def getText(cls, parent=None, windowTitle='Get Text', label='', text='', plain=True, wrapped=True): """ Prompts the user for a text entry using the text edit class. :param parent | <QWidget> windowTitle | <str> label | <str> text | <str> plain | <bool> | return plain text or not :return (<str> text, <bool> accepted) """ # create the dialog dlg = QDialog(parent) dlg.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) # create the layout layout = QVBoxLayout() # create the label if label: lbl = QLabel(dlg) lbl.setText(label) layout.addWidget(lbl) # create the widget widget = cls(dlg) widget.setText(text) if not wrapped: widget.setLineWrapMode(XTextEdit.NoWrap) layout.addWidget(widget) # create the buttons btns = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, Qt.Horizontal, dlg) layout.addWidget(btns) dlg.setLayout(layout) dlg.adjustSize() # create connections btns.accepted.connect(dlg.accept) btns.rejected.connect(dlg.reject) if dlg.exec_(): if plain: return (widget.toPlainText(), True) else: return (widget.toHtml(), True) else: return ('', False)
def edit( cls, record, parent = None, uifile = '', commit = True ): """ Prompts the user to edit the inputed record. :param record | <orb.Table> parent | <QWidget> :return <bool> | accepted """ # create the dialog dlg = QDialog(parent) dlg.setWindowTitle('Edit %s' % record.schema().name()) # create the widget cls = record.schema().property('widgetClass', cls) widget = cls(dlg) if ( uifile ): widget.setUiFile(uifile) widget.setRecord(record) widget.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # create buttons opts = QDialogButtonBox.Save | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel btns = QDialogButtonBox(opts, Qt.Horizontal, dlg) # create layout layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(widget) layout.addWidget(btns) dlg.setLayout(layout) dlg.adjustSize() # create connections #btns.accepted.connect( btns.rejected.connect(dlg.reject) widget.saved.connect(dlg.accept) if ( dlg.exec_() ): if commit: result = widget.record().commit() if 'errored' in result: QMessageBox.information(self.window(), 'Error Committing to Database', result['errored']) return False return True return False
def edit( parent, template, actions = None ): """ Prompts the user to edit the menu template with the given actions. \ If no actions are supplied, then the actions from the parent will \ be used. :param parent | <QWidget> template | <str> actions | {<str> name: <QAction>, .. } || None :return (<str> template, <bool> accepted) """ # collect the potential actions from the widget if ( actions is None ): actions = {} for action in parent.actions(): key = nativestring(action.objectName()) if ( not key ): key = nativestring(action.text()).replace('&', '') if ( key ): actions[key] = action if ( not actions ): return ('', False) dlg = QDialog(parent) dlg.setWindowTitle('Edit Menu') widget = XMenuTemplateWidget(dlg) widget.setActions(actions) widget.setMenuTemplate(template) widget.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) opts = QDialogButtonBox.Save | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel btns = QDialogButtonBox(opts, Qt.Horizontal, dlg) btns.accepted.connect( dlg.accept ) btns.rejected.connect( dlg.reject ) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(widget) layout.addWidget(btns) dlg.setLayout(layout) dlg.adjustSize() dlg.resize(650, 400) if ( dlg.exec_() ): return (widget.menuTemplate(), True) return ('', False)
def edit(parent, template, actions=None): """ Prompts the user to edit the menu template with the given actions. \ If no actions are supplied, then the actions from the parent will \ be used. :param parent | <QWidget> template | <str> actions | {<str> name: <QAction>, .. } || None :return (<str> template, <bool> accepted) """ # collect the potential actions from the widget if (actions is None): actions = {} for action in parent.actions(): key = nativestring(action.objectName()) if (not key): key = nativestring(action.text()).replace('&', '') if (key): actions[key] = action if (not actions): return ('', False) dlg = QDialog(parent) dlg.setWindowTitle('Edit Menu') widget = XMenuTemplateWidget(dlg) widget.setActions(actions) widget.setMenuTemplate(template) widget.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) opts = QDialogButtonBox.Save | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel btns = QDialogButtonBox(opts, Qt.Horizontal, dlg) btns.accepted.connect(dlg.accept) btns.rejected.connect(dlg.reject) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(widget) layout.addWidget(btns) dlg.setLayout(layout) dlg.adjustSize() dlg.resize(650, 400) if (dlg.exec_()): return (widget.menuTemplate(), True) return ('', False)
def create( cls, model, parent = None, uifile = '', commit = True ): """ Prompts the user to create a new record for the inputed table. :param model | <subclass of orb.Table> parent | <QWidget> :return <orb.Table> || None/ | instance of the inputed table class """ # create the dialog dlg = QDialog(parent) dlg.setWindowTitle('Create %s' % model.schema().name()) # create the widget cls = model.schema().property('widgetClass', cls) widget = cls(dlg) if ( uifile ): widget.setUiFile(uifile) widget.setModel(model) widget.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # create buttons opts = QDialogButtonBox.Save | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel btns = QDialogButtonBox(opts, Qt.Horizontal, dlg) # create layout layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(widget) layout.addWidget(btns) dlg.setLayout(layout) dlg.adjustSize() # create connections btns.accepted.connect( btns.rejected.connect(dlg.reject) widget.saved.connect(dlg.accept) if ( dlg.exec_() ): record = widget.record() if ( commit ): record.commit() return record return None
def getPlainText( parent, title, caption, text = '' ): """ Prompts the user for more advanced text input. :param parent | <QWidget> || None title | <str> caption | <str> text | <str> :return (<str>, <bool> accepted) """ dlg = QDialog(parent) dlg.setWindowTitle(title) label = QLabel(dlg) label.setText(caption) edit = QTextEdit(dlg) edit.setText(text) edit.selectAll() opts = QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel btns = QDialogButtonBox(opts, Qt.Horizontal, dlg) btns.accepted.connect(dlg.accept) btns.rejected.connect(dlg.reject) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(label) layout.addWidget(edit) layout.addWidget(btns) dlg.setLayout(layout) dlg.adjustSize() if ( dlg.exec_() ): return (edit.toPlainText(), True) return ('', False)