Exemple #1
def summarize(what, scenario, years, npp):
    df = get_ipbes_regions()

    for year in years:
        template = '%s-%%s-%04d.tif' % (scenario, year)
        vnames = ('Abundance', 'CompSimAb') if what == 'ab' else ('Richness',
        fnames = [utils.outfn('luh2', template % vname) for vname in vnames]
        if npp:
        fnames.append(utils.outfn('luh2', 'ipbes-subs.tif'))

        sources = [rasterio.open(src) for src in fnames]
        bounds = find_bounds(sources)
        data = [read_bounded(src, bounds) for src in sources]
        bii = ma.prod(data[0:-1], 0)
        bii.mask = np.any(tuple(d.mask for d in data[0:-1]), 0)

        intact = ma.prod([np.full(data[0].shape, 1), data[2:-1]], 0)
        intact.mask = bii.mask

        by_subs = weighted_mean_by(data[-1], bii)
        intact_by_subs = weighted_mean_by(data[-1], intact)
        df[year] = by_subs.Mean / intact_by_subs.Mean
Exemple #2
def project(year):
    print("projecting %d" % year)
    # Open the mask shape file
    shp_file = 'c:/data/from-adriana/tropicalforests.shp'
    shapes = fiona.open(shp_file)

    # Read Adriana's abundance model (mainland)
    mod = modelr.load('../tropical-bii/simplifiedAbundanceModel.rds')

    # Import standard PREDICTS rasters
    rasters = predicts.rasterset('1km', '', year, 'medium')
    rasters['primary_lightintense'] = SimpleExpr(
        'primary_lightintense', 'primary_light + primary_intense')
    rasters['cropland_lightintense'] = SimpleExpr(
        'cropland_lightintense', 'cropland_light + cropland_intense')
    rasters['pasture_lightintense'] = SimpleExpr(
        'pasture_lightintense', 'pasture_light + pasture_intense')
    rasters['rd_dist'] = Raster('rd_dist', '/out/1km/roads-adrid.tif')
    rasters['hpd'] = Raster(
        'hpd', '/vsizip//data/from-adriana/HPD01to12.zip/yr%d/hdr.adf' % year)

    rs = RasterSet(rasters, shapes=shapes, crop=True, all_touched=True)

    what = 'LogAbund'
    rs[what] = mod
    stime = time.time()
    rs.write(what, utils.outfn('1km', 'adrid-%d.tif' % year))
    etime = time.time()
    print("executed in %6.2fs" % (etime - stime))
Exemple #3
def read_hpd_rasters(years, regions):
    if regions:
        with rasterio.open(regions) as regions_ds:
            # Adjust read area so raster is the full 1440x720 resolution
            regions = regions_ds.read(1,
                                      window=regions_ds.window(*(-180, -90,
                                                                 180, 90)))
            regions = ma.masked_equal(regions, -99)
            regions = ma.masked_equal(regions, regions_ds.nodata)
    with Dataset(utils.luh2_static()) as static:
        carea = static.variables['carea'][:]
    #hpop = np.zeros((len(years), len(np.unique(regions.compressed())) + 1))
    hpop = np.zeros((len(years), 196))
    for idx, year in enumerate(years):
        with rasterio.open(utils.outfn('luh2',
                                       'historical-hpd-%d.tif' % year)) as ds:
            hpd = ds.read(1,
                          window=ds.window(*(-180, -90, 180, 90)))
            hp = carea * hpd
            hpop[idx, 0] = hp.sum()
            cids, hpop[idx, 1:] = sum_by(regions, hp)
    fips = list(map(cid_to_fips, cids))
    hpd = pd.DataFrame(hpop, index=years, columns=['Global'] + fips)
    hpd = hpd.T
    hpd['fips'] = hpd.index
    hpd = hpd.melt(id_vars='fips',
                   value_vars=range(1950, 2011, 10),
    hpd.year = hpd.year.astype(int)
    return hpd
Exemple #4
def get_ipbes_regions():
  with fiona.open(utils.outfn('vector', 'ipbes_land_shape',
                              'ipbes_land.shp')) as shapes:
    props = tuple(filter(lambda x: x.get('type') == 'Land',
                         (s['properties'] for s in shapes)))
    return pd.DataFrame({'ID': tuple(int(s.get('OBJECTID')) for s in props),
                         'Name': tuple(s.get('IPBES_sub') for s in props)})
Exemple #5
def read_data():
    print('Cleaning up WB area')
    area = cleanup_wb_area(
    print('Cleaning up language distance matrix')
    language = cleanup_language()
    print('Cleaning up polity v4 data')
    p4v = cleanup_p4v(utils.data_file('policy', 'p4v2017.xls'), False)
    print('Cleaning up world inequality database data')
    wid = cleanup_wid_data()
    print('Summarizing human population data')
    hpop = read_hpd_rasters(
        tuple(range(1800, 2000, 10)) + tuple(range(2000, 2015, 1)),
        utils.outfn('luh2', 'un_codes-full.tif'))
    return area, language, p4v, wid, hpop
                'abundance', 'C:/ds/temporal-bii/' + version +
                '/bii-ab-low-bound-%d.tif' % year),
                'comp_sim', 'C:/ds/temporal-bii/' + version +
                '/bii-cs-low-bound-%d.tif' % year),
            SimpleExpr('bii_ab', 'abundance * comp_sim')

        # write out bii raster
            utils.outfn('temporal-bii/' + version, 'bii-%d.tif' % year))

        # calculate bounded bii
        # clip the abundance rasters
        inname = 'C:/ds/temporal-bii/' + version + '/bii-ab-' + str(
            year) + '.tif'
        outname = 'C:/ds/temporal-bii/' + version + '/bii-ab-bound-' + str(
            year) + '.tif'
        ru.clip(inname, outname, 0, abmax)

        # clip the cs rasters
        inname = 'C:/ds/temporal-bii/' + version + '/bii-cs-' + str(
            year) + '.tif'
        outname = 'C:/ds/temporal-bii/' + version + '/bii-cs-bound-' + str(
            year) + '.tif'
        ru.clip(inname, outname, 0, csmax)
Exemple #7
###Added +100 to DistRd to deal with  zero values

# set up the rasterset, cropping to mainlands
rs = RasterSet(rasters, mask=mask_ds, maskval=0, crop=True)
# if you're projecting the whole world, use this code instead
# rs = RasterSet(rasters)

# evaluate the model
# model is square root abundance so square it

# Note that the intercept value has been calculated for the baseline
# land use when all other variables are held at 0

# Therefore I calculate separatedly an intercept where DistRd is set to
# the max value, i.e. logDistRd_RS = 1.
intercept = mod.partial({'ISL_MAINLMAINLAND': ISLMAIN, 'logDistRd_rs': 1.0})
print("intercept: %.5f" % intercept)
if args.mainland:
    assert math.isclose(intercept, 0.67184, rel_tol=0.001)
    ## FIXME: Replace RHS with the R calculated value
    assert math.isclose(intercept, 0.7270164, rel_tol=0.001)

rs[mod.output] = mod
rs['output'] = SimpleExpr(
    'output', '(pow(%s, 2) / pow(%f, 2))' % (mod.output, intercept))

fname = 'ab-%s.tif' % ('mainland' if args.mainland else 'islands')
path = ('katia', 'clip' if args.clip else 'no-clip', fname)
rs.write('output', utils.outfn(*path))
mask_ds = rasterio.open(mask_file)

# Richness compositional similarity model with updated PriMin-Urb coefficient
mod = modelr.load('/home/vagrant/katia/models/updated_compsim_rich.rds')

# Import standard PREDICTS rasters
rasters = predicts.rasterset('1km', 'medium', year=2005)

# create an ISL_MAINL raster
# set it to Mainlands this time round (set Mainlands to 1 and Islands to 0)
rasters['ISL_MAINMAINLAND'] = SimpleExpr('ISL_MAINMAINLAND', '2')
rasters['ISL_MAINISLAND'] = SimpleExpr('ISL_MAINISLAND', '0')

rasters['adjGeogDist'] = SimpleExpr('adjGeogDist', '0')
rasters['cubeRtEnvDist'] = SimpleExpr('cubeRtEnvDist', '0')

# set up the rasterset, cropping to mainlands
rs = RasterSet(rasters, mask=mask_ds, maskval=0, crop=True)
# if you're projecting the whole world, use this code instead
#rs = RasterSet(rasters)

# evaluate the model
# model is logit transformed with an adjustment, so back-transformation
rs[mod.output] = mod
rs['output'] = SimpleExpr(
    'output', '(inv_logit(%s) - 0.01) / (inv_logit(%f) - 0.01)' %
    (mod.output, mod.intercept))
rs.write('output', utils.outfn('katia', 'bii-sr-cs-mainlands.tif'))
Exemple #9
def luh2_secd(ssp):
  return 'netcdf:' + .outfn('luh2', 'secd-%s.nc' % ssp)
Exemple #10
# create an ISL_MAINL raster
# set it to Mainlands this time round (set Mainlands to 1 and Islands to 0)
rasters['ISL_MAINISLAND'] = SimpleExpr('ISL_MAINISLAND', 0)

rasters['adjGeogDist'] = SimpleExpr('adjGeogDist', 0)
rasters['cubeRtEnvDist'] = SimpleExpr('cubeRtEnvDist', 0)

# set up the rasterset, cropping to mainlands
rs = RasterSet(rasters, mask=mask_ds, maskval=0, crop=True)
# if you're projecting the whole world, use this code instead
#rs = RasterSet(rasters)

# evaluate the model
# model is logit transformed with an adjustment, so back-transformation
rs[mod.output] = mod
intercept = mod.partial({'ISL_MAINMAINLAND': ISLMAIN})
print("intercept: %.5f" % intercept)
if args.mainland:
    assert math.isclose(intercept, 1.939964, rel_tol=0.001)
    assert math.isclose(intercept, 1.439107176, rel_tol=0.001)

rs['output'] = SimpleExpr(
    'output', '(inv_logit(%s) - 0.01) / (inv_logit(%f) - 0.01)' %
    (mod.output, intercept))

fname = 'ab-cs-%s.tif' % ('mainland' if args.mainland else 'islands')
rs.write('output', utils.outfn('katia', fname))
Exemple #11
if args.mainland:
  suffix = 'mainland'
  ab_max = 1.655183
  sr_max = 1.636021
  suffix = 'islands'
  ab_max = 1.443549
  sr_max = 1.413479

folder = 'clip' if args.clip else 'no-clip'

# pull in all the rasters for computing bii
bii_rs = RasterSet({'abundance': Raster('abundance',
                                                    'ab-%s.tif' % suffix)),
                    'comp_sim': Raster('comp_sim',
                                                   'ab-cs-%s.tif' % suffix)),
                    'clip_ab': SimpleExpr('clip_ab',
                                          'clip(abundance, 0, %f)' % ab_max),
                    'bii_ab': SimpleExpr('bii_ab', 'abundance * comp_sim'),
                    'bii_ab2': SimpleExpr('bii_ab2', 'clip_ab * comp_sim'),

# write out bii raster
bii_rs.write('bii_ab' if args.clip else 'bii_ab2',
             utils.outfn('katia', folder,
                         'abundance-based-bii-%s.tif' % suffix))
Exemple #12
def summary(what, scenario, years, npp, vsr):
    """Generate a per-year and per-IPBES region summary of a diversity metric.

  Diversity metric supported are

  - ab: abundance (Abundance)

  - sr: species richness (Richness)

  - cs-ab: abundance-based compositional similarity (CompSimAb)

  - cs-sr: species richness-based compositional similarity (CompSimSR)

  - bii-ab: abundance-based BII (BIIAb)

  - bii-sr: species richness-based BII (BIISR)

    if npp and vsr:
        raise RuntimeError('Please specify --npp or --vsr, not both')

    df = get_ipbes_regions()
    df_global = pd.DataFrame({
        'ID': [-1],
        'Name': ['Global']
                             columns=('ID', 'Name'))
    vname =  'Abundance' if what == 'ab' \
             else 'Richness' if what =='sr' \
                  else 'CompSimAb' if what == 'cs-ab' \
                       else 'CompSimSR' if what == 'cs-sr' \
                            else 'BIIAb' if what == 'bii-ab' \
                                 else 'BIISR'
    template = '%s-%s-%%04d.tif' % (scenario, vname)

    if scenario == 'historical':
        # This is horrible kludge!
        years = (900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1710,
                 1720, 1730, 1740, 1750, 1760, 1770, 1780, 1790, 1800, 1810,
                 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910,
                 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2001,
                 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
                 2012, 2013, 2014)

    for year in years:
        fnames = [utils.outfn('luh2', template % year)]
        if npp:
        if vsr:
        fnames.append(utils.outfn('luh2', 'ipbes-subs.tif'))

        sources = [rasterio.open(src) for src in fnames]
        bounds, width, height = find_bounds(sources)
        data = [read_bounded(src, bounds, height) for src in sources]
        bii = ma.prod(data[0:-1], 0)
        bii.mask = np.any(tuple(d.mask for d in data[0:-1]), 0)

        intact = ma.prod([np.full(data[0].shape, 1), data[1]], 0)
        if (npp or vsr):
            intact *= data[-2]
        intact.mask = bii.mask

        by_subs = weighted_mean_by(data[-1], bii)
        intact_by_subs = weighted_mean_by(data[-1], intact)
        if 'Cells' not in df.columns:
            df['Cells'] = by_subs.Cells
        df[year] = by_subs.Mean / intact_by_subs.Mean

        if 'Cells' not in df_global.columns:
            df_global['Cells'] = (bii.shape[0] * bii.shape[1] -
        df_global[year] = ma.average(bii) / ma.average(intact)

    if len(years) < 10:
    weight = "-npp" if npp else "-vsr" if vsr else ""
    df.to_csv('%s-%s%s-subreg-%04d-%04d.csv' %
              (scenario, vname, weight, years[0], years[-1]))
    df_global.to_csv('%s-%s%s-global-%04d-%04d.csv' %
                     (scenario, vname, weight, years[0], years[-1]))
Exemple #13
        # set up the rasterset, cropping by tropical forests
        # set all_touched = False as there are some boundary issues with very small countries on the edge
        # like Macao
        rs = RasterSet(rasters, shapes=shapes, crop=True, all_touched=False)

        # evaluate the model
        # model is square root abundance so square it

        # note that the intercept value has been calculated for the baseline land use when all other variables are held at 0
        rs[mod.output] = mod
        rs['output'] = SimpleExpr(
            'output', '(pow(%s, 2) / pow(%f, 2))' % (mod.output, ref))
            utils.outfn('temporal-bii/' + version, 'bii-ab-%d.tif' % year))

        # if you're on the final version (i.e. the last time you're going round)
        # write out the pressure data
        if version == 'v3':
                utils.outfn('temporal-bii/primary', 'primary-%d.tif' % year))
                            'secondary-%d.tif' % year))
                utils.outfn('temporal-bii/pasture', 'pasture-%d.tif' % year))
Exemple #14
import rasterio
from rasterio.plot import show, show_hist

from projections.rasterset import RasterSet, Raster
from projections.simpleexpr import SimpleExpr
import projections.predicts as predicts
import projections.r2py.modelr as modelr
import projections.utils as utils
import projections.raster_utils as ru

CLIP = 'no-clip'

# pull in all the rasters for computing bii
bii_rs = RasterSet({
    Raster('abundance', utils.outfn('katia', CLIP, 'bii-ab-mainlands.tif')),
    Raster('comp_sim', utils.outfn('katia', 'bii-ab-cs-mainlands.tif')),
    SimpleExpr('clip_ab', 'clip(abundance, 0, 1.655183)'),
    SimpleExpr('bii_ab', 'abundance * comp_sim'),
    SimpleExpr('bii_ab2', 'clip_ab * comp_sim'),

# write out bii raster
bii_rs.write('bii_ab' if CLIP == 'clip' else 'bii_ab2',
             utils.outfn('katia', CLIP, 'abundance-based-bii-mainlands.tif'))

# do the same for species richness
Exemple #15
        # get the differences
        # diff = cuberoot(s1) - cuberoot(s2)
        # we want cuberoot(s1+1) = 0
        # so the difference is 0 - cuberoot(s2)
        # then center and scale (subtract mean and divide by sd)
        mean_rd50_diff = float(
            df[df['Value'] == 'CRootDens_50km_diff']['mean'])
        mean_rd1_diff = float(df[df['Value'] == 'CRootDens_1km_diff']['mean'])
        sd_rd50_diff = float(df[df['Value'] == 'CRootDens_50km_diff']['sd'])
        sd_rd1_diff = float(df[df['Value'] == 'CRootDens_1km_diff']['sd'])
        rasters['CRootDens_50km_diff_cs'] = SimpleExpr(
            '((0 - clip_rd50) - %f) / %f' % (mean_rd50_diff, sd_rd50_diff))
        rasters['CRootDens_1km_diff_cs'] = SimpleExpr(
            '((0 - clip_rd1) - %f) / %f' % (mean_rd1_diff, sd_rd1_diff))

        # set up the rasterset, cropping by tropical forests
        rs = RasterSet(rasters, shapes=shapes, crop=True, all_touched=False)

        # evaluate the model
        # model is logit transformed with an adjustment, so back-transformation
        rs[mod.output] = mod
        rs['output'] = SimpleExpr(
            'output', '(inv_logit(%s) - 0.01) / (inv_logit(%f) - 0.01)' %
            (mod.output, ref))
            utils.outfn('temporal-bii/' + version, 'bii-cs-%d.tif' % year))
import sys

import rasterio
from projections.rasterset import RasterSet
import projections.predicts as predicts
import projections.utils as utils

# Import standard PREDICTS rasters
rasters = predicts.rasterset('1km', 'medium', year = 2005)

for suffix in ('islands', 'mainland'):
  # Open the BII raster file
  mask_file = 'C:/Users/katis2/Desktop/Final_projections/Clip_variables/abundance-based-bii-%s.tif' % suffix
  mask_ds = rasterio.open(mask_file)

  # set up the rasterset, cropping to mainlands
  rs = RasterSet(rasters, mask=mask_ds, maskval=-9999, crop=True)

  # Run through each land-use
  for lu in ('cropland', 'pasture', 'primary', 'secondary', 'urban'):
    # And every use intensity
    for ui in ('minimal', 'light', 'intense'):
      name = '%s_%s' % (lu, ui)
      oname = utils.outfn('katia', '%s-%s.tif' % (name, suffix))
      if os.path.isfile(oname) or name in ('secondary_intense',
      rs.write(name, oname)