Exemple #1
def make_sales_invoice(doc,for_self_consumption=None):
    is_grouped = frappe.db.get_value("Property Management Settings", None, "group_maintenance_job_items")
    if not is_grouped:
        is_grouped =0
    is_grouped =int(is_grouped)
    company = doc.company
    if not company:
        company = frappe.db.get_single_value('Global Defaults', 'default_company')
    cost_center = frappe.db.get_value("Property", doc.property_name, "cost_center")
    submit_maintenance_invoice = frappe.db.get_value("Property Management Settings", None, "submit_maintenance_invoice")
    self_consumption_customer = frappe.db.get_value("Property Management Settings", None, "self_consumption_customer")
    if not submit_maintenance_invoice:
        submit_maintenance_invoice =0
    submit_maintenance_invoice =int(submit_maintenance_invoice)
    user_remarks= "Sales invoice for Maintenance Job Card {0}".format(doc.name)
    lease = get_latest_active_lease(doc.property_name)
    def _make_sales_invoice(items_list=None, pos=None, self_customer=None):
        if not len(items_list) > 0 or not doc.customer:
        default_tax_template = frappe.db.get_value("Company", company, "default_maintenance_tax_template")
        if not default_tax_template:
            url = frappe.utils.get_url_to_form("Company", company)
            frappe.throw(_("Please Setup Default Maintenance Tax Template in <a href='{0}'>{1}</a>".format(url,company)))
        if self_customer:
            invoice_customer = self_consumption_customer
            invoice_customer = doc.customer
        is_pos = 0
        pos_profile = ""
        naming_series = ""
        if pos:
            user_pos_profile = get_pos_profile(company)
            is_pos = 1
            pos_profile = user_pos_profile.name
            naming_series = user_pos_profile.naming_series
            default_tax_template = user_pos_profile.taxes_and_charges or default_tax_template
        invoice_doc = frappe.get_doc(dict(
            is_pos = is_pos,
            pos_profile = pos_profile,
            naming_series = naming_series,
            doctype = "Sales Invoice",
            customer = invoice_customer,
            company = company,
            posting_date = today(),
            due_date = today(),
            ignore_pricing_rule = 1,
            items = items_list,
            update_stock = 1,
            remarks = user_remarks,
            cost_center = cost_center,
            lease = lease,
            job_card = doc.name
        if invoice_doc.taxes_and_charges and not pos:
        if invoice_doc:
            invoice_url = frappe.utils.get_url_to_form(invoice_doc.doctype, invoice_doc.name)
            si_msgprint = "Sales invoice Created <a href='{0}'>{1}</a>".format(invoice_url,invoice_doc.name)
            frappe.flags.ignore_account_permission = True
            if submit_maintenance_invoice == 1 and not pos:
            if pos:
                si_msgprint = "POS " + si_msgprint
            for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
                if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.invoiced == 1 and not item_row.sales_invoice:
                    item_row.sales_invoice = invoice_doc.name
                    frappe.db.set_value("Issue Materials Billed",item_row.name,"sales_invoice",invoice_doc.name)

    def getTax(sales_invoice):
        taxes = get_taxes_and_charges('Sales Taxes and Charges Template',sales_invoice.taxes_and_charges)
        for tax in taxes:
            sales_invoice.append('taxes', tax)

    def make_sales_pos_payment(invoice_doc,pos_profile_name):
        default_mode_of_payment = frappe.db.get_value('Sales Invoice Payment',
			{'parent': pos_profile_name, 'default': 1},
			['mode_of_payment', 'type', 'account'], as_dict=1)
        payment_row = invoice_doc.append("payments",{})
        payment_row.mode_of_payment = default_mode_of_payment.mode_of_payment
        payment_row.amount = invoice_doc.grand_total
        payment_row.base_amount = invoice_doc.grand_total
        payment_row.account = default_mode_of_payment.account

    if is_grouped == 1:
        items = []
        for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
            if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Bill"and not item_row.sales_invoice and item_row.is_pos:
                item_dict = dict(
                    item_code = item_row.item,
                    qty = item_row.quantity,
                    rate = item_row.rate,
                    cost_center = cost_center,
                    item_tax_template= get_taxes_template(item_row.item)
                item_row.invoiced = 1

        items = []
        for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
            if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Bill"and not item_row.sales_invoice and not item_row.is_pos:
                item_dict = dict(
                    item_code = item_row.item,
                    qty = item_row.quantity,
                    rate = item_row.rate,
                    cost_center = cost_center,
                    item_tax_template= get_taxes_template(item_row.item)
                item_row.invoiced = 1

        if for_self_consumption:
            items = []
            for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
                if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Self Consumption" and not item_row.sales_invoice:
                    item_dict = dict(
                        item_code = item_row.item,
                        qty = item_row.quantity,
                        rate = item_row.rate,
                        cost_center = cost_center,
                        item_tax_template= get_taxes_template(item_row.item)
                    item_row.invoiced = 1
    else :
        for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
            items = []
            if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Bill"and not item_row.sales_invoice:
                item_dict = dict(
                    item_code = item_row.item,
                    qty = item_row.quantity,
                    rate = item_row.rate,
                    cost_center = cost_center,
                    item_tax_template= get_taxes_template(item_row.item)
                item_row.invoiced = 1
                if item_row.is_pos:
                    pos =True
                    pos = False
        if for_self_consumption:
            for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
                items = []
                if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Self Consumption" and not item_row.sales_invoice:
                    item_dict = dict(
                        item_code = item_row.item,
                        qty = item_row.quantity,
                        rate = item_row.rate,
                        cost_center = cost_center,
                        item_tax_template= get_taxes_template(item_row.item)
                    item_row.invoiced = 1
Exemple #2
def make_sales_invoice(doc,for_self_consumption=None):
    is_grouped = frappe.db.get_value("Property Management Settings", None, "group_maintenance_job_items")
    if not is_grouped:
        is_grouped =0
    is_grouped =int(is_grouped)
    company = frappe.db.get_value("Property Management Settings", None, "company")
    if not company:
        company = frappe.db.get_single_value('Global Defaults', 'default_company')
    cost_center = frappe.db.get_value("Property", doc.property_name, "cost_center")
    submit_maintenance_invoice = frappe.db.get_value("Property Management Settings", None, "submit_maintenance_invoice")
    self_consumption_customer = frappe.db.get_value("Property Management Settings", None, "self_consumption_customer")
    if not submit_maintenance_invoice:
        submit_maintenance_invoice =0
    submit_maintenance_invoice =int(submit_maintenance_invoice)
    user_remarks= "Sales invoice for Maintenance Job Card {0}".format(doc.name)
    lease = get_latest_active_lease(doc.property_name)
    def _make_sales_invoice(items_list=None, pos=None, self_customer=None):
        if not len(items_list) > 0 or not doc.customer:
        if self_customer:
            invoice_customer = self_consumption_customer
            invoice_customer = doc.customer
        is_pos = 0
        pos_profile = ""
        naming_series = ""
        if pos:
            user_pos_profile = get_pos_profile(company)
            is_pos = 1
            pos_profile = user_pos_profile.name
            naming_series = user_pos_profile.naming_series
        invoice_doc = frappe.get_doc(dict(
            is_pos = is_pos,
            pos_profile = pos_profile,
            naming_series = naming_series,
            doctype = "Sales Invoice",
            customer = invoice_customer,
            company = company,
            posting_date = today(),
            due_date = today(),
            ignore_pricing_rule = 1,
            items = items_list,
            update_stock = 1,
            remarks = user_remarks,
            cost_center = cost_center,
            lease = lease,
            job_card = doc.name
        if invoice_doc:
            invoice_url = frappe.utils.get_url_to_form(invoice_doc.doctype, invoice_doc.name)
            si_msgprint = "Sales invoice Created <a href='{0}'>{1}</a>".format(invoice_url,invoice_doc.name)
            frappe.flags.ignore_account_permission = True
            if submit_maintenance_invoice == 1 and not pos:
            if pos:
                si_msgprint = "POS " + si_msgprint
            for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
                if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.invoiced == 1 and not item_row.sales_invoice:
                    item_row.sales_invoice = invoice_doc.name

    def get_account_payment_mode(mode_of_payment,company):
        mode_of_payment_doc = frappe.get_doc("Mode of Payment",mode_of_payment)
        if mode_of_payment_doc:
            for account_row in mode_of_payment_doc.accounts:
                if account_row.company == company:
                    return account_row.default_account
            frappe.throw(_("Default Account Not Defined In Mode of Payment"))

    def make_sales_pos_payment(invoice_doc):
        payment_row = invoice_doc.append("payments",{})
        payment_row.mode_of_payment = "Cash"
        payment_row.amount = invoice_doc.grand_total
        payment_row.base_amount = invoice_doc.grand_total
        payment_row.account = get_account_payment_mode("Cash",invoice_doc.company)

    if is_grouped == 1:
        items = []
        for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
            if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Bill"and not item_row.sales_invoice and item_row.is_pos:
                item_dict = dict(
                    item_code = item_row.item,
                    qty = item_row.quantity,
                    rate = item_row.rate,
                    cost_center = cost_center,
                item_row.invoiced = 1

        items = []
        for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
            if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Bill"and not item_row.sales_invoice and not item_row.is_pos:
                item_dict = dict(
                    item_code = item_row.item,
                    qty = item_row.quantity,
                    rate = item_row.rate,
                    cost_center = cost_center,
                item_row.invoiced = 1

        if for_self_consumption:
            items = []
            for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
                if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Self Consumption" and not item_row.sales_invoice:
                    item_dict = dict(
                        item_code = item_row.item,
                        qty = item_row.quantity,
                        rate = item_row.rate,
                        cost_center = cost_center,
                    item_row.invoiced = 1
    else :
        for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
            items = []
            if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Bill"and not item_row.sales_invoice:
                item_dict = dict(
                    item_code = item_row.item,
                    qty = item_row.quantity,
                    rate = item_row.rate,
                    cost_center = cost_center,
                item_row.invoiced = 1
                if item_row.is_pos:
                    pos =True
                    pos = False
        if for_self_consumption:
            for item_row in doc.materials_billed:
                items = []
                if item_row.item and item_row.quantity and item_row.material_status =="Self Consumption" and not item_row.sales_invoice:
                    item_dict = dict(
                        item_code = item_row.item,
                        qty = item_row.quantity,
                        rate = item_row.rate,
                        cost_center = cost_center,
                    item_row.invoiced = 1