Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes the gate to  its base class, BasicMathGate, with the 
        corresponding function, so it can be emulated efficiently.
        def subtract(a, b):
            return (a, b - a)

        BasicMathGate.__init__(self, subtract)
Exemple #2
def test_limited_capability_engine_arithmetic():
    default_eng = LimitedCapabilityEngine()
    eng = LimitedCapabilityEngine(allow_arithmetic=True)
    m = MainEngine(backend=DummyEngine(), engine_list=[eng])
    q = m.allocate_qureg(5)

    inc = BasicMathGate(lambda x: x + 1)
    assert not default_eng.is_available(inc.generate_command(q))
    assert eng.is_available(inc.generate_command(q))
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, a):
        Initializes the gate to the base of which the inverse needs to be found
            base (int): base of which the inverse needs to be found for modular 
        It also initializes its base class, BasicMathGate, with the
        corresponding function, so it can be emulated efficiently.
        def extended_gcd(a, b):
            # calculates the gcd and the coefficients of Bezout's identity
            lastremainder, remainder = abs(a), abs(b)
            x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
            while remainder != 0:
                lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(
                    lastremainder, remainder)
                x, lastx = lastx - quotient * x, x
                y, lasty = lasty - quotient * y, y
            return lastremainder, lastx, lasty

        def find_inverse(value, mod):
            # if the gcd is not equal to one, the value does not have an inverse.
            # if it is, the inverse is the first Bezout coefficient modulus mod
            (gcd, x, y) = extended_gcd(value, mod)
            if gcd != 1:
                return 'undefined'
            return x % mod

        def mod(exponent, modulus, val):
            # does not change the val if it is bigger than the modulus (this
            # would be irreversible) or if the modulus = 0 (division by 0 not
            # possible)
            base = a
            if exponent == 0 or modulus == 0 or val >= modulus:
                return (exponent, modulus, val)
                base = base
                inverse = find_inverse(base, modulus)

                if inverse == 'undefined':
                    return (exponent, modulus, val)
                exp = exponent

                while (exp > 0):
                    # if exp is odd, multiply inverse with val
                    if ((exp & 1) != 0):
                        val = (val * inverse) % modulus
                    # square the inverse (base)
                    inverse = (inverse * inverse) % modulus
                    # binary shift
                    exp >>= 1
                return (exponent, modulus, val)

        BasicMathGate.__init__(self, mod)
        self.a = a
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, a):
        Initializes the gate to the number to add.

            a (int): Number to add to a quantum register.

        It also initializes its base class, BasicMathGate, with the
        corresponding function, so it can be emulated efficiently.
        BasicMathGate.__init__(self, lambda x: ((x + a), ))
        self.a = a
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes the gate to  its base class, BasicMathGate, with the
        corresponding function, so it can be emulated efficiently.
        def compare(a, b, c):
            if b < a:
                if c == 0:
                    c = 1
                    c = 0
            return (a, b, c)

        BasicMathGate.__init__(self, compare)
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes the gate to  its base class, BasicMathGate, with the
        corresponding function, so it can be emulated efficiently. 
        def mod(modulus, val):
            if modulus == 0 or val >= modulus:
                return (modulus, val)
            if val == 0:
                return (modulus, modulus - 1)
                return (modulus, val - 1)

        BasicMathGate.__init__(self, mod)
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, a, N):
        Initializes the gate to the number to add modulo N.

            a (int): Number to add to a quantum register (0 <= a < N).
            N (int): Number modulo which the addition is carried out.

        It also initializes its base class, BasicMathGate, with the
        corresponding function, so it can be emulated efficiently.
        BasicMathGate.__init__(self, lambda x: ((x + a) % N, ))
        self.a = a
        self.N = N
Exemple #8
def test_simulator_is_available(sim):
    backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    eng = MainEngine(backend, [])
    qubit = eng.allocate_qubit()
    Measure | qubit
    BasicMathGate(lambda x: x) | qubit
    del qubit
    assert len(backend.received_commands) == 4

    # Test that allocate, measure, basic math, and deallocate are available.
    for cmd in backend.received_commands:
        assert sim.is_available(cmd)

    new_cmd = backend.received_commands[-1]

    new_cmd.gate = Mock1QubitGate()
    assert sim.is_available(new_cmd)
    assert new_cmd.gate.cnt == 1

    new_cmd.gate = Mock2QubitGate()
    assert not sim.is_available(new_cmd)
    assert new_cmd.gate.cnt == 1

    new_cmd.gate = MockNoMatrixGate()
    assert not sim.is_available(new_cmd)
    assert new_cmd.gate.cnt == 1

    eng = MainEngine(sim, [])
    qubit1 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    qubit2 = eng.allocate_qubit()
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        Mock2QubitGate() | (qubit1, qubit2)
def test_simulator_is_available(sim):
    backend = DummyEngine(save_commands=True)
    eng = MainEngine(backend, [])
    qubit = eng.allocate_qubit()
    Measure | qubit
    BasicMathGate(lambda x: x) | qubit
    assert len(backend.received_commands) == 4

    # Test that allocate, measure, basic math, and deallocate are available.
    for cmd in backend.received_commands:
        assert sim.is_available(cmd)

    new_cmd = backend.received_commands[-1]

    new_cmd.gate = Mock1QubitGate()
    assert sim.is_available(new_cmd)
    assert new_cmd.gate.cnt == 4

    new_cmd.gate = Mock6QubitGate()
    assert not sim.is_available(new_cmd)
    assert new_cmd.gate.cnt == 4

    new_cmd.gate = MockNoMatrixGate()
    assert not sim.is_available(new_cmd)
    assert new_cmd.gate.cnt == 7
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, a):
        Initializes the gate to the base to be used for modular 
            base (int): base for the modular exponentiation.  
        It also initializes its base class, BasicMathGate, with the
        corresponding function, so it can be emulated efficiently.
            .. code-block:: python
            MultiplyModN(2) | (qureg1, qureg2, qureg3)
        def mod(exponent, modulus, val):
            # does not change the val if it is bigger than the modulus (this
            # would be irreversible) or if the modulus = 0 (division by 0 not
            # possible)
            if modulus == 0 or val >= modulus:
                return (exponent, modulus, val)

                # repeated squaring algorithm
                base = a
                exp = exponent
                while (exp > 0):
                    # if exp is odd, multiply inverse with val
                    if ((exp & 1) != 0):
                        val = (val * base) % modulus
                    # square the base
                    base = (base * base) % modulus
                    # binary shift
                    exp >>= 1
                return (exponent, modulus, val)

        BasicMathGate.__init__(self, mod)
        self.a = a
Exemple #11
 def __init__(self):
     BasicMathGate.__init__(self, lambda x, y: (x, y - x))
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self, amount):
     BasicMathGate.__init__(self, lambda x: (x + amount, ))
    def __init__(self):
        def do_not_call(*_):
            raise AssertionError()

        BasicMathGate.__init__(self, do_not_call)
Exemple #14
 def __init__(self):
     BasicMathGate.__init__(self, lambda x: (x + 2, ))
Exemple #15
def zoo_profile():
    """Generate and display the zoo of quantum gates."""
    # create a main compiler engine with a drawing backend
    drawing_engine = CircuitDrawer()
    locations = {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 0, 3: 3}
    main_eng = MainEngine(drawing_engine)
    qureg = main_eng.allocate_qureg(4)

    # define a zoo of gates
    te_gate = TimeEvolution(0.5, 0.1 * QubitOperator('X0 Y2'))

    def add(x, y):
        return x, y + 1

    zoo = [
        (X, 3),
        (Y, 2),
        (Z, 0),
        (Rx(0.5), 2),
        (Ry(0.5), 1),
        (Rz(0.5), 1),
        (Ph(0.5), 0),
        (S, 3),
        (T, 2),
        (H, 1),
        (Toffoli, (0, 1, 2)),
        (Barrier, None),
        (Swap, (0, 3)),
        (SqrtSwap, (0, 1)),
        (get_inverse(SqrtSwap), (2, 3)),
        (SqrtX, 2),
        (C(get_inverse(SqrtX)), (0, 2)),
        (C(Ry(0.5)), (2, 3)),
        (CNOT, (2, 1)),
        (Entangle, None),
        (te_gate, None),
        (QFT, None),
        (Tensor(H), None),
        (BasicMathGate(add), (2, 3)),
        (All(Measure), None),

    # apply them
    for gate, pos in zoo:
        if pos is None:
            gate | qureg
        elif isinstance(pos, tuple):
            gate | tuple(qureg[i] for i in pos)
            gate | qureg[pos]


    # generate latex code to draw the circuit
    s = drawing_engine.get_latex()
    prefix = 'zoo'
    with open('{}.tex'.format(prefix), 'w') as f:

    # compile latex source code and open pdf file
    os.system('pdflatex {}.tex'.format(prefix))
Exemple #16
def shor(N):
    # Check if number is even
    if N % 2 == 0:
        print('Even number.')
        return 2  
    # Step 1: Chose 1 < a < N uniformly at random
    a = np.random.randint(2,N)
    # Step 2: Compute b = gcd(a,N). If b > 1, output b and stop
    b = gcd(a,N)
    if b > 1:
        print('Factor found by guessing:', b)
        return b
    # Step 3: Find the order r of a modulo N for f(x) = a^x mod N
    # Quantum Part: using approximate periodicity to find r
    m = int(np.ceil(np.log2(N**2)))   # Size of first register
    M = 2**m   # M is the smallest power of 2 greater than N^2
    n = int(np.ceil(np.log2(N-1)))   # Size of second register - need to represent 0 to N-1
    # Check we can simulate on our local simulator
    if m + n > 28:   # 28 qubits = 4GB of RAM
        print('Number of qubits required =', m+n, 'which is too large to simulate.')
        return 0

    engine = MainEngine()
    # Initialise registers
    reg_1 = engine.allocate_qureg(m)
    reg_2 = engine.allocate_qureg(n)

    # Apply QFT to first register 
    All(H) | reg_1

    # Define the oracle O_f|x>|y> = |x>|y + f(x)> where + is bitwise XOR
    def O_f(x,y) : return (x, y^pow(a,x,N)) 
    # Apply oracle to both registers
    BasicMathGate(O_f) | (reg_1, reg_2)
    # Measure the second register 
    All(Measure) | reg_2
    # Apply the QFT to the first register
    #QFT | reg_1
    for i in reversed(range(m)):
        H | reg_1[i]
        for d in range(1,i+1):
            C(R(np.pi/(2**d))) | (reg_1[i-d], reg_1[i])
    for i in range(int(m/2)):
        Swap | (reg_1[i], reg_1[m-i-1])
    # Measure the first register
    All(Measure) | reg_1
    # Run the approximate peridicity algorithm
    # Determine output y of algorithm 
    y = 0
    for i in range(m):
        y = y + 2**i*int(reg_1[i])
    # Use continued fraction expansion of z = y/M to find r
    r = Fraction(y,M).limit_denominator(N).denominator

    # If r is odd the algorithm fails
    if r % 2 == 1:
        print('Order r found is odd: algorithm failed')
        return 0
    # Step 4: Find factor of N
    s = gcd(a**(r//2)-1, N)
    if s == 1 or s == N:
        print('Factor found is 1 or', N,': algorithm failed')
        return N
    print('Factor found by Shor\'s algorithm is', s, 'using', m+n, 'qubits')
    return s
def shor(N):
    # Check if number is even
    if N % 2 == 0:
        print('Even number.')
        return 2

    # Step 1: Chose 1 < a < N uniformly at random
    a = np.random.randint(2, N)
    #a = 11
    # Step 2: Compute b = gcd(a,N). If b > 1, output b and stop
    b = gcd(a, N)
    if b > 1:
        print('Factor found by guessing:', b)
        return b

    # Step 3: Find the order r of a modulo N for f(x) = a^x mod N
    # Quantum Part: using approximate periodicity to find r

    m = int(np.ceil(np.log2(N**2)))  # Size of first register
    M = 2**m  # M is the smallest power of 2 greater than N^2
    n = int(np.ceil(
        np.log2(N -
                1)))  # Size of second register - need to represent 0 to N-1

    # Check we can simulate on our local simulator
    if m + n > 28:  # 28 qubits = 4GB of RAM
        print('Number of qubits required =', m + n,
              'which is too large to simulate.')
        return 0

    engine = MainEngine()
    # Initialise registers
    reg_1 = engine.allocate_qureg(m)
    reg_2 = engine.allocate_qureg(n)

    # Apply QFT to first register
    All(H) | reg_1

    # Define the oracle O_f|x>|y> = |x>|y + f(x)> where + is bitwise XOR
    def O_f(x, y):
        return (x, y ^ pow(a, x, N))

    # Apply oracle to both registers
    BasicMathGate(O_f) | (reg_1, reg_2)

    # Measure the second register
    All(Measure) | reg_2
    y = 0
    for i in range(n):
        y = y + 2**i * int(reg_2[i])
        Deallocate | reg_2[i]
    mapping, wavefunction = engine.backend.cheat()
    #    plt.plot(abs(np.asarray(wavefunction)), '.')
    #    plt.show()

    fft_wf = fft(wavefunction)

    # Apply the QFT to the first register
    QFT | reg_1
    for i in range(int(m / 2)):
        Swap | (reg_1[i], reg_1[m - i - 1])

    mapping, wavefunction = engine.backend.cheat()
    d = np.nonzero(wavefunction)

    #    wavefunction_reg2 = np.zeros(16)
    #    for k in range(16) :
    #        #wavefunction_reg2[k] = np.sum(wavefunction[256*k: 256*k+255])
    #        for i in range(256) : wavefunction_reg2[k] += wavefunction[256*k + i]
    #    wavefunction_reg1 = np.zeros(256)
    #    for k in range(256) :
    #        for i in range(i) : wavefunction_reg1[k] += wavefunction[k + 16*i]
    #    plt.plot(wavefunction_reg2, '.')
    #    plt.show()
    # Measure the first register
    All(Measure) | reg_1

    # Run the approximate peridicity algorithm

    # Determine output y of algorithm
    y = 0
    for i in range(m):
        y = y + 2**i * int(reg_1[i])

    # Use continued fraction expansion of z = y/M to find r
    r = Fraction(y, M).limit_denominator(N).denominator
    print(y, r)

    # If r is odd the algorithm fails
    if r % 2 == 1:
        print('Order r found is odd: algorithm failed')
        return 0

    # Step 4: Find factor of N
    s = gcd(a**(r // 2) - 1, N)
    if s == 1 or s == N:
        print('Factor found is 1 or', N, ': algorithm failed')
        return N

    print('Factor found by Shor\'s algorithm is', s, 'using', m + n, 'qubits')
    return s
Exemple #18
 def __init__(self):
     Initializes the gate to  its base class, BasicMathGate, with the 
     corresponding function, so it can be emulated efficiently.
     BasicMathGate.__init__(self, AddQuantum.get_math_function)
Exemple #19
 def __init__(self):
     BasicMathGate.__init__(self, subtract)
Exemple #20
 def __init__(self):
     BasicMathGate.__init__(self, add)