Exemple #1
    def line_rhymescheme(self, line):
        Creates rhyme scheme for a given line.

        :param line: line of lyrics, str
        :return: last two morphemes of the last word in line, str
        end_word = re.sub(r"\W+", '', get_last_word(line)).lower()
        pronunciation_list = pronouncing.phones_for_word(end_word)
        if pronunciation_list:
            potential_rhymes = {}
            sound_pairs = []
            for item in pronunciation_list:
                sound_pair = item.split(' ')[-2:]
                if len(sound_pair) < 2:
                    for sound1 in self.sound_dict[sound_pair[0]]:
                        sound_pairs.append((sound1, ''))
                    for sound1 in self.sound_dict[sound_pair[0]]:
                        for sound2 in self.sound_dict[sound_pair[1]]:
                            sound_pairs.append((sound1, sound2))
            for sound_pair in sound_pairs:
                if sound_pair not in potential_rhymes.keys():
                    potential_rhymes[sound_pair] = 0
                if sound_pair[1] == '':
                    potential_rhymes[sound_pair] += len(pronouncing.search(sound_pair[0] + "$"))
                    potential_rhymes[sound_pair] += len(pronouncing.search(sound_pair[0] + " " + sound_pair[1] + "$"))
            most_freq_pair = max(potential_rhymes.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
            rhymescheme = most_freq_pair[0] + ' ' + most_freq_pair[1]
            rhymescheme = end_word[-2:]
        return rhymescheme
Exemple #2
def search_match_by_regex():
    phones_sigh = pronouncing.phones_for_word("jest")[0]
    print phones_sigh
    print pronouncing.search(phones_sigh)[:5]
    #finds all of the words that end in -iddle
    phone_iddle = pronouncing.search("IH1 D AH0 L$")
    print phone_iddle
 def test_search(self):
     matches = pronouncing.search('^S K L')
                      ['sclafani', 'scleroderma', 'sclerosis', 'sklar',
     matches = pronouncing.search('IH. \w* IH. \w* IH. \w* IH.')
                      ['definitive', 'definitively', 'diminishes',
                          'diminishing', 'elicited', 'miscibility',
                          'primitivistic', 'privileges'])
 def test_search(self):
     matches = pronouncing.search('^S K L')
         ['sclafani', 'scleroderma', 'sclerosis', 'sklar', 'sklenar'])
     matches = pronouncing.search('IH. \w* IH. \w* IH. \w* IH.')
     self.assertEqual(matches, [
         'definitive', 'definitively', 'diminishes', 'diminishing',
         'elicited', 'miscibility', 'primitivistic', 'privileges'
Exemple #5
    def plus_one_matcher(self):
        PlusOneMatcher(letters: list of Letter)

        Finds matches for the exact phone plus one letter in the beginning
        or in the end
        matches = []
        matches += pronouncing.search('^(\\S+ )%s$' % self.word.phone)
        matches += pronouncing.search('^%s( \\S+)$' % self.word.phone)
        return self._filter_matches(matches) if matches else None
Exemple #6
def random_match_phones(word, phones=None):
    """Returns words that match a random combination of phonemes

    This is like a random general rhyme, however instead of just the
    last syllable portion, it's the entire word.

    :param word: word that should be in the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
    :param phones: specific phonemes to rhyme with (default None)
    :return: a word that shares a random combinations of phonemes
    if phones is None:
        phones = first_phones_for_word(word)
        if phones == "":
            return []
        if phones not in pronouncing.phones_for_word(word):
            raise ValueError("phonemes and word don't match")
    if not phones:
        raise ValueError("phonemes string is empty")
    search_list = wildcard_mix_phones_regex_searches(phones)
    while search_list:
        search = random.choice(search_list)
        rhymes = pronouncing.search(search)
        if rhymes:
            rhymes = unique(rhymes)
            if word in rhymes:
            return rhymes
        "random general match phones: tried all combos, didn't find anything!")
    return []
Exemple #7
    def render(self):
        if self.cf['hose']:
            self.hose = re.compile(self.cf['hose'])
            self.hose = None
        participles = self.syllfilt(pronouncing.search("IH0 NG$"), 2)
        nouns = self.syllfilt(pronouncing.rhymes('now'), 1)

        rhymes = []
        p1 = None
        p3 = None
        while not rhymes:
            ps = random.sample(participles, 2)
            rhymes = self.syllfilt(pronouncing.rhymes(ps[0]), 2)

        p1 = ps[0]
        p2 = random.choice(rhymes)
        p3 = ps[1]

        noun = random.choice(nouns)

        if noun[0] in 'aeoiu':
            noun = ' an ' + noun
            noun = ' a ' + noun

        text = "You can get it " + p1 + "\n"
        text += "You can get it " + p2 + "\n"
        text += "You can get it " + p3 + noun + "\n"
        text += "Matter of fact I've got it now"

        return text
Exemple #8
def random_general_rhyme(word, phones=None, search_option="end"):
    """ Return a list of rhymes where a random combination of phonemes match
    The conditions for a general rhyme between words are:
    (1) Any possible phonetic similarity between the final stressed vowel and
        subsequent phonemes.
    If phones argument not given, phones/pronunciation used will default to the
    first in the list of phones returned for word. If no rhyme is found, an
    empty list is returned.

    :param word: a word
    :param phones: specific CMUdict phonemes string for word (default None)
    :param search_option option for regex search. (default "end")
    :return: a list of rhymes for word, where specific rhyme is random
    if phones is None:
        phones = first_phones_for_word(word)
        if phones == "":
            return []
        if phones not in pronouncing.phones_for_word(word):
            raise ValueError(phones + " not phones for +" + word)
    if not phones:
        raise ValueError("phonemes string is empty")
    rp = pronouncing.rhyming_part(phones)
    search_combos = wildcard_mix_phones_regex_searches(rp)
    while search_combos:
        search = random.choice(search_combos)
        if search_option == "end":
            rhymes = pronouncing.search(search + "$")
        elif search_option == "begin":
            rhymes = pronouncing.search("^" + search)
        elif search_option == "whole":
            rhymes = pronouncing.search("^" + search + "$")
            raise ValueError(
                "search_option should be 'end', 'begin', or 'whole'")
        if rhymes:
            rhymes = unique(rhymes)
            if word in rhymes:
            return rhymes
    print("random general rhyme: tried all combos, didn't find anything!")
    return []
Exemple #9
def get_rhymes(word):
    pronunciations = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word)
    rhymes = set()
    for pronunciation in pronunciations:
        rhyming_part = pronouncing.rhyming_part(pronunciation)
        curr_rhymes = pronouncing.search(rhyming_part + "$")
    return rhymes
Exemple #10
def get_alliterations(word, phone_count=2):
    pronunciations = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word)
    alliterations = set()
    for pronunciation in pronunciations:
        first_phones = pronunciation.split()[:phone_count]
        curr_alliterations = pronouncing.search('^' + ' '.join(first_phones))
    return alliterations
Exemple #11
    def exact_matcher(self):
        ExactMatcher(letters: list of Letter): 0

        Finds only exact matches for the phone of the word
        matches = pronouncing.search('^%s$' % self.word.phone)
        return self._filter_matches(matches) if matches else None
 def test_search(self):
     matches = pronouncing.search("^S K L")
     self.assertEqual(matches, ["sclafani", "scleroderma", "sclerosis", "sklar", "sklenar"])
     matches = pronouncing.search("IH. \w* IH. \w* IH. \w* IH.")
Exemple #13
def replace_rand():
    # re-writes a text by taking each word and replacing it with a random word that begin with the same first two phone
    out = list()
    for word in text.split():
        phones = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word)[0]
        first2 = phones.split()[:2]
        out.append(random.choice(pronouncing.search("^" + " ".join(first2))))

        print ' '.join(out)
def get_slant_rhymes(phones):
    Given phones, return all slant and internal rhymes.

    Slant rhymes do not require matching consonants before the final position. For example, guitar and cigar.
    Internal rhymes do not require the matching syllables to be final. For example, guitar and departure.
    tail = _get_rhyming_tail(phones)
    search = ' '.join(_slant_rhyme_consonants(tail))
    return pronouncing.search(search)
Exemple #15
def get_rhyme(word):
    phones = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word)
    phone_parts = pronouncing.rhyming_part(phones[0])
    rhymes = pronouncing.search(phone_parts + "$")

    # ensures rhyming word is not the same as given word
    rhyme = word.lower()
    while rhyme == word.lower():
        rhyme = random.choice(rhymes)

    return rhyme
Exemple #16
def word_search(syllable_list):

    regex = '^\D*' + '\D*'.join(syllable_list) + '\D*$'

    pat_len = len(syllable_list)

    results = []
    while(not results):
        #print regex
        #print "IT'S %d SYLLABLES LONG." % pat_len
        results = pronouncing.search(regex)
        pat_len -= 1
        regex = '^\D*' + '\D*'.join(syllable_list[:pat_len]) + '\D*$'
    return results, pat_len + 1
Exemple #17
def steal_voices():
    words_ending_with_sounds = pr.search("S IH0 [ZS]$")
    words_with_stresses = pr.search_stresses("[12][12]0")
    words_with_sounds_and_stresses = set(

    # Find words with correct syllable count
    three_syllable_words = []
    for word in words_with_sounds_and_stresses:
        word_phones = pr.phones_for_word(word)
        syllable_count = pr.syllable_count(word_phones[0])
        if syllable_count == 3:

    return three_syllable_words
Exemple #18
def get_fortune(word, fortunes, actions):
    phones = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word)
    phone_parts = pronouncing.rhyming_part(phones[0])
    rhymes = pronouncing.search(phone_parts + "$")

    for fortune in fortunes:
        last_word = fortune.split(" ")[-1]
        if last_word in rhymes:
            return fortune, "fortune"

    for action in actions:
        last_word = action.split(" ")[-1]
        if last_word in rhymes:
            return action, "action"

    return "Sorry!", "error"
Exemple #19
def consonance_slant_rhyme(word, phones=None):
    """ Returns slant rhymes defined by consonance i.e. matching consonants.

    The conditions for a consonance slant rhyme between words are:
    (1) The last stressed vowel and subsequent phonemes match all consonants.
    If phones argument not given, phones/pronunciation used will default to the 
    first in the list of phones returned for word. If no rhyme is found, an
    empty list is returned.

    Slant rhymes seems to have various different meanings. I went ahead and set
    the condition of having to have ALL the same vowels and different
    consonants or vice versa.

    :param word: a word
    :param phones: specific CMUdict phonemes string for word (default None)
    :return: a list consonance slant rhymes for word
    if phones is None:
        phones = first_phones_for_word(word)
        if phones == "":
            return []
        if phones not in pronouncing.phones_for_word(word):
            raise ValueError(phones + " not phones for +" + word)
    if not phones:
        raise ValueError("phonemes string is empty")
    phones_list = phones.split()
    search_list = []
    for i in range(len(phones_list) - 1, -1, -1):
        phone = phones_list[i]
        if check_if_stressed_vowel(phone):
            if all_the_same(search_list, '.{1,3}') is True:
            search = ' '.join(search_list)
            rhymes = pronouncing.search(search + "$")
            rhymes = unique(rhymes)
            if word in rhymes:
            return rhymes
        elif check_if_non_stressed_vowel(phone):
        elif check_if_consonant(phone):
    return []
Exemple #20
def _similiar_pronounciation(word: str) -> List[str]:
    """Find possible mates using pronunciation search."""
    mates: List[str] = []
    first_phones = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word)[0]
    phones = first_phones.split(" ")
    i = 0
    while not mates and i < len(phones):
        # TODO: Generalize consonant sounds
        search_pattern = f"^{' '.join(phones[i:])}"
        matches = pronouncing.search(search_pattern)
        distinct_matches = [match for match in matches if match.find(word) < 0]

        if len(distinct_matches) > 0:
            mates = distinct_matches
            i += 1

    return mates
Exemple #21
def consonance(word, phones=None, search_direction=None, match_limit=None):
    """Returns words that have consonance

    :param word: word that should be in the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
    :param phones: specific phonemes to rhyme with (default None)
    :param match_limit: limit number of words to return
    :return: a word that has repition of consonance sounds to input word
    if phones is None:
        phones = first_phones_for_word(word)
        if phones == "":
            return []
        if phones not in pronouncing.phones_for_word(word):
            raise ValueError("phonemes and word don't match")
    if not phones:
        raise ValueError("phonemes string is empty")
    phones_list = phones.split()
    if search_direction == "backward":
    search_list = []
    match_cnt = 0
    for phone in phones_list:
        if check_if_vowel(phone):
        elif check_if_consonant(phone):
            match_cnt += 1
            if (match_limit is not None) and (match_cnt == match_limit):
    if search_direction == "backward":
        search = ' '.join(search_list.reverse()) + "$"
    elif search_direction == "forward":
        search = "^" + ' '.join(search_list)
        search = ' '.join(search_list)

    rhymes = pronouncing.search(search)
    rhymes = unique(rhymes)
    if word in rhymes:
    return rhymes
Exemple #22
def find_words():
    # Find words with mattching stress patterns
    beluga_phones = pr.phones_for_word("beluga")
    last_beluga_phone = pr.phones_for_word("beluga")[0].split(" ")[-1]
    beluga_stresses = pr.stresses(beluga_phones[0])
    words_with_stress_pattern = pr.search_stresses(beluga_stresses)

    # Find words with matching end phone
    words_ending_with_ah = pr.search(last_beluga_phone + "$")

    # Find words with correct syllable count
    words_with_stress_and_ending = list(
    three_syllable_words = []
    for word in words_with_stress_and_ending:
        word_phones = pr.phones_for_word(word)
        syllable_count = pr.syllable_count(word_phones[0])
        if syllable_count == 3:

    return three_syllable_words
Exemple #23
def near_rhyme(word, phones=None, stress=True, consonant_tail=0):
    """ Returns a list of words that almost rhyme

    The conditions for a near rhyme between words are:
    (1) At least one of the phonemes after and including the last stressed
        syllable match, except for the case where they all do.
    If phones argument not given, phones/pronunciation used will default to the
    first in the list of phones returned for word. If no rhyme is found, an
    empty list is returned.

    :param word: a word
    :param phones: specific CMUdict phonemes string for word (default None)
    :param stress: if vowels will match stress (default True)
    :param consannt_tail: number of
    :return: a list of near rhymes for word
    if phones is None:
        phones = first_phones_for_word(word)
        if phones == "":
            return []
        if phones not in pronouncing.phones_for_word(word):
            raise ValueError(phones + " not phones for" + word)
    if not phones:
        raise ValueError("phonemes string is empty")

    rp = pronouncing.rhyming_part(phones)
    search_combos = wildcard_mix_phones_regex_searches(rp, stress)
    rhymes = []
    for search in search_combos:
        rhymes += pronouncing.search(search + "( .{1,3}){0," +
                                     str(consonant_tail) + "}$")
    if rhymes:
        rhymes = unique(rhymes)
        if word in rhymes:
        return rhymes
    print("random general rhyme: tried all combos, didn't find anything!")
    return []
def main(args):
    Word = namedtuple("Word", "prefix word")

    WORDS = [
        Word("na", "national"),
        Word("no", "novel"),
        Word("gen", "generation"),
        Word("mo", "month"),

    word_store = defaultdict()
    for word in WORDS:
        phones = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word.word)
        part = initial_rhyming_part(phones[0])
        words = pronouncing.search(f"^{part}")
        # Keep those that start with the prefix
        # eg. ditch "gnatcatcher" for national's "na"
        # Also don't include "national", "novel", "generation", "month" or "nazism"
        words = {
            for w in words
            if w.startswith(word.prefix) and not w.startswith(word.word)
        word_store[word.word] = list(words - {"nazism"})
        # print(len(words))

    # Generate something
    total = 0
    while total < args.words:
        things = [
            random.choice(word_store[word.word]).capitalize() for word in WORDS
        total += len(things)
        # print(" ".join(things))
        # ASCII code 11 (0x0B), soft newline in Word, good for Justify Text
        # print(" ".join(things), end="\x0b")
    print(f"{total} words")
Exemple #25
def sim_word_for_phones(phones, word_list=[], sim_perc=0.25):
    """Finds a word that has shared phonemes to input phonemes

	:param phones: CMU Pronouncing Dictionary phonemes string
	:param word_list: list of words to limit search to
	:sim_perc: threshold for similarity between phones and words in words_list
	:return: word that has number of phonemes the same as phones
    search_combos = wildcard_mix_phones_regex_searches(phones)
    for sch in search_combos:
        sch_list = sch.split(" ")
        if sch_list.count(".{1,3}") < (1 - sim_perc) * len(sch_list):
            matches = pronouncing.search("^" + sch + "$")
            if matches:
                matches = unique(matches)
                for m in matches:
                    if word_list:
                        if m in word_list:
                            return (m)
                        return (m)
    return None
Exemple #26
			verse += word + " "
		verse += "\n"
	verse += "\n"
verse = verse.rstrip()
print("~*~ ~*~ ~*~ verse ~*~ ~*~ ~*~")
print("~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~")
print("\nokay, now make it rhyme a bit?\n")
print("                         SURE.\n")
introduction = ""
chorus = []
bridge = ""
end = ""
# random_verse()
cmu_word_list = pronouncing.search(".")
list_intersect = list(set(cmu_word_list).intersection(google_word_list))
verse_schemes = []
subscheme_num = int(max(1, random.gauss(3, 1)))
for sn in range(0, subscheme_num):
	scheme = rand_rhyme_scheme()
	scheme_traits = define_scheme_traits(list_intersect)
	line_num = len(scheme)
	repeat_num = random.choice([1, 3])
	for rn in range(0, repeat_num):
		scheme_lines = []
		for ln in range(0, line_num):
			letter = scheme[ln]
			sylb_num = scheme_traits[letter]['syl']
			rhyme_word = scheme_traits[letter]['rhym']
			timeout_cnt = 0
def get_internal_rhymes(phones):
    Given phones, search for internal, multisyllabic rhymes.
    rhyming_tail = " ".join(_get_rhyming_tail(phones))
    return pronouncing.search(rhyming_tail)
def get_perfect_rhymes(phones):
    Given phones, search for perfect, multisyllabic rhymes with no syllables afterwards.
    rhyming_tail = " ".join(_get_rhyming_tail(phones))
    return pronouncing.search(rhyming_tail + "$")
Exemple #29
import pronouncing, random

FIRSTWORD = 'alexander'
SECONDWORD = 'hamilton'

def nsyl(word):
    pronunciation_list = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word)
    return pronouncing.syllable_count(pronunciation_list[0])

firstnum = nsyl(FIRSTWORD)
secondnum = nsyl(SECONDWORD)
firstwords = []
secondwords = []
first_stresses = set(pronouncing.stresses_for_word(FIRSTWORD))
second_stresses = set(pronouncing.stresses_for_word(SECONDWORD))
for word in pronouncing.search('.*'):
    if "'" in word:
    cnt = nsyl(word)
    if cnt in (firstnum, secondnum):
        stresses = set(pronouncing.stresses_for_word(word))
        if cnt == firstnum and stresses & first_stresses:
        if cnt == secondnum and stresses & second_stresses:

for i in range(50):
    print random.choice(firstwords), random.choice(secondwords)
Exemple #30
import syllables as syl
import pronouncing
import random
import re

valid_words = pronouncing.lookup.keys()

# make lists of words that are 8 syllables or less, 7 syllables or less, 6 or less, etc down to 1
# store as variables so we don't have to run that regex over and over
n_syllables_or_less = {}
for i in range(1, 10):
    regex = "^[A-Z\s]*(([A-Z]{2}[0-9])[\sA-Z]*){,%d}$" % i
    n_syllables_or_less[i] = pronouncing.search(regex)

def valid_rhymes(word, num_syllables=8):
    word_rhymes = pronouncing.rhymes(word)
    word_valid_rhymes = filter(
        lambda (w): w in n_syllables_or_less[num_syllables], word_rhymes)
    return word_valid_rhymes

def choose_from_rhymes(rhymes):
    choice = random.choice(rhymes)
    return choice

def starting_words(num_rhymes=3, num_syllables=8):
Exemple #31
# First thing to be determined is the length of the triangle N, which equals to the length of the first line
# It has N lines, the last line contains only one word
# The first word of each line starts from a phone of AA1 R (referencing art)

import pronouncing as pr
from textblob import TextBlob
import sys
import random

## PART ONE >> Generate a pool for the first word of each line

#search for the pronouncing or the first two syllabus in the word art
#print ar gives us result as "AA1 R" which has 5 characters
ar = pr.phones_for_word('art')[0][:5]
ar_wordlist = list()
ar_wordlist = pr.search('^' + ar)
ar_short = list()
#select the word less then 9 characters into a new list ar_short
for word in ar_wordlist:
    if len(word) < 9:

#recombine the words in the list together to a string to feed into textblob
ar_short_text = " ".join(ar_short)
blob = TextBlob(ar_short_text)
tags = blob.tags

#create a list to hold the nouns within the list ar_short
ar_nouns = list()
for word, tag in blob.tags:
    if 'NN' in tag:
Exemple #32
def identical_rhyme(word, phones=None):
    """ Returns identical rhymes of word.

    The conditions for an identical rhyme between words are:
    (1) last stressed vowel and subsequent phonemes match
    (2) onset of last stressed syllable is the same
        e.g. 'leave' and 'leave', or 'leave' and 'believe'
    If phones argument not given, phones/pronunciation used will default to the 
    first in the list of phones returned for word. If no rhyme is found, an
    empty list is returned.

    The identical part of the word doesn't have to be a 'real' word.
    e.g. The phonemes for 'vection' will be used to find identical rhymes
    of 'convection' (e.g. advection) even though 'vection' is unusual/obscure.

    :param word: a word
    :param phones: specific CMUdict phonemes string for word (default None)
    :return: a list of identical rhymes for word
    if phones is None:
        phones = first_phones_for_word(word)
        if phones == "":
            return []
        if phones not in pronouncing.phones_for_word(word):
            raise ValueError(phones + " not phones for +" + word)
    if not phones:
        raise ValueError("phonemes string is empty")

    phones_list = phones.split()
    search_list = []
    for i in range(len(phones_list) - 1, -1, -1):
        phone = phones_list[i]
        if check_if_stressed_vowel(phone) is False:
            last_stressed_vowel_at_start = (i == 0)
            if last_stressed_vowel_at_start is True:
                search = ' '.join(search_list)
                rhymes = pronouncing.search(search + "$")
                return rhymes
                consonant_cnt = 0
                consonants = ""
                search_start = ""
                for j in range(i, 0, -1):
                    next_phone = phones_list[j - 1]
                    if check_if_consonant(next_phone) is True:
                        consonant_cnt += 1
                        if consonant_cnt > 1:
                            consonants = next_phone + " " + consonants
                            if check_if_consonant_cluster(consonants):
                            consonants = next_phone
                        if consonant_cnt == 0:  # null onset
                            # Regex: vowel (AA1, EH0, ect.) or start '^'
                            # pretty sure all vowel start two letters...
                            #   (would be "((.{1,2}(0|1|2) )|^)" otherwise)
                            search_start = "((..(0|1|2) )|^)"
                search = search_start + ' '.join(search_list) + "$"
                rhymes = pronouncing.search(search)
                rhymes = unique(rhymes)
                # for r in rhymes:
                #     print(pronouncing.phones_for_word(r)[0])
                return rhymes
Exemple #33
def simPro(word):
    phones = pronouncing.phones_for_word(word)[0]
    p = pronouncing.search(phones)[:5]