def simulate_key(menu, key):
    """ Simulate passing `key` to a menu """
    control = to_container(menu).content
    key_bindings = control.key_bindings
    key_processor = KeyProcessor(key_bindings)
Exemple #2
def test_previous_key_sequence(processor):
    test whether we receive the correct previous_key_sequence.
    with set_dummy_app():
        events = []

        def handler(event):

        # Build registry.
        registry = KeyBindings()
        registry.add('a', 'a')(handler)
        registry.add('b', 'b')(handler)
        processor = KeyProcessor(registry)

        # Create processor and feed keys.
        processor.feed(KeyPress('a', 'a'))
        processor.feed(KeyPress('a', 'a'))
        processor.feed(KeyPress('b', 'b'))
        processor.feed(KeyPress('b', 'b'))

        # Test.
        assert len(events) == 2
        assert len(events[0].key_sequence) == 2
        assert events[0].key_sequence[0].key == 'a'
        assert events[0].key_sequence[0].data == 'a'
        assert events[0].key_sequence[1].key == 'a'
        assert events[0].key_sequence[1].data == 'a'
        assert events[0].previous_key_sequence == []

        assert len(events[1].key_sequence) == 2
        assert events[1].key_sequence[0].key == 'b'
        assert events[1].key_sequence[0].data == 'b'
        assert events[1].key_sequence[1].key == 'b'
        assert events[1].key_sequence[1].data == 'b'
        assert len(events[1].previous_key_sequence) == 2
        assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[0].key == 'a'
        assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[0].data == 'a'
        assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[1].key == 'a'
        assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[1].data == 'a'
    def __init__(self, layout=None,
                 style=None, include_default_pygments_style=True,
                 key_bindings=None, clipboard=None,
                 full_screen=False, color_depth=None,

                 enable_page_navigation_bindings=None,  # Can be None, True or False.


                 on_reset=None, on_invalidate=None,
                 before_render=None, after_render=None,

                 # I/O.
                 input=None, output=None):

        # If `enable_page_navigation_bindings` is not specified, enable it in
        # case of full screen applications only. This can be overridden by the user.
        if enable_page_navigation_bindings is None:
            enable_page_navigation_bindings = Condition(lambda: self.full_screen)

        paste_mode = to_filter(paste_mode)
        mouse_support = to_filter(mouse_support)
        reverse_vi_search_direction = to_filter(reverse_vi_search_direction)
        enable_page_navigation_bindings = to_filter(enable_page_navigation_bindings)
        include_default_pygments_style = to_filter(include_default_pygments_style)

        assert layout is None or isinstance(layout, Layout), 'Got layout: %r' % (layout, )
        assert key_bindings is None or isinstance(key_bindings, KeyBindingsBase)
        assert clipboard is None or isinstance(clipboard, Clipboard)
        assert isinstance(full_screen, bool)
        assert (color_depth is None or callable(color_depth) or
                color_depth in ColorDepth._ALL), 'Got color_depth: %r' % (color_depth, )
        assert isinstance(editing_mode, six.string_types)
        assert style is None or isinstance(style, BaseStyle)
        assert isinstance(erase_when_done, bool)
        assert min_redraw_interval is None or isinstance(min_redraw_interval, (float, int))
        assert max_render_postpone_time is None or isinstance(max_render_postpone_time, (float, int))

        assert on_reset is None or callable(on_reset)
        assert on_invalidate is None or callable(on_invalidate)
        assert before_render is None or callable(before_render)
        assert after_render is None or callable(after_render)

        assert output is None or isinstance(output, Output)
        assert input is None or isinstance(input, Input) = style

        if layout is None:
            layout = create_dummy_layout()

        # Key bindings.
        self.key_bindings = key_bindings
        self._default_bindings = load_key_bindings()
        self._page_navigation_bindings = load_page_navigation_bindings()

        self.layout = layout
        self.clipboard = clipboard or InMemoryClipboard()
        self.full_screen = full_screen
        self._color_depth = color_depth
        self.mouse_support = mouse_support

        self.paste_mode = paste_mode
        self.editing_mode = editing_mode
        self.erase_when_done = erase_when_done
        self.reverse_vi_search_direction = reverse_vi_search_direction
        self.enable_page_navigation_bindings = enable_page_navigation_bindings
        self.min_redraw_interval = min_redraw_interval
        self.max_render_postpone_time = max_render_postpone_time

        # Events.
        self.on_invalidate = Event(self, on_invalidate)
        self.on_reset = Event(self, on_reset)
        self.before_render = Event(self, before_render)
        self.after_render = Event(self, after_render)

        # I/O.
        self.output = output or get_default_output()
        self.input = input or get_default_input()

        # List of 'extra' functions to execute before a
        self.pre_run_callables = []

        self._is_running = False
        self.future = None

        #: Quoted insert. This flag is set if we go into quoted insert mode.
        self.quoted_insert = False

        #: Vi state. (For Vi key bindings.)
        self.vi_state = ViState()
        self.emacs_state = EmacsState()

        #: When to flush the input (For flushing escape keys.) This is important
        #: on terminals that use vt100 input. We can't distinguish the escape
        #: key from for instance the left-arrow key, if we don't know what follows
        #: after "\x1b". This little timer will consider "\x1b" to be escape if
        #: nothing did follow in this time span.
        #: This seems to work like the `ttimeoutlen` option in Vim.
        self.ttimeoutlen = .5  # Seconds.

        #: Like Vim's `timeoutlen` option. This can be `None` or a float.  For
        #: instance, suppose that we have a key binding AB and a second key
        #: binding A. If the uses presses A and then waits, we don't handle
        #: this binding yet (unless it was marked 'eager'), because we don't
        #: know what will follow. This timeout is the maximum amount of time
        #: that we wait until we call the handlers anyway. Pass `None` to
        #: disable this timeout.
        self.timeoutlen = 1.0

        #: The `Renderer` instance.
        # Make sure that the same stdout is used, when a custom renderer has been passed.
        self._merged_style = self._create_merged_style(include_default_pygments_style)

        self.renderer = Renderer(

        #: Render counter. This one is increased every time the UI is rendered.
        #: It can be used as a key for caching certain information during one
        #: rendering.
        self.render_counter = 0

        # Invalidate flag. When 'True', a repaint has been scheduled.
        self._invalidated = False
        self._invalidate_events = []  # Collection of 'invalidate' Event objects.
        self._last_redraw_time = 0  # Unix timestamp of last redraw. Used when
                                    # `min_redraw_interval` is given.

        #: The `InputProcessor` instance.
        self.key_processor = KeyProcessor(_CombinedRegistry(self))

        # If `run_in_terminal` was called. This will point to a `Future` what will be
        # set at the point when the previous run finishes.
        self._running_in_terminal = False
        self._running_in_terminal_f = None

        # Trigger initialize callback.
Exemple #4
    def __init__(
        layout: Optional[Layout] = None,
        style: Optional[BaseStyle] = None,
        include_default_pygments_style: FilterOrBool = True,
        style_transformation: Optional[StyleTransformation] = None,
        key_bindings: Optional[KeyBindingsBase] = None,
        clipboard: Optional[Clipboard] = None,
        full_screen: bool = False,
        color_depth: Union[ColorDepth, Callable[[], Union[ColorDepth, None]],
                           None] = None,
        mouse_support: FilterOrBool = False,
        enable_page_navigation_bindings: Optional[
            FilterOrBool] = None,  # Can be None, True or False.
        paste_mode: FilterOrBool = False,
        editing_mode: EditingMode = EditingMode.EMACS,
        erase_when_done: bool = False,
        reverse_vi_search_direction: FilterOrBool = False,
        min_redraw_interval: Union[float, int, None] = None,
        max_render_postpone_time: Union[float, int, None] = 0.01,
        refresh_interval: Optional[float] = None,
        on_reset: Optional[ApplicationEventHandler] = None,
        on_invalidate: Optional[ApplicationEventHandler] = None,
        before_render: Optional[ApplicationEventHandler] = None,
        after_render: Optional[ApplicationEventHandler] = None,
        # I/O.
        input: Optional[Input] = None,
        output: Optional[Output] = None,

        # If `enable_page_navigation_bindings` is not specified, enable it in
        # case of full screen applications only. This can be overridden by the user.
        if enable_page_navigation_bindings is None:
            enable_page_navigation_bindings = Condition(
                lambda: self.full_screen)

        paste_mode = to_filter(paste_mode)
        mouse_support = to_filter(mouse_support)
        reverse_vi_search_direction = to_filter(reverse_vi_search_direction)
        enable_page_navigation_bindings = to_filter(
        include_default_pygments_style = to_filter(

        if layout is None:
            layout = create_dummy_layout()

        if style_transformation is None:
            style_transformation = DummyStyleTransformation() = style
        self.style_transformation = style_transformation

        # Key bindings.
        self.key_bindings = key_bindings
        self._default_bindings = load_key_bindings()
        self._page_navigation_bindings = load_page_navigation_bindings()

        self.layout = layout
        self.clipboard = clipboard or InMemoryClipboard()
        self.full_screen: bool = full_screen
        self._color_depth = color_depth
        self.mouse_support = mouse_support

        self.paste_mode = paste_mode
        self.editing_mode = editing_mode
        self.erase_when_done = erase_when_done
        self.reverse_vi_search_direction = reverse_vi_search_direction
        self.enable_page_navigation_bindings = enable_page_navigation_bindings
        self.min_redraw_interval = min_redraw_interval
        self.max_render_postpone_time = max_render_postpone_time
        self.refresh_interval = refresh_interval

        # Events.
        self.on_invalidate = Event(self, on_invalidate)
        self.on_reset = Event(self, on_reset)
        self.before_render = Event(self, before_render)
        self.after_render = Event(self, after_render)

        # I/O.
        session = get_app_session()
        self.output = output or session.output
        self.input = input or session.input

        # List of 'extra' functions to execute before a
        self.pre_run_callables: List[Callable[[], None]] = []

        self._is_running = False
        self.future: Optional[Future[_AppResult]] = None
        self.loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None
        self.context: Optional[contextvars.Context] = None

        #: Quoted insert. This flag is set if we go into quoted insert mode.
        self.quoted_insert = False

        #: Vi state. (For Vi key bindings.)
        self.vi_state = ViState()
        self.emacs_state = EmacsState()

        #: When to flush the input (For flushing escape keys.) This is important
        #: on terminals that use vt100 input. We can't distinguish the escape
        #: key from for instance the left-arrow key, if we don't know what follows
        #: after "\x1b". This little timer will consider "\x1b" to be escape if
        #: nothing did follow in this time span.
        #: This seems to work like the `ttimeoutlen` option in Vim.
        self.ttimeoutlen = 0.5  # Seconds.

        #: Like Vim's `timeoutlen` option. This can be `None` or a float.  For
        #: instance, suppose that we have a key binding AB and a second key
        #: binding A. If the uses presses A and then waits, we don't handle
        #: this binding yet (unless it was marked 'eager'), because we don't
        #: know what will follow. This timeout is the maximum amount of time
        #: that we wait until we call the handlers anyway. Pass `None` to
        #: disable this timeout.
        self.timeoutlen = 1.0

        #: The `Renderer` instance.
        # Make sure that the same stdout is used, when a custom renderer has been passed.
        self._merged_style = self._create_merged_style(

        self.renderer = Renderer(

        #: Render counter. This one is increased every time the UI is rendered.
        #: It can be used as a key for caching certain information during one
        #: rendering.
        self.render_counter = 0

        # Invalidate flag. When 'True', a repaint has been scheduled.
        self._invalidated = False
        self._invalidate_events: List[Event[object]] = [
        ]  # Collection of 'invalidate' Event objects.
        self._last_redraw_time = 0.0  # Unix timestamp of last redraw. Used when
        # `min_redraw_interval` is given.

        #: The `InputProcessor` instance.
        self.key_processor = KeyProcessor(_CombinedRegistry(self))

        # If `run_in_terminal` was called. This will point to a `Future` what will be
        # set at the point when the previous run finishes.
        self._running_in_terminal = False
        self._running_in_terminal_f: Optional[Future[None]] = None

        # Trigger initialize callback.
Exemple #5
def processor(bindings):
    return KeyProcessor(bindings)
Exemple #6
    def __init__(

            # I/O.

        paste_mode = to_filter(paste_mode)
        mouse_support = to_filter(mouse_support)
        reverse_vi_search_direction = to_filter(reverse_vi_search_direction)
        enable_page_navigation_bindings = to_filter(

        assert layout is None or isinstance(layout, Layout)
        assert key_bindings is None or isinstance(key_bindings,
        assert clipboard is None or isinstance(clipboard, Clipboard)
        assert isinstance(full_screen, bool)
        assert isinstance(editing_mode, six.string_types)
        assert style is None or isinstance(style, BaseStyle)
        assert isinstance(erase_when_done, bool)
        assert min_redraw_interval is None or isinstance(
            min_redraw_interval, (float, int))
        assert max_render_postpone_time is None or isinstance(
            max_render_postpone_time, (float, int))

        assert on_reset is None or callable(on_reset)
        assert on_render is None or callable(on_render)
        assert on_invalidate is None or callable(on_invalidate)

        assert output is None or isinstance(output, Output)
        assert input is None or isinstance(input, Input) = style

        if layout is None:
            layout = create_dummy_layout()

        # Key bindings.
        self.key_bindings = key_bindings
        self._default_bindings = load_key_bindings()
        self._page_navigation_bindings = load_page_navigation_bindings()

        self.layout = layout
        self.clipboard = clipboard or InMemoryClipboard()
        self.full_screen = full_screen
        self.mouse_support = mouse_support

        self.paste_mode = paste_mode
        self.editing_mode = editing_mode
        self.erase_when_done = erase_when_done
        self.reverse_vi_search_direction = reverse_vi_search_direction
        self.enable_page_navigation_bindings = enable_page_navigation_bindings
        self.min_redraw_interval = min_redraw_interval
        self.max_render_postpone_time = max_render_postpone_time

        # Events.
        self.on_invalidate = Event(self, on_invalidate)
        self.on_render = Event(self, on_render)
        self.on_reset = Event(self, on_reset)

        # I/O.
        self.output = output or get_default_output()
        self.input = input or get_default_input()

        # List of 'extra' functions to execute before a
        self.pre_run_callables = []

        self._is_running = False
        self.future = None

        #: Quoted insert. This flag is set if we go into quoted insert mode.
        self.quoted_insert = False

        #: Vi state. (For Vi key bindings.)
        self.vi_state = ViState()

        #: When to flush the input (For flushing escape keys.) This is important
        #: on terminals that use vt100 input. We can't distinguish the escape
        #: key from for instance the left-arrow key, if we don't know what follows
        #: after "\x1b". This little timer will consider "\x1b" to be escape if
        #: nothing did follow in this time span.
        #: This seems to work like the `ttimeoutlen` option in Vim.
        self.input_timeout = .5

        #: The `Renderer` instance.
        # Make sure that the same stdout is used, when a custom renderer has been passed.
        self._merged_style = merge_styles([

        self.renderer = Renderer(

        #: Render counter. This one is increased every time the UI is rendered.
        #: It can be used as a key for caching certain information during one
        #: rendering.
        self.render_counter = 0

        # Invalidate flag. When 'True', a repaint has been scheduled.
        self._invalidated = False
        self._invalidate_events = [
        ]  # Collection of 'invalidate' Event objects.
        self._last_redraw_time = 0  # Unix timestamp of last redraw. Used when
        # `min_redraw_interval` is given.

        #: The `InputProcessor` instance.
        self.key_processor = KeyProcessor(_CombinedRegistry(self))

        # If `run_in_terminal` was called. This will point to a `Future` what will be
        # set at the point whene the previous run finishes.
        self._running_in_terminal = False
        self._running_in_terminal_f = None

        # Trigger initialize callback.