def completerTree(self): """ Returns the completion tree for this instance. :return <QTreeWidget> """ if not self._completerTree: self._completerTree = QTreeWidget(self) self._completerTree.setWindowFlags(Qt.Popup) self._completerTree.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self._completerTree.installEventFilter(self) self._completerTree.itemClicked.connect(self.acceptCompletion) self._completerTree.setRootIsDecorated(False) self._completerTree.header().hide() return self._completerTree
def completerTree( self ): """ Returns the completion tree for this instance. :return <QTreeWidget> """ if not self._completerTree: self._completerTree = QTreeWidget(self) self._completerTree.setWindowFlags(Qt.Popup) self._completerTree.setAlternatingRowColors( True ) self._completerTree.installEventFilter(self) self._completerTree.itemClicked.connect( self.acceptCompletion ) self._completerTree.setRootIsDecorated(False) self._completerTree.header().hide() return self._completerTree
class XConsoleEdit(XLoggerWidget): __designer_icon__ = projexui.resources.find('img/ui/console.png') executeRequested = Signal(str) def __init__(self, parent): super(XConsoleEdit, self).__init__(parent) # create custom properties self._scope = __main__.__dict__ self._initialized = False self._completerTree = None self._commandStack = [] self._history = [] self._currentHistoryIndex = 0 self._waitingForInput = False self._commandLineInteraction = False self._highlighter = XPythonHighlighter(self.document()) # setup the look for the console self.setReadOnly(False) self.waitForInput() self.setConfigurable(False) def _information(self, msg): locker = QMutexLocker(self._mutex) msg = projex.text.nativestring(msg) self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) self.setCurrentMode(logging.INFO) self.insertPlainText(msg) self.scrollToEnd() def _error(self, msg): locker = QMutexLocker(self._mutex) msg = projex.text.nativestring(msg) self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) self.setCurrentMode(logging.ERROR) self.insertPlainText(msg) self.scrollToEnd() if not self._waitingForInput: self._waitingForInput = True QTimer.singleShot(50, self.waitForInput) def acceptCompletion( self ): """ Accepts the current completion and inserts the code into the edit. :return <bool> accepted """ tree = self._completerTree if not tree: return False tree.hide() item = tree.currentItem() if not item: return False # clear the previously typed code for the block cursor = self.textCursor() text = cursor.block().text() col = cursor.columnNumber() end = col while col: col -= 1 if text[col] in ('.', ' '): col += 1 break # insert the current text cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() - (end-col), cursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() self.insertPlainText(item.text(0)) return True def applyCommand(self): """ Applies the current line of code as an interactive python command. """ # generate the command information cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) at_end = cursor.atEnd() modifiers = QApplication.instance().keyboardModifiers() mod_mode = at_end or modifiers == Qt.ShiftModifier # test the line for information if mod_mode and line.endswith(':'): cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = re.sub('^>>> ', '', line) line = re.sub('^\.\.\. ', '', line) count = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) + 4 self.insertPlainText('\n... ' + count * ' ') return False elif mod_mode and line.startswith('...') and \ (line.strip() != '...' or not at_end): cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = re.sub('^\.\.\. ', '', line) count = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) self.insertPlainText('\n... ' + count * ' ') return False # if we're not at the end of the console, then add it to the end elif line.startswith('>>>') or line.startswith('...'): # move to the top of the command structure line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) while line.startswith('...'): cursor.movePosition(cursor.PreviousBlock) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) # calculate the command cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) ended = False lines = [] while True: # add the new block lines.append(line) if cursor.atEnd(): ended = True break # move to the next line cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextBlock) cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) # check for a new command or the end of the command if not line.startswith('...'): break command = '\n'.join(lines) # if we did not end up at the end of the command block, then # copy it for modification if not (ended and command): self.waitForInput() self.insertPlainText(command.replace('>>> ', '')) cursor.movePosition(cursor.End) return False else: self.waitForInput() return False self.executeCommand(command) return True def cancelCompletion( self ): """ Cancels the current completion. """ if self._completerTree: self._completerTree.hide() def clear(self): """ Clears the current text and starts a new input line. """ super(XConsoleEdit, self).clear() self.waitForInput() def commandLineInteraction(self): """ Returns whether or not the console is using interaction like the command line. :return <bool> """ return self._commandLineInteraction def completerTree( self ): """ Returns the completion tree for this instance. :return <QTreeWidget> """ if not self._completerTree: self._completerTree = QTreeWidget(self) self._completerTree.setWindowFlags(Qt.Popup) self._completerTree.setAlternatingRowColors( True ) self._completerTree.installEventFilter(self) self._completerTree.itemClicked.connect( self.acceptCompletion ) self._completerTree.setRootIsDecorated(False) self._completerTree.header().hide() return self._completerTree def eventFilter(self, obj, event): """ Filters particular events for a given QObject through this class. \ Will use this to intercept events to the completer tree widget while \ filtering. :param obj | <QObject> event | <QEvent> :return <bool> consumed """ if not obj == self._completerTree: return False if event.type() != event.KeyPress: return False if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: QToolTip.hideText() self.cancelCompletion() return False elif event.key() in (Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Tab): self.acceptCompletion() return False elif event.key() in (Qt.Key_Up, Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_PageUp, Qt.Key_PageDown): return False else: self.keyPressEvent(event) # update the completer cursor = self.textCursor() text = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) text = text[:cursor.columnNumber()].split(' ')[-1] text = text.split('.')[-1] self._completerTree.blockSignals(True) self._completerTree.setUpdatesEnabled(False) self._completerTree.setCurrentItem(None) for i in range(self._completerTree.topLevelItemCount()): item = self._completerTree.topLevelItem(i) if projex.text.nativestring(item.text(0)).startswith(text): self._completerTree.setCurrentItem(item) break self._completerTree.blockSignals(False) self._completerTree.setUpdatesEnabled(True) return True def executeCommand(self, command): """ Executes the inputed command in the global scope. :param command | <unicode> :return <variant> """ if not command.strip(): return self.waitForInput() # store the current block self._history.append(command) self._currentHistoryIndex = len(self._history) lines = [] for line in command.split('\n'): line = re.sub('^>>> ', '', line) line = re.sub('^\.\.\. ', '', line) lines.append(line) command = '\n'.join(lines) # ensure we are at the end self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) self.scrollToEnd() self.insertPlainText('\n') cmdresult = None try: cmdresult = eval(command, self.scope(), self.scope()) except SyntaxError: exec(command) in self.scope(), self.scope() else: if cmdresult is not None: # check to see if the command we executed actually caused # the destruction of this object -- if it did, then # the commands below will error if self.isDestroyed(): return try: result = projex.text.nativestring(repr(cmdresult)) except: result = '<<< error formatting result to utf-8 >>>' self.information(result) finally: self.waitForInput() def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if event.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: event.acceptProposedAction() else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).dragEnterEvent(event) def dragMoveEvent(self, event): if event.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: event.acceptProposedAction() else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).dragMoveEvent(event) def dropEvent(self, event): if event.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: self.insertPlainText('\n' + projexui.formatDropEvent(event)) else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).dropEvent(event) def highlighter(self): """ Returns the console highlighter for this widget. :return <XPythonHighlighter> """ return self._highlighter def gotoHome(self): """ Navigates to the home position for the edit. """ mode = QTextCursor.MoveAnchor # select the home if QApplication.instance().keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: mode = QTextCursor.KeepAnchor cursor = self.textCursor() block = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor.StartOfBlock, mode ) if block.startswith('>>> '): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Right, mode, 4) elif block.startswith('... '): match = re.match('...\s*', block) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Right, mode, match.end()) self.setTextCursor(cursor) def insertFromMimeData(self, source): """ Inserts the information from the inputed source. :param source | <QMimeData> """ lines = projex.text.nativestring(source.text()).splitlines() for i in range(1, len(lines)): if not lines[i].startswith('... '): lines[i] = '... ' + lines[i] if len(lines) > 1: lines.append('... ') self.insertPlainText('\n'.join(lines)) def insertNextCommand(self): """ Inserts the previous command from history into the line. """ self._currentHistoryIndex += 1 if 0 <= self._currentHistoryIndex < len(self._history): cmd = self._history[self._currentHistoryIndex] else: cmd = '>>> ' self._currentHistoryIndex = -1 self.replaceCommand(cmd) def insertPreviousCommand(self): """ Inserts the previous command from history into the line. """ self._currentHistoryIndex -= 1 if 0 <= self._currentHistoryIndex < len(self._history): cmd = self._history[self._currentHistoryIndex] else: cmd = '>>> ' self._currentHistoryIndex = len(self._history) self.replaceCommand(cmd) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ Overloads the key press event to control keystroke modifications for \ the console widget. :param event | <QKeyEvent> """ # enter || return keys will apply the command if event.key() in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter): self.applyCommand() event.accept() # home key will move the cursor to the home position elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Home: self.gotoHome() event.accept() elif event.key() in (Qt.Key_Backspace, Qt.Key_Delete): super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # update the completer cursor = self.textCursor() text = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) text = text[:cursor.columnNumber()].split(' ')[-1] if not '.' in text: self.cancelCompletion() # period key will trigger a completion popup elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Period or \ (Qt.Key_A <= event.key() <= Qt.Key_Z): super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) self.startCompletion(force=event.key() == Qt.Key_Period) # space, tab, backspace and delete will cancel the completion elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Space: self.cancelCompletion() super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # left parenthesis will start method help elif event.key() == Qt.Key_ParenLeft: self.cancelCompletion() self.showMethodToolTip() super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # Ctrl+Up will load previous commands elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Up: if self.commandLineInteraction() or \ event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: self.insertPreviousCommand() event.accept() else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # Ctrl+Down will load future commands elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Down: if self.commandLineInteraction() or \ event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: self.insertNextCommand() event.accept() else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # otherwise, handle the event like normal else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) def objectAtCursor(self): """ Returns the python object that the text is representing. :return <object> || None """ # determine the text block cursor = self.textCursor() text = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) position = cursor.positionInBlock() - 1 if not text: return (None, '') symbol = '' for match in re.finditer('[\w\.]+', text): if match.start() <= position <= match.end(): symbol = break if not symbol: return (None, '') parts = symbol.split('.') if len(parts) == 1: return (self.scope(), parts[0]) part = parts[0] obj = self.scope().get(part) for part in parts[1:-1]: try: obj = getattr(obj, part) except AttributeError: return (None, '') return (obj, parts[-1]) def restoreSettings(self, settings): hist = [] settings.beginGroup('console') for key in sorted(settings.childKeys()): hist.append(unwrapVariant(settings.value(key))) settings.endGroup() self._history = hist def saveSettings(self, settings): settings.beginGroup('console') for i, text in enumerate(self._history): settings.setValue('command_{0}'.format(i), wrapVariant(text)) settings.endGroup() def showEvent(self, event): super(XConsoleEdit, self).showEvent(event) if not self._initialized: self._initialized = True # create connections if os.environ.get('XUI_DISABLE_CONSOLE') != '1': hook = XIOHook.instance() hook.printed.connect(self._information) hook.errored.connect(self._error) # setup the header opts = {'version': sys.version, 'platform': sys.platform} self.setText(HEADER.format(**opts)) self.waitForInput() def showMethodToolTip(self): """ Pops up a tooltip message with the help for the object under the \ cursor. :return <bool> success """ self.cancelCompletion() obj, _ = self.objectAtCursor() if not obj: return False docs = inspect.getdoc(obj) if not docs: return False # determine the cursor position rect = self.cursorRect() cursor = self.textCursor() point = QPoint(rect.left(), + 18) QToolTip.showText(self.mapToGlobal(point), docs, self) return True def replaceCommand(self, cmd): # move to the top of the command structure self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) cursor = self.textCursor() line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) while line.startswith('...'): cursor.movePosition(cursor.PreviousBlock) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) # calculate the command cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfLine) cursor.movePosition(cursor.End, cursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() cursor.insertText(cmd) self.moveCursor(cursor.End) def scope(self): """ Returns the dictionary scope that will be used when working with this editor. :return <dict> """ return self._scope def setCommandLineInteraction(self, state=True): """ Sets whether or not the interaction should follow command-line standards (Up/Down navigation) or not (CTRL+Up/Down). :param state | <bool> """ self._commandLineInteraction = state def setScope(self, scope): """ Sets the scope that will be used for this editor. :param scope | <dict> """ self._scope = scope def startCompletion(self, force=False): """ Starts a new completion popup for the current object. :return <bool> success """ # add the top level items tree = self.completerTree() if not force and tree.isVisible(): return tree.clear() # make sure we have a valid object obj, remain = self.objectAtCursor() if obj is None: tree.hide() return # determine the cursor position rect = self.cursorRect() cursor = self.textCursor() point = QPoint(rect.left(), + 18) # compare the ids since some things might overload the __eq__ # comparator if id(obj) == id(self._scope): o_keys = obj.keys() elif obj is not None: o_keys = dir(obj) keys = [key for key in sorted(o_keys) if not key.startswith('_')] if id(obj) == id(self._scope): if not remain: return False else: keys = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(remain[0]), keys) if not keys: return False for key in keys: tree.addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem([key])) tree.move(self.mapToGlobal(point)) return True def waitForInput(self): """ Inserts a new input command into the console editor. """ self._waitingForInput = False try: if self.isDestroyed() or self.isReadOnly(): return except RuntimeError: return self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) if self.textCursor().block().text() == '>>> ': return # if there is already text on the line, then start a new line newln = '>>> ' if projex.text.nativestring(self.textCursor().block().text()): newln = '\n' + newln # insert the text self.setCurrentMode('standard') self.insertPlainText(newln) self.scrollToEnd() self._blankCache = '' x_commandLineInteraction = Property(bool, commandLineInteraction, setCommandLineInteraction)
class XConsoleEdit(XLoggerWidget): __designer_icon__ = projexui.resources.find('img/ui/console.png') executeRequested = Signal(str) def __init__(self, parent): super(XConsoleEdit, self).__init__(parent) # create custom properties self._scope = __main__.__dict__ self._initialized = False self._completerTree = None self._commandStack = [] self._history = [] self._currentHistoryIndex = 0 self._waitingForInput = False self._commandLineInteraction = False self._highlighter = XPythonHighlighter(self.document()) # setup the look for the console self.setReadOnly(False) self.waitForInput() self.setConfigurable(False) def _information(self, msg): locker = QMutexLocker(self._mutex) msg = projex.text.nativestring(msg) self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) self.setCurrentMode(logging.INFO) self.insertPlainText(msg) self.scrollToEnd() def _error(self, msg): locker = QMutexLocker(self._mutex) msg = projex.text.nativestring(msg) self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) self.setCurrentMode(logging.ERROR) self.insertPlainText(msg) self.scrollToEnd() if not self._waitingForInput: self._waitingForInput = True QTimer.singleShot(50, self.waitForInput) def acceptCompletion(self): """ Accepts the current completion and inserts the code into the edit. :return <bool> accepted """ tree = self._completerTree if not tree: return False tree.hide() item = tree.currentItem() if not item: return False # clear the previously typed code for the block cursor = self.textCursor() text = cursor.block().text() col = cursor.columnNumber() end = col while col: col -= 1 if text[col] in ('.', ' '): col += 1 break # insert the current text cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() - (end - col), cursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() self.insertPlainText(item.text(0)) return True def applyCommand(self): """ Applies the current line of code as an interactive python command. """ # generate the command information cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) at_end = cursor.atEnd() modifiers = QApplication.instance().keyboardModifiers() mod_mode = at_end or modifiers == Qt.ShiftModifier # test the line for information if mod_mode and line.endswith(':'): cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = re.sub('^>>> ', '', line) line = re.sub('^\.\.\. ', '', line) count = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) + 4 self.insertPlainText('\n... ' + count * ' ') return False elif mod_mode and line.startswith('...') and \ (line.strip() != '...' or not at_end): cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = re.sub('^\.\.\. ', '', line) count = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) self.insertPlainText('\n... ' + count * ' ') return False # if we're not at the end of the console, then add it to the end elif line.startswith('>>>') or line.startswith('...'): # move to the top of the command structure line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) while line.startswith('...'): cursor.movePosition(cursor.PreviousBlock) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) # calculate the command cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) ended = False lines = [] while True: # add the new block lines.append(line) if cursor.atEnd(): ended = True break # move to the next line cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextBlock) cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) # check for a new command or the end of the command if not line.startswith('...'): break command = '\n'.join(lines) # if we did not end up at the end of the command block, then # copy it for modification if not (ended and command): self.waitForInput() self.insertPlainText(command.replace('>>> ', '')) cursor.movePosition(cursor.End) return False else: self.waitForInput() return False self.executeCommand(command) return True def cancelCompletion(self): """ Cancels the current completion. """ if self._completerTree: self._completerTree.hide() def clear(self): """ Clears the current text and starts a new input line. """ super(XConsoleEdit, self).clear() self.waitForInput() def commandLineInteraction(self): """ Returns whether or not the console is using interaction like the command line. :return <bool> """ return self._commandLineInteraction def completerTree(self): """ Returns the completion tree for this instance. :return <QTreeWidget> """ if not self._completerTree: self._completerTree = QTreeWidget(self) self._completerTree.setWindowFlags(Qt.Popup) self._completerTree.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self._completerTree.installEventFilter(self) self._completerTree.itemClicked.connect(self.acceptCompletion) self._completerTree.setRootIsDecorated(False) self._completerTree.header().hide() return self._completerTree def eventFilter(self, obj, event): """ Filters particular events for a given QObject through this class. \ Will use this to intercept events to the completer tree widget while \ filtering. :param obj | <QObject> event | <QEvent> :return <bool> consumed """ if not obj == self._completerTree: return False if event.type() != event.KeyPress: return False if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: QToolTip.hideText() self.cancelCompletion() return False elif event.key() in (Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Tab): self.acceptCompletion() return False elif event.key() in (Qt.Key_Up, Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_PageUp, Qt.Key_PageDown): return False else: self.keyPressEvent(event) # update the completer cursor = self.textCursor() text = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) text = text[:cursor.columnNumber()].split(' ')[-1] text = text.split('.')[-1] self._completerTree.blockSignals(True) self._completerTree.setUpdatesEnabled(False) self._completerTree.setCurrentItem(None) for i in range(self._completerTree.topLevelItemCount()): item = self._completerTree.topLevelItem(i) if projex.text.nativestring(item.text(0)).startswith(text): self._completerTree.setCurrentItem(item) break self._completerTree.blockSignals(False) self._completerTree.setUpdatesEnabled(True) return True def executeCommand(self, command): """ Executes the inputed command in the global scope. :param command | <unicode> :return <variant> """ if not command.strip(): return self.waitForInput() # store the current block self._history.append(command) self._currentHistoryIndex = len(self._history) lines = [] for line in command.split('\n'): line = re.sub('^>>> ', '', line) line = re.sub('^\.\.\. ', '', line) lines.append(line) command = '\n'.join(lines) # ensure we are at the end self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) self.scrollToEnd() self.insertPlainText('\n') cmdresult = None try: cmdresult = eval(command, self.scope(), self.scope()) except SyntaxError: exec(command) in self.scope(), self.scope() else: if cmdresult is not None: # check to see if the command we executed actually caused # the destruction of this object -- if it did, then # the commands below will error if self.isDestroyed(): return try: result = projex.text.nativestring(repr(cmdresult)) except: result = '<<< error formatting result to utf-8 >>>' self.information(result) finally: self.waitForInput() def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if event.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: event.acceptProposedAction() else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).dragEnterEvent(event) def dragMoveEvent(self, event): if event.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: event.acceptProposedAction() else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).dragMoveEvent(event) def dropEvent(self, event): if event.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: self.insertPlainText('\n' + projexui.formatDropEvent(event)) else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).dropEvent(event) def highlighter(self): """ Returns the console highlighter for this widget. :return <XPythonHighlighter> """ return self._highlighter def gotoHome(self): """ Navigates to the home position for the edit. """ mode = QTextCursor.MoveAnchor # select the home if QApplication.instance().keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: mode = QTextCursor.KeepAnchor cursor = self.textCursor() block = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock, mode) if block.startswith('>>> '): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Right, mode, 4) elif block.startswith('... '): match = re.match('...\s*', block) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Right, mode, match.end()) self.setTextCursor(cursor) def insertFromMimeData(self, source): """ Inserts the information from the inputed source. :param source | <QMimeData> """ lines = projex.text.nativestring(source.text()).splitlines() for i in range(1, len(lines)): if not lines[i].startswith('... '): lines[i] = '... ' + lines[i] if len(lines) > 1: lines.append('... ') self.insertPlainText('\n'.join(lines)) def insertNextCommand(self): """ Inserts the previous command from history into the line. """ self._currentHistoryIndex += 1 if 0 <= self._currentHistoryIndex < len(self._history): cmd = self._history[self._currentHistoryIndex] else: cmd = '>>> ' self._currentHistoryIndex = -1 self.replaceCommand(cmd) def insertPreviousCommand(self): """ Inserts the previous command from history into the line. """ self._currentHistoryIndex -= 1 if 0 <= self._currentHistoryIndex < len(self._history): cmd = self._history[self._currentHistoryIndex] else: cmd = '>>> ' self._currentHistoryIndex = len(self._history) self.replaceCommand(cmd) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ Overloads the key press event to control keystroke modifications for \ the console widget. :param event | <QKeyEvent> """ # enter || return keys will apply the command if event.key() in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter): self.applyCommand() event.accept() # home key will move the cursor to the home position elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Home: self.gotoHome() event.accept() elif event.key() in (Qt.Key_Backspace, Qt.Key_Delete): super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # update the completer cursor = self.textCursor() text = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) text = text[:cursor.columnNumber()].split(' ')[-1] if not '.' in text: self.cancelCompletion() # period key will trigger a completion popup elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Period or \ (Qt.Key_A <= event.key() <= Qt.Key_Z): super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) self.startCompletion(force=event.key() == Qt.Key_Period) # space, tab, backspace and delete will cancel the completion elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Space: self.cancelCompletion() super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # left parenthesis will start method help elif event.key() == Qt.Key_ParenLeft: self.cancelCompletion() self.showMethodToolTip() super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # Ctrl+Up will load previous commands elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Up: if self.commandLineInteraction() or \ event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: self.insertPreviousCommand() event.accept() else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # Ctrl+Down will load future commands elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Down: if self.commandLineInteraction() or \ event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: self.insertNextCommand() event.accept() else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) # otherwise, handle the event like normal else: super(XConsoleEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event) def objectAtCursor(self): """ Returns the python object that the text is representing. :return <object> || None """ # determine the text block cursor = self.textCursor() text = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) position = cursor.positionInBlock() - 1 if not text: return (None, '') symbol = '' for match in re.finditer('[\w\.]+', text): if match.start() <= position <= match.end(): symbol = break if not symbol: return (None, '') parts = symbol.split('.') if len(parts) == 1: return (self.scope(), parts[0]) part = parts[0] obj = self.scope().get(part) for part in parts[1:-1]: try: obj = getattr(obj, part) except AttributeError: return (None, '') return (obj, parts[-1]) def restoreSettings(self, settings): hist = [] settings.beginGroup('console') for key in sorted(settings.childKeys()): hist.append(unwrapVariant(settings.value(key))) settings.endGroup() self._history = hist def saveSettings(self, settings): settings.beginGroup('console') for i, text in enumerate(self._history): settings.setValue('command_{0}'.format(i), wrapVariant(text)) settings.endGroup() def showEvent(self, event): super(XConsoleEdit, self).showEvent(event) if not self._initialized: self._initialized = True # create connections if os.environ.get('XUI_DISABLE_CONSOLE') != '1': hook = XIOHook.instance() hook.printed.connect(self._information) hook.errored.connect(self._error) # setup the header opts = {'version': sys.version, 'platform': sys.platform} self.setText(HEADER.format(**opts)) self.waitForInput() def showMethodToolTip(self): """ Pops up a tooltip message with the help for the object under the \ cursor. :return <bool> success """ self.cancelCompletion() obj, _ = self.objectAtCursor() if not obj: return False docs = inspect.getdoc(obj) if not docs: return False # determine the cursor position rect = self.cursorRect() cursor = self.textCursor() point = QPoint(rect.left(), + 18) QToolTip.showText(self.mapToGlobal(point), docs, self) return True def replaceCommand(self, cmd): # move to the top of the command structure self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) cursor = self.textCursor() line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) while line.startswith('...'): cursor.movePosition(cursor.PreviousBlock) line = projex.text.nativestring(cursor.block().text()) # calculate the command cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfLine) cursor.movePosition(cursor.End, cursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() cursor.insertText(cmd) self.moveCursor(cursor.End) def scope(self): """ Returns the dictionary scope that will be used when working with this editor. :return <dict> """ return self._scope def setCommandLineInteraction(self, state=True): """ Sets whether or not the interaction should follow command-line standards (Up/Down navigation) or not (CTRL+Up/Down). :param state | <bool> """ self._commandLineInteraction = state def setScope(self, scope): """ Sets the scope that will be used for this editor. :param scope | <dict> """ self._scope = scope def startCompletion(self, force=False): """ Starts a new completion popup for the current object. :return <bool> success """ # add the top level items tree = self.completerTree() if not force and tree.isVisible(): return tree.clear() # make sure we have a valid object obj, remain = self.objectAtCursor() if obj is None: tree.hide() return # determine the cursor position rect = self.cursorRect() cursor = self.textCursor() point = QPoint(rect.left(), + 18) # compare the ids since some things might overload the __eq__ # comparator if id(obj) == id(self._scope): o_keys = obj.keys() elif obj is not None: o_keys = dir(obj) keys = [key for key in sorted(o_keys) if not key.startswith('_')] if id(obj) == id(self._scope): if not remain: return False else: keys = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(remain[0]), keys) if not keys: return False for key in keys: tree.addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem([key])) tree.move(self.mapToGlobal(point)) return True def waitForInput(self): """ Inserts a new input command into the console editor. """ self._waitingForInput = False try: if self.isDestroyed() or self.isReadOnly(): return except RuntimeError: return self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) if self.textCursor().block().text() == '>>> ': return # if there is already text on the line, then start a new line newln = '>>> ' if projex.text.nativestring(self.textCursor().block().text()): newln = '\n' + newln # insert the text self.setCurrentMode('standard') self.insertPlainText(newln) self.scrollToEnd() self._blankCache = '' x_commandLineInteraction = Property(bool, commandLineInteraction, setCommandLineInteraction)