def extract_values_from_img(img,atlas,df,sid,itp,roi_key = None, scale = None,comp = 'mean'): print 'extracting values from %s'%(img) if not roi_key: for i in range(1,(scale+1)): print 'working on roi %s'%(i) cde = wr.codegen(6) os.system('fslmaths %s -thr %s -uthr %s %s_msk'%(atlas,i,i,cde)) os.system('fslmaths %s -mas %s_msk.nii.gz %s_valz'%(img,cde,cde)) if comp == 'count': val = subprocess.check_output('fslstats %s_valz.nii.gz -V'%(cde),shell = True) else: val = subprocess.check_output('fslstats %s_valz.nii.gz -M'%(cde),shell = True) os.system('rm %s_*'%(cde)) df.ix[sid, '%s_%s'%(itp,i)] = float(val) else: for i,roi in roi_key.iteritems(): print 'working on roi %s'%(roi) cde = wr.codegen(6) os.system('fslmaths %s -thr %s -uthr %s %s_msk'%(atlas,i,i,cde)) os.system('fslmaths %s -mas %s_msk.nii.gz %s_valz'%(img,cde,cde)) val = subprocess.check_output('fslstats %s_valz.nii.gz -M'%(cde),shell=True) os.system('rm %s_*'%(cde)) df.ix[sid, '%s_%s'%(itp,roi)] = float(val) return df
def import_atlas(wdir, atlas, mask=False): mtx = ni.load(atlas).get_data() cde = codegen(6) if mask: binar = False msk = ni.load(mask).get_data() x, y, z = msk.shape for i in range(y): if any(msk[:][i][i]) > 0: for j in msk[:][i][i]: if j != 0 and j != 1: binar = True if binar == True: oldpth = pthswp(wdir) os.system('fslmaths %s -bin %s_binmsk' % (mask, cde)) msk = ni.load('%s_binmsk.nii.gz' % (cde)).get_data() mtx =, msk.astype(bool)) return mtx
def spatial_correlation_searchlight_from_NIAK_GLMs(indir, cov_img, outdir, contrast, templ_str, scalestr='scale', norm=False, eff='t', poly=1, taskid='', save=False): ''' Given a directory containing a) NIAK glm.mat files at multiple scales, b) atlases at the same resolutions, and a covariate image, this function will do the following: 1) Convert covariate image to resolution of each atlas 2) Perform spatial correlations between a) average connectivity matrix seed from every region at every scale, b) the covariance image 3) Output a dictionary summarizing the results, where key = resolution and value = a dataframe containing statistics for each test indir = path to directory containing NIAK glm.mat files and atlases. cov_img = path to covariate image outdir = path to desired output directory contrast = label of the desired contrast to extract average connectivity values from glm.mat file templ_str = search string to locate atlases scalestr = the string preceding the number indicating atlas resolution in the glm and atlas pahts norm = If set to a path, will normalize cov_img to target image that path points to. Uses flirt with nearest neighbour interpolation. If False, no normalization will occur eff = if set to 'r', will take values within the 'eff' structure of the glm.mat file. If set to 't' will take values within the 'ttest' structure of the glm.mat file poly = If int > 1, results will include test statistics modeled with a n-order polynomial, where n = poly taskid = used to keep track of id in the case of multiple bootstrap samples save = If set to a string, will write results from each resolution to a spreadsheet with a file name indicated by string input Outputs a dict where the key is scale and the value is a dataframe containing results at that scale ''' save = check_bool(save) if save: if '_' in save: print('WARNING: no _ aloud in save. Removing...') nsave = '' jnk = save.rsplit('_') for i in range(len(jnk)): nsave = nsave + jnk[i] save = nsave cde = wr.codegen(6) if norm: print 'normalizing tmap to fmri space' os.system( 'flirt -interp nearestneighbour -in %s -ref %s -out %s/%s_rtmap' % (cov_img, norm, outdir, cde)) cov_img = os.path.join(outdir, '%s_rtmap.nii.gz' % (cde)) glmz = glob(os.path.join(indir, 'glm*.mat')) dfz = {} for glm in glmz: ####################the 2 lines below suck###################### scale = int( os.path.split(glm)[1].rsplit('_%s' % (scalestr))[1].rsplit('.')[0]) scale_templ = glob(os.path.join(indir, '%s*%s.*' % (templ_str, scale)))[0] df, rdf, scalar = wr.get_parcelwise_correlation_map_from_glm_file( outdir, glm, scale_templ, scale, contrast, eff=eff, cov_msk='', cov_img=cov_img, conndf='', poly=poly) dfz.update({scale: rdf}) if save: rdf.to_csv( os.path.join(outdir, '%s_scl%s_res%s.csv' % (save, scale, taskid))) resdf = pandas.DataFrame( columns=['scale', 'parcel', 'measure', 'value', 'pvalue']) os.system('rm %s' % (os.path.join(outdir, '%s_*' % (cde)))) return dfz
def voxelwise_analysis(scans, pv_vals, outfl, outdir, out_tp='r', nonpar=False, taskid='', parallel=False, parin='', indata=False, intermed=False): """Given a list of 3D volumes and a corresponding list of values for a predictor variable, run voxelwise correlations. scans = a list of paths corresponding to 3D nifti volumes pv_vals = a list of values corresponding to subject values, in the same order as scans outfl = string to be used to identifiy the outfile map (NOTE, taskid will be automatically appended to this string) outdir = the path to the directory where the outfiles will be written to out_tp = the type of map to be generated. 'r' will generate a voxelwise rmap, whereas 't' will generate a voxelwise tmap nonpar = Set to True to set voxelwise analysis from pearson to spearman indata = In case 4D data is already available in an existing variable, data can be specified here. Or, if an int file exists, simply add the path here. taskid = used to keep track of id in the case of multiple bootstap samples parallel = if true, script will copy scans into working directory to allow for multiple concurrent processes. Will also make script compatible for command line based parallelization. parin = input path for parallelization intermed = if true, script will not delete the 4D volume used to run the voxelwise analysis Outputs a path pointing to the newly created tmap WARNING: As of now, this script is extremely computationally intensive for a local machine. Running a subsample of 135 subjects required 5 GB memory, used 100% of my CPU at times, and took well over 10 minutes... NOTE: As of now, script does not regress out confounding variables or mask analysis """ nonpar = check_bool(nonpar) parallel = check_bool(parallel) indata = check_bool(indata) intermed = check_bool(intermed) cde = wr.codegen(6) if parallel: scans, pv_vals = parallel_in('va', outdir, parin, cde) if indata: if type(indata) != str: data = indata else: #if not parallel: print 'loading data...' data = ni.load(indata).get_data() else: if intermed: intfl = 'intfile%s' % (taskid) else: intfl = '%s_intfile' % (cde) # create 4D volume cmd = 'fslmerge -t %s' % (os.path.join(outdir, intfl)) for scn in scans: cmd = cmd + ' %s' % (scn) #if not parallel: print 'creating input 4D volume...' os.system(cmd) #if not parallel: print 'loading data' data = ni.load(os.path.join(outdir, '%s.nii.gz' % (intfl))).get_data() # run voxelwise analysis #if not parallel: print 'beginning analysis...' x, y, z, t_dim = data.shape results = np.zeros((x, y, z)) aff = ni.load(scans[0]).get_affine() for xind in range(x): for yind in range(y): for zind in range(z): if all(data[xind][yind][zind][:]) == 0: continue else: dv_vals = data[xind][yind][zind][:] if nonpar: r, p = st.spearmanr(dv_vals, pv_vals) else: r, p = st.pearsonr(dv_vals, pv_vals) if out_tp == 't': r = convert_r2t(r, t_dim) results[xind, yind, zind] = r #if not parallel: print 'finished %s/%s job clusters' % (xind, x) # write image outstr = '%s%s' % (os.path.join(outdir, outfl), taskid) #if not parallel: print 'writing image to %s' % (outstr) nimg = ni.Nifti1Image(results, aff), outstr) outstr = outstr + '.nii' # clean up data = None os.system('rm %s' % (os.path.join(outdir, '%s_*' % (cde)))) return outstr
def define_bootstrap_sample(ss, subcol, subpth, pv, outpth, sample_perc=0.5, num_gps=3, par=False, rand=False, taskid=''): """takes an existing sample of subjects from a spreadsheet and creates a subsample, balanced by a variable. Outputs a subsamble membership txt file and a list of paths corresponding to subsample member scans) ss = a spreadsheet containing at least a list of subjects and values for a predictor variable subcol = string corresponding to the label of the column containing values for the subject IDs. Note these IDs should be consistent with existing file names in subpth. If index, set to 'index' subpth = a path pointing to the directory containing subject scans outpth = desired output directory pv = string corresponding to the label of the column containing values for the predictor variable sample_perc = the percent of the total sample to be used in each subsample. Default is 0.5 for 50%. Must be float >0 and <=1 num_gps = the number of groups used to balance subsample on predictor variable. Defualt is 3. Value must be int par = if True, makes compatible for command line based parallelization task_id = used to keep track of id in the case of multiple bootstrap samples rand = Determine how psuedorandom generator is seeded for the randomization of the sample. Leave as False to use random.shuffle with a random seed, which will create unreproducible samples and is not recommended for parallelization. Set as an int to use int as seed for mrg322ka PRNG (recommended for parallelization or reproducible results) Outputs a list of paths and a vector containing the values for the predictor variable ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** Script has the following assumptions: 1) scans in subpth directory have ids from subcol in them, but the filename of the scan does not /start/ with the id. 2) There are no more than 1 scan per ID within subpth directory """ # prep spreadsheet par = check_bool(par) rand = check_bool(rand) # PUTTING THIS IN FOR NOW TILL GUILLIMIN STOPS BEING A SHIT if rand: rand = False if type(num_gps) != int: raise IOError('numgps must be an integer') if sample_perc > 1 or sample_perc <= 0: raise IOError('sample_perc must be a float between 0 and 1') if ss[-3:] == 'xls' or ss[-4:] == 'xlsx': subdf = pandas.ExcelFile(ss).parse('Sheet1') elif ss[-3:] == 'csv': subdf = pandas.read_csv(ss) else: raise IOError( 'input spreadsheet filetype not recognized. Please use .xls, .xlsx or .csv' ) if subcol != 'index': if subcol in subdf.columns.tolist(): subdf.index = subdf[:][subcol].tolist() else: raise IOError('there is no column in the spreadsheet called %s' % (subcol)) for sub in subdf.index.tolist(): if len(glob(os.path.join(subpth, '*%s*' % (sub)))) < 1: print 'no scan was found for subject %s. Removing from analysis.' % ( sub) #this was not compatible with guillimin's version of pandas #subdf.drop(sub,axis = 0, inplace=True) subdf = subdf.drop(sub, axis=0) if pv not in subdf.columns.tolist(): raise IOError('there is no column in the spreadsheet called $s' % (pv)) else: subdf = subdf.sort(pv) allsubs = subdf.index.tolist() # extract subsample subsamp_n = len(allsubs) / num_gps subsamp_dict = {} for i in range(1, (num_gps + 1)): if i == 1: subsamp_dict.update({i: allsubs[:subsamp_n]}) else: subsamp_dict.update( {i: allsubs[(subsamp_n * (i - 1)):(subsamp_n * (i))]}) subsamp = [] n_per_gp = int(subsamp_n * sample_perc) for j, dictees in enumerate(subsamp_dict.iteritems()): gp = dictees[0] lst = dictees[1] if not rand: random.shuffle(lst) else: if not taskid: lst = randomize_4_montecarlo(rand, random.randint(1, 1000000), ((j + 1) * 10000), lst) else: lst = randomize_4_montecarlo(rand, taskid, ((j + 1) * 10000), lst) for i in range(n_per_gp): subsamp.append(lst[i]) # collect outputs scans = [] for sub in subsamp: scn = glob(os.path.join(subpth, '*%s*' % (sub)))[0] scans.append(scn) pv_vals = [] for sub in subsamp: pv_vals.append(subdf.ix[sub, pv]) # make membership record ndf = pandas.DataFrame(index=subsamp) if len(taskid) > 0: ndf.to_csv(os.path.join(outpth, '%s_subsample_membership' % (taskid))) else: cde = wr.codegen(6) ndf.to_csv(os.path.join(outpth, '%s_subsample_membership' % (cde))) if par: flpth = parallel_out('dbc', outpth, scans, pv_vals, taskid) return scans, pv_vals, flpth else: return scans, pv_vals
def spatial_correlation_searchlight_from_NIAK_GLMs(indir,cov_img,outdir,contrast,templ_str,scalestr='scale',norm=False,eff='t',poly=1,taskid='',save=False): ''' Given a directory containing a) NIAK glm.mat files at multiple scales, b) atlases at the same resolutions, and a covariate image, this function will do the following: 1) Convert covariate image to resolution of each atlas 2) Perform spatial correlations between a) average connectivity matrix seed from every region at every scale, b) the covariance image 3) Output a dictionary summarizing the results, where key = resolution and value = a dataframe containing statistics for each test indir = path to directory containing NIAK glm.mat files and atlases. cov_img = path to covariate image outdir = path to desired output directory contrast = label of the desired contrast to extract average connectivity values from glm.mat file templ_str = search string to locate atlases scalestr = the string preceding the number indicating atlas resolution in the glm and atlas pahts norm = If set to a path, will normalize cov_img to target image that path points to. Uses flirt with nearest neighbour interpolation. If False, no normalization will occur eff = if set to 'r', will take values within the 'eff' structure of the glm.mat file. If set to 't' will take values within the 'ttest' structure of the glm.mat file poly = If int > 1, results will include test statistics modeled with a n-order polynomial, where n = poly taskid = used to keep track of id in the case of multiple bootstrap samples save = If set to a string, will write results from each resolution to a spreadsheet with a file name indicated by string input Outputs a dict where the key is scale and the value is a dataframe containing results at that scale ''' save=check_bool(save) if save: if '_' in save: print('WARNING: no _ aloud in save. Removing...') nsave='' jnk=save.rsplit('_') for i in range(len(jnk)): nsave=nsave+jnk[i] save = nsave cde = wr.codegen(6) if norm: print 'normalizing tmap to fmri space' os.system('flirt -interp nearestneighbour -in %s -ref %s -out %s/%s_rtmap'%(cov_img,norm,outdir,cde)) cov_img = os.path.join(outdir,'%s_rtmap.nii.gz'%(cde)) glmz = glob(os.path.join(indir,'glm*.mat')) dfz = {} for glm in glmz: ####################the 2 lines below suck###################### scale = int(os.path.split(glm)[1].rsplit('_%s'%(scalestr))[1].rsplit('.')[0]) scale_templ = glob(os.path.join(indir,'%s*%s.*'%(templ_str,scale)))[0] df, rdf, scalar = wr.get_parcelwise_correlation_map_from_glm_file(outdir,glm,scale_templ,scale,contrast,eff=eff,cov_msk='',cov_img=cov_img,conndf = '',poly=poly) dfz.update({scale: rdf}) if save: rdf.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir,'%s_scl%s_res%s.csv'%(save,scale,taskid))) resdf = pandas.DataFrame(columns =['scale','parcel','measure','value','pvalue']) os.system('rm %s'%(os.path.join(outdir,'%s_*'%(cde)))) return dfz
def voxelwise_analysis(scans,pv_vals,outfl,outdir,out_tp='r',nonpar=False,taskid='',parallel=False,parin='',indata=False,intermed=False): """Given a list of 3D volumes and a corresponding list of values for a predictor variable, run voxelwise correlations. scans = a list of paths corresponding to 3D nifti volumes pv_vals = a list of values corresponding to subject values, in the same order as scans outfl = string to be used to identifiy the outfile map (NOTE, taskid will be automatically appended to this string) outdir = the path to the directory where the outfiles will be written to out_tp = the type of map to be generated. 'r' will generate a voxelwise rmap, whereas 't' will generate a voxelwise tmap nonpar = Set to True to set voxelwise analysis from pearson to spearman indata = In case 4D data is already available in an existing variable, data can be specified here. Or, if an int file exists, simply add the path here. taskid = used to keep track of id in the case of multiple bootstap samples parallel = if true, script will copy scans into working directory to allow for multiple concurrent processes. Will also make script compatible for command line based parallelization. parin = input path for parallelization intermed = if true, script will not delete the 4D volume used to run the voxelwise analysis Outputs a path pointing to the newly created tmap WARNING: As of now, this script is extremely computationally intensive for a local machine. Running a subsample of 135 subjects required 5 GB memory, used 100% of my CPU at times, and took well over 10 minutes... NOTE: As of now, script does not regress out confounding variables or mask analysis """ nonpar = check_bool(nonpar) parallel = check_bool(parallel) indata = check_bool(indata) intermed = check_bool(intermed) cde = wr.codegen(6) if parallel: scans,pv_vals = parallel_in('va',outdir,parin,cde) if indata: if type(indata) != str: data = indata else: #if not parallel: print 'loading data...' data=ni.load(indata).get_data() else: if intermed: intfl = 'intfile%s'%(taskid) else: intfl = '%s_intfile'%(cde) # create 4D volume cmd = 'fslmerge -t %s'%(os.path.join(outdir,intfl)) for scn in scans: cmd = cmd+' %s'%(scn) #if not parallel: print 'creating input 4D volume...' os.system(cmd) #if not parallel: print 'loading data' data = ni.load(os.path.join(outdir,'%s.nii.gz'%(intfl))).get_data() # run voxelwise analysis #if not parallel: print 'beginning analysis...' x,y,z,t_dim = data.shape results = np.zeros((x,y,z)) aff = ni.load(scans[0]).get_affine() for xind in range(x): for yind in range(y): for zind in range(z): if all(data[xind][yind][zind][:]) == 0: continue else: dv_vals = data[xind][yind][zind][:] if nonpar: r,p = st.spearmanr(dv_vals,pv_vals) else: r,p = st.pearsonr(dv_vals,pv_vals) if out_tp == 't': r = convert_r2t(r,t_dim) results[xind,yind,zind] = r #if not parallel: print 'finished %s/%s job clusters'%(xind,x) # write image outstr = '%s%s'%(os.path.join(outdir,outfl),taskid) #if not parallel: print 'writing image to %s'%(outstr) nimg = ni.Nifti1Image(results,aff),outstr) outstr = outstr+'.nii' # clean up data = None os.system('rm %s'%(os.path.join(outdir,'%s_*'%(cde)))) return outstr
def define_bootstrap_sample(ss,subcol,subpth,pv,outpth,sample_perc=0.5,num_gps=3,par=False,rand=False,taskid = ''): """takes an existing sample of subjects from a spreadsheet and creates a subsample, balanced by a variable. Outputs a subsamble membership txt file and a list of paths corresponding to subsample member scans) ss = a spreadsheet containing at least a list of subjects and values for a predictor variable subcol = string corresponding to the label of the column containing values for the subject IDs. Note these IDs should be consistent with existing file names in subpth. If index, set to 'index' subpth = a path pointing to the directory containing subject scans outpth = desired output directory pv = string corresponding to the label of the column containing values for the predictor variable sample_perc = the percent of the total sample to be used in each subsample. Default is 0.5 for 50%. Must be float >0 and <=1 num_gps = the number of groups used to balance subsample on predictor variable. Defualt is 3. Value must be int par = if True, makes compatible for command line based parallelization task_id = used to keep track of id in the case of multiple bootstrap samples rand = Determine how psuedorandom generator is seeded for the randomization of the sample. Leave as False to use random.shuffle with a random seed, which will create unreproducible samples and is not recommended for parallelization. Set as an int to use int as seed for mrg322ka PRNG (recommended for parallelization or reproducible results) Outputs a list of paths and a vector containing the values for the predictor variable ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** Script has the following assumptions: 1) scans in subpth directory have ids from subcol in them, but the filename of the scan does not /start/ with the id. 2) There are no more than 1 scan per ID within subpth directory """ # prep spreadsheet par = check_bool(par) rand = check_bool(rand) # PUTTING THIS IN FOR NOW TILL GUILLIMIN STOPS BEING A SHIT if rand: rand = False if type(num_gps) != int: raise IOError('numgps must be an integer') if sample_perc > 1 or sample_perc <=0: raise IOError('sample_perc must be a float between 0 and 1') if ss[-3:] == 'xls' or ss[-4:] == 'xlsx': subdf = pandas.ExcelFile(ss).parse('Sheet1') elif ss[-3:] == 'csv': subdf = pandas.read_csv(ss) else: raise IOError('input spreadsheet filetype not recognized. Please use .xls, .xlsx or .csv') if subcol != 'index': if subcol in subdf.columns.tolist(): subdf.index = subdf[:][subcol].tolist() else: raise IOError('there is no column in the spreadsheet called %s'%(subcol)) for sub in subdf.index.tolist(): if len(glob(os.path.join(subpth,'*%s*'%(sub)))) < 1: print 'no scan was found for subject %s. Removing from analysis.'%(sub) #this was not compatible with guillimin's version of pandas #subdf.drop(sub,axis = 0, inplace=True) subdf=subdf.drop(sub,axis=0) if pv not in subdf.columns.tolist(): raise IOError('there is no column in the spreadsheet called $s'%(pv)) else: subdf = subdf.sort(pv) allsubs = subdf.index.tolist() # extract subsample subsamp_n = len(allsubs) / num_gps subsamp_dict = {} for i in range(1,(num_gps+1)): if i == 1: subsamp_dict.update({i: allsubs[:subsamp_n]}) else: subsamp_dict.update({i: allsubs[(subsamp_n * (i-1)):(subsamp_n * (i))]}) subsamp = [] n_per_gp = int(subsamp_n * sample_perc) for j,dictees in enumerate(subsamp_dict.iteritems()): gp = dictees[0] lst = dictees[1] if not rand: random.shuffle(lst) else: if not taskid: lst = randomize_4_montecarlo(rand,random.randint(1,1000000),((j+1)*10000),lst) else: lst = randomize_4_montecarlo(rand,taskid,((j+1)*10000),lst) for i in range(n_per_gp): subsamp.append(lst[i]) # collect outputs scans = [] for sub in subsamp: scn = glob(os.path.join(subpth,'*%s*'%(sub)))[0] scans.append(scn) pv_vals = [] for sub in subsamp: pv_vals.append(subdf.ix[sub,pv]) # make membership record ndf = pandas.DataFrame(index=subsamp) if len(taskid) > 0: ndf.to_csv(os.path.join(outpth,'%s_subsample_membership'%(taskid))) else: cde = wr.codegen(6) ndf.to_csv(os.path.join(outpth,'%s_subsample_membership'%(cde))) if par: flpth = parallel_out('dbc',outpth,scans,pv_vals,taskid) return scans,pv_vals,flpth else: return scans, pv_vals