types for each element
                    ogrtypes = {}
                    for name in fields:
                        att = data[0][name]
                        py_type = type(att)
                        msg = ('Unknown type for storing vector '
                               'data: %s, %s' % (name, str(py_type)[1:-1]))
                        assert py_type in TYPE_MAP, msg
                        ogrtypes[name] = TYPE_MAP[py_type]

                msg = ('Input parameter "data" was specified '
                       'but appears to be empty')
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Create attribute fields in layer
            store_attributes = True
            for name in fields:
                fd = ogr.FieldDefn(name, ogrtypes[name])
                # FIXME (Ole): Trying to address issue #16
                #              But it doesn't work and
                #              somehow changes the values of MMI in test
                #width = max(128, len(name))
                #print name, width

                # Silent handling of warnings like
                # Warning 6: Normalized/laundered field name:
                #'CONTENTS_LOSS_AUD' to 'CONTENTS_L'
                if lyr.CreateField(fd) != 0:
                    msg = 'Could not create field %s' % name
                    raise Exception(msg)

                # Restore error handler

        # Store geometry
        geom = ogr.Geometry(self.geometry_type)
        layer_def = lyr.GetLayerDefn()
        for i in range(N):
            # Create new feature instance
            feature = ogr.Feature(layer_def)

            # Store geometry and check
            if self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPoint:
                x = float(geometry[i][0])
                y = float(geometry[i][1])
                geom.SetPoint_2D(0, x, y)
            elif self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPolygon:
                wkt = array2wkt(geometry[i], geom_type='POLYGON')
                geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt)
                msg = 'Geometry type %s not implemented' % self.geometry_type
                raise Exception(msg)


            G = feature.GetGeometryRef()
            if G is None:
                msg = 'Could not create GeometryRef for file %s' % filename
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Store attributes
            if store_attributes:
                for j, name in enumerate(fields):
                    actual_field_name = layer_def.GetFieldDefn(j).GetNameRef()

                    val = data[i][name]

                    if type(val) == numpy.ndarray:
                        # A singleton of type <type 'numpy.ndarray'> works
                        # for gdal version 1.6 but fails for version 1.8
                        # in SetField with error: NotImplementedError:
                        # Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
                        val = float(val)
                    elif val is None:
                        val = ''

                    feature.SetField(actual_field_name, val)

            # Save this feature
            if lyr.CreateFeature(feature) != 0:
                msg = 'Failed to create feature %i in file %s' % (i, filename)
                raise Exception(msg)


        # Write keywords if any
        write_keywords(self.keywords, basename + '.keywords')

        # FIXME (Ole): Maybe store style_info

    def get_attribute_names(self):
        """ Get available attribute names

        These are the ones that can be used with get_data

        return self.data[0].keys()

    def get_data(self, attribute=None, index=None):
        """Get vector attributes

        Data is returned as a list where each entry is a dictionary of
        attributes for one feature. Entries in get_geometry() and
        get_data() are related as 1-to-1

        If optional argument attribute is specified and a valid name,
        then the list of values for that attribute is returned.

        If optional argument index is specified on the that value will
        be returned. Any value of index is ignored if attribute is None.

        if hasattr(self, 'data'):
            if attribute is None:
                return self.data
                msg = ('Specified attribute %s does not exist in '
                       'vector layer %s. Valid names are %s'
                       '' % (attribute, self, self.data[0].keys()))
                assert attribute in self.data[0], msg

                if index is None:
                    # Return all values for specified attribute
                    return [x[attribute] for x in self.data]
                    # Return value for specified attribute and index
                    msg = ('Specified index must be either None or '
                           'an integer. I got %s' % index)
                    assert type(index) == type(0)

                    msg = ('Specified index must lie within the bounds '
                           'of vector layer %s which is [%i, %i]'
                           '' % (self, 0, len(self) - 1))
                    assert 0 <= index < len(self)

                    return self.data[index][attribute]
            msg = 'Vector data instance does not have any attributes'
            raise Exception(msg)

    def get_geometry(self):
        """Return geometry for vector layer.

        Depending on the feature type, geometry is

        geometry type     output type
        point             coordinates (Nx2 array of longitudes and latitudes)
        line              TODO
        polygon           list of arrays of coordinates

        return self.geometry

    def get_projection(self, proj4=False):
        """Return projection of this layer as a string
        return self.projection.get_projection(proj4)

    def get_bounding_box(self):
        """Get bounding box coordinates for vector layer.

        Format is [West, South, East, North]
        e = self.extent
        return [e[0],  # West
                e[2],  # South
                e[1],  # East
                e[3]]  # North

    def get_extrema(self, attribute=None):
        """Get min and max values from specified attribute

        Return min, max
        if attribute is None:
            msg = ('Valid attribute name must be specified in get_extrema '
                   'for vector layers. I got None.')
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        x = self.get_data(attribute)
        return min(x), max(x)

    def get_topN(self, attribute, N=10):
        """Get top N features

            attribute: The name of attribute where values are sought
            N: How many

            layer: New vector layer with selected features

        # FIXME (Ole): Maybe generalise this to arbitrary expressions

        # Input checks
        msg = ('Specfied attribute must be a string. '
               'I got %s' % (type(attribute)))
        assert isinstance(attribute, basestring), msg

        msg = 'Specified attribute was empty'
        assert attribute != '', msg

        msg = 'N must be a positive number. I got %i' % N
        assert N > 0, msg

        # Create list of values for specified attribute
        values = self.get_data(attribute)

        # Sort and select using Schwarzian transform
        A = zip(values, self.data, self.geometry)

        # Pick top N and unpack
        _, data, geometry = zip(*A[-N:])

        # Create new Vector instance and return
        return Vector(data=data,

    def interpolate(self, X, name=None, attribute=None):
        """Interpolate values of this vector layer to other layer

            X: Layer object defining target
            name: Optional name of interpolated layer
            attribute: Optional attribute name to use.
                       If None, all attributes are used.

            Y: Layer object with values of this vector layer interpolated to
               geometry of input layer X

        msg = 'Input to Vector.interpolate must be a vector layer instance'
        assert X.is_vector, msg

        X_projection = X.get_projection()
        S_projection = self.get_projection()

        msg = ('Projections must be the same: I got %s and %s'
               % (S_projection, X_projection))
        assert S_projection == X_projection, msg

        msg = ('Vector layer to interpolate from must be polygon geometry. '
               'I got OGR geometry type %s'
               % geometrytype2string(self.geometry_type))
        assert self.is_polygon_data, msg

        # FIXME (Ole): Maybe organise this the same way it is done with rasters
        if X.is_polygon_data:
            # Use centroids, in case of polygons
            X = convert_polygons_to_centroids(X)

        msg = ('Vector layer to interpolate to must be point geometry. '
               'I got OGR geometry type %s'
               % geometrytype2string(X.geometry_type))
        assert X.is_point_data, msg

        msg = ('Name must be either a string or None. I got %s'
               % (str(type(X)))[1:-1])
        assert name is None or isinstance(name, basestring), msg

        msg = ('Attribute must be either a string or None. I got %s'
               % (str(type(X)))[1:-1])
        assert attribute is None or isinstance(attribute, basestring), msg

        attribute_names = self.get_attribute_names()
        if attribute is not None:
            msg = ('Requested attribute "%s" did not exist in %s'
                   % (attribute, attribute_names))
            assert attribute in attribute_names, msg

        # Start algorithm

        # Extract point features
        points = ensure_numeric(X.get_geometry())
        attributes = X.get_data()
        N = len(X)

        # Extract polygon features
        geom = self.get_geometry()
        data = self.get_data()
        assert len(geom) == len(data)

        # Augment point features with empty attributes from polygon
        for a in attributes:
            if attribute is None:
                # Use all attributes
                for key in attribute_names:
                    a[key] = None
                # Use only requested attribute
                a[attribute] = None

            # Always create attribute to indicate if point was
            # inside any of the polygons
            a[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = None

        # Traverse polygons and assign attributes to points that fall inside
        for i, polygon in enumerate(geom):
            if attribute is None:
                # Use all attributes
                poly_attr = data[i]
                # Use only requested attribute
                poly_attr = {attribute: data[i][attribute]}

            # Assign default attribute to indicate points inside
            poly_attr[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = True

            # Clip data points by polygons and add polygon attributes
            indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon)
            for k in indices:
                for key in poly_attr:
                    # Assign attributes from polygon to points
                    attributes[k][key] = poly_attr[key]

        # Create new Vector instance and return
        V = Vector(data=attributes,
        return V

    def is_raster(self):
        return False

    def is_vector(self):
        return True

    def is_point_data(self):
        return self.is_vector and self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPoint

    def is_line_data(self):
        return self.is_vector and self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbLineString

    def is_polygon_data(self):
        return self.is_vector and self.geometry_type == ogr.wkbPolygon

    def is_riab_spatial_object(self):
        return True